Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:59 am
I'm very interested in the position ^_^ I'm very active on Soquili, and I've been wanting to help out with something for a long time. I'm not good enough to be a colorist, but this seems to be a perfect opportunity, and it seems to be a job that I would really like.
I have Photoshop, so edits would be no problem- I can organize and update the thread as needed, count votes, award prizes, and even color plushies if needed- I enjoy doing these kinds of things heart As for the NPC, I'd love the opportunity to design a new character- I can even draw a new picture for it. Anything else that you really need help with, I can always offer my assistance.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:59 am
I'd be interested in applying for the position. ^^ I'm on Gaia at least 3 hours a day and quite often more than that when I have extra free time. I have photoshop and have experience with coloring and certing (so I'd be able to edit the awards). Here are a few of my coloring samples: OneTwoThreeFourFiveI've had experience organizing and running contests so know how to keep things fairly organized. All in all, I'm looking for something new to spice up my internet life and think this would be a wonderful way to do it!
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:36 am
I'm on gaia at least...8-10 hours a day. XD; And since I'm doing school from home for at least this school year (up until August or so) I can be on with a quick ping of my AIM which I'm almost ALWAYS on; even while asleep! (*gasp*) I do have Photoshop CS and I do know how to work it. I can color/edit plushies if needed. In fact, I'd be more then happy to~! ^ ^ <3 I will admit, I'm not good with record keeping on my current computer since I share it with my entire family...on one account.. x__o; But I'll be getting a 160 GB laptop sometime soon (in the next month or so) in which I could devote an entire section of the computer to Soquili. XD
Ciao~~ <33
P.S. Good luck everyone! biggrin <3
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:05 pm
I'd like to apply. I'm on a lot. XP I mostly lurk, and am on from around 4 PM EST to 10-11 PM on week days. Can't be on in the morning because I get up at like... three. XD I have Photoshop CS2, getting CS3, but I suck at edits. I can color, though. ^_^ I love looking through peoples' teepees, and would love to see who gets nominated.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:29 pm
I would love to apply for this position. I am on daily for roughly four hours on week days, and weekends I'm on well, a lot. xD'' I'm quite organized, and I like to keep up. My teepee is under construction, but my organizational skills can be shown there, and I do not lag on updates (besides listing rps in my teepee, to be honest). I can color, but on PS7 pretty much, and I'm still learning if that means anything! xD I like having things to do on the computer, and this would really help keep me busy. It's something I'd really enjoy, and I have no qualms with free pay. <3
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:23 pm
I would like to apply for this honorary position. I do have Photoshop, haven't any trouble editing in names and suchlike. Plushies are something new to me, but I have at least some experience coloring things, and welcome added instruction. I am capable of making an NPC character and organizing things reasonably well.
For me, the stimulus to participate in this position is that I would really love to see this become a monthly thing again. It is an exciting and fun way to encourage others to interact, as well as a delightful surprise to those who win. It's a wonderful way to reward active and involved owners, no matter how many or few soquili they have. It would be a labor of love for me. Despite being pulled away from time to time, I always come back, drawn by my love of the Soquili. Becoming involved in a minor but fun corner of the shop would be a pleasure.
Thank you for the consideration, and good luck to all applicants!
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:26 am
Hum. Wouldnt hurt to try out~ XD;;;;;
The position sounds interesting~ <3 I'm on gaia daily, and on AIM almost as daily, so I feel I'd be easy to reach. I've also has PS experience for a couple of years now and handled my own shops, so I feel I'd be at least fairly proficient in PS by anyone's standards @_@;;;;;
So coloring/editting/managing are no problem for me~ <3
uhhh about organization. I DUNNO O_O;;; i feel im ok with my teepee but s'up to you~ x)
counting votes would also be fairly easy, and the same with creating an NPC soquili account for the front page if needed to.
SO. the end.
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:06 am
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:17 pm
I would love to help out with this! Skills: I can colour/edit on photoshop so I can edit the awards as well as edit/colour plushi *would especially love to do that part* Time: I am on Gaia (mostly in Soquili and Beta) around 6-9hrs a day on weekdays (depending on school/work) and all weekend unless I'm at the gym/doing errands. Organization: In Gaia I own a shop, outside of Gaia I am the leader of my renaissance guild Examples: Porro Doctors, Rose, Glados, Pip zoombini, Pan 'bini, Nio, Malis
I would also like to offer myself as a plushi artist in case the person who you choose can not or wishes not to do so ^-^~
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:28 am
I'd be interested in this, been wanting more plushies out. ^-^
Current answers:
-I can color and edit on photoshop CS2, soon to have CS3 and Flash 8...- also have Alias Sketchbook, and even make shading templates when I see fit. -You can always contact me when ever you wish, and as for how long plushies would take me, would depend on the edits, but none would take more than three hours and that's with some pretty fricken heavy edits. Within a free day that means I can make two to four. Two if lazy. Shading templates only less the work load also. I can also be quite flexible with edits if needed. [-The good old Alias Sketch for edit ideas, and not-rendering the line art itself by erasing under what is not needed, and adjusting the edits to equal standards- and so forth.] That's with plushies. -I often find myself mostly online during the weekends more than usual, and at night on weekdays. From 4:00 AM-7:00 AM before hitting the bed. Like now at 5:58 AM. o-o Eastern Central. Mostly to organize things as my coloring/work is all done offline. -Even if not online, there are three ways of contacting me. -Probably common to say that a person will do what's needed, but I will do what is said, as long as informed. ^-^ -PNGs are easily uploaded as I have a friend who can help me host such via email. Which is very fortunate considering aol dial up. -PSDs probably take 10-30 minutes to send, but I'm pretty patient for such a cause. heart
Samples: [x] [x] Both are porros. ^-^'
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
And these were all my Cataeron Try-outs of 2006 I believe, except William. Lost the other ones I am afraid.
Other: Common Shading Style
Just another preview of art style when practicing. Heh. ^^'
Umm.. One more current sketch style. Really rough, but basic.
Most Recent work
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:29 am
I'd love to apply for the posistion.
I'm online around a total of five hours a day in between when I work in my 40 hour work week. On Saturdays I'm online usually 10-20 hours most of the time. I'm very easy to reach via e-mail, PM, and even AIM as long as the person contacting is on my friend's list first.
As far as organizational I've found I'm very good with bookkeeping skills and tidiness in my key projects with totals and amounts for things. I'm highly picky when something needs to be organized, another reason that my teepee is yet under construction at the moment. I find that doing things of "keeping order" help me stay motivated and open to new ideas.
I am a colorist with Faekats and a few other shops part time so I have skills using Photoshop 7.0 in the making of plushies and other things. Editing names and things onto documents and projects is fairly simple to what I'm used to.
Here are examples of my coloring work including shading and coloring...
[x] | [x] |[x] |[x] |[x]
As far as organization and booking skills I can offer my teepee in progress and The Registry I used to keep track of for Faekats...
[x] |[x]
I'm quite happy to hear "Owner's Corner" is being revived again and would love to contribute to a shop I've held highly in my heart. It's a warm and wonderful place to be within. Thank you for considering my application. Good luck to everyone entering.
~Rein_C heart
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:32 am