About Chaos "The Destroyer of Hope":
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, are given a chance to climb. They refuse, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. "
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Breeding/Lifemating Agreement:
Co-ownership agreement:
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Personality: The madness that afflicts skinwalkers has an interesting affect on the mare. Chaos, aptly called, is an unpredictable creature whose true goals are unclear. Her behavior is erratic, as she takes actions that often seem to conflict with her own goals. Sometimes she will invest a lot of time into tricking another soquili into believing she is charmed so they will come to her lair with her, only to become bored or forget what she was doing and run off somewhere else, leaving the soquili lost in the woods but otherwise unharmed. Sometimes she goes on a murderous rampage with no warning or provocation, simply running amok and wreaking havoc. She delights in toying with her prey, emotionally, mentally, and physically, and does not always kill what she captures. Some of them are kept in her lair, slaves to her greatness. Others are released, or lead to believe they "escaped" though it seemed more a reminder to the populous at large that Chaos bears down upon them. She changes her lair location often, sometimes "forgetting" her slaves are in the previous home before settling in a new one. She circles back to her old hideouts occasionally, amused when she finds either corpses or near-dead and delirious former slaves whom she can play with before they finally expire.
Breedings: In no particular order
1. The Madness - Mind || Breeding Agreement - Revolving/permanent permissions
2. Lilithaun - Aria
6. The Name Thief - Mind || Breeding Agreement
8. Bear || Breeding Agreement
11. Discord - Maths || Breeding Agreement
Breeding attempts:
1. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=2&t=24973793#377293289
2. http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=4&t=25034665#378564449
Breeding Form:
Ideas, work in process
Lust, or lechery (Latin, "luxuria" (carnal)), is intense longing. It is usually thought of as intense or unbridled sexual desire,[22] which leads to fornication, adultery, rape, bestiality, and other immoral sexual acts. However, lust could also mean simply desire in general; thus, lust for money, power, and other things are sinful. In accordance with the words of Henry Edward, the impurity of lust makes one "a slave of the devil".[5]
Lust, if not managed properly, can subvert propriety.[23]
German philosopher Schopenhauer wrote:[23]
"Lust is the ultimate goal of almost all human endeavour, exerts an adverse influence on the most important affairs, interrupts the most serious business, sometimes for a while confuses even the greatest minds, does not hesitate with its trumpery to disrupt the negotiations of statesmen and the research of scholars, has the knack of slipping its love-letters and ringlets even into ministerial portfolios and philosophical manuscripts".
Dante defined lust as the disordered love for individuals.[24] It is generally thought to be the least serious capital sin[21][25] as it is an abuse of a faculty that humans, as animals, have, and sins of the flesh are less grievous than spiritual sins.[26]
In Dante's Purgatorio, the penitent walks within flames to purge himself of lustful thoughts and feelings. In Dante's Inferno, unforgiven souls of the sin of lust are blown about in restless hurricane-like winds symbolic of their own lack of self-control to their lustful passions in earthly life.
Pride (Latin, superbia) is considered, on almost every list, the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins: the source of the others- thus it is able to father directly and/or indirectly all sin. Also known as hubris (from ancient Greek ὕβρις),or futility, it is identified as dangerously corrupt selfishness, the putting of one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of people.
In even more destructive cases, it is possessing the irrational belief that one is automatically and essentially better or more important than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal image or self (especially forgetting one's own lack of divinity, and refusing to acknowledge one's own limits, faults, or wrongs as a human being).
Author Ichabod Spencer states that spiritual hubris is the worst kind of hubris, "if not worst snare of the devil. The heart is particularly deceitful on this one thing." Jonathan Edwards said "Remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building, and is the most difficultly rooted out, and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts, and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility."
What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools.
— Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, line 203.
As pride has been labelled the father of all sins, it has been deemed the devil's most prominent trait. C.S. Lewis writes, in Mere Christianity, that pride is the "anti-God" state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: "Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind." Pride is understood to sever the soul from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence.
The Animal/Wendigo-Minded
This kind of skinwalker is more like a rabid animal than any of the others. Driven by a nearly mindless drive of hate, rage, and hunger. They sometimes develop boughts of twisted animal behavior, such as a female bearwalker capturing young foals and tormenting them in an abusive relationship, nuzzling only to bite, grooming only to try and rip their hair out, then trying to kill them when they become too old to torment. This sort spends most of their time in their Feral Forms simply because it is the most 'natural' to them.
The Trickster
Works by manipulation and Trickery, working with the uneducated, the mad, or the ignorant. They rarely kill directly, and tend to prefer ruining lives to just flat out killing them, usually tricking them to have their death caused by another source. This type often linger near brutes and Wendigo style skinwalkers, staying out of their way but using them as a thing to trick others into to end it all when tired of their ways, preferring to watch their demise rather than silence them themselves, getting a perverse enjoyment of watching the pieces fall into a final grizzly place.
Skinwalker info:
If you wish to RP Skinwalkers there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Skinwalkers do NOT form family bonds
Skinwalkers do NOT fall in love
Skinwalkers do NOT have positive or healthy relationships with anyone
Skinwalkers ARE solitary by nature, though OCCASIONALLY work together for short periods of time for a common goal.
Skinwalkers ARE evil.
Skinwalkers CANNOT have familiars. If cursed with one, the bond is automatically broken.
Skinwalkers ARE Demonic to the core of their being
Skinwalkers ARE killers and/or violently chaotic
Skinwalkers CANNOT be saved, redeemed, or otherwise 'changed' in to anything good.
Skinwalker Soquili are outcasts, living by themselves, or rarely, with other Skinwalkers.
Skinwalkers can derive from any other kind of soquili, but are unmistakable because all of them "wear" the pelt of another animal over their heads and backs. However, truth be told, these pelts are as much a part of them as their own hide, the tendrils of the flesh having grown into them. They cannot remove it.
There are two main types of Skinwalkers: Cursed and Pure.
Cursed skinwalkers
Cursed soquili were once regular soquili, but were afflicted with the evil magic of corpse powder to become twisted, violent monsters. The human Skinwalker, Oyohusa, was responsible for bringing the curse that affected some soquilis to the Kawani lands. See below for more information on him.
Description Overall:
A cursed skinwalker is distinguished by the animal pelt it wears upon its back. This pelt covers their head, part of their face and runs all the way down to the tail. A skinwalkers pelt may never be removed. Once a soquili is cursed they are compelled by the curse to kill an animal. They will steal the animal’s skin and wear it proudly on their backs. That creature’s pelt becomes a part of them attaching itself to their backs with thin tendrils of flesh that bond it to the soquili. It is this bond that occasionally gives the pelt the look of the soquili wearing it. A skinwalker may be any type of animal ((that the shop has familiar or skinwalker-specific lines for. However, any non canine or feline that would require a custom-drawn pelt requires a mutant-slot to obtain)). Other than that a cursed walker will still bare traits of it previous life. It will wear the horns and wings of a kalona if it was originally one or the horn of a uni if it began life as a uni. All cursed skinwalkers will have their hooves still firmly in tact.
When a soquili is cursed as a skinwalker, he or she loses all previous race-related power or abilities. Because they gain new abilities and powers by the cursing, their old abilities will become null and void. The only exceptions to this is flight, assuming the soquili has a pair of wings that are attached to their body. If a soquili only has wings attached to their pelt, the ability is sometimes stiffed depending on their original breed. Non-Flighted breeds cursed into a winged form fly poorly and tire quickly, flying like chickens.
Pure Skinwalkers
True skinwalkers who were born with their condition are considered "Pure Skinwalker." These soquili can be distinguished by their pawed feet (for those skinwalkers who have an alternate form with paws). These Skinwalkers were transported from the underworld, generally through the demon tree located in the Indian Burial Ground cursed by Oyohusa. This twisted tree is literally a portal to the underworld.
Pure Skinwalkers are monsters through and through with no resentments or struggle against their twisted natures. They have absolutely full control over their forms and abilities.
They too wear the pelt of some beast but it is believed that their pelts grew straight out of their own skins rather than becoming bonded. It is just one more thing that makes them true beasts themselves. Although they are soquili these hellish creatures will have no hooves but rather great clawed paws to tear at victims with. Only animals that exist in the world beyond the tree may ever be a purewalker's other form. These animals are known predators or are associated with fear, death and horror in culture.
((Canines, Felines, Bears, Bats, Seals, certain Avians (Crows, Falcons/Hawks/eagles, Vultures/condors, Owls, ), Snakes, Lizards, Gators and hybrids of two of these breeds. Hybrids MUST be approved by Colorist Manager before being ordered. ))
Pure skinwalkers are always that: Pure. Pure skinwalkers cannot also be a crossbreeds with another kind of soquili. There are no uni-purewalkers or wind purewalkers. Unicorns or Winds can be cursed, but a skinwalker born pure is nothing but a pure skinwalker. Likewise, if two purewalkers breed, they create more purewalkers. If a purewalker breeds with a different breed of soquili, then the offspring are NOT skinwalkers - pure or otherwise.
((Pure skinwalkers can not be obtained through customs))
All Skinwalkers
All skinwalkers are bonded with the pelt of one kind of animal. They have the ability to transform at will into this type of animal. Appearance-wise, in this form they are unmistakable from a large version of that sort of animal. Cursed skinwalkers felt compelled to kill and put on the animal's skin when they were cursed. Pure skinwalkers are born with these second-pelts. Skinwalkers can be any kind of animal (that the shop has familiar or skinwalker-specific lines for. However, any non canine or feline that would require a custom-drawn pelt requires a mutant-slot to obtain.
Personality-wise, ALL skinwalkers are evil. Unlike even the Kalonas, there is NO exception to this rule. However, there are lots of varieties of evil. Some skinwalkers are stark-raving mad. Others are absolutely wicked and conniving and darkly intelligently evil. All of them absolutely enjoy the hunt and taste of blood.
When a soquili becomes cursed, sometimes the process is so traumatic that the skinwalker curse completely obliterates their old personality. They forget who they were entirely, becoming nothing more than a walking embodiment of the bloodthirsty skinwalker curse.
For others, the skinwalker curse twists all that might have ever been good about a soquili. Apprehensions and repressed dislikes and resentments become ignited, and overpowers them. They become defined by these resentments and hatred, and become mockeries of the soquili they once were. They might maintain their memories, but they become twisted, seeing things in a different light. Lovers become bitter enemies in their minds.
At the absolute best, cursed skinwalkers become tormented by the evil that has taken residence in their minds, fighting a losing battle, and snapping and causing horrible destruction to those around them.
Skinwalkers are violent and aggressive towards everyone, though some maintain enough self-control to plot and plan. Still, it is rare for there even to be an alliance between two skinwalkers, though there is whispered horror stories of packs of skinwalkers that lay waste to all in their paths.
Skinwalkers cannot be lifemated. If a lifemated soquili is afflicted with the skinwalker curse, that lifemating will be broken upon the Soquili's turning. Even the sweetest, nicest, and kindest of Soquili will become a wretched, cruel, heartless monster upon turning. If a lifemated Soquili is cursed, that lifemating is broken, and they have to wait the required time like any other broken lifemating.
All skinwalkers have developed strong muscles. As predators they have a need to bring down game that is often large in size. They would be quite capable of bringing down a deer on their own. Anything larger than that, like a soquili, would not be so easy for them to kill.
All skinwalkers have the ability to transform into the animal whose pelt they wear. These animals are often larger than there regular counterparts. In these forms a skinwalker would be capable of doing whatever that creature was capable of. E.G. a catwalker in its cat form would be able to climb trees and a coyote or wolf would be able to howl and would have an increased sense of smell.
When a soquili becomes cursed, sometimes the process is so traumatic that the skinwalker curse completely obliterates their old personality. They forget who they were entirely, becoming nothing more than a walking embodiment of the bloodthirsty skinwalker curse.
For others, the skinwalker curse twists all that might have ever been good about a soquili. Apprehensions and repressed dislikes and resentments become ignited, and overpowers them. They become defined by these resentments and hatred, and become mockeries of the soquili they once were. They might maintain their memories, but they become twisted, seeing things in a different light. Lovers become bitter enemies in their minds.
At the absolute best, cursed skinwalkers become tormented by the evil that has taken residence in their minds, fighting a losing battle, and periodically snapping and causing horrible destruction to those around them. ((All lifematings will be broken and all penalties that go with still apply. If you are looking to have a soquili who fights a vicious streak to have the good win I suggest getting another breed.))
Unlike their cursed brethren Pure Skinwalkers do not struggle with their vicious natures. They are born with their pelts and wickedness in their hearts. These skinwalkers are said to have been dragged straight out of the bowels of the underworld through the demon tree in the Indian Burial Ground. They are often worse than cursed skinwalkers in terms of brutality and general badness as a baseline. They are also far more likely to top the cursed walkers’ bad behavior period.
Absolutely all skinwalkers are evil but just because they are does not mean that they all have the same personality. One skinwalker could be completely insane with absolutely no control over their killing or transformations while another could prefer to drive fear into the hearts of others for enjoyment before killing them or simply moving on to the next poor victim. It is unlikely that two skinwalkers will act in exactly the same way. There are whispers of alliances between a pair of skinwalkers or even a small pack. Any group of skinwalkers, however, is a recipe for disaster for anything in their ranks and everything around them. They are extremely unlikely to cooperate in groups. Fights would be common things with more than one skinwalker but they may be able to hold themselves together long enough to successfully pull off a hunt. Skinwalkers must kill. Some do it for the exhilaration death brings them, others hunt for a meal and others do it simply because they know nothing else any longer. All animals need food.
No skinwalker can feel love. They can not lifemate and if they do have a specific partner it would not be out of pure feelings. They would not know if they were going to stay together or not. Because of their natures breeding with skinwalkers is exceptionally dangerous. It is often more like a battle or mauling than breeding at all. Only pure skinwalkers might pass on the skinwalker blood. If baskets are produced, however, only two pure skinwalkers will result with skinwalker babies.
All skinwalkers eat meat even those wearing the pelts of herbivores. It is the only thing that can sustain them. A cursed walker, upon being cursed, will find its dieting habits shifting to the need of meat and the inability to digest plants.
Skinwalker Origins-
Oyohusa the evil Skinwalker was once a kind and gentle shaman before the darkness engulfed his heart and blackened it. He had started to use the powers the spirits gave him for wicked, selfish things. The village caught wind of his treacherous behavior and chased him from the village while pelting him with rocks, leaving him an outcast.
Exiled from the village, Oyohusa's heart turned even blacker. Outcast and filled with hatred, he made a bargain with a very malicious spirit that shared with him a dark secret. It showed him how to draw magic from the bodies of the dead, to grind them into a corpse powder and take that corruption into his own body.
If Oyohusa was not already corrupt, the corpse powder dug out any remnant humanity left in the shaman, leaving him a sadistic, conniving monster. Like the soquili that he would later infect with his "gift", he was compelled to slay an animal and drape its fresh, bloody skin over his body. The corpse powder transformed Oyohusa, bonding the skin to him, and granting him the ability to turn into the coyote that he slew.
Using his newfound abilities, he let loose that thirst for blood and menace in the guise of an animal. All the sadness and feelings of rejection he felt when he was sent from the village converted into a vengeful rage against the villagers. Oyohusa in his animal form ravaged the very village that he was raised in as a young boy. He desecrated their holy totem poles and crops. He killed all their livestock and horses as well. He took particular pleasure in taking his "revenge" on those who may have once considered him a friend, Oyohusa seeing them as having betrayed him most of all.
Evan after Oyohusa extracted his twisted notion of revenge, he did not feel satisfied. Instead, he was left with nothing but seething hatred towards other people and soquili. He found himself enjoying killing and hurting others, transferring his misguided hatred for his own village on other peaceful villagers. Then he chanced upon a kind people known as the Kawani tribe, who reminded him very much of the villagers from his old home. Oyohusa was infuriated to see so much laughter and love among those people so decided he might enact his filthy ways upon them as well. But now, with the "revenge" so freshly enacted, Oyohusa decided to take his time with these people, and savor the experience.
The dark spirit that Oyohusa had bargained with then returned, and asked for the favor that he had promised in their bargain. The spirit demanded that Oyohusa use his shamanic abilities paired with the knowledge he was given to open a channel for the original skinwalkers to come forth. These were the Pure Skinwalkers, the purebreed denizens of the underworld who were born as the evil being that they are. In the ultimate act of desecration, Oyohusa corrupted a burial ground - taking all the energy from the corpses there and binding it to an ancient tree that grew at its center. That tree is now a permanent gate that some true skinwalkers can use to find their way to this world
Breeding/Lifemating Agreement:
Familiar History:
Familiar Personality:
Familiar Plots:
Familiar Roleplays:
Familiar Breedings:
1. closed
2. closed
3. closed
Familiar Breeding attempts:
Familiar Breeding Form: