I would say no personally. I mean. I have seen your character Kor and with all honesty that character is ridiculously over powered in every way possible. I doubt that something of that level would work in this kind of RP. Stick with making new characters for the RP.

Yes if he used he was allowed to use his abilities in excess then I would agree with you 100%. Tho that actually isn't what I want to have happen. I would still apply the Nerf Mechanics that apply in my RP for when characters exceed the highest power tier within the Universe they are in. I'd also end up applying any additional nerfs that SilentVex wants to have applied (including ones the other RPers would want if he wants to have their nerf requests applied). I don't know if you know omgIisonfiyah (he's a Guild Member of "Why Not?" if I'm not mistaken), but if you do and you want to have some sorta idea of how I nerf Kor for other RPs, you could end up asking him seeing as he allowed Kor to participate in his Pokemon RP as long as I followed his nerfing conditions. Those conditions were that he could only use his Pokemon and basic human-level martial arts. I followed those conditions to a "T" and if you ask him I'm sure he'll tell you the same. Anyways I thought I'd just say that so you'd know that I can and would nerf him down to a level that everyone could agree with and even go as far as nerfing him down to practically nothing if need be like I did in Fiyah's first Phantasm Event Pokemon RP.