Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:33 am
Dark Fire Angel Light purple eyes glanced around the field that spread up ahead, the large blue hued stallion lingering within the refugue of the trees almost as if afraid to come out; on one hand, he rather liked the idea of having a little trot around the meadow... on the other hand, that'd imply coming out into the open where others might see him.
Dilemas, dilemas...
In the end, joyness won out, and Shinzu slowly stepped out, his form finally washed by the sun's rays as he raised his head and began to trot; his strange wings remain folded upon his back, and though his tail swished languidly behind him as he went along, it was obvious he didn't radiate confidance. In fact, he looked quite shy and almost ready to flee to the forest again... quite the strange disposition for a soquili of his kind, really. Yayoi Dark red eyes watched the blue stallion from the comfort of the shadows. Her long silver and black tail flicked side to side as she watched him closely, analyzeing him. She watched as he looked like he was about to run away. Raiseing an eyebrow, she smirked lightly and moved out into the sunlight.
She tossed her head, lifting stray hair's from her long mane out of her dark eyes. Lingering a moment, she took a few steps towards him, keeping her steps silent and slow. She didn't want to just scare him off right off the bat. He seemed like a fun character to play with. And after her little spat with Rahu last night and his attitude she was growing rather bored of him and needed to find a new Soquili to lurk around and run into at random times.
samus x Rahu watched both Firefly and the Kalona stallion. he had met a Kalona only once and she had been a prideful one who expected you to be scared of her. and yet the stallion looked like he wanted to run. give a smirk he found this might be interesting. giving a small snort he slowly made his way over to both. Dark Fire Angel Shinzu's ears perked whilst trotting, his frame coming to stop suddenly as the the soft breeze allowed him to smell the scent of others; they were quite near too...
It was then the stallion closed his eyes and let out a long weary sigh; he should've stayed in the freaking forest, god damn the meadow and it's alluring impact. Though he raised his head to look around almost as if pondering a nice little retreat into the forest, his body did not move aside from the light swishing of his tail, wings opening only to close thereafter.
Too close. Much too close for comfort, not to mention a retreat was not posible without making him look absolutely odd, and thus the Kalona stood his grond, sighing once more; no words escaped his mouth as the other soquili neared him however, and aside from a light tilting of his head and a slightly blank stare, no further reaction was offered either. There was no doubt this Kalona was strange. Yayoi Firefly spotted Rahu not too far off from where her and the other one was. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glared at him. She'd found this odd looking Soquili first. And not even Rahu was going to spoil this for her.
She nickered softly at the strange looking one. Almost as if trying to establish a bit of comfort in the air and trying to capture his attention away from Rahu. Playing it to a t. She'd not let Rahu interfear. Takeing a few more steps towards Shinzu, she flicked her tail back and forth softly again. samus x Rahu smirked as he could tell Firefly did not want him around. well he was not about to let her have her way. not even leting out a nicker or anything Rahu went over and stood close enough to talk to both firefly and the stallion. Dark Fire Angel Were they expecting him to talk? ... as in... really Talk?
As a few moments went by and both stallion and mare came to a stop near Shinzu, des. I'm sure there are exceptions to the way a certain species acts. Not all regular Soquili are nice. Take Rahu for instance. He's nothing more than a cold hearted stallion who can't handle his own problems and has to take his angst out on others." samus x Rahu shot a cold glare at Firefly. " i can handle my own problems thank you. adn what self respecting stallion looks like he is about to run at the mere sight of two soquili." he gave a snot, he was not about the let Firefly get the best of him. " and i would hardly say your acting your self Firefly." Dark Fire Angel The fact Rahu was talking about him almost as if he weren't there forced the Kalona's ears to pin back once more, however, they perked forth as the female nuzzled his neck again; it was starting to become quite hard to think with her doing that. Contact was not something Shinzu was used too... specially not female contact, and thus as he opened his mouth to pose out his own defense, no soound came out, forcing him to frown, cough and try again, "I'd appreciate if you'd leave me out of your personal dilemas, as it seems you two have a... er.... thing going on here," a pause as he turned to aim a small, icy glare towards the stallion; though shy and submissive, he was at least going to try and talk in his own defense, "I personally rather think it's more intelligent to avoid unnecesary fights; only those that are weak or believe themselves to be weak seek out challenges to prove themselves," his frown melted away into languidness, "I don't need to prove myself..."
Shaking his head slightly, Shinzu allowed his long hair to cascade down his forehead, still eyeing Rahu warily, for though Firefly was also causing him deep discomfort, apparent by his slight stumbling backwards and his faint blushing everytime she chose to lean in to him or nuzzle, at least she was being nice, and thus the Kalona had nothing truly against it.
Though he wouldn't have minded if she stood to the side; he was tired of blushing, "If it's a challenge you seek, perhaps you should go find another, I'm hardly a willing oponent, even for verbal sparring." Yayoi Firefly sighed lightly and shook her head as she looked at Rahu. "How would you even know how my true self acts anyways." She turned an eye looking at Shinzu for a moment. Catching a faint feeling of discomfort from him. She stepped to the side slightly and flicked her tail. "We don't have a thing going on. We've only seen each other a few times and each time has been awful." Her eyes lidded slightly as she flicked her ears a few times.
She listened to him defend himself. So it seemed he wasn't all that much of a skittish one. Even though he seemed to be fairly wary of things going on. Atleast he had the guts to defend himself to Rahu. samus x Rahu just glared at Firefly and then snaped at the stallion. " as she said there is nothing going on between us. and asuming things just makes an a** out of your self. if you think i merly made a comment to 'prove myself' your wrong. if your going to try to defined yourself try to think before you speak." pining his ears back he was annoyed with this stallion but mostly firefly. " and i never said i knew you at all firefly just merly saying your actign different from the times i have seen you, though i can tell when one is acting fake." Dark Fire Angel A small sigh of relief was released as Firefly stepped ever so slightly away from him, the blushing not having entirely recdeed, but at least... having lightened up to a point he could actually think once more. After offering firefly a distinct glance that seemed to voice out a silent 'thank you', he finally turned to face Rahu again, his frown having faded completely.
Now his features merely displayed confussion, if not a bit of annoyance, "And if you are going to talk, you should learn some manners; didn't you mother ever tell you that snapping is rude?" slowly, the frown formed again, annoyance visible within his purple orbs; though shy at first it also seemed obvious the Kalona was not about to allow others to walk right over him. They do say it's easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar after all, "Mostly though, if you're going to try to enhance a conversation I think you should learn to controll your temper, seeing as how I don't remember either I, or this mare snapping at you."
His features displayed displeasure, almost as if let down by the rude display of manners he was being offered... however, it was as if snapping or bitting never even crossed mind at any rate, "You are managing to make a poor display of yourself..."Yayoi Firefly smirked lightly and silently to herself. Not saying a word, she kept her thoughts to herself. Not even replying to Rahu's suggestion of how he could tell when someone is acting fake. So what if she was being a false version of herself? It didn't matter in the least bit really to her.
She listened closely to Shinzu as he replied to Rahu. Smirking a bit more inwardly as she stood there, flicking her tail idlely. She was very much enjoying this to the fullest. And just seeing Rahu loose his cool sent a fit of laughing roaring through her mind, though she didn't show any sign of it on the outside. samus x Rahu smirked. " is that so do you actualy think i care about what you think. and i dont care if nether of you snaped." he gave a small snort knowing Firefly thought he lots his cool though if fact he snaped at the stallion on purpose. he flicked his tail and smirked again. " i think i shall take my leave, i find i rather not be around here no more. though if you think i had lots my temper there you sorely mistaken. try catching me on a bad day. i was farly calm and snaped at you on purpose to see how you would react. seems your not a total push over." and with that he went off to go wander as usual, to be alone how he like. Dark Fire Angel Though the mare's silence did set Shinzu slightly on edge, most of his attention was focussed on the snapping stallion before him, his hardened gaze set upon him, "Right..." he breathed, looking more disapointed with each word Rahu said, "That surely displays a high maturity level indeed; I wouldn't be surprised if one day you get what's obviously coming to you..." he allowed his words to trail after the retreating stallion, a long pause following before he set his gaze upon Firefly again, "And you, my dear, might I inquire as to what seems to amuse you so?"
His shyness seemed to have washed over if slightly, allowing him to glance at the female without blushing by now, the slight verbal sparring he'd just taken part in no doubt responsible. Thanks to this, the Kalona's keen eyes were able to see the hidden amusement behind firefly's eyes, and though it wasn't the usual in him, his curiosity got the best of him, the waryness having been lowered.
"I do hope the few exchanged words isn't what has you so amused," his previous frown had washed over, leaving a calm peace within his features that was no doubt rare within the Kalona; now that the stallion was gone and she'd offered him a bit of space he seemed to have regained his full out intelligence, oddly enough. However, there was no doubt that both one touch or even a step taken in his direction would have him stumbling again; it wasn't quite as easy for him to deal with mares as it was with stallions, after all. Yayoi Firefly blinked a few times and smiled lightly. Shakeing her head, her long mane flowed around her shoulders and along her sleek neck. "No. It wasn't the words that amused me. Well maybe the suggestion of Rahu getting what he has comeing to him. For I'm sure he will eventually." She shifted her weight on her legs for a moment. "Though it is quite amuseing how Rahu likes to play his games."
She perked her ears slightly and moved slightly closer to Shinzu. "It's nice to see someone not take any crap from Rahu. He needs to be taught a lesson someday. I'm sure he'll come across someone who'll beat him at his own game."
Flicking her tail, her eyes lidded slightly. "As you probably already know from the little display, my name is Firefly. And you are?" She raised an eyebrow with a quirk of curiosity. Dark Fire Angel A pause followed. Had he never offered them his name? Well, aparently it was just as fine, since, tell truth, the Kalona hadn't felt the need to voice it to such a snappy stallion, however... seeing as how the mare seemed nice, or civil at least, the male let out a sigh, "I'm sorry, quite rude of me; My name is Shinzu, feel free to call me..." another pause, "Shinzu," after all, only his two legger called him 'Shinny' and tell truth, that was information the Kalona wished not to reveal if he could help it.
Her display of movements seemed not to face him; perhaps naive, or perhaps too innocent to be interested in her in that way, Shinzu seemed to have no problem with Firefly's display. In fact, he didn't even blink, "I'm quite sure he would've had a better time had he come across Hisuiyu and not me; they seem to think right down the same alley..." his gaze had drifted back towards the forest, then slowly, his head turned again and it landed upon her, "A pleasure to meet you, however, I must be hasty to return, I do believe my two legger might worry," nodding his head slightly, almost like a bow, he turned to leave; never once did it occur to him that him having a 'two legger' might've been strange, not to mention him worrying, or said two legger worrying over him was perhaps even further strange, "Good day," he offered with a smile as he trotted away and back into the forest.
So much for a quite morning trotting in the field.... Yayoi Firefly smiled lightly and nodded her head as she listened to him speak. "Well then, hopefully I will see you around." Her tail gave a few flicks as she turned about and headed off to who knows where. The little meeting between them all playing out in her mind again. But of course she would see Shinzu again. He seemed interesting enough.
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:25 am
Dark Fire Angel Purple eyes once more scanned the open meadow as ears twitched; this time however, the stallion moved not from the refuge the trees of the forest offered him, for he remembered quite well that last time had been a bit of a disaster... or at least from his point of view. Thus so, instead of giving into the almost overwhelming need to go out, Shinzu lingered by the trees, padding inside the forest, wings neatly folded upon his back.
Tell truth, he wouldn't have loved anything more than running freely out in the open, but it seemed that every time he did so, he put himself in horrible situations which forced him to talk in order to get out of them. Not only that, but they forced him to be with other soquili; not that he found their company to be distasteful... not at all. It was just that.... well...
Shinzu was Shy. With a capital S, really, the idea of interacting with others was quite frightening over all. The trees and forest, thus, would have to do for now, for as much as he wished to run out in the open, the idea of a repeat encounter with someone like that horribly rude stallion from the other day made him cringe. Quite visibly in fact. Vashtya Hidaya made her way through the tree trunks, weaving through them at a casual trot. She enjoyed the feel of the wind running through her mane, especially with the small glimmers of light from the stars above peeking playfully through the treetops.
As the light twinkled off of her silvery markings, she whuffed happily to herself, feeling much more comfortable in the area than she had even a few days ago. As she rounded a particularly large tree trunk, she caught sight of another...soquili? Unsure as to whether her eyes were deceiving her, she nickered in curiosity, the sound stark in the quiet evening. Dark Fire Angel As the sound interrupted the otherwise near silence the forest had offered, the stallion startled quite visbly, eyes opening wide as he snapped his head to look behind him; the wind had been blowing against him, and thus, had totally missed the mare's scent as she had approached him. After all, he'd been expecting to find others coming to him from the meadows, but hadn't quite expected to have someone walk up to him from within the forest.
Though he'd pondered slowly walking away... or rather 'escaping' the situation before it got worse (aka, before it required him to interact), the Kalona felt it'd be quite rude to ignore the nicker; thus so, after letting out a soft sigh, he called back to her, moving his head slightly from the shadows, allowing her to come closer.
All the while, his eyes had roamed her frama, almost as if trying to decide if she'd pose a threat to him; however, much unlike the attitude he'd seen from the stallion a couple of days ago... this unicorn seemed to not be threatening. It was quite a releif, "Good evening..." his voice was soft, and though his ears kept on twitching towards the meadow, his eyes were still upon Hidaya. Vashtya Hidaya stopped when she was still a few paces away, gold eyes flicking over him curiously, taking in the wings, the horns..the pointed tail. Inclining her head, she shot him a small smile. "It certainly is...I was a afraid earlier that it might rain, but the skies cleared..." she replied, stamping her left foreleg lightly.
"I don't think we've met before." she continued, tilting her head slightly to the side. "My name is Hidaya'siri, although the others I've met have all called me just Hidaya." Dark Fire Angel A pause, ears twitching faintly, "No, no we have not..." then again, he hadn't really met many others before, his elusive, not to mention shy nature keeping him at a usually safe distance from others. There was a moment of hesitation, his eyes drifting away as his ears pinned back, only to perk, "My... name is Shinzu," he offered, and though it was clear to him she meant no harm, he still looked somewhat wary, nervous, as if he were about to turn tail and run for the hills at any mininal sign of danger.
He was one poor excuse of a demon soquili, he knew that much. Not like he could help it though, sadly.
Tilting his head curiously, the stallion blinked at her for a moment, looking almost childish in his innocence, "You don't like rain? I find it quite... nice when it rain; I like the sound of the rain falling, and the thunder rolling up inside the clouds, high up..." of course, he never bothered to mention that he liked such weather because it was usually then when he could tuly let down his guard; not many went out when there was a storm, after all, "I shall call you Hidaya then, you can call me... Shinzu," a small cringe was offered as he refrained from voicing 'Shinny', after all, the strangely embarrasing name was reserved for exclusive usague of his two legger, "Do you live nearby?" Vashtya Blinking in curiosity at his nervous behaviors, Hidaya did her best to look as innocuous and harmless as possible. Think like a butterfly~
"It's a pleasure, Shinzu." she replied, still smiling. "And that is certainly true--the rain can sound almost lyrical, as it hits the ground...however, save for rare occasions, I can do without the drenching it metes out." she continued, chuckling.
She thought on his last question. Oddly enough, this was the hardest part to reply to. "Until I decide if I'm staying...I live nowhere." she replied. "What of you? One of the others I met said something about living with humans...do you have your own human?" Dark Fire Angel His eyes drifted back over the meadow, his gaze now stretching across the land; it seemed like he had calmed down, if only slightly, and truly, had he been able to read her thoughts, he'd have smiled. Butterflies... he did like butterflies after all.
However, and though he was unable to read the unicorn's thoughts, he still smiled sweetly, looking back to her, "I find the cold slightly more alluring than the heat," he explained, "I like the feel of the water upon me frame," as inquired about humans however, he seemed to hesitate; it was clear he was suddenly torn, for you see, Kalona didn't usually 'own' a human, per say, however... he had not the heart to lie, specially not about his human.
A moment went by before he snapped out of his self-reflection, "Yes, humans..." he breathed, "Strange little creatures, they are... however, yes, I do live nearby," he motioned his nose slightly in the air, almost as if pointing deeper into the forest, "Almost just around the bend, and yes, I do own a human... she's...." and at this point, he once again faultered, almost as if not knowing what to say, "Strange?" he offered lamely, "She's nice though, she brushes my hair."
And boy, did he LIKE it when she did that; it was clear by the smile he sported that he did, and quite amusingly enough, he seemed to feel no shame in admitting to such. Vashtya Bobbing her head, Hidaya considered. "To each their own, no?" Her smile deepened slightly, as she watched him seem to drift off at the mention of humans. Curiouser and curiouser...
"That is close then! And...what are they like, exactly?" the question was genuine--she'd seen humans, from a distance before, but had always kept away, not quite sure what to make of them, what with their funny gait and loud voices.
However, this...hair brushing Shinzu mentioned sounded intriguing. Her expression shifted, becoming pensive as she pondered the mechanics of it. "What does she use to...brush your hair with?" Dark Fire Angel "They're quite curious lithe creatures," his nose wrinkled at that point, "They're very loud, and awefully unstable; how they manage to walk on those wobbly thin two legs, I shall never phantom," Shinzu had in fact, found himself fretting quite often that his human would fall down and kill herself one day, for she had a habit of rushing from here to there on those unstable, wobbly legs of hers... thus so, the Kalona was usually forced to trot and stay nearby her, just in case, "They wear rags too, and are quite bold too; they only have hair on their heads, some more than others; they're strange creatures, really... but they have these magical things called brushes, and these... wonderful things called treats," a nod was offered at this point.
It was clear that the Kalona had a good impression of the two-leggers, at any rate, "They use 'brushes' to do the hair brushing, and... they live in these... weird things they call Teepees; they also claim to 'own' you, however, it's quite the other way around, really... we own them; I don't think they'd last long without us, poor creatures..."
Shinzu was indeed QUITE sure of those facts, and as he voiced his opinion, he looked off down, deeper into the forest, "I left my sister with my human, I figure she'll take care of her while I take a pleasent day... or rather, night off; they're tiring creatures, much like foals." Vashtya Hidaya's eyes widened slightly as the other launched into an extensive description of the odd two-legged "humans". Had Shinzu not seemed so fervently earnest in his descriptions, she'd have been tempted to have brushed it off as an attempt at simply playing with her, but as it were, she found herself standing there simply listening, ears pricked forward with interest.
That does sound...kind've nice." she finally said, after standing there in silence for a full moment when he finished his piece. "How did you get yours?"
Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 7:44 am
Harperking Dancer walked slowly along the stream bank, his head down. He was following a set of rabbit tracks as they crossed and patterned throught the moist earth near the water, facinated by the weaving pattern they made. It was only when the maker of the tracks popped up right in front of his nose that he stopped, realizing just how odd he must have looked to anyone who might have seen. Dark Fire Angel However, Dancer was not to find a rabbit, at least not yet; were he to look ahead he'd have seen quite a sight, for there up ahead stood a large kalona stallion, wings spread and yet... eyes were set upon the clear waters as he moved his frame this way and that, almost as if posing for someone even if no one was truly there to see.
Flowers adorned various parts of his long mane and strange tail, and tell truth, the male seemed to be admiring himself, being much too into the whole feat to really even truly notice Dancer. Lowering his head, he took a moment to take a good look at the flower that adorned the top of his head, near his horns, idly wondering if it made him look less dangerous; after all, Shinzu had time and time again wondered why he'd been born with such looks that matched not his own personality. Tell truth, the kalona stallion would've no doubt have rather to 'prance' around a flower bed than set havoc and chaos around any of the two leggers. In fact he'd found he rather liked the two leggers, amusingly enough.... specially his own.
It took him a few more minutes to notice the other stallion, however, when he did, Shinzu raised his head up, taking a step back from the water, looking about ready to flee for cover anywhere he deemed a good place to. Interesting attitude for a kalona to take, no doubt.Harperking A shadow fell across the tracks, and the appaloosa stallion looked up to see what had caused it. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight before him and he neighed in alarm, quickly stepping back into the stream. A kalona stallion! Such were to be feared!
"Greetings," he said stiffly, alert and ready to move in case of attack. Although...closer look revealed..flowers? decorating the strangers mane? "How fare you this day, kalona?" Dark Fire Angel Another step back was taken as the male's eyes widened at the neigh, a snort escaping his nostrils as he shook his head slightly; all in all, it must've been amusing for an onlooker to watch, for both stallions seemed stiffly frightened of the other for obvious reasons (or at least, Shinzu thought his own reason to fear Dancer was perfectly obvious and valid at any rate).
Ears swiftly settled back, head lowering ever so slowly as his tail flicked from side to side, brows knitting to form a small frown, "I rather be address by my name... not my species, them and I... we are not alike," another step back was taken, his rump touching the bark of a tree and thus offering no more space to take further steps back. Turning his head to offer the tree a faint glare, Shinzu frowned deeper, but it was obvious the stallion meant no harm; if such a thing were not obvious by his body language it was no doubt clear by the small neighs he released now and then, no doubt by now further more confused and intimidated than the rainbow appaloosa was, "This Kalona's name is Shinzu..." the words were breathed quietly, though not silently enough for Dancer to not hear, words seemingly almost melodic, and icy touch to them, "And it's day .... was fairing quite well."
The flowers his two legger had given him had indeed made his day ten times better; as far as Shinzu knew, his metaphorical sun was 'smiling'. Or had been till he'd been interrupted, "I mean no harm..." Harperking Dancer's muscles relaxed a little as he saw the blue creature backing away from him. His ears flicked forward to catch the softly spoken words and he couldn't suppress a snort of surprise at the tone of them. They were not at all the harsh sounds he had come to expect from this species!
Lowering his head from the alert battle stance, he stepped forward softly, his rainbowed tail switching ever so slightly from side to side. "I meant no disrespect, Shinzu. It is just that I have met with nothing but pain from your kind before." If there was a hint of sorrow in his voice it would be but a little, and only noticable to someone who would truley be listening beyond the words he spoke.
"I am Dancer, new come to these lands from the mountain herds." Dark Fire Angel A long pause ensued as the Kalona's eyes clouded, no doubt deep in thought; in fact, right now all that seemed to be passing through Shinzu's mind was how... to impress the other male, however, he failed to really think of anything. A brow arched slightly, delicately, his movements not matching those of any male, but rather... almost skittish, female-ish in a way, "I... am just Shinzu," he said softly as he looked up again, "I live here," or rather, he lived nearby, but 'here' was just as fine as well.
As the other neared him, the Kalona moved not, nor forther nor back, what with the stupid tree that was blocking his way; never did it occurr to him that he could've easily sidestepped it... after all, most of his mind was focusing in a lame, pathetic attempt at that thing.... Ryuki called 'socialising'. A shudder ran through his large frame at the notion; ugh, socialising was just... scary, it was a wonder how the petite unicorn managed to do it so easily; but then again, the Kalona figured, the fact she was insane might've helped.
"I am me, I am not my kind..." still his words were soft, however, his eyes were set upon the other male's; no harshness was held within the pale purple orbs, but rather, rather the opposite, warmth, almost mellow, and the flowers that adorned his body quite helped too, "I have come to... not judge others by what they look; my two legger had a nice saying about that, but I'm afraid it's slipped my mind..." not only had he given away that he lived with one by now, but that he actually enjoyed it; odd to say the least, specially for one of his kind.
If Shinzu had noticed the pity he either took no notice of it or pushed it aside, for all what he did was offer the other a small shy smile as he came near, "We're all different," a pause, "I like your mane and tail..." Harperking "Two-legger? I have heard of those but now seen them yet. Wambli, the winged one who led me here has one that she spoke of as well. ARe they all that different from us then?" Dancer relaxed further as the other stallion offered him no harm. It was still...odd... to see one with such a fierce countenance with flowers and smiles instead of blood and snarls as he was accustomed to. But Dancer was learning that the way of the world was that in order to live one must adapt and bend with the flows of life or else one would break with the strain of trying to stand against the tides. The loss of his family and home was enough of a lesson in that for him. Learning to treat the appearance of an enemy as a friend was far easier.
Turning slightly to the side, offering shoulder instead of head on forward - a far less threatening stance and an outward sign of his new resolve to not let his warrior instict override his heart - Dancer nodded his head in reply. "And yes, we are all different, Shinzu. The Spirits made us that way - otherwise it would be boring here on this earth indeed!" Dancer laughed. Dark Fire Angel The kalona seemed to frown, yet again deep in thought, head tilting to one side if ever slightly, "I... don't know, really; I only know few of them, and... I figure they are different from in the same way we are different from them. They are also different from one another just like we are different from one another," his words might've seemed like a riddle, however, for Shinzu they were but pure logic; he'd always liked talking over fighting anyhow at any rate after all... however warped and strange his logic might've been, "They are different the way the Rabbits differ from us... though I've never figured out how they manage to walk without falling," again he frowned, looking actually and honestly confused, "I can't imagine walking on two legs, and yet they do it rather well."
An ear flickered as the stallion slowly took a step forth upon the other stallion's opening, his rump finally away from the tree, which was met with a distinct sigh of relief, as believe it or not... his previous pose had not quite been all that comfortable at all, "Ah..."Shinzu said softly as he walked past Dancer, his eyes upon the water, the motion indicating he no longer felt intimidated and was in fact opening up if slightly to the rainbow appaloosa, "The spirits are very wise to do so," he lowered his head again, taking a closer look at his flower, pondering he should somehow indicate his two legger that perhaps she should move it a bit forth later. Of course, the idea of getting her to understand just what he wanted would prove to be a nightmare. It was a wonder how she managed to talk to so much and listen so little; two leggers were strange that way.
Again he turned to the other and offered him a deeper smile, "Far from boring," he said, "This earth we tread on is full of..." a pause as he seemed to ponder the right word, "Wonders for those that look for them." Harperking Dancer paused as he worked his way through the riddle of the kalona's words, smiling as he did so. "Indeed there are many wonders," he said in return. "There is a pass through the mountains where the stones pick up all the colors you can imagine. It looks as if you walk through a very rainbow itself. And look, over here," dancer walked back to where he had been following the rabbit's tracks. "Even the little furred ones can make beauty in their passing." Dark Fire Angel It was no real riddle, or at least... Shinzu didn't think it was; but then again, the Kalona share teepee with a rather insane lithe unicorn whom liked both talking in riddles and confusing others, her cheshire-ish nature showing through and perhaps rubbing off on the male if only minimally, "Wonders indeed... I wonder if this flower would not look better up front..." the last few words were breathed, barely audible as the Kalona returned to looking himself in the water, however, Dancer's voice soon grasped his attention and slowly his head lifted from the water in order to glance at him.
Rocks with colors? Rainbow? Really?
Now see, that was something Shinzu would've given his right horn to see and there was little he could do to keep his ears from perking up with interest as he slowly padded after the other male to stare at the tracks, "Tell truth.... very much interested in those rainbows you speak of..." his eyes lifted from the earth, his head arching up only to tilt slightly, a silent question asked within his eyes.
Take me there?
Then again, of course... even Shinzu knew that might not be quite possible at all. Harperking "It is the truth. There are so many colors there! I use to go there and just watch them as they changed with the light." Dancer looked at the blue hued stallion with a smile. "I could take you there if you like. It's about a day's journey walking, though if you fly you could get there faster."
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:10 pm
Quote: The day was hot and sweet, a breeze billowing down the seaside to send relieve the beings that lived there. Carried along by the wind an orchestra of birds and insects filled the air, though no one in the camp seemed to pay it much mind. At least, the humans did not, as they were far too busy with their everyday labors to notice it. Out in the little meadow they'd left aside for their four legged companions it was quite noticable, at least to the dark steed nibbling at the sweet grass near its far border.
Ansel had settled into life in the New World far better than his boy had, but for the moment he let himself stop worrying about Christien and just be. A heavy, contented sigh rung through him and he lifted his head to shake his mane out once. A noise from the camp caught his attention and he looked back over to it. When it was obvious that no one called for him, he let his mind wander once more.
Ever since they'd gotten back from their first encounter with the primitive tribe the New World had to offer, Christien had been letting him go more and more without any form of tie when he wandered out for food. It was rather nice, and odd all at the same time to be given so much freedom without even fences hindering him. Still, unlike some of the others Ansel hadn't let himself wander too far away just yet, despite the settler's growning ease with the fact that their horses always seemed to return of their own free will and entirely unmolested.
A sharp whinny broke through the foliage near him and Ansel startled--he didn't know that voice! Turning his head, the brown ears perked up with acute interest as a mare broke her way through the thicker part of the woodland, not bothering at all with the trail a little further down the direction she'd come. No, instead the amazingly coloured mare was content to push and tug her way out of the foliage, shaking her neck to toss leaves and twigs this way and that. The next part of her to appear startled Ansel even more than her colours--for in truth, many of the primitives steeds were quite colourful. Wings! The mare opened two great wings, fapping them about as she used their leverage to help pull her from the trees.
Though this battle with the trees seemed to take quite a long time, the mare never bothered to look up at the eyes resting upon her. Instead she turned her head to work out a particularly troublesome burr out of her feathers and shook her tail free. Finally she seemed ready to go about her way and began to prance off when the vine that was still around one hoof caught her, causing her to stumble.
A laugh rang across the meadow, gaining the mare's attention finally, her ears perking and head rising immediatly to look upon the brown steed as he approached her. Ansel whinnied again in merryment, unable to help it--it was just too funny! Despite the awe he'd felt in his first moments of looking upon her, it had died just as quickly as his amusement rose. Still chuckling to himself he bent and snapped the offending vine in two with his teeth, effectivly freeing her. "There you go," He looked up then, into her sparkling red eyes, wide with... some unrecognizeable emotions. "... not to offend, Lady, but why didn't you just take the trail?"
The cream mare looked back in the direction he indicated with a toss of his head, then shook her head, turning around to face him without having to strain her neck, "They would have expected that."
"... they?" he asked dryly. Assuming she meant another Soquili, Ansel looked about them, expecting someone else to pop out soon enough. She answered soon enough then, head bobbiling almost happily as she did, "The trees, you see! Mean things that they are." She had his attention once more, but didn't seem to notice his disbelieving look, rather seeming to take it as in invitation to explain further. The mare leaned in some and whispered to him, her eyes focusing on the trees as if they were going to leap up and attack her at any moment, "They want to eat us, you see."
".... do they, now?" He asked softly, his shoulders tensing a little; He knew what he'd always been told about blondes, but this was just ridiculous.
"Oh yes!" She responded with a seriousness that hurt his brain a little, "You see, that's their plan! They lull us into a false sense of security with their tasty, tasty leaves and fruit, and then, when we least expect it--WHAM!!" The mare jumped up suddenly as she shouted, landing with her front legs stretched out a little in front of her on the ground, peering up at him, "They've got us!"
".. and, what, pray tell, would they do with us then?" Ansel asked slowly, almost afraid of the answer.
"They would--"
"tear our hearts out and keep them for themselves. For you see if a tree wants to grow into one of the great redwoods they must have the heart of an innocent creature to feed upon. How do you think they get so large and red?" A deeper voice answered his question, cutting the male off. The mare's eyes grew even wider, and she jumped up, looking over Ansel's shoulder and gave an excited whinny. The female rushed around him then, and Ansel turned to see it was yet another winged Soquili.
This one stood a little taller than Ansel with a beautiful white coat splattered with black along his haunches. A deep black mane with scattered braids hung from his neck, mixing with the mare's cream and red as they nuzzled one another in greeting. Perhaps this was the mare's mate, he pondered to himself, he certainly seemed odd enough for her.
"I see," Ansel finally answered slowly as their attention turned back to him. "And do the flowers walk at night and dance upon our graves?" "No, no silly," The stallion chuckled lowly with a gleam of wild mirth so apparant in his eyes that it sent a slight shiver down Ansel's spine, "When the flowers dance, they dance in circles, creating rings of mushrooms."
"That they use for their pre-dawn teaparties with the honeybees," The mare nodded in agreement. Clearly these two were either quite insane, or attempting to mess with his head; as Ansel wasn't paranoid in the least, the more likely conclusion was the former. Apparantly feather and amazingly good looks come at a price around here, he thought in an effort to keep his snappishness to himself rather than airing it.
Outloud he asked instead, "So, what names would two such wise ones possess?" The stallion tilted his head, as if sensing the condesending tone behind the words. For some reason he didn't bother to point it out and allowed the cream mare to step forward instead.
"I can't tell you my name here, there's too many trees," Once more she turned her head to eye the trees warrily before continuing with a happy nicker, "But you can call me Shiney!"
"Yes, it is wise to hide ones true name from such vile creatures," The male agreed in a confident way, like a leader would an underling. Perhaps not mates at all, then, Ansel reconsidered. They act more like companions in arms... which considering their apparant belief in their words that is understandable.
"You may call me Blackfoot then, as i am indeed." The harliquinn stallion continued, snorting in laughter at his own words as he raised one white leg a little. "Whom might you be, who does knot know the dangers of these lands."
Asel fought the urge to roll his eyes at that, "My name is--"
"NO!" 'Shiney' interrupted him with wide eyes, "Not your real name! What should we call you?" The mare leaned in further and whispered, "They're listening."
Though he could not see his face, Ansel was quite certain that the look he gave her was nothing short of comical--mostly thanks to the overture of giggles Shiney erupted into the silence following her statement. Finally, in a very dry tone that he couldn't quite help, he opened his mouth, "i'm Unimpressed."
"Well hello Unimpressed, its a pleasure to meet you!" Blackfoot responded with an impudent grin. Dark Fire Angel Unlike his daughter, the dark pelted stallion that followed walked with grace, or at least, as much grace as he could muster; tell truth, despite the way Hisui carried himself into the clearing, fanning his wings eagerly, he seemed all to intent on what was going on behind him rather than up ahead with Cassandra. He was, after all, being followed by a certain lithe mare whom he would've appreciated having as far away as humanly possible.
The gods were not with him however, for instantly a distinctly childish whinny broke across the foliage, a purple hued mare rushing out to follow the black winged stallion, "Moooou.... don't leave me behind! We can't all fly!" a pause as the unicorn finally grinned again, trotting around the by now seething stallion, "Here, here, uncle Hisui! I got you a flower collar!!" of course, having no hands, the unicorn instead used her tail curling ir around a certain lithe collar of white flowers before attempting to grab it into her mouth, no doubt with the thought of placing it over Hisui's head.
"UGH!" snorting, the Stallion followed his daughter, looking distraught enough to not mind how elegant his steppings were; in fact, his eyes were narrowed, ears flattened back and neck lowered forth... all in all, he didn't look like he'd had much sleep either, "WHY do you keep on following me?! Aren't there other Soquili you can bother?!"
"Mou..." Ryuki tilted her head to one side slightly, big bright eyes blinking up at the elder male, "Shinzu said he already had his fair share of flowers and that you were more in need..." a longer pause as she disentangled herself from the foliage, coming out in full sight, pink hued eyes resting on both Ansel and Cassy; she knew Cassy! Cassy was fun! Unlike uncle Hisui... YAY CASSY! Instantly, the unicorn flicked her tail and trotted up to she whom she... thought to be her older sister of sorts (even despite the odd fact that Cassandra happened to be younger than the unicorn, "Ne, ne, ne, neeeeee~~ NE!" her head arched up to regard Ansel, round eyes blinking once before she tilted her head up, poking him softly with her horn, "Whoooooo are you? Are you the crocodile? Are you the mocking bird? Araaaa..."
"Ugh...." the groan came from Hisui as he neared the group, however, no sooner had he reached them that he paused, red eyes looking left, then right, "I fear no flower, what I fear is golden in color," another pause as he turned to address his daughter, looking awfully tired, "Tell me, love, have you seen your mother around?" amusingly enough, his frame seemed to shake, his expression deepening into what might've been fear, "Please tell me you haven't..." his eyes finally rested on the poor ignored brown hued stallion, "Charmed, 'Unimpressed'," a ghost of a smirk touched his lips, however, it was just a ghost of his usual acidic remarks... something was no doubt lingering the wind stallion's mind.
Having turned her attention from Ansel to her uncle, Ryuki once more tilted her head, "Huuuuuuh?" it was a most eloquent question, given the fact she was used to much, much less, however, upon receiving no answer, he gaze swiftly turned to face Mato, her large blinking eyes willing him to explain something she simply did not utter, "Huh..."
Soft chuckles rang from the cover the forest offered to the side, a blue hued form moving about within the darkness it offer; cold icy eyes watched from the refuge it offered, a demonic tail seen briefly as the figure moved... horns... large wings unlike those of the present wind soquili, "See, Ryuki, your 'uncle' is scared of his mate," the voice that drifted through the trees around them was melodic, soft, almost musical in a sense, and yet it seemed to carry the icy touch of a winter's breeze, "As you see, pride comes before a fall..." the figure moved too fast for any of the present soquili to truly catch real glimpse of him; flashes of blue all what was distinguishable from their spot.
"I BLOODY WELL AM NOT!" however, Hisui had indeed winced at the mention of his mate, his head lowering down as red eyes looked around, ears erect.
"I think my words I proven to be correct by the actions taken, am I wrong?" finally, the figure stepped out of refuge, his large blue form finally coming into sight, the Kalona's wing span impressive no doubt, his shinning blue eyes focused on the group. However, there was no doubt the whole effect was lost the moment eyes were set upon the soft smile that played his lips, even despite the fangs, no to mention the various flowers that adorned both his wings, body.... tail and mane. Shinzu was quite the sight to see indeed, "Charmed," he said softly as he turned to face Ansel, closing his eyes briefly in a welcome; it must've been odd... for despite his large form, larger than Hisui's, something about him made him look delicate, almost feminine, where as such a feat should've been impossible for one of his race, "Do not mind them; they lack something akin to... 'sense of reality', if you get my drift. You learn to love them all, however."
".... You think Eris is around here?" Hisui's red gaze lifted, however, his head did not, looking quite... inelegant at the moment, brows knitted; there was a feeling of impending doom about him, and the Kalona took pity.
"No, not really. Were she about, we'd have heard. Chaos is like that."Kisoni Matoskah's ear twitched at Ansel's dry look, but both Stallions were saved from further remark when there was a noise behind Ansel. The three turned, watching as a purple mare trotted up with another winged Stallion close behind. At first Ansel stiffened, fearing even more insanity from the winged beast, but was pleasantly surprised when upon speaking he seemed to be rather sane indeed.. and the mare's father. He had spoken so close to the horned mare that Ansel hadn't a thought of which one to reply to first. After a pause he nodded politely to the Stallion and turned to address Ryuki only to find her attention was now focused on the so-called 'Blackfoot'.
"He isn't a crocodile," Mato turned his head to look at the charminly simple seeming unicorn, his chest puffing up just a little at her seemingly undevided attention. Wings ruffling a little, he tilted his head and continued with in a laughing tone, "Though mocking bird, maybe. Do not let the brown disguise fool you, a peacock's feathers lie inside, he's just too shy to show them." The Stallion let one laughing red eye focus on Ansel again.
Beside him Cassandra giggled as Matoskah's words caused Ansel to bristle up. "His name is 'Unimpressed'," She informed her sweet 'sister' with a nod, before turning to answer her father's question. Before she could, another deemed himself fit to join into the conversation. Her head lifted up, ears perking at the sight of the Kalona stepping out of the trees. Ansel turned as well, a startled noise ripping from his throat despite his attempt to keep what remained of his dignity intact. Even further, the Soquili actually shifted a few steps back, away from newcomer.
Unaware of what was going on, or perhaps simply not caring, Matoskah continued his conversation with Ryuki. His attention now landed completely on her, and to anyone bothering to look it'd be quite apparant that he rather enjoyed having the girl's full attention. In fact, he thrived on it, "You see, our fellow here is very shy and naive--see how nervous he is!--but he doesn't want to admit that. We have decided that we must help him find his happiness, and show his colours to the world.... would you like to help us?" Where he was getting this, no one would ever know.
Ansel nodded in return to the strange blue one that was greeting them. They seemed to be speaking of another mare, 'Shiney's mother, but for a moment he completely phased out the conversations around him, instead concentrating on the look of the strange Soquili in front of him. He was what his boy would have called a 'demon', Ansel couldn't help but think, and demons they said were persuasive and evil. Despite the Stallion's attitude, Ansel was quite certain he wouldn't be trusting this one any time soon. Unfortunatly for him he was so entrhalled in thought over the Kalona that he completely missed the signs of whom he should be watching out for.
Cassandra wasn't half as frozen, however; in fact, she wasnt' even partially frozen. Not even moments after first seeing Shinzu, she had stepped away from Matoskah's side while he was busy with Ryuki. She didn't bother interrupting her father's conversation with the Kalona, instead ventureing close to peer at his fur with her nose a bare hair's breath from the soft pelt. Surely he must have felt her breath upon him as she stood there, finally replying to her father's statement, "No, I don't know where mother is but she is not here." Slowly the mare's eyes rose to look up at Shinzu, "You look like a blueberry. Are you related to the trees?"
Ansel rolled his eyes, that comment managing to wake him from his shock. The brown Stallion snorted and shook his head. "In all that is Holy... the trees are NOT going to ea--" Shock resettled in Ansel's frame for a moment, eyes snapping open as he watched this mare whom claimed to be afraid of plant kind have the audacity to LICK the demon horse's neck.
"You don't taste like blueberry," Cassandra pondered to herself, rolling the taste about in her mouth with a few motions of her tongue to clean off the fur. Dark Fire Angel "Ara?" once more the strange word was uttered by the lithe unicorn (she was no where near as big as Hisui was at all; somewhere between the size of a pony and a horse, rather charming in a way), "Does that mean you're a peacock?" her brows knitted as her head tilted to one side, allowing her long hair to flow elegantly over her eyes and nose, "I thought peacocks were pink!" another pause as she turned to her 'sister', however, the confused frown did not longer for much longer, something about the mare seemingly not allowing her to remain such and instead she smiled brightly, "My name is like the wind's!" she proclaimed cheerfully, "I may not fly! But I can listen to the wind and I talk to it!" amusingly enough, she wasn't lieing either; for whatever reason (be it truthful that she DID indeed understand the wind or not), the lithe purple unicorn had spent many-a-hour sitting by the meadow, ears erect and talking to... no one, really.
Had anyone asked, she'd have proclaimed to have been talking to the wind.
"But you can call her Ryuki for short," the black hued stallion snorted slightly, nostrils flaring as he finally arched his head back up into the air, arching it elegantly; even despite the fact he seemed worn out, it was apparent he knew how to carry himself well, perhaps with superiority, "Hisui's the name," he motioned to his daughter idly with his nose then, "She's my daughter, Cassandra; I'm afraid chaos marred her brains more than my elegance did," he turned to face Mato, but of course, could not offer the other winged stallion's name and so, instead tsked loudly, "And you can just call him pea brain for all I care."
"Ara!" Ryuki seemed completely unaware of Shinzu; after all, she shared Teepee with the odd Kalona, and was more of a guardian than anyone'd ever been. He was boring, in a sense, for it was every single day that she'd seen him.... this white and black winged male, however, was something new and thus something worth exploring fully, "Ne, ne!" she chirped as she trotted around him eagerly, stopping in front to place her nose against his, "We can give him flowers!! I have lotsa of flowers, lookit!" and then she lowered her head to grab one off her tail, "Shhhhheeeeee~~" she giggled through gritted teeth as she placed said flower in Mato's mane before turning her attention back on Ansel, "He's wobbly...."
A delicate brow arched by the Kalona as he finally turned his head to look behind him; there stood Cassandra, her nose a bare inch from his pelt, and obviously, being completely unused to physical contact.... his tumbling back quite foolishly was completely inevitable. Amusingly enough, in his stumbling, Shinzu landed in an odd sitting position, something a dog might've been able to pull off, looking obviously odd for a soquili of his race, "Uh...." pulling himself back up, almost shyly, the Kalona made sure to near the males and keep slightly away from both females, "No, I'm not-" erking slightly, the demon stumbled back yet again as the mare licked his neck, in a clumbsy fashion; there was no elegance in his steps, "Oi!" blushing furiously, the large creature moved to hide his frame partially behind both Hisui and Ansel, the scene no doubt amusing to any on looker, and odd at best to poor Ansel; he was watching a so called 'demon' blush over something as trivial as touch, flustered beyond belief, "I am not a blueberry, I'm Shinzu..."
"He's a big pain in the tail, that's what he is," seemingly unmoved by the show, Hisui tilted his head to one side arching a brow at the Kalona he'd come to know so well, "He's shy, he's weak, he's intellectual, and he's all what he should not be; not only that, but he's been dropped onto MY caring by our two legger. I get to keep him out of trouble," arching his head up, the winged stallion smirked, however, now sooner had he said those words that he regretted them.
A melody snort followed the words as Shinzu looked at him, "Who keep WHO out of trouble? Might I remind you whom you hide under the moment someone mentions Eris?" that elicited an 'erk' like sound from the winged male, whom instantly flattened his ears against the back of his head, "That's what I thought.... you should teach your daughter.... " a pause, "Never mind," after all, the idea of Hisui teaching anyone was quite... scary on it's own. His eyes travelled towards Ryuki at the thought, a snort escaping his nose, "Someone's having fun at least...."
"We should ALL wear flowers! Pretty purple flowers, and pink ones, and green ones! And blue ones, and red ones!"
"Touch me with a flowers and I'll kill you..."
"AWWWWWWWWwwwwwWWWWWwwWWWww~~ you'd look cute with them!!" poor, poor Ansel, his soul must've been crying out for help by then, no doubt. Kisoni This was all quite confusing indeed to the european soquili as his ears laid back in a fashion not unlike Hisui's as he danced elegantly away from the Kalona. Despite the scene he'd just witnessed he still did not trust the kalona enough to turn his back to him--after all, demons were tricky, were they not? That it was hardly better being near the bewildered Cassandra, though, was up for debate. Ansel cast a glance to the baffled seeming mare and shook his head, cassandra then, not 'shiney'. "Ansel," He finally replied, is my name.." He looked up to the blue kalona and ventured in Hisui's defense, "Being afraid of one little thing and being a coward in general are two quite different things."
Matoskah narrowed his eyes at Hisui, having picked up the 'pea brain' comment when Ryuki's attention had diverted. "Matoskah," He replied, keeping the venom out of his voice at least, though it transfered through sight rather well. Just then he was interrupted by Cassia's annoyed scoff.
"Daddy!" She whined, pouting a little, "You're not supposed to use my name in front of the trees! You have to call me Shiney!" She pranced up to him, taking one of his braids into her teeth and gave it a very gentle, loving tug.
"Its okay, Cassia," Matoskah responded, "So long as there's a unicorn nearby the trees are safe."
"Why is that?" She asked, looking to him for the answer just ast trustingly as her sister was turning to him right now.
"Because the trees can't eat unicorn hearts. Unicorns are their friends!" He looked down at the Unicorn, then at the flower in his mane, "You have beautiful flowers there, but I'm afraid they a lot better looking on you."
Another sound erupted from the cream mare's throat as her eyes fell back upon Shinzu, and thusly the flowers adorning his body. The sound it seemed was of horror for the soquili jumped back a short step, tail raising in horror as her neck drew back a moment, before she moved over to him, getting right up beside him, "You have flowers on you! You poor thing," She sqeaked, almost ready to cry it seems, "They must hurt so much! Are they eating you?"
Ansel shook his head a little, watching the whole scene with an expression that could be nothing less of exasperated. In truth, the whole thing was beginning to drain his energy away as surely as he felt his IQ dropping bit by bit. The stallion backed away a little, very much wishing to be free of the insanity this place offered in spades.
Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:04 am
PhoenixGuardianMikazuki Wings drooped in the fashion of a forlorn look, eyes with no gleam of life... she seemed the epitome of a morbid mare, Shimshek thought, as she looked into the clear pool of water--which was amazingly still--in the middle of a forest halfway into the evening. Why did she look like this? What happened to her glowing, vibrant look? Her beauty that she so cherished? Why, after all that work, did she now realize everything she had strived for, was meaningless?
She was a mare without purpose; she was broken. She blamed her meeting on a stallion, a pureblood alicorn, called Artemis Entreri. Not only had he played back on her "game", he had pulled her in, pretended to like her (somewhat) and then crushed her, hard. He stabbed her torn heart over and over with his sharp horn, a mental feeling that was a continuous emotion; one that would not leave her alone. She hated this feeling with a passion.
This feeling--this... sentimentality...--that batted at her like a fly that was too wanting of the taste for blood. Her muscles felt sore; had she really been flying so long? And yet, she could not move her legs to allow her to lay down, to rest, to sleep. Nothing as of late seemed to turn out for the good for her... and she was stuck with this silly hope, that there would be one stallion out there that wouldn't mind her... herself... or anything else otherwise.
She knew that as soon as she saw black, looking up (strange, she could still move her head and neck?) to see the flitting stars slowly being covered by drifting clouds, seen only by the floating, half silver moon. She wondered where she was; a thought that hadn't occurred to her until now. She wasn't anywhere near her home; she had flown hard and fast away from Artemis Entreri; away from her problems. Yes, she knew she was running away; not that it mattered. She looked down again. Would this feeling ever go away?
Somehow, she knew it never would. And in her deepest heart of hearts, she hoped it would always stay... Dark Fire Angel ((Sorry I had to run off to eat food XDD))
Night had fallen hours ago, and though the male had no real reason to be walking silently along the forest, he found strange peace in doing so; it was in these hours, after the sun's rays could no longer filter themselves through the canopy above him that Shinzu finally felt safe enough to come out of hiding. In fact, it was only during night time that he ever wandered out of the thicker parts of the forest... it was only then that he dared venture the clearings the forest offered, or the meadows beyond the limit of the trees.
This time however, his objective was not to run across a meadow (something he was rarely ever seen doing even despite his love for running; the idea of someone spotting him terrifying him enough to divert his attention to other things), but rather, a certain crystal clear lake that he knew resided deep within the heart of the forest. Not many creatures liked to take this hour to roam the trees, and those few that did; the owls, the mice, amongst other nocturnal animals, seemed not mind him or his demonic appearance. Thus so, he'd always felt more at home during the sleeping hours.
The sun was frightening, the light was terrifying, for it was able to illuminate his form whenever he wished to hide; it was hard to keep himself merged with his surroundings when the sun bathed him... it was a scary time of day. The kalona had always preferred night because of this; his coat was easily blended into the shadows the trees projected, that dark greys and blacks concealing his form from view, making his pale blue form resemble that of a phantom or ghost more than a horse. It was... a relief for him to know he looked more like a spectral form than a living one, surreal amongst the shadows.
He did feel lonely however.
In fact, he'd felt the grip of solitude for quite a long time now; those few he'd ever stumbled upon either had a sneer to share due to his tastes and personality tidbits, not fitting for a kalona to have... or they'd so much as look at him and run away in fear without a moment to spare, judging the metaphorical book by it's cover. It was mostly this notion that had determined the Kalona to 'fancy up' his exterior in some way, hoping that by doing this, it'd somehow make him look less like the demon others thought he was, and more like the soul he knew he had. He'd taken up plucking flowers carefully with his mouth, placing them here or there on his form, tail and mane; they never lasted too long and had to be replaced often, but the flowers had always given him some sort of sense of security, much like night did. They allowed him to show something from within on the outside, or so he hoped.
It was actually due to these flowers that he found himself walking slowly, languidly, towards the lake; he wanted to get a good glimpse of those that escaped his vision... those that he knew were settled neatly around his horns, atop his head and along his mane. So determined was he that the moment he entered the clearing, the first thing he did was trot up to the water, gazing at his figure reflected upon the crystalline surface; he totally missed the fact there was a wind mare bare few meters away from him. that is of course, till he idly noticed a yellow form that lay reflected upon the otherwise dark surface of the lake.
Instantly, the stallion's head snapped up, his eyes falling upon Shimshek as he took a step back; oh no, here it came, he thought idly, she was going to either freak out and run for the metaphorical hills, attack him or snort at him. Shinzu did not know which would've been worse, actually, and had he had the courage, he'd have taken another step abck and would've vanished into the thicket, however... his feet seem rooted to the stop, an effect most females had over him, for you see... this kalona feared females the most, above all other things; the look of disgust so many had given him marked within his mind. His ears flopped back as his muscles tensed, looking like he was either ready to accept an assault, or ready to run for the woods; either way, the movements and the way he acted was no where near what any Kalona would've done. That, and the fact flowers adorned his body and frame seemed to lessen the idea of him being 'evil' in any way.