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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:29 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:43 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: F'res
Age: 45
Nameday: 3531.01.01
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Candidate
Voice: X - Searching for a voice
Song: Stray Italian Greyhound
Physical Description: F'res is on the shorter side of average, standing about 5'9. His features are soft and round, though his extra weight hides a surprising bit of strength. His cheeks are always rosy and when he smiles two dimples frame his mouth. His eyes are a shade somewhere between green and blue, one hue standing out more than the other depending on whatever color he's wearing that day. F'res has wavy blonde hair that he usually wears short simply to keep maintenance easy, though he has experimented in the past with letting it and his facial hair grow. Mindful of his appearance, F'res takes care to dress smartly when not in his riding leathers and has quite the wardrobe. His tastes trend to neutral, soft colors but he'll add a pop of color every now and then. His body is smattered with scars from Threadfall as any rider his age should be, the worst of which trails along his left shoulder and down his back.
Personality: F'res' best trait is by far his dedication. He never does anything halfway and always gives a thought or task his all. F'res will see things to the end for better or worse without wavering even if it's detrimental to himself. He has stuck by his family despite their colder feelings towards him, he'd stuck with his Candidacy even though he'd nearly aged out, stuck with B'nem through everything they'd been through and everything that still lay ahead of them. Once he's got his mind set, he's in it for the long haul. That, however, is the tricky part...setting his mind to something. When given options, F'res has a terrible time making a decision. It could be something small like what to have for dinner or something as life-altering as whether to jump Between or try to dodge a clump of Thread. Thankfully in the latter situation Siarth is there to help him make the call, but in other matters F'res will languish over his choices for days, weeks, months...even years on end. He wants to make sure he's making the right decision and sometimes there's just no clear answer in sight. It weighs heavily on him and he's damaged personal relationships by being so indecisive. It's something he can't help, though, and he can only hope that those that know him won't hold it against him.

For those people that he holds dear and is dedicated to, F'res is a bit like a mother hen. He'll always have your favorite snack ready if you're coming over to visit, he's a willing ear when someone needs to vent and always has encouragement, advice, or sympathy depending on what is needed. If someone is having a rough go of it he'll pick up their chores to help lighten their burden just a bit or go out of his way to do other small things to help someone out. F'res also does things 'just because', as he likes to say. Seeing other people happy brings him great joy and if a certain flower reminds him of someone's eyes or if a pretty ring would look oh so wonderful with someone's new outfit, you bet your bottom Mark he'll be sure to get whatever it is to that person. Doing little thoughtful things for others is F'res' way of showing affection, appreciation, or love because he's not the best at doing so verbally. He is quite shy and is used to being spoken over by others, so he frequently has very little to say even if he has thoughts racing around in his mind. Even if his ideas or thoughts contribute to a conversation being held, unless he's asked directly, F'res won't speak up. It's led to a few problems in the past, like trying to push through training sessions and even fighting Thread when something wasn't right with either himself or Siarth. His soft-spoken nature, combined with his indecision and Siarth's distraction at the time was what led to both of them taking a pretty bad Threadscore a few Turns back.

But, if you're lucky enough to win F'res' confidence, you'll be hard-pressed to find a more genuinely cheerful person. Despite everything he's been through F'res has no trouble finding the silver lining to every cloud, turning a terrible situation upside down and putting a decent spin on it. He can light up a room when it's full of people he's comfortable with and has an infectious smile and laugh. It takes a lot to truly get the man down in the dumps and, when he is feeling glum, he can quickly set himself back to rights with a bit of effort. That being said, F'res is incredibly fussy when it comes to himself. How he's dressed, the way his hair is styled, the way his weyr is set up, how his straps and harness sit during training and fighting Thread, the things he chooses to eat...everything has to be just so, and if it isn't he won't stop until he's put it to rights. His fussiness extends to those closest to him as well, though he knows most don't appreciate being fussed over to the extent that he normally would. Adjusting a shirt lapel or a strap, fixing someone's hair for them, removing an eyelash from someone's cheek or crumb from a beard, F'res has no trouble helping those he feels comfortable around. Doesn't mean they like it, though!
Positive: Dedicated, thoughtful, cheerful
Negative: Soft-spoken, indecisive, fussy
History: Fenres was the last child born to a Creche worker and a bronze rider at High Reaches, rounding out the family of seven. His eldest brother was already Standing as a Candidate and it was clear their father expected all of his sons to follow in his footsteps. He was a tough love sort of man, rarely smiled, and was incredibly traditionalist. Fenres' siblings all seemed to take after their father in personality, very business-like and focused on their goals. Fenres' mother, however, was the most loving and caring woman he knew. She loved children and gave the same amount of love to all of her offspring, though she coddled Fenres a bit more than the rest when it became apparent he didn't have the same attitude that his father carried. He was teased by his siblings as they grew and he did manage to develop a thick skin because of it, but there were some nights the cruel words were too much and he'd seek out his mother for comfort.

As the Turns went by Fenres' interest with food shifted from simple enjoyment to a true passion. While his brothers entered the Candidacy one by one as they aged in, Fenres' thoughts were slowly shifting to...maybe...becoming an apprentice at the baking hall, or perhaps even the vintner's hall. He expressed his wishes to his mother who fully supported him, but before he could try to have her help him win over his father, she passed away incredibly suddenly due to a problem with her heart, according to the healers. Fenres was devastated and withdrew further into himself, feeling completely alone even among his family. All thoughts of leaving the Weyr to become an apprentice were stuffed down to a place within him he dare not look, for it was also where he'd tucked away his sadness and pain over the loss of his mother. His father and brothers seemed to have gotten over her loss far faster than he did and would tell him to toughen up whenever they caught him sniffling. Fenres was too used to being pushed around and told what to do to even suggest a different path for himself, and when he turned 14 he joined his other yearmates in entering to be a Candidate.

Candidacy didn't suit Fenres well. He'd never had the best stamina nor desire to do anything terribly physical, but he did his best despite often falling a bit short of what the Candidatemaster was looking for. In his studies he excelled and was at the top of the class, but whenever chores or training came into play, he'd usually be the one that needed extra time or help to complete a task. As he grew up his brothers all Impressed, taking after their father proudly by finding a bronze companion to call their own. Fenres felt the pressure mounting with every Turn that passed, knowing it would be a miracle if he Impressed at all, let alone to a bronze. He figured he was too soft, too mild, too quiet to attract the attention of any dragon, and every hatching that happened that left him on the sands was accompanied by the disappointed glare from his father and the snickers of his brothers.

He was nearing his 26th Turn when it finally happened, though. The hatching was well under way when a mottled green with red eyes tore through her shell. Fenres had been at enough Hatchings to know not to worry, but as the little creature marched right over to him he couldn't help but feel as though this might be how he met his end. Her talons looked very sharp under all the goop from the egg and he hoped it would be quick, if not painless. Perhaps that would please his father.

That is enough of those sort of thoughts, Fenresmine! Your father and brothers will be proud of you for I will make them be! Your Siarth will show them just how worthy you are, how worthy I am, and together we shall be the greatest pair High Reaches has ever seen! To say Fenres was startled was an understatement. He stared down at the indignant dragon, her little frame trembling with the rage she felt, but in that moment her eyes whorled rainbow and suddenly-

Suddenly F'res felt that same anger, that same sense of unfairness and desire to prove that he was worth more than the color of his hide. Er. Siarth's hide, he supposed. It didn't take much more than that for him to kneel down and accept the little green as his own, even though in the back of his mind he could feel his father's gaze burning holes in his back. Was this worse than aging out? Having a greenrider for a son?

Needless to say, F'res' family troubles didn't end there. As the lone greenrider among his father and brothers he suffered heavy teasing even after Siarth was done growing and proved herself to be a capable dragon. His father's disappointment was obvious and there wasn't a moment he didn't bring up how useless greens were in the grand scheme of things. At least when Thread had fallen they'd be there for fodder, but now in this time of peace? Hardly worth the air they breathed. F'res took the abuse silently, knowing any attempt to speak up for himself would be shoved aside and he'd only be beaten down more. Siarth hated when he went to visit his family, not understanding the blind loyalty to them despite how they treated him. She often would urge him to spend more time with B'nem, a blue rider whose thoughts were as opposite from F'nes' family as could be. He was an outspoken man who didn't care for the traditional view on colors and took pride in his blue dragon. F'nes was quite fond of B'nem and they spent quite a bit of time together after F'nes finished his Weyrling training, but as he got older it became apparent that his feelings extended further than simple admiration and friendship. But could such a confident, outgoing man find someone like him desirable for more than friendship?

Apparently the answer was yes. It took a bit of courage from F'nes but with Siarth behind him, he'd told B'nem his feelings and had been so happy to have them returned that he'd started to cry, which only seemed to endear B'nem to him more. Finally, someone that cared for him not because they had to, but because they wanted to. B'nem was the first person since his mother to tell him he loved him and, for the first time in a long time, F'nes felt completely happy again. Of course, nothing could ever stay simple for long.

Thread returned and took the life of his father and one of his brothers, leaving the family broken further than it had been. His eldest brother took the helm, so to speak, and continued in his father's traditional, firm footsteps. At the first hatching after Thread, B'nem ended up getting himself into trouble and was kicked out of High Reaches. F'res was so upset that B'nem would allow himself to get that drunk and do something that out of line that he didn't follow him to Western, feeling as though his weyrmate had betrayed him somehow by making that many waves. It wasn't the first time he'd been in trouble, after all, and F'nes had pleaded with him to not draw so much ire from the leaders of the Weyr. That had gone in one ear and out the other, apparently, and once again F'nes found himself alone with no one but Siarth by his side. She was just as torn, considering B'nem's blue Gentrith was her own weyrmate, and for a while they fed off one another's emotions, unable to pull themselves from the rut. It was during the first Threadfall after B'nem and Gentrith's expulsion that their own spiraling, confusing feelings kept them from focusing properly and they botched a jump Between, landing directly in a thick blanket of Thread. They were grounded for half a Turn after that as their wounds healed, during which time a letter arrived from B'nem asking for forgiveness, saying he missed him, that Gentrith missed Siarth, perhaps they could meet up somewhere to talk outside of the Weyrs. F'res informed him that they were grounded and that he'd consider it when they were healed. He went back and forth for a while even after he was cleared to fly again, and it was finally Siarth who made him agree to meet.

It was bittersweet, to say the least. F'nes listened to what B'nem had to say, taking into consideration everything, including how much more relaxed Western was, how much F'nes would like it. They continued meeting every few months when they could coordinate a day off, but still F'nes couldn't make up his mind. He'd forgiven B'nem and part of him was curious about what Western was like, but he also felt like it would be the ultimate betrayal to his family to leave them. His brothers had never had a kind word to say to him, but something felt wrong about turning his back on his one home, especially with all the rising tension between the two Weyrs.

F'nes is still undecided about what to do, though he feels like a choice will be made soon.
Other: F'res still loves to cook and enjoys an evening drink to mellow himself out, though he has been known to indulge more than needed in recent months.


Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:58 pm
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Name: Siarth
Age: 19
Color: Green
Size: 38'
Voice: X - Searching for a voice
Song: Savage Daugter - Sarah Hester
Physical Description: Siarth is fairly average in build, nothing too strong and nothing too slim. Her talons are quite sharp, but F'res sees to them so there are no accidental injuries, so they are usually filed a bit short. Her left leg is heavily scarred from an injury a few Turns back from Threadscore, but it has healed and she can use the leg as normal even if it's a bit stiff some mornings. A recent threadfall injury has caused her scarred leg more damage, giving her a permanent limp. Siarth has a slight underbite, only noticeable when she opens her mouth.
Personality: Siarth is a stubborn dragon through and through. Once she sets her mind to something, she's going to do it...or not do it. Depending on the situation, of course. She is loyal as the day is long and keeps a watchful eye on F'nes who is used to letting others push him around or speak over him. She is his confidant, the one being in the whole of Pern he can trust to never turn against him and who will always support him. She has a distaste for bronzes thanks to the dragons that were bonded to his father and brothers who would either join in the berating and teasing or sit idly by without saying a word. Siarth isn't the prettiest or fastest or toughest green, but she will always give her all to defend Pern and F'nes, and if she dies trying, so be it. She is very much a selfless green, always twisting to absorb Threadfall that might hit F'nes or pushing herself to her limits to try to save another wingmate if she can manage it. She wears her scars with pride, especially when she's more heavily marred than a haughty bronze.
Target Accuracy: 0
Flame Length: 0
General Stamina: 0
General Agility: 0
Between Accuracy: 0
Pain Resilience: 0
Instinct: 0
Luck: 0
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:02 pm
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Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:03 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:07 pm
x X x X x X x Important Moments x X x X x X x



Offensive Hero


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:10 pm
x X x X x X x Important People x X x X x X x

B'nem - Weyrmate. Currently separated by distance and politics, but visit as often as they can manage. (Western)  
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