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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[FIELD CLASS] Sex Ed 3 - HOMEWORK, PG 25 Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 23 24 25 26 [>] [»|]

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Bilious rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)


Sparkly Wolf

11,200 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Nerd 50
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:32 pm
Enzo gaped, "Guns? Well, jeeze! Not sure what guns gotta' do with fitness, but I call that cat's pajamas, eh? I don't usually touch that stuff m'self. Sister's a great shot though. Anyway, right. They got the ring, I'll get the gloves- Just find whoever's in charge of that, right? Unless you could put a word in for me?"

As they had been chitchatting, the roaches and occasional mouse that had escaped wherever they had been hiding about his person came crawling back, scurrying over shoes and up pant legs, but something else had joined in. It was a bit too big to fit, and the reaper boy frowned in annoyance as he glanced down at whatever it was. Ah, right, there had been a bunch of these running around hadn't there? He gave it a sharp kick all the same.

The poor little Lammit toppled with a squeak, staring up at him with hurt and betrayed eyes.

Enzo glowered down.

The Lammit's nose twitched.

Enzo sighed, picked it up and put it on his hat. Right. Resuming conversation. "Sorry, bub, what were we talkin' about again? Damn things always bugging me." Pun intended? At least he hadn't crushed any in Cricket's presence yet.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:44 pm

Its okay that you didn't notice, King. That just means she can peek a few more times before swearing to not look again. She nodded along with what he was saying about keeping fit, and being healthy, and sick puppies. Baw, sick puppies. Too cute.

"Well...I'm not really a fighter, no. I'd rather defend myself, and others, to be honest." She looked away, slightly embarrassed. Yes, she knew she was a small ghoul who didn't have much muscle, and that she was seen as the dainty barista. She liked it that way, though, it made others underestimate her. "And I'll tell you what, go ahead and fight in whatever form is most comfortable for you."

Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:17 pm
Carhop Calvalier

King would never know

Tail swaying, the wolfos had begun to pet his ah...lammit. Nothing wrong with that. "To know how to protect one's self is good. Better to know how to stay safe then only be aggressive. After all, getting killed due to recklessness helps no one." Claws tapped on the table as his smile bore his fangs. The pride of a wolfos was not in claws, but in their jaws. "You would have to put up with me in my true form then I expect."  
Sexy Cocaine rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:00 pm
... He wasn't mad?

Why wasn't he mad?!

She JUST slapped him across the face with a protection charm. What the hell?! "NO, you're not." The ghoul frowned and folded her arms. "About as dashing as a horses-" OH GOD BLACK SPECKS ALL OVER THE PLACE.

The feline's ears stood at attention when the lammit's were explained. It's all Cricket needed to say for Riyo to practically jump out of her desk and run after one of the stupid creatures. It got her away from a very awkward situation, so she was almost grateful for the assignment.

"C'mere you little fuzz ball."

And just like that, the once she had wished an assignment would LAST, there was a lammit in her hands just after it crawled over someone's desk. "... s**t."


SN: Riyo

Sexy Cocaine

Greedy Guest


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:50 pm
Cricket took a few minutes to gather up the last of the stray Lammits that were still trying to flee from students as she put them back into the pen. The top sheet she'd put over said pen 'thumped' as several of the roaming minis attempted to escape via that method once again, just to discover that they were unable to this time.

It almost sounded like a popping bag of popcorn until it died down and they quit. Still, Cricket sat on top of the plank that held them in just to make sure it didn't pop off again, noting the few Lammits that were still littered about the room in the possession of students.

"Well, that was an adventure into why I never want children." Cricket commented offhandedly, shrugging lightly before she continued. "So. Lammits. As I explained, they are horribly inbred things that have a way of avoiding Protection Charms. This is unfortunate because their inbreeding has rendered them highly susceptible to infections, and thus Lammits will actually require several Protection Charms be applied to them as they grow up in order to live a successful and pleasant life.

This isn't to say that the alternative is bad and should be kulled. It is simply that they will require more care as adults if they grow up to be unhealthy."

With that, she fished out one of the Lammits.

"Given that some of you just... did not do as well with Protection Charms as I would like, I will be sending each of you home with one of these little guys - they're on the verge of adolescence and thus are reaching the period during which they do require charming."

It was easy to see what she was getting at.

Tapping the box next to her - reassembled from Spectrae's Protection-Charm fit - she then took out a charm. "These are slow-charms. You are to take fourteen of these and apply them twice a day for the next week. Once that week is up, please bring your Lammit back for me to see."

A knowing smile came over her face, as if knowing how this would all end.

"If you wish to keep it after that point, you may. Otherwise, I will be allowing you an out from retaining it. If you do not return to me with it in that time, I will not take it after."

It was a calm warning. But with that, she stood up, patting the box, and then the flap that separated the Lammits from free running.


Class is over!

  • If your student didn't catch a Lammit, they need to come up and claim one now - by posting your minipet SN and posting them coming up to get it!

  • If you have two students in class, you may only get one Lammit. This means that OOCly, you have to use your own Lammit for both student's homework.

  • If you did not participate in the previous steps of the class, please do not claim a Lammit at this time. You may, however, speak with Cricket about remediation of her class personally.

  • For the extra homework point for this class, grow your Lammit and write up a small solo about how the growth went. Note that there is a bad alt for the Lammits, so take which alt you get into IC consideration!

    When done, post both the Lammit and a link to your RP in Cricket's Office

I will now send out Lammits to those who caught them.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:05 pm
Yin nodded at the tigress. "Indeed, the goal was only to capture one. And I think Miss Danny is..." he scanned the room, looking for the familiar, scantily clad ghoul. "She is over there." Not particularly helpful, but it should work. He excused himself, not wanting her to think that she should stay for his sake.


Then he began to look around the classroom. Perhaps he should go say hello to Frost in the Storm, or someone else that he knew. Or perhaps...perhaps he should stop avoiding his problems. He closed his eyes and steeled himself before turning and making his way back to the table. He moved out of the circle so he could go back to his seat, sliding into place with his lammit still secured in his arm.

He was about to speak when Nurse Cricket began assigning their homework. He listened carefully, making note of just what needed to be done. Then, as others began to go up to get their supplies he turned toward the zomboil, face a mixture of emotions. He needed to talk to him. Now, before he caused things to worsen. Quietly he addressed him, a tone that would be nigh on impossible to hear past where they were. "Alexander...I am sorry. I cannot apologize enough. What I did was wrong, and invasive. I know that now. And I fully deserved retribution. I just...was not expecting it here. Now. And I...I behaved quite wrongly. I am sorry." At some point his gaze had drifted down to his lammit, and it was quite possible that his antennae were actually beginning to droop.



Alarming Consumer


PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:02 pm
Alex listened to Mort go on and on about the modifications he wanted to make to his trashbot with and amused smile. He..wasn't sure what the point of all of these upgrades were really for, considering it was just a tiny little robot meant to scoop up garbage and do small clean up jobs, but it sounded interesting at least.

At some point, however, he looked up, probably seeking Yin out again with his eyes as he found himself doing again and again, as though unable to stop himself. He was surprised to see the weremantis coming towards them, and Alex glanced back to Mort, "Uhhh, okay, well, lets talk about that some more after class." He said, a little hurriedly, as Yin came around and slipped into the seat beside him again.

He hoped Mort got the hint and went back to his own seat, but if he didn't...well, Nurse Cricket was speaking now, and letting them know their assignments, so Alex waited for Mort to get up and get his homework supplies before turning to face the boil next to him, pale eyes and face as blank as he could make them look. Yin started speaking to Alex quietly, and the zomboil could barely make out his words. He couldn't hold the blank look on his face, however, as at first he looked faintly irritated, because Yin was apologizing, again, and then...

...Then he just looked quite suddenly, extremely confused and bewildered. What was Yin talking abou---

Realization dawned, and Alex, who had so much patience with the boil sitting beside him, who had been trying so hard to not push Yin's boundaries and to always make sure Yin was as comfortable as he could be, was almost stunned into silence.


"You..you thought I was punishing you." It wasn't a question, it was a flat out statement, said with a voice that was slightly shaky. Deep within the zomboil, anger and frustration flashed, and the next sentence came tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop himself, his tone almost sounding hurt. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me barely touching you was such a horrible thing, that it was bad enough to be considered punishment." His mouth suddenly felt very dry, his chest tight as he looked away from Yin, immediately regretting what he had just said. He fought to regain some amount of composure while he looked down at the lammit in his arms, before rising his eyes again.

"I...you know what, can we just forget about it for now, please? I'm just...not dealing with this right now, in the middle of class." Everything he had said up until now had been in hushed tones, so that only Yin would hear, but he had a feeling if things continued down this path, he was going to yell, and he was most definitely going to regret it.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:27 pm
"Alright." Mort got the sense well enough, though he thought it was more him boring Alex with his ramblings - the zomboil was certainly going to get enough of them during their busy schedule.

Parting ways for the moment, Mort made his way to where Gene and King were conversing, clutching his lammit by the scruff of its neck; he still didn't have particular good will towards it after the lamentably hard task of catching the thing. "Hope things're worth it," he commented, eyeing their Lammits distrustfully. "Er, w-was King yes? Good seeing make friends. You n' Gene being team for Trials?"


Carhop Calvalier


Anxious Spirit


Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:38 pm
Yin flinched, the mixture of the words and tone cutting through him. But if he had thought the first sentence was bad the next was so much worse that it all but fled his mind completely. No. No it was not being touched. It was just...they were in public. And it had been his leg, not just his arm or shoulder. And they had not been sparring or anything. No. Just...the zomboil had it all wrong. That was not what he had intended. He rather felt like he had been ran over by a train, or at least a herd of mutated hallowdeer. Now Alexander just wanted nothing to do with him. He had ruined everything. Again. It was no longer a surprise really.

"As you wish," he managed to force out before standing. If there was one thing on his side, it was speed. He literally vaulted over the desk to go get the rest of his homework, not bothering to count. Fourteen would have taken too long anyways. He just made sure the lammit could not escape and scooped out a double handful of charms, far more than necessary for the assignment trapped in his long fingers, and fled, leaving behind him a trail of protection charms.

Not that it really mattered that he had so many. At least one student had attended a sex education course and left still not knowing what sex actually was or why most people used protection charms.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:54 pm
Of course Alex saw the reaction his words had on Yin, and of course he felt bad because of it. But he also just..couldn't do anything about that right now. He didn't know how to make Yin happy, or at least, that's what he kept telling himself at the moment. The weremantis was just being his usual difficult self and Alex's patience hand worn much too thin.

So when Yin answered him, then stood up and in a dramatic display of acrobatics and teenage emo flight-from-problems, vaulted over his desk, grabbed what looked to be half the protection charms out of the box, and fled the scene...Alex just sat back and watched, knowing that there was no way he could catch Yin.

And nothing he could do to make him happy. Mustn't forget that.

Now that Yin was gone, Alex sighed, slumping forward to thump his head against the table top. What was he going to do? How was he going to fix this? To that, he had literally no answer. He was just going to have to go through with his plans with Mort and catch up with Yin in the morning, after they'd both had some time to think.

Alex rose from his table, shuffled around it, and up to the where the Nurse was standing to grab the charms that he needed. He then made his way over to Mort, and said "I'm going to drop this..thing, and these charms off in my room. Wanna meet outside the dorms in an hour or so?" Barely even noticing that the zomboil might be in the middle of a conversation.



Carhop Cavalier

Familiar Teenager

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:20 am


Gene smiled back at the Wolfos boil, scratching her own Lammit's head, causing it to make a gurgling noise. Ahhh, cute! "I'd have nothing less than your best."

As she finished with her friendly 'bring it on' banter, Nurse Cricket began to speak. The assignment seemed easy enough; just apply prot charms twice a day, right? Easy freakin peasy. She got out of her seat, gave the charms an awkward look, then grabbed the fourteen that she needed. There, done.

Once back at her seat, Mort decided to show up. The ghoul flushed again, giving the zomboil a nervous smile. "Oh, hi Mort! Well, they'll provide grades, right? Grades are always good." She looked towards King, as though asking for help. Ohjackwhyyyyyyyyyy did her crush come up to her in SEX ED? Especially when she was holding PROT CHARMS? "Er, no. I'm with Danny and Bea, they needed a final group member. You know them?"
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:33 am
The stupid grin on Deacon's face pretty much suggested that whatever insult Riyo didn't quite finish had little effect on him. Though, when she suddenly dashed off to help round up the little fluff balls that had exploded through the classroom he did look a little disappointed.

Well, looked like the fun was over.

He seemed totally unwilling to get up and help catch the little Lammits. Everyone else seemed to be doing a pretty good job at it, so he just sat back and watched the shenanigans until all of the critters were properly contained again.

Contrary to what one might believe, he did listen to the instructions they were given before he got up to approach Cricket to claim one of the Lammits for himself.

SN: Hitsuzen


Naughty Advisor




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:22 pm
Standing, King bowed, "Hello, Mort. I take it you have been doing well?" Scarentines had been a blur, but, now that it was over- King was much more relaxed. "And as Gene said, we're not upon a team. I've chosen to sit out of the trials, I only just arrived here as a student, so it seems curious of me to try and participate when I have little to wager on the subject."

Sadly for Gene, King wasn't really picking up on her awkwardness. Grabbing his own charms, he quickly hid them away, the Lammit in his hand wiggling, uncomfortable. "I have a few other things I need to take of. See you at a later date." With that, King left.
Carhop Calvalier

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:37 pm
"Sure, I think I can manage," Roch said, as if he really needed to be asked to play for one of his pals. Then he listened to Cricket, frowning slightly at the thought of having to do it twice a day.

Could he even manage? Hell if he knew, he thought as he took the charms. But he'd try!


Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:54 pm
In an hour? Time enough to get rid of the minipet and attempt to rearrange his room some, should they decide to go. Mort nodded to Alex in response shortly before turning back to King and Gene, the former who had to go. "B-Been doing well, yes, m'glad seeing you be too. See ya."

Much like King, Mort didn't quite notice the nervousness the ghost ghoul was exuding, instead grinning a bit when she listed off her other team members. "Know, yes. Danny is . . . will keep interesting, methinks. If mean Bea like Beatrice, a-also is good ghoul - hosts Movie Club, should ask 'bout. Have team name yet?"

Carhop Calvalier
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