Syipher had a long history with his former mate Scarlet; one that ended tragically. When he and Scarlet were young, before they had kids of their own, they adopted a basket of a full sized soquili not knowing it was the son of a skinwalker that had once attacked the two of them. The boy was bright and playful, but as he grew he became overly protective of his family. It was to be expected, Scarlet was the same way about her family. But when Azzan harmed a foal to protect his 'uncle' Dru words were exchanged that sent his son fleeing the family. By now Syipher had two sons of his own, Ranulf and Sweet Pea. Syipher tried to keep the family together while keeping an eye on Azzan and comforting Scarlet; it was almost more than he could take. He tried to be patient with his sons, but they would not listen to him. Azzan returned to protect one of Scarlet's friends one day, and yet again harsh words were exchanged. This time though Sweet butted in and banished Azzan from the family. Syipher ad warned that if Sweet were to banish a family member he would be banished as well, but as usual no one listened to him. From that day forward Syipher had nothing to do with his son Sweet. In time, due to disputes between his sons, Syipher's refusal to accept Sweet if Sweet did not accept Azzan, and Scarlets refusal to acknowledge that there was any problem at all with their family, the family broke apart completely.
Syipher for a while was on his own with his son Ranulf after cutting ties with Scarlet and Sweet, attempting to get Azzan to return to the family. More recently he has been running into an eyeless mare named Diejuste. He fears letting her in, getting to know her, but for some odd reason Syipher doesn't mind being around her.