This month's item is 'Heart of Spring'! And comes with an extra bonus in the spirit of love and sharing! Not only do you get to put this item on one of your soquili - you also get to choose a friend's soquili to give it to, also! The stipulation is it has to be a friend who didn't enter this month's RP raffle in order to spread the love around~ Simply fill out this form and I'll roll the items out asap.
[b]Link to pony uncert & cert:[/b]
[b]Butterflies?[/b] Yes/no
[b]Flower colour[/b] This will, for the most part, be CC and I will match it to the soquili but if you have an IC colour you would like to use state your reasoning here and if I deem it worthy I will base the colours on that.
[b]Nominated friend:[/b] Pop their username here and have them fill out the form.
All item soq will need to be posted for recerting in
General Certing; please use the form provided below!
[size=15][b]Item Addition[/b][/size]
[img]ITEM UNCERT[/img]
[b]Colorist:[/b] LOLTERNATIVE