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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

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Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 8:10 pm
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 8:11 pm
Name: Iziquin
Age: 25 (3549.09.20)
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation:
Craft: Vintner, Specialization ??
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Benden Hold
Physical Description:
    From an early age, Iziquin was a girl with a mission! Every job needed to be done and it needed to be done right! And Iziquin was the girl for the job! She was never afraid to jump in and help all while seeming like she’s done it for years, even if it’s her first time. Confidence was something she learned early on. “Even if you don’t know something, if you have confidence and try your hardest you will succeed.” Her father had told her when she was younger and it’s something that has always stuck with her. She approached every situation this way: with the confidence to start it and the determination to get it done!

    Well, she has that outlook on starting everything. Izi is prone to multitasking even with things that maybe should be focused on one at a time. Multitasking is so efficient! She’d tell you, but she wouldn’t tell you about the few things that slip through the cracks when multitasking. Everything got done…eventually. Even if she did forget about it for awhile. Forgetfulness is probably her own worst enemy. There might be something that she starts but if she walks away from it to do something else she’s prone to forget about it until she comes upon it again. Quin knows about her absent mindedness and understands that she does this yet most times is unable to stop herself from doing it. She’s just gotta keep going! In an effort, however, she’s been figuring out ways to go around it, for example making lists. If the girl can write down everything she’s doing or plans to do, nothing will get missed! Well, its all fine and dandy until she forgets to write something down.

    Despite this, in times that Iziquin sits and focuses on one thing, she’s actually quite intelligent. One might not realize it if they’re watching her work but, more often than not, there’s a method to her madness. This hardworking girl has a serious guilty pleasure though: gossiping. Its one of the few things that can get Izi to stop everything and listen (which makes it a great conversation starter if someone actually has something important to tell). While it might not be such a bad thing listening to gossip but sometimes this Vintner gets her mouth running and spreads the gossip which often times makes things much much worse. Her forgetful brain sometimes fudges the details so when Person A was seen walking with Person B might get turned into Person A and B kissing. Gossiping might not be something that she completely outgrows but she’ll get better about controlling her spreading it and getting things correct!

    Unfortunately there’s one thing she really dislikes doing but is absolutely necessary: sleep. Iziquin can’t take the time to sleep! There’s so much that needs to get done! Even in the times that she does want to go to sleep she finds herself unable to. Her mind starts remembering all the things she forgot and Iziquin finds herself running around to try and save what she had forgotten or restarting things all together. No matter how tired she is when she finally falls asleep, her internal clock wakes her up for another day!

Positive Trait List Confident, busybody/multitasker, Intelligent
Negative Trait List Forgetful/Absent minded, gossiper, Insomniac

Iziquin had what you’d call an easy childhood out of Moreta’s Hold. There wasn’t much she ever wanted for and even less that she needed. Her parents did well in their businesses of beastcraft and leatherworking that they were able to provide well for their children and eventually the foster boy they would take on, giving the girls a brother figure. Izisa and Fiquin cared for their family and home well though never to the point of spoiling. Izi, alongside her siblings, knew what it was to work hard including helping with the animals. There was one in particular that Quin bonded with, one that she’d been taking care of since birth and would follow her around as she did her chores. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end (Unless you ask Iziquin) and her dearly beloved Mr. Fluff was sold to a young couple just starting off their herd. The young girl of 12 was beside herself and the very next morning (just as the sun was rising) a yawning girl packed a sack containing exactly her favorite toy and food that would last her maybe until the afternoon. Her grief driven run away attempt was foiled shortly after her home escaped view as their usual Vintner came riding past in his wagon to deliver their wine. He recognized the young girl instantly and scooped her up to take her home.

It was not without repercussions, however, as he was bombarded with the anger and questions of a little twelve year old. It had hooked her interest though, his craft, and after receiving her parents’ blessing, Izi left with the vintner to take on an apprenticeship. She hugged her sister tightly before leaving. The two girls wrote back and forth during Quin’s apprenticeship and once she achieved journeyman she had intended on visiting home. But then thread fell all hands were needed to recover the fields. She never heard from her sister again and she worried that she had upset her in her last letter and knowing her sister, didn’t want to bombard her with letters as that would only make things worse. Izi worried about her family but also loved her craft and therefore threw herself into her work, taking on whatever she could.

Rough Timeline
Parents: Izisa & Fiquin
3549.09.20 : Iziquin born
3552.12.23 : Finnisa born? (3 years apart yeah?)
3561.??.?? : Iziquin mission to retrieve fluffy -> apprentiship start (age 12)
3571.??.?? : Iziquin receives journeyman? (age 22) (also 1 year before thread)
3572.04.22 : thread falls
3573-4.??.?? : Finnisa searched?
357401.25 : HR flu

Other: Older sister to ShinosBee's Finnisa

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? Yes
- - - > Please keep in mind that Stands Impressions are very rare. This means that not everybody will get an opportunity to have a surprise Impression, and you lower your chances of being picked by a dragonet. Given the character is not ICly an official Candidate, they will need a reason to be at the Weyr of their choice long-term, or at least for every Hatching.  


Invisible Regular


Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:54 pm
Green Jinniyath
Written by Mr Cheri
Colored by Smerdle

User Image

Origin of Name: Jinniyah - female variant of jinn. Jinn, often anglicized as genie or djinn, are a class of power beings in the pre-Islamic Arabian beliefs that later became incorporated into Islam. Not angels or demons, jinn were as often good or bad, or anything in between. Supernatural beings once worshiped, they became essentially a pre-human creation of Allah. Like humans, jinn are subject to Allah's judgement, and have similar needs - the need to eat, drink, and have families. Jinn exist in a state that is caught between spiritual and natural, having a form but yet remaining invisible to the human gaze. In folklore jinn are powerful, magical beings capable of great feats, quite a departure from Islamic beliefs.

Inspiration: Friend Like Me - Aladdin

Perhaps one of the most iconic songs in Disney's arsenal, Friend Like Me was voiced by the late, beloved Robin Williams. Famously excellent as a character actor, Robin Williams did a phenomenal job of improvising some of the most memorable lines in Disney's Aladdin. Known for his comedic genius, Robin Williams lent an unforgettable charisma to the character. The song Friend Like Me introduces the capabilities of the genie, as well as showcasing the talents of Disney's animators. Hands and arms inside of the carpet, guys, because here Jinniyath goes!

Personality: Tell me, dear friend, what does your heart desire? For Jinniyath is quite skilled at manifesting her rider's deepest yearnings. In point of fact, she's actually rather good at bringing her own wishes to bear, as well. Charming, vibrant, and engaging, there are few dragons who would long resist her spell. She's splendidly talented at telling stories, loving nothing more than spinning an outrageous tale for anyone who will listen - although generally those tall tales are meant to get Jinniyath her way.

That waggling tongue has a tendency to get her in and out of trouble, which she laughs off with aplomb. Very little will get her down, as she's so entirely distractible. Although she does find herself enthralling others to the point of attraction, Jinniyath herself doesn't harbor such strong feelings. Certainly, she finds it difficult to devote herself utterly to one companion, as there are so many, many interesting dragons to meet. She has a penchant for breaking hearts, which she definitely doesn't meant to do. However, she's not overly sorrowful about it, believing that those who let their hearts get tied down are a little naive.

Jinniyath is her own best advocate. However, that can often give others the impression of arrogance. Maybe it's deserved, maybe it isn't, but let Jinniyath tell you how she single-handedly rescued an entire hold all by herself! And while you're listening, she'll just help herself to that choice bit of wherry. Mm. When she actually accomplishes something worthwhile, have no fear. You'll hear all about it. Each time she tells the story it will be grander, more dramatic with the telling. Suddenly, what once was a minor encounter will become a major stand-off with pirates. But don't accuse Jinniyath of lying, as she'll be very hurt indeed.

Positive Traits: Gregarious, impressive, creative
Negative Traits: Boastful, swindling, flighty

Adult Size: 28'
Physical Attributes: Enormously beautiful, this dazzling green is quite large for her color. She has a muscular build with wide wings that easily catch the sky.

Additional Notes: Jinniyath has a bit of a hoarding personality. She likes to keep splendid things near her, and quite enjoys having them around her weyr. Bright gems and rich tapestry especially catch her eye - although she'd be just as happy with colorful glass baubles. Romantically Jinniyath is a free spirit, although it may well be that she will one day come to find someone to treasure for her very own. Especially if they enjoy listening to her stories.

Theme Song: Friend Like Me cover by Evynne Hollens
Egg: A medium mottled purple egg near the back of the clutch. This egg draws the egg and seems a bit flamboyant.

Why Me? Oh Iziquin! Jinniyath has found the perfect partner in crime. It is almost certain that one of the reasons the green chose Iziquin is because they share a mutual love of stories. In Jinniyath's case, she enjoys telling stories, but those tales might very well one day be based on tidbits of gossip that Iziquin has dug up. This pair of clever girls have the potential to go far, sharing a heavy helping of confidence and talent between them. One might not assume it to look at Izi, but Jinniyath just knows that she's going places! Maybe the Weyr they're at isn't the most convenient for Greens or their riders, but she just knows that they'll fit right in, all the same.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:54 pm


Invisible Regular


Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:54 pm
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:54 pm


Invisible Regular


Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:54 pm
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:55 pm


Invisible Regular


Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:56 pm
Name: Sieston
Age: 19 turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Craft: N/A
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr

Physical Description: Sieston, rather like his brother, looks younger than his 19 turns. Unlike his brother, that isn't going to last. Blond hair and a baby-face are swiftly giving way to a dustier brown hue of hair, and his face is slimming into a sort of leanness that will, in time, be certainly attractive. His eyes are a few shades darker green than A'iel's, his brows a bit thicker, and his nose just a bit stronger. For some turns it was suspected that, like his big brother, he'd be stuck in the very short end of the ranks...but just this turn he's shot up nearly four inches, putting him squarely at 5'9", and on the rise.

Personality: Sieston never had the social anxiety that has plagued A'iel. More confident, more outgoing, he's an easy hand at making friends, and (externally at least) seems like a cheerful, self-assured young man. He works hard and plays harder, is always ready to lend a hand, especially to those he sees as downtrodden or being bullied. He cannot and will not abide bullies—sadly he is also a bit prone to 'white knighting', seeing offense where there is none, and sticking his foot in it as he stumbles through helping where it's not wanted or needed.

Inside, Sieston is a bit slower to warm to people fully. He seems ready to be your friend right away, but in his heart he's watching, and waiting, ready to back right off if you show any sort of behavior he doesn't approve of. He is especially wary of authority figures, having seen too many good ideas go overlooked at Benden because those in power were too stuck up to take the advice of those perceived as beneath them.

Of course, there is always a danger of becoming what you most hate, and because of Sieston's not immune to that. He considered himself more alert, more aware than some of those around him, and he knows his own value to a fault. He is comfortable judging those around him, never realizing that he himself is doing the same thing he so judges them for. The moments where he's forced to realize that maybe he's judged someone incorrectly, or isn't quite what he thought he was, are very rough for him indeed.

Positive Trait List Social, industrious, helpful.
Negative Trait List Proud, judgmental, slow to give respect.

History: Born in Benden Hold to vinter parents, Sieston grew up alongside his big brother Arsiel. The day his brother (his best friend!) was searched was a hard one, though of course Arsiel promised that he would visit, and that one day Sieston would come join him on the sands. As luck would have it, his brother impressed his first time standing, but it led to some complicated feelings for his little brother. A'iel became busy, and couldn't visit often, but he was still Sieston's hero, and he saw how the older riders picked on his brother for looking so young. By the time he was old enough to hopefully be searched himself, Sieston was fairly disillusioned with Benden Weyr. When thread returned he was terrified for A'iel and Nasath, and even more unhappy with how his brother's advice and tactics were entirely ignored.

A'iel's choice to transfer to Western Weyr was a long time coming, in Sieston's mind. His brother deserved to be treated better, and neither of them had any real love for Benden Weyr. The brothers managed a short amount of time together before A'iel left, off to save Pern in a place he might finally get some recognition, leaving Sieston behind again to wonder and wait.

And then, one day, a searchrider came. In fact, two searchriders came. With the desperate need for candidates, both sniffed Sieston out, and their riders both expressed an interest in taking him (along with the batches of wine that had been their original mission to fulfill at the hold) back with them. The question was, which would he choose?

Other: Up to you!

Adoptable Ad Sieston: 19 turns old. Hold-born candidate who grew up seeing his older brother A'iel get overlooked by other Benden riders due to his appearance. Was approached by riders from both weyrs on the same day for search, and now has to decide his path forward.  
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