Name: Tsukiko
Meaning: Moon [tsu] child [kiko] (Japanese)
Nicknames: Tsu, Tsuki
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Breed: Tribal
Temper: Mysterious
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: (none)
Offspring: (none)
Roleplay Colour: #985af3
Personality: Tsukiko is obsessed with the moon; whenever she has the chance, she will spend a very long time staring at it. She likes to explore the unknown, and with that she tends to get into trouble. So there are times where she will have to resort to being a damsel in distress once she realizes she can't save herself on her own. She is stubborn, but it can be hard most of the time to notice this, as she is usually quiet and reserved. When she opens up, she proves to be loyal, noticeably stubborn when she is absolutely sure she is right, and can see the good in everything. Back to her reserved self... well, she would seem like a pessimistic, shy mare.
For the most part she is solitary, and therefore does not do well in the company of others. But when she is with other Soquili, she can be relatively friendly, although reserved to strangers. She also acts very trivial and mysterious, fitting in with her outwardly quiet and reserved personality. If a Soquili met her for the first time, her behaviour will most likely confuse them.
When strangers meet (Taigi) [incomplete]