Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"There's no way I could know Alvair's matesprit," Tyr said dismissively. He hoped he'd hid the lie well enough that she wouldn't pounce on it. "It's not what I involve myself in, and you know that, Elizaa. I'm not interested in complicated romances - or anything like that." He shouldered her weight easily; his worry was if her horns would get in the way and start scratching at his skin. He really did have enough cuts and bruises for weeks already; he didn't need more, though he wouldn't complain if it was Elizaa. She was his best friend, and he did owe her for leaving her with Aratae as a server player. Not like she would have had it any other way, silly girl.

He listened to her natter on a bit until one word caught his ear - romcom. Oh dear ********... Tyr gritted his teeth and took a long breath, the muscle over his jaw twitching ever so slightly. He did not want to deal with the subject of romcoms right now. In his opinion, they were silly, idiotic films that only existed to destroy the sanctity of sound and the deliverance of it. He would tolerate his friends watching them - tolerate - but only because they were his friends, and even on Alternia, murdering the few friends one had was rather looked down upon. At least, it was in the places he'd been. Tyrius forced himself to relax a bit and trudged on towards Elizaa's hive.

"I can assure you, Aratae and I are nothing like that," he said flatly, even more monotonously than usual, if that were possible at all. "If that were to even be suggested, Miss Elizaa..." The thought of tolerating Aratae - of pitying Aratae - it was absolutely, horrifyingly disgusting. His hatred for her ran too deep to be open to any kind of red tint, and - as he would say - any red tint was far less than ******** welcome in most of his relationships with his friends. They could be kept at a cool grey if he so wished, so a cool grey was where he kept most of them. Red... for the most part, it was blasphemous to him and counter to his beliefs on friendship. Elizaa could reference all the crazy romcoms and red relationship scandals she wanted, but he would stay comfortable in the darker half of the grid.