Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:40 pm
Kijin blinked a little as he gets a good look at Henrietta he blinks a little bit as he sees the tired expression that ruled over her face as well as the scab that ran down her face like a line dividing her face into halfs. He blinked a few more times,"Whoa what happened to you?" He asks still looking at her,"Who or what did this to you Henrietta?", he asks sounding a bit concerned and confused since he last saw her she looked fine and less worn down then she was looking now.
"Did something happen after that gas?", he asked knowing something did but he still couldn't exactly piece everything together the forest burned, strange people inside the forest, the amount of body bags that were in the hospital things were starting to move a bit too fast for him.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:10 pm
"W-we took care of it," she said, her voice almost a whisper. Henrietta kept her eyes on Kijin as he showed his concern. What had happened? It was a long story. A long, long story. Or so, it felt like one. She kept her arms up near her chest with a sort of shy posture. Timid and tired, it's how she felt.
Whatever courage she'd managed to pull to the surface appeared to be gone now. "I-i have to go." She was just as dismissive with him as with other people. It wasn't that she hated people, though. She wanted to rest, and the only way to do that was to get to Eunmi and give her her badge. Then she could collapse wherever, it didn't matter.
So, Henrietta made to move around Kijin when her leg gave out on her. Tired, weak? Probably a combination. The leg had been worn with her two days of exercise, almost constant walking around since her journey began and now all of that running to 'save the day' so to speak. This was, of course, barring the scrapes here and there from tumbles during her battles.
To summarize, Henrietta collapsed. Probably to the ground if no one caught her.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:18 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:05 pm
Kijin still a bit confused simply watched as Henrietta began to move around him and for the first time he didn't try to say anything or comment to her but instead just stood there trying to think of what he had missed. If he hadn't turned around to ask where she was headed he would have never spotted her starting to fall towards the ground. He would think fast and reaches out grabbing a hold of her by the back of her worn shirt barely catching her before she would have face planted onto the sidewalk.
Kijin let out a sigh of relief as he pulls her back up to a standing position looking at with a concerned look on his face,"Whoa hey you ok there Henrietta?" He says waiting to see if she could stand on her own but still held onto the back of her shirt just in case.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:38 pm
Henrietta's shirt tugged when it was pulled, t-shirt fabric wasn't some frail thing so this wouldn't end up like some scene from Negima.
She turned her head to look at him, too tired to be embarrassed by any closeness. Instead she turned to shrug his arm away and stumble backward. Was she that tired? She felt it. She'd probably end up resting before heading toward Castelia. But why was she so tired?
An unfit person performing all of that, it probably took its toll. If Eunmi or Salieri or Wayne had done any of that, they'd be fine. Her? She couldn't handle it. The skinny girl looked at Kijin.
"Don't," she told him but anything else was lost in a sea of timidness and she hardly looked like she needed to keep standing.
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:58 pm
Kijin looked at her as she tries to stand up on her own by shrugging his arm away he blinks a little before reaching out and placing his arm against her back keeping her from stumbling any further back. He looked at her face just seeing that she was running on fumes at this point only hearing one word from her he sighs,"Come on Henrietta you have to rest look at yourself your going to pass out in the middle of the street at this rate.", he says with a little bit concerned but also annoyed but didn't show that part on his face.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:17 am
((And now to make a scene outside of the pokemon center.))
It was a cumilation of things. Of every person that picked on her or harassed her when she really wanted them to just go away. Kijin scared her, he always had. Every interaction she'd been meek and timid and shied away from him but he'd carried on, with some desire to talk to her. Every time, he found her. However, not a single one of those memories were good. Whether because of Kijin directly, or something else happening.
Still, there was a sum of her feelings for him. His hand touched her again, supported her with a touch of kindness and concern but Henrietta was beyond accepting such gestures. Eunmi had told her to tell people to back off. Her arm moved, to push his arm away, to hold it at a distance as she steadied herself with her legs.
Balanced, that's what she needed. Her eyes closed and her head hung. "Kijin," she spoke the name with a timidness. A shyness. "Just..." and the next word with something brewing in her being. She felt like crying. No, she ******** off!"
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:35 am
((And Henrietta said ********))
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:27 am
Wow. Jump knew that if he accidentally knocked someone up, he might be able to get away with everything. Not that he would try. But he never thought that Jackie had dealt with this experience before. Multiple times, even. She sure was casual about it.
"Damn Jackie, you're ruthless." He looked her over for a second, and then his mismatched eyes went back up to meet hers. For someone who had passed along a few kids, she was in excellent shape. Jump would have never guessed she was so promiscuous.
"I gotta ask though...how many kids? Cause I'd imagine that's really stressful on your body, but you're lookin' great if you don't mind me sayin'."
Salieri rolled her eyes and gave Wayne a light punch on the arm with her now free hand. What a dummy. "Seriously? You don't know?"
She tossed the empty smoothie cup over her shoulder into the trash, then took a newspaper clipping out of her backpack. It was from only a few days ago, with a headline saying "Castelia's Burgh Unveils his Newest Exhibit". Underneath was a picture of the curly haired alternatively styled Gym Leader himself.
"This guy is Burgh, the third gym leader. Not Burp." She pointed at the picture. "He specializes in Bug types. And everyone knows Bug types are the lamest of all types. This guy should be a walk in the park."
The Battle Girl put her free hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow up at Wayne. "Always know your enemy. It's elementary stuff, Wayne. Do you just wing it everytime? It's tactics like that that get people screwed over."
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:11 am
Kijin looked at her a little dumbfounded not entirely sure what just happened with Henrietta why she talked to him like that since he had only tried to help. He continued to look at her a bit of rage was starting to form but suddenly it just disappeared replaced by a blank expression that moved across his face, if it wasn't for the fact that he had a small smile on his face he would have looked like a doll. "Hmm if that's what you really want Henrietta then so be it."
He quickly picks her up putting her in his arms and then he walks her over to a nearby bench outside the pokemon center, setting her down with great care he still had that small smile on his face. Once she was seated,"Now sit down for a minute and catch your breath before you go running off again...but hey who am I to tell you that you can handle this stuff, right?" He says still showing a smile before turning off and going inside to gather his belongings that were inside the center.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:09 am
Tch. She couldn't help but smirk at that.
"It's not that stressful," she said, "when you know how to deal with it. I've never been much good at keeping track of how many there were though. The Government trains you to avoid dwelling on things like that."
It wouldn't be long before forensics arrived. Jackie started walking.
"But enough of that. Time to head back. I want to make sure this Forest Incident is handled properly before I return to headquarters."
Wayne shrugged, "Yeah, the thing is, I'm so good that accounting for my enemy's typing that I don't even have to think about it. It's just natural. I guess when you get to my level, you won't have to do 'research' into your opponents either."
He put his balls away. "But seriously though. You know what's a cool Bug type? Scizor. And Scyther. Bug's way better than Poison. Poison has weird things like Swalot."
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:18 am
"Stop." Henrietta had told him as she was suddenly picked up. She made an attempt to push away as she was carried. "Don't touch me."
She managed to narrow her eyes as he spoke. She didn't want to take orders from him. Her lips were curled into a frown. "You scare me," she said as he spoke. Whether he caught it or not with her soft voice she didn't know, but he left.
She sighed once he was gone and leaned back against the bench. "Didn't work, Emi." She looked back at her C-Gear for the teen's location. Then, she'd release Frate and climb onto his back.
Suspended almost three feet of the ground, and curled up on the Pokemon, she looked down upon him.
"Sorry about this, Frate. We have to go give Emi her badge. I'll guide you, let's go."
[No problem,] said Frate, though he couldn't be understood. Pokemon were usually carried, this was simply returning the favor.
And so, Henrietta would head to wherever Eunmi was.
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:42 pm
Jump gulped.
Holy s**t. Jackie's a superfreak...wow. Just, wow.
He scratched the back of his head. Had she always secretly been like this? Jump didn't know what to say. The Interpol Agent was seeing his long time acquaintance in a whole new light. It was sort of grimy.
So he sighed and put his hands into his pockets, following Jackie out of the forest. The WG is preeeetty weird nowadays.
"Uh, thanks for the talk, Jackie...I think."
The Battle Girl tilted her head to the side. She had never seen a Swalot, but imagined that it looked like a purple, blob thing with a face. Which was kind of what it was.
Sal smirked and threw the newspaper clipping over her shoulder, arcing it into the trash bin for two baskets in a row. Hearing the swishing sound of the garbage landing in the bin gave her a smug sense of satisfaction. Oh yeah, baller.
"Hmph, alright maybe some Bug types are cool. But everything looks lame after they get scorched by my Monferno, no matter how cool they are."
Salieri had yet to actually face a Bug type pokemon with Wukong, but that was a detail she didn't feel was necessary to add. It made her sound inexperienced. Which she was, on the large scale of things. She just didn't want to let him think she couldn't live up to her own standards. Sal enjoyed her friendly rivalry with Wayne. It helped motivate her to do better.
She flicked her tumb over her nose and pointed up to Wayne, still wearing her smirk with confidence that bordered on arrogance. "Hey, are you up for a challenge, cowboy?"
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:17 pm
((It's probably worse that she's so casual with talking about cold murder))
Wayne tilted his head away with a suspicious frown, "What kind of challenge? And I'll tell you now that I'm not chugging a beer bong again."
Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:57 pm
((Minor FYI, i now Dislike the nickname Diego, so Hiba's Arcanine's name will hence forth be Blaze))
Like in most Anime cases, time didn't seam to flow in the same direction for Various Groups of the same Anime in Question. This was the Case for Takamaru and Hiba. After polishing off there pies of Pizza Hiba took the liberty of Bathing all there Pokemon. A Task when it came to Iron hide and Blaze.
While Hiba was caring for there Pokemon, Takamaru would Clean the inner mechanics of his Skate shoe's. Being as how they accumulated quite a bit of mud after he and there little Rag tag team of fossil finder's entered the Pinwheel forest. But now that they were cleaned Takamaru didn't have much else to do aside from watch the entertaining spectacle that was Hiba Bathing an Arcanine, whom did not enjoy water what-so-ever.
Unlike Henrietta, Takamaru was spared any Major physical injuries, so after his shower and some sitting, he was back to his restless self. Watching Hiba Bathe Pokemon just wasn't entertaining anymore. it didnt take the silver haired youth long to think of something to occupy his time with though.
"Ne ne, Hiba. Im gonna go for a walk. Ill be back before night time." Takamaru called out of there room's window.
"Mm k" was all Hiba replied, himself currently wrestling with Spike into being washed while dodging his Sharp clawed appendedges. "Take Appu with you, he needs something to keep him busy or he'll start getting into s**t."
"K, Come one Appu!" Tk called, the small Green monkey had no hesitation when jumping onto Tk's back, holding onto his left shoulder as they walked from the room. "Now, If i were Salieri, where would i be?" the youth thought, a look of deep though etched onto his face. After a Few moments of intense thinking, He gave up and just started to wonder, he'd bump into her eventually, right?
"Man, i realty wish i added her to my C gear when i had the chance" this chance he was speaking of was when himself, Henrietta, and Sal where in the ignited Pinwheel forest and he was tasked to ferry a few plasma Grunts from the inferno. At that same time however he asked Sal if she would attempt to retrieve his stolen Pokemon, Lancer, from Gorm. If he was still holding on him that was.
Deep down in the confines of his brain he already knew that she had not been able to retrieve his stolen Pokemon. However that didn't stop him from hoping. And so, with a click of his heel's, his roller blades where released from there holding's in the soles of his shoe's. The youth would Skate around Nacrene with Appu holding onto his back in search of Sal.