Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:47 am
If Eventide looked close, she would see the surprise melt into amazement. "I never knew that about Angeni! That's really cool!" She circled the Angeni for a moment, taking everything in. "Hands WOULD be so much easier to deal with..." She shook her head after a moment, face filled with wonder now that the shock had worn off. "Oh the things I could do if I had hands... And THUMBS!" Blowing some air out, Zhivka stared some more in wonder, then went to settle by the fire, remembering finally that she was still damp and cold. "Oh... This feels so nice..." She smiled, eyes closing. "I really appreciate this."
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:23 pm
Eventide smiled bashfully, walking over to pull her shawl from Zhivka's shoulders to lay it by the fire to dry. That done, she lowered herself to the ground opposite Zhivka in front of the fire to try and dry off in the warmth herself -- though at a slight distance, to avoid too much direct heat. "I'm just glad I was around to help! The blizzard got rough awfully fast, it's bound to catch a lot of soquili by surprise. I was, too. When it's over -- or at least dies down long enough to be safe -- I can escort you back down the mountain, if you like. But if it comes down to it, I have a home not far from here more suited for survival up here, you can stay with me and my friends until the way down isn't so dangerous."
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:41 pm
Zhivka hummed, nodding as she watched the fire. "I'm glad you were there, too." The warmth was starting to sink into her, warming her cold body and bones. "I do hope it quiets soon... The more I think on it, the more I want to go see my grandmother and the herd, spend time by the sea and listening to the waves." She went quiet a moment, eyes sliding shut. The warmth was REALLY settling in now, as her shivering slowly subsided. "Could fall asleep here..."
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:54 pm
"That sounds very peaceful," Eventide said, her smile softening as she watched Zhivka start to drift off. "It's okay if you'd like to take a nap. I'm not feeling tired, so I'll keep watch and wake you if it starts to calm down." Spreading out her wings a little, she settled down into a more comfortable position to wait out the storm with her sleeping new friend, watching the blizzard rage on outside of their cozy little refuge. She hoped Zhivka was dreaming of soothing waves by the sea, and the comfort of family and friends -- something to warm her heart, while the fire warmed her body.