
Name; Konani_NTH
Gender; :p
Age; 23 as of yet

Favourite manga; Immortal Rain (Meteor Methuselah)
Favourite anime; possibly NaisucaƤ of the walley of the wind
Favourite Game; Grandia

Yo, i'm swedish, i usually spend my time drawing for people on gaia, watching television, slacking off, looking up things on internet, browsing for things or watching movies.

I am Kon, a fan of horror.
I do not read manga online, and if the anime is cheap, i'll buy it on DVD.

I most like Manga that makes me laugh.
That usually is Yaoi; it's hilarious in most of the manga i've read.
I like porn, don't judge me, i'm an adult and allowed to do so :3!

I also like to brag, and talk about things i like.

Welcome to the guild, please do continue being active. (and I did follow some of your suggestions)