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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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[ Field Class ] Scarelingsitting (the end page 7!) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:33 pm
Following his experiences inside the portals he had since discovered were the products of a holiday land known as Valentine's, Lyle's life had gone blurry again; something he was floating through rather than living. He was certain he had been behind this building before, but there hadn't been nearly as many folks heading into the trees then as there were now. The miniature herd captured and held his attention like nothing else. Why? What was in the forest today that hadn't been then?

He approached and hovered quietly behind the group, the werehyena at its head drawing his eye and ear. They were looking for a rabbit. It must have been a very special rabbit to warrant such a search party.

Filled with fleeting purpose and determination, the ghost smoothed his armor, phased away the blood spattering his midsection, and glided forward toward adventure.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:18 pm
Emily sat properly in her seat and stare forward as the undead instructor hurried into class. Kenner, she committed the name to memory and watched in disbelieve as the teacher started to walk out of the class. He'd only just got here, where was he going? This school was so different compared to the old ridged life she was used too. She knew it be so time before she was used to it, but she had already grown to like the chaos and freedom it brought.

The elemental ghost glanced back at Marcy, shrugged and pulled her hood down, so that it hooded her glowing eyes. "Might as well." She tried to hide a smile of delight.

Emily followed the crowd of people and stuck close to Marcy for now as she had no idea where she was going. She'd never been to the monster dorms. She floated closer to the instructor once they stopped moving and listened to him blather on.

She turned to Marcy with a cocked brow, "We have to find a kid named Rabbit...Did you happen to hear what he looked like?" She started to float towards the forest, she'd find this kid was easy...I mean, how hard could it be?



Feral Pumpkin



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:52 pm
Marcy looked from the forest then back to her friend. "I didn't hear anything about what he looked like," she said, shaking her head. "But he's not a rabbit, only named that." She had heard that much. Perhaps she needed to work on her listening.

Marcy followed Emily towards the woods, watching for any sort of movement that wasn't made by their classmates. "I suppose a kid in the forest will stand out, though."

She bent to get a better look under a bush. No Rabbit, but was that a footprint? Mayyybe. Or maybe not.

"I'll look a bit in this direction," she pointed off to the side. It wouldn't do to look in the exact same place. "But I'll let you know if I find anything, Emily." They were all in this together, right?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:24 am
"That's all I got out of it too." She said with a pout on her lips. "I hope this kid stands out or we're in trouble. What if it's short and likes to hide or is hurt and out cold..." A small amount panic ringed through her body but she controlled it.

Marcy had a point, it be far better to split up so they all could cover more ground. Emily nodded and started to mover in the other direction "I'll yell if I find anything too." With that she was off, she'd find this kid...she hoped.

When Emily had been on her own for a bit she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She turned on a dime to see it but nothing was there, a shiver ran up her spine, she knew it wasn't just a trick of the eye so she called out. "Rabbit, is that you. are you there!"



Feral Pumpkin

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:56 am
Camilla pauses and thinks about it for a moment "Maybe... Though if you explain to him why its bad he ran off and told him next time he wouldn't get a spooky he might not do it again?" she says musingly posing the last part as a question being a big sister was one thing a parent was another apparently...

The air still had some early spring n** and it was dulling her senses enough to keep the Dormouse ghoul from even bothering to try and use her sense of smell besides there was just too many scents and she didn't even know what rabbit smelled like or even what faction he was! Like Uru she was enjoying the smells of nature around her despite the seriousness of the situation but she couldn't help it! The forest reminded her of home slightly... It also didn't help that she had decided to stop in a patch of Pumpkin Sunlight... Her eyes began to lid for just a moment as she soaked in the warmth and while she stood there if Uru had been observant enough all the times he'd seen her previously he might notice something was different about her... In the light anybody who knew the Dormouse ghoul from before winter would notice that her Hair, fur, and even skin seemed lighter colored! Her hair and fur now rested somewhere between chocolatey brown and ginger brown and her skin rested somewhere between medium brown and light tan!

Camilla just continued to stand there and warm up until the demon hound mentioned hunting the scareling down to teach him a lesson her eyes widen and she whirls around to face his direction "Ah! But thats a good way to tramatize him!" she objects with slightly puffed out cheeks "I can attest! Being hunted isn't fun sometimes!" She says then frowns she did say sometimes because she was rather brave and adventurous so sometimes she found being hunted kinda thrilling but being seriously hunted could be scary and most did not like being hunted!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:37 pm
"Lure him out, give him a spooky, instruct him not to run off again. As sound as that is, he ran off in the first place when he was instructed to stay with Kenner." He snorted. The idea didn't make sense to him. If the child wanted to run off, he would run off. If he wanted a spooky that badly, he would do what was necessary to get the spooky. And by whatever was necessary, it was in one's nature to choose the easiest and least taxing method of achieving a goal. The demon hound followed behind the ghoul with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes and ears open to sounds and sights.

They stopped for a moment to rest. Or bask in the warmth of spring now that it arrived. Hard to tell since everything in Halloween Town was rather... dark. Subtle changes of light, he assumed.

Uru shrugged at the objection. She wouldn't disagree that the event would scare him from doing it again. Uru grinned a rather devilish grin. "You said 'sometimes', and you didn't disagree that it would dissuade him from doing again.

Rikku Takanashi


Loyal Werewolf

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:00 pm
She ooened her mouth to object only to promptly close it a minute later her cheeks puff up a bit more and she crosses her arms and looks away as she tried to think of a comeback... She had said sometimes... But but but! She was different! Most didn't like being hunted at all! "Have you ever been hunted! It can be really scary if you think someone is trying to eat you!" She counters "And... Well... We don't know just what the scareling is like!" says finally "He could be a mischievous little monster who deliberately goes against the rules or he could be curious and single minded! Maybe even innocent!" she says flailing rather uselessly in the argument

She seemed satisfied with her answer until she eventually thought it through a bit more and deflated "Aw... who am I kidding... If the little one could evade a teacher he can't be any joke..." she admits with a pout and a sigh "My siblings come out ok! But... I guess I might just be lucky..." she says her posture falling as she admits defeat finally she straightens up and looks at the spooky "Sense bribery isn't a good option you might as well have the spookie" she says holding it out in a sort of you won this time so heres a prize gesture

Lol Uru 1 Camilla 0
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:19 pm
Uru coughed as he pointed to the faint scar over his left eye. He certainly knew what it was like to be hunted. He recalled what it was like to wander the mountains behind the Cocytus estate with his father tracking something. However, that something was much longer than themselves. While his father had tried to protect him, he hadn't accounted the youngling that they were tracking would come at him. They managed the escape, laughed about it later, and tried to hide his face from his mother for days before being caught and scolded. "We don't know anything about this scareling other than that he can replicate and his name is Rabbit. So... yeah, we know nothing that can help us actually catch him. And that's not exactly a nice thing to say about a scareling." He stated as he brushed past her, crossing over an embankment and down further into the woods, leaves crunching under their heels.

The demon hound shook his head in amusement. "Keep the spooky. Save it for Rabbit when we find him. He'll need it if I manage to scare the jack out of him." His shoulders pulled back as his fingers curled, shadows whipped around his form as he fell onto his larger forefront as his shape changed to that of his natural hellhound shape. Oh, this will be quite enjoyable! At least for him.

Rikku Takanashi
Oh ho, Uru's intent know to scare the living lights out of the boil emotion_awesome

Also, he cannot speak in this state.


Loyal Werewolf

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:39 pm
The frowns as she looks at the scar... 'Well maybe he does know but stillllll!' she thinks childishly but letnit go as he breezed past her sge couldn't help however to laugh a bit at what he said "Not nice but also true! I have encountered some real monsters!" she laughs only to frown as he took his natural form...

She did not approve but there was nothing she could do his natural form as almost bigger then her humaniod form! Pouting a bit she puts the spookie back and follows after him while looking around hoping to spot the scareling before Uru did

Lol poor kid!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:50 pm
Rikku Takanashi
uru snorted, rolling his eyes visible at the dormouse ghoul as she commented about being nice and not scaring the scareling. It would be good for Rabbit, he reasoned.

She could count herself among the lucky few who were able to see his natural form on campus. He had grown so used to walking around on two legs that the all-four method was actually strange. That lasted all of a second as his large shoulders rolled, his paws carrying him slowly through the woods. Unlike what most would expect of a hellhound, his fore paws weren't paws but capable hands. He could walk and stand on two legs in such a form, but being in four is just more natural. In this form, his emotions are amplified - pure, one could say, and his restraint severely diminished as he gives into his innate instincts. One of the reasons why he often did not reveal this form to others so freely.

Consider it a step of being a better boil.

His large, fluffy tail swayed behind him, keep the ghoul's presence within lunging distance should they be surprised or attacked. The instinct to protect ran strong through his bones.

A crack of a twig jerked his attention to the right. A lone figure of a youth stood there. A soft rumble came from his chest. A youth could be an undead or the scareling. There was a huge range of possibilities at Amityville so caution was key to survival of the unexpected and unknown. However the figure disappeared moments later as had his apprehension.

A replica.

rabbit was definitely here somewhere.  


Loyal Werewolf



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:16 pm
Maddie only continued grinning and tilted her head, one paw covering her mouth.
"Upupu, wouldn't you like to know?"

But then someone burst into the room, making more of a ruckus than she did (the nerve), and had managed to hold her attention a bit more than the poor confused ghoul. What an odd-looking teacher. But finally things could finally get-

... postponed? POSTPONED
She came here to scare the stuffing outta some losers, not... learn dumb life skills. What was even considered life skills? She knew how to breathe and not dissipate thankyouverymuch.

Still, she grudgingly followed along, dragging poor Kari along. She was going to have SOME sort of entertainment one way or another.
Their new instructions wasn't all that much uplifting either, but.. maybe. JUST maybe this could work.
Maddie grinned her unsettling grin again. She always did like rabbits.

Hello I am sorry (feel free to ditch her haha)

She sees you all~
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:56 pm
Kari's head only cocked further to the side... that didn't really qualify as an answer, at least not a concise one. Looked like she had asked her question to the wrong ghoul. Figuring that was the best answer she was going to get, Kari began heading further into the class when a someone clad in very casual clothing burst into the room. After giving a quick introduction, he started scribbling on the board.

"Postponed?", the reaper murmured, the surprise clear on her face. The class hadn't even started yet, and there were already delays? Was this a common occurrence when taking classes? And something about going behind the monster dorms...

Kari's thought process was cut short, though, as she felt herself being dragged backwards by her scarf. Stifling a choking noise while regaining her feet, she turned to find the small bear ghoul was the culprit. Seeing the look on the ghoul's face combined with how she was following the teacher, Kari decided it would be best not to cause a fuss and follow along.

Once they got to their designated location, they were briefed on the 'life skills' lesson... searching for a scareling? Was this the reason the original lesson was postponed? Whatever the case, the lesson wouldn't continue until the little boil was found. At least the ghoul that had dragged her here seemed excited about this venture, though judging from their previous interactions, it probably wasn't a grin that hailed a pleasant outcome. It would probably a good idea to find the kid before this ghoul did.

Seeing the instructor head into the forest before them, Kari took a minute to close her eyes and listened intently. Talking...yelling... rustling... footfalls... Kari took in each sound while trying to discern whether they belonged to a small boil. Kari's eyes popped open at the sound of light footfalls to the far right. Either they belonged to someone who didn't weigh much, of they belonged to the missing boil. Adjusting her scarf so it wouldn't get caught on any wayward branches, Kari took of in the direction she'd heard the footfalls originate from.

aaaand she's off~


Dedicated Mage



Deus Sherry

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:38 am
"Hurt and cold?" Marcy went a little bit see-through (since she couldn't exactly pale). "I hope that's not the case." There was going to be a little more urgency in her searching now.

She'd try her best not to stray too far from Emily and the rest of the group, but there was no way they could leave any stone unturned. Rabbit must be found~ Marcy really hoped the scareling was just hiding and that this was nothing serious and dire. No, no, she told herself. It was all a game. A class. Everything would be just fine.

Still- they had a job to do. "Rabbit! Ra~bbit," she called as she went. Just where could the little- A flash of moving black against brown caught her eye. Did she just see someone run behind that tree? A dark, kid sized figure perhaps? "Rabbit?" She very cautiously went to walk around the tree.

"Are we playing a game, little one?"

Emily is adorbs. Just had to let you know.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:21 am
The ground beneath Keen's ghost pom vibrates faintly like an old woman's hum in a deserted house. Keen might feel it too if she's touching the ground, but the sensation is brief and easily forgotten once its source has emerged from the trees and stopped in front of the ghoul. Then everyone notices.

User Image
HP: ???

It's a colossal boil at least half a tree high, who does answer to Rabbit long enough to take a swipe at you. He seems to be... made of boils. The demon's arms, legs, and fingers are pieced together from copies of himself in various sizes, while his torso and head are two identical children stacked on top of each other, one perched on the other's shoulders.

In addition to futilely trying to fight the gathering students, Rabbit also shrieks his defiance to the sky, potentially stunning those trying to subdue him.


The boil is using the power of his illusions to go all Voltron on your asses. Thankfully, while he can graze you, Rabbit can't actually hit you with any force. He can, however, scream, suggesting the real boil is in there somewhere. o.O

To fight him, use your normal attack dice. If you roll an even number, Rabbit's piercing cry throws you off, rendering that hit ineffective. FEAR attacks use their normal hit/miss conditions.

You may smack Rabbit as much as you like or not at all.

This round will last until the evening of April 3rd.

(Incidentally, Rabbit was on B1 and Keen was the closest! Yay!)

Kenner Baehl

Kenner Baehl

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:22 am
Fight time!


Rikku Takanashi









Nio Love

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