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Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[!][HH 4 vs. ??] Revenge vs. Home [S,N, T, K] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:01 pm
There was little to do but wait, as the vial shattered against the wolf's side, and the fog consumed the body whole. And for Senga, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion, only he was unable to shout, to yell, to control anything as it happened. The wolf crumbled away to ashes and fog, and reforming left only a body, bare of the telltale pelt that made the executioner stand out from the crowd. He was at first conscience again of the ground - which, when colliding very hard with his knees was difficult to ignore. And the questions came first - where was he, what had happened, what was going on?

But memories weren't kind or preciously sympathetic in their reclamation of his mind, overwhelming the executioner with images and voices and bloodbloodblood. He'd felled hunters, but even that couldn't lighten the sinking notion in his gut that he'd been consumed, that the grey fissures in his skin had become so much more, had become dangerous to his clan, to the only horsemen left in existence anymore. Fog smoked loosely from his body, the remembrance heavy on his shoulders, his head bowed as though awaiting an execution, with him as the one whose head was up for the taking. He couldn't muster the strength, the interest to move as memories piled one after the other, knowing at the same moment that he was surrounded by Clansmen. He could easily make out Soren's presence, and Kiwi he hadn't simply forgotten yet. The Priestess he knew vaguely, and Tseng an unfamiliar face. It made it no more easy though, being a creature that --

"You really should have killed me back then." His tone was flat and logical, directed at Soren with unwavering certainty. They were past the point of excuses; and it shamed him even to think about it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it wasn't my fault! Those words came from a child's lips, and he needed no more disappointment from Soren than he knew already existed. "You should kill me now." After all, his father had always told him that a rabid dog was of no use. It was easier, it was merciful even to put them down.

His lips curled upwards at the thought, a low laugh splintering from his lips. Perhaps the Insanity still lingered in his bones; gods knew that this temporary fix would not last. The laughter grew into a heavy, smooth sound before fading, and Senga sighed, pushing himself with effort to his feet. There was something fluid about the way he moved, something predatory and uncanny. His gaze was empty, logical, unwavering.

I know you're disappointed in me.

He took a step towards Soren, skin pulling against bone, an animalistic surge in his step. "Isn't that right?"

The fog crowded thinly against his bare skin, reminding him that it was only a matter of time before he was consumed again. And what would he do if he wasn't stopped? A part of Senga was bitter, and another numb.

How far would he go next time?

[ OOC: SENGA SAYS HE IS SORRY KIWI AND HE WILL ADDRESS YOU IN MY NEXT POST justhadtogetthesorengaoutoftheway ]  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:13 pm
[What is posting order? YOLO]

Soren watched as the vial took effect, trying not to admit how much relief he felt as the wolf faded away. Relief that was short-lived as the form it left behind revealed that it truly was the colt. Soren simply watched as he got his bearings. He had known. He had known that Senga was affected, had made it clear to the young stallion that he was available for whatever, had tried his best to help keep him on some sort of track, always trying to stay one step ahead even when the executioner proved that he was strong on his own.

But watching him, head down, kneeling...it was not the proper position for a horseman to be in. They were a proud race. To hear the colt telling them, him that he should have been killed...it oddly made sense, unusual when dealing with the colt. And they would have, had it not been for the cure.

The laughter set him on edge, and if the Guardian had had more energy he might have summoned his weapon. He had failed this colt. Even now he did not seem right, and his eyes were still golden. Sore was unsure if that was their natural color, of just a sign that he was still plagued. And he was coming at him, trying to convince him, force him to agree, something.

Soren was barely standing of his own power, and he did the only thing that made sense at that moment. He cuffed Senga upside the head. "We had a cure." Even if they had almost been destroyed trying to administer it. The only good part of this was that it seemed that he had received the brunt of the damage. And then another cuff upside the head, for good measure, and a bit of anger lacing his words. "I said to find me if you needed to." As in, before he lost control. A bit late for that now.

Soren was not impressed. But he was not impressed with himself either.  


Alarming Consumer


PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:15 am
"You had a cure." The words were repeated with a certain alien disbelief, and Senga bowed his had into the cuff with a soft rumble. "You think this is permanent? What will happen if - when I revert? When it happens again?" The fog swirled at the edge of his vision, the unnatural gold of his eyes standing out even more against the white. He smiled, stepping closer to the other with a soft rumble. "Look at you - all of you. Look what I've done. You can barely stand." His lips curled minutely, and the executioner tasted metal in his mouth and considered words quietly, slowly, even as Soren cuffed him again, almost angry this time.

Why are you angry though?

Senga raised his eyes to the other, level, unnervingly calm. His body ached as though he'd been hit several times, though only scars and grey fissures remained, marring pale skin in thick webs that spread out over bone and flesh. There was something refreshing about feeling right, even though he felt disjointed and shattered at the same time. It was a contradiction of emotions, and Soren only pushed them further and further out of proportion. "What would you have done?" It was not a question of anger, or defiance. Senga's tone was flat, and he continued hollowly, pushing his hand forward to dig his nails into the soft flesh of Soren's throat. "There are only so many temporary cures you can go through, Soren."

He loosened his grip and stepped back, an animal caged in an unnatural form. "I'm sorry I didn't look for you." His eyes lidded, tired, waiting. "I didn't feel the need to burden you with it."

It was obvious that Soren wasn't the only one disappointed in the outcome.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:59 am
"We would have kept fighting." There was nothing more to be said. Kept fighting until one side or the other had fallen. Soren was barely standing, but the others? They still seemed steady at least. Or maybe it was just that he was growing soft, unable to go about as he had, unable to cope as well without the flush of Fear he was accustomed to.

Senga's nails at his throat was sadly not a unique experience. Soren looked down at him, red eyes meeting the golden ones. He would have tried to save him. Knowing it was Senga, one of their own, a colt he felt somewhat responsible for...he would have fought as long and hard as he could for him. But if he was a monster...in the end monsters needed to be put down before they hurt someone. He could and would risk himself, but he could not risk others.

"If you admit defeat you've already lost." Soren shook his head slightly. He did not know what else could be done, if there was anything else that he could do. He did not want to suggest they take him to Medea, the executioner seemed to feel that he was still a danger. And then, "if you survive this we'll be having words." A threat only if he saw it that way, a promise to be sure. He could not leave a colt like this roaming free. He needed his reins tightened, and regardless of clan someone needed to step in. The colt could resent him for it or not, that was not the point. There were too many who would be at risk if there way a relapse.  


Alarming Consumer



Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:32 am
Nergui heard the sound of glass breaking, and the wolf crumpled to the ground, fog raising up around it and trickling away with the current of air that moved around them. It was Senga, one of the youngest among them. The priestess stared at the child as he got to his feet, jaw tight with emotion on top of pain. They might not know the circumstances, but he'd been consumed by the infection that she and a small handful of others were plagued with. Indisputable proof of the thing she had feared most since the fog had risen up and they'd been sent within to put a stop to Insanity before it spread.

And yet.. Fear wasn't what had the mare's fingers molten against her own arm where Senga had bit her. She didn't know this warrior well, but she didn't have to. There were so few of them left, and fewer still that understood the plague of voices and compulsion.

She watched as Soren and the colt had there exchange, mismatched eyes twitching up to the nails pressing against the thick column of the guardian's throat before falling away. They separated, and the dark skinned priestess moved in to take his place, a glittering of tears hinted at the corners of her eyes. She wanted so badly to ask him what had happened to cause him to fall, but she couldn't bring herself to form the words. Instead she met the familiar gold of his eyes before catching either of his shoulder and pulling him in against her, one dark hand pressing against the back of his head.

When she finally found her voice it was tough, and very quiet. "I understand," she offered simply. Who else could? Not the guardian, not the warriors, none. Only them, unfortunate few. She understood, and she was sorry for everything he had done and experienced, and everything he still may do. And because of that she could only offer so much comfort... "If you're consumed again," she whispered, already knowing it was more a matter of when, rather then if. "I will do what must be done." Simple, practical, it was how the priestess worked. It was also what she would have wanted if their roles were reversed.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:50 pm
There was a lump in Kiwi's throat. Not a noticable one, not to the others, but it was there. Senga looked absolutely ... horrific. His shape was the same, minus the classic wolf pet, but it was obvious by the color and wisps of yellow in his eyes the Insanity still had a firm hold on him. He was himself, but at the same time, he was not. Kiwi understood what Soren meant. Regardless that he was a noble horseman, the Insanity must be stopped. And, if need be, Senga along with it.

It was bad enough when Senga's claws raked about Soren's throat. Kiwi almost couldn't bear to watch, how much Senga was two entities entirely, both himself, and the Insanity at the same time. He wasn't sure how long this would hold, but for the moment, he offered a small grace period. The chain that fell from the end of his weapon whipped out, wrapping around Senga's arms, stilling him in place. Kiwi pulled just tightly enough that he wouldn't break free, yet, and let out a slow breath. " ... I'm sorry Senga," he acknowledged softly, not quite able to meet the other's gaze as he stared to the chain in his hands. " Don't be angry with me. We will do what me must, for the sake of the clan." He paused a moment, then added: "... And if we must, you will not be forgotten." It was followed by the smallest nod, as if to reaffirm himself that he was doing what was right.

The clans had been through so much already. The thought that this battle could take not only Senga, but everything from them, all they had worked so hard for ... it rattled the poor horseman to his core. He couldn't find enough words to express how he felt in this moment, and so settled into silence.

[OOC: Legit tears writing this guys. Legit tears ;;]


Apocalyptic Cutie-Pie

Blade Kuroda

Militant Raider

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:42 pm
The vial worked! Not that Tseng had any doubts. With that done, he went ahead and relaxed himself, now that they didn't have to worry about this one shredding them a part. Or at least, that was what the thought. Senga had went after Soren, which had the imperial soldier ready, unsure what was going on here. The others seemed to know this one, but he was rather unfamiliar.

With a sort of frown, he looked towards the others.

"What's past is past. Worry not too much of what could have happened. We are all alive and all is well! We must stay strong, not blame ourselves for this or that. We need to keep striding forth! And do what we must."  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:52 pm
"You would have died." It was almost familiar, their exchange of words; they argued constantly during their meetings, and briefly did they ever agree on any one thing. Only this time Senga's voice was cold, not warm, and this time it was logical and calculating, not burning with anger and rage. It was strange, feeling like this again, knowing the answer that would make sense in the end for once in his life, and not having a doubt in his mind that it was the right one.

Senga sighed and dipped his head at the words, his eyes closing and his shoulders rolling back bonelessly, as though there was no more strength to keep himself so tightly wound. "I am not admitting defeat." The words rang hollowly through the air, simple, precise. "I am making a logical assumption of the situation at hand. Where once might have been a sane mind there is now none, and I accept that. Your temporary cure will sooner fail you than it will spare time to save me." Senga raised his head, looking at the Guardian with clear, sharp eyes. Was this the end? Was he finally going back? Going home?

The chains were unsurprising, a sloppy and inevitably useless cage against what would come again sooner or later. Senga stared at Kiwi, listening for a long moment to his words without moving, without blinking, without breathing. There was something tired in his own tone when he responded, something tired and amused and cold all at once. As though he was as he had been once long ago before the annihilation - a funny thought, an ironic idea. This is fate. His father had said to him when he'd once asked why he was so different than Iyari, why he was the shadow and she was the flame. This is your fate, and whether it is a good one or not, you must accept that. "There is nothing to apologize for." He sighed again, a sound that seemed more inhuman the longer time went on. "There is nothing to be angry at." His head bowed, and a smooth laugh pressed from his lips. "And there is nothing much to remember."

No, it was not surprising at all, Kiwi's words, his actions. What was instead a surprise was Nergui's actions; the Priestess with which he shared the same affliction. The hug was foreign, and there wasn't much to do, considering his arms were currently being held against his will by chains. It was a small, warm comfort though that Nergui's presence provided, that her tone itself gave. She understood, she understood, she understood. And in that moment Senga felt all at once content, his eyes clothing as he exhaled, and bowed his head to her shoulder, eyes sliding shut. "When." He corrected her quietly, knowing though that she already knew. His wings fluttered bonelessly, heavy and unfurling over the cracked, bloodied floor. Tseng's words made him laugh; those of Conquest had always amused him the most, but he found himself far from words and tired as the fog curled and crushed up against his sides and into his bones, once again whispering into the cracks and fissures that ran deep beneath his skin.

"Thank you." He murmured quietly, because she knew and that was enough. Because she knew, and she would do what must be done, when the time came. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou."

And the world began to spin slowly, counting down minutes, seconds until the fog tore into his core and pulled him apart again and again and again. And all he could do was stay chained and silent and desperate for just a little bit more time before everything went white again, and the only thing that mattered anymore was Home.


Blade Kuroda

also nergui's post hurt me right in the feels dkjngfdm i hope you're happy

WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME right in the kokoro kiwi ugh kiwi




Wrathful Demigod

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:21 pm
A gentle dip of the priestess's head let the colt know she knew, as well as him, that it was only a matter of time before the fog consumed him again and he would be beyond reason. The mindless beast once more on the prowl. He thanked her, voice soft again the point of her ear, and she tightened her hold around him, the tips of her fingers curling against his scalp. The cure they'd been given was temporary, there was no salvation for those that feel to the Insanity. An existence as a mindless beast was not living, and she would not sit by and let that fate befall the young stallion in her arms. It was mercy that would steady her blade, but beyond that, practicality.

When he turned, and he would, without a doubt, they would one again be nothing more then prey, and the priestess dubbed they would all survive another ravaging attack from the wolf. Soren, so seemingly untouchable, looked as though a single blue might finish him, and Nergui would not value one life above the other. She had much in common with the colt, perhaps even a bond, but only Soren was labeled friend.

She held onto the executioner for as long as was safe, stroking through his hair with idle petting. Anything to sooth the youngling in her arms, if only a little bit. She was a child mare, but it hurt her heart, the quiet repetition of gratitude he murmurs to her.

so many feels!
ramenli rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:21 am
Not admitting defeat, but accepting fate. Soren's jaw set, and for a time he simply waited. Waited as the Famine soldier's chain wrapped around Senga, priestess hugged the colt. Waited out the Conquest soldiers boisterous words.

Waited and watched. Fog creeping in, curling. Knowing that whatever he had tried had, in the end, been worthless. Chained yes, but once he changed...it would all be for naught. As the colt he knew began to leave, the fog replacing him with a beast that likely would destroy him, he finally spoke. "Nergui."

Simply the priestess' name. A light edge of warning, concern to his voice as he gathered his strength as much as he was still able to. Ready to defend her at the first sign of trouble.

Stiffing whatever part of him wanted to cry out at the injustice at it all. This was how it was. He would do his duty. He would guard...even if it was against one of their own. It was just a War colt. Nothing special. Blunt nails dug into the palm of his left hand as he curled it into a fist as he waited for the creature to replace the colt standing there.

HP: 3
Defending Nergui for 3  


Alarming Consumer


Apocalyptic Cutie-Pie

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:45 pm
Kiwi knew good and well the chains wouldn't hold. It was a gentle precaution to the Insanity swirling beneath the surface of the War Horseman, nothing more or less. He cherished Senga as much as Soren and Nergui in his own way. The executioner had alot of fight left in him. Or at least, he had seemed to have. Til now. Kiwi couldn't help but admire and respect him for that.

Still, it was a bit of a shock when Nergui brushed past to wrap her arms around Senga's fragile form. A pang of guilt washed through him in having stilled the boil's arms from returning the embrace, but that couldn't be helped. Wordlessly, he bowed his head, unable to stare their clansman in the eyes, and pulled the chains just a hair tighter. He took comfort in the 'thank yous' that hissed from his mouth, already the fog changing him, overwhelming him ...

Kiwi braced himself for the inevitable.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:49 pm
It all came to an end in one swift moment.

There was a soft, thick hiss of breath before Senga pulled away from Nergui, staring but not staring at her. His eyes were flecked gold, the black iris swallowed whole in a vibrant, unnatural color. The mist curled up against his side, pulling at his core, consuming and controlling and ripping at the seams. There was a soft whistle of breath, a low hum, a growl in the back of his throat. It felt irregular, like inhuman maws pressed up against his bones and inside his flesh, nipping and tearing and hungryhungryhungry.

"I'm sorry." Senga sighed with the last of his waking conscience, eyes unfocused, breath soft and shallow. "Please - "

And then the world went white.




{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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