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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
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Invisible Regular

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 11:51 am
V'kenti of bronze Takarath
User Image

The nervousness in G'lin's eyes was clear and V'kenti wondered for a moment if he would have been better off leaving the young boy alone. He had made the decision and was already here, so he was going to stick with it. "Nothing in particular. I'd noticed your behavior and was concerned. Tornado wing takes care of it's own." He said to both G'lin and Al'ndru with a rare small smile. He noticed Nadry against the wall, one of the weyrlings from Takarath's clutch. V'kenti nodded her way with a smile, although smaller than the one he gave his wingmates. It was in looking around that he noticed a girl behind him, slowly inching towards him with an arm outstretched. She wasn't familiar to him but Takarath showed him two of the unknown dragons to him and V figured she was probably someone passing through who got caught up in the flight.

V'kenti wasn't a father (that he knew of anyway) and the closest he had been to being one was Takarath becoming a father. But something within him told him this young girl was feeling the same as G'lin, so shouldn't he do something about her? She was from another weyr but that could be sorted out at another time. The wingleader put a hand on her shoulder and drew her close without saying a word. If the girl wanted to talk, she'd talk.

He turned back to G'lin. "I'm just here for you, I can accompany you to your weyr or to mine since it's not being used and stay until the flight is over if you wish. Or if you'd rather me not, then I can go." He eyed the young greenrider, keeping a hand on both his shoulder and the unknown girl's.




Tikallie: I hope this is okay owo
demon_pachabel generated a random number between 1 and 33 ... 21!
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:49 pm
G'lin's brain was very quickly turning into a pit of white noise as he tried to balance out the obvious affection his beloved was oozing all over her throng of chasers. Oh, he would have been very popular if he took any of her leads, but he didn't want to be popular in that way! Or really at al! He ruffled his hair, his eyes darting over the slowly growing group. It was easy to tell who was actually part of the chase high above when the green loaned her insight to him. It was a whole group of awkward children at this point.

And some adults. A good mix of everything.

"I definitely would like to sit down with some klah and just....push this out of my head..." he admitted with a somewhat defeated sounding sigh. "Whether that's my weyr or another, I'm not uh...particular beyond clothes staying on..." he made sure to add that not because he expected his Wingleader or Wingsecond to pull anything, but rather to clarify that he didn't want to end up somewhere because of a chase.

Oh good, she hadn't lost anybody! Neiveth did another roll in the air as she took count of her beautiful suitors. She did also take note that a pair entirely uninterested in her had risen to chase, and she hemmed and hawed to herself for a moment. I am perfectly happy to see them admired, young Macuith! I may not have the time to give them all the attention they rightly deserve! His flattery was enough for her hearts anyways. Viandarth's own call was answered with a playful laugh sent his way. Oh, that made her decision easier at least!

Actually, it didn't, but that was also okay!

She twirled backwards in a single loop above her chasers, trilling as she poured out a rain of sweet sentiments for each of them, her mind brushing adoringly over each of them.

I do not doubt that you could make me quite happy, Gaerdalth~ But would I give you such joy? she inquired like a whisper from someone who was leaning over your shoulder, nudging her mind up against his for a moment before it moved on again, leaving a wallow of adoration in it's wake.

Teth's exuberant joy was doused with mental kisses, as though she'd pulled his head in close to pepper them all over his face. You are simply so sweet, dear Teth! Your brother says I should choose you over him - do you agree? a gentle kreel and she drew her mind along his like a gentle finger up his neck to rest on his chin. Goodness, he was an eager boy and she could not say that was entirely unpleasant!

Are you alright there, sweet Kinitarth? I would hate to drive you to hurt yourself! Oh, please tell me you are alright! her mind leaned against the blue's like she'd pressed her entire body into him to check on him, offering him private purrs of worry. Oh, she'd have to kiss everything better if he'd pulled anything!

Oh! And there was Elzebuth - though he did trail some, she brushed her mind across his like a hand drawn adoringly across the shoulders of someone as a lover walked behind them. Mmmm, but you speak so well, Elzebuth~ Come, tell me more. I am eager to hear more from you, darling~ her words were a purr, trying so hard to pull him in closer to her.

Menankith's showing off did not go missed, Neiveth making sure to give him his due praise. Her mental caress was a purr, a hand drawn across a chest to rest upon the shoulder as her mind leaned in close to his. And you deliver so nicely! You catch the sun so handsomely, love. What need do you come for now? Hmm? she didn't miss that a certain bronze seemed to be a motivator, but oh - the opposite was also true.

Her attention trailed away to a very dear brown, whom had drawn quite close without her notice! Lireloth, love, you fly so beautifully for me! Even better than during our drills~ her mental touch simulated the way she'd leaned up against him, down to the twining of tails, before threadfall, and the adoring looks she'd offered him then. Would they find such again?

Ah, and her most sparkling of pursuers! Alucarth seemed quite ready to outshow her other chasers to show her that he was indeed the best - and she was very inclined to appreciate that state of mind. She drew her mind along his, leaving the impression that she'd drawn herself along his chest and neck with a flood of affection, tainting all of her thoughts with a shade of purple. And you are here to be the best, are you not? I see no other to compete~ she thrummed privately to him. Certainly, he'd have been upset if he knew how she admired the large browns, though. She'd not let that slip, for his sake.

Oh, Thanoth was truly the most clever of greens. Oh, that would be such a good time! Playfully, she offered the old image of the two as giant balls, rolling about the Weyrbowl that they'd found such humor in nearly a turn previously now. Which would you choose to carry us of these boys when it came to that? Her mind pressed to the younger green's almost as though they were forehead to forehead, whispering to each other in intimate silence. Or perhaps this would be more our speed, another image of the two curled up on top of all of the boys, all of the food either green could want laid out at their feets.

She left each of her chasers (and even dear Macuith and Viandarth, though they were not here for her) with the psychic equivalent of a blown kiss as she performed a large loop in the air and - oh! That was under her pursuers and off again, picking up a large bolt of speed to push herself - and pull her followers - out from above the trees of the mountain to more open air, giving them some view in all directions - and open water growing ever closer.

Strength: 6
Speed: 17
Dexterity: 18
Stamina: 10
Wits: 16
Interest: 0
Neiveth's Score:
Round 1: 11
Round 2: 21
Roll Speed + Wits
Interest Prompt 2

Roll 1d4 and respond to the prompt it aligns with below! You can mush it together with your normal chasing-post if you like!


Neiveth is listening intently to something you're saying until you get tongue twisted! She is quickly distracted by another chaser who is a bit more eloquent. Ouch.
-1 interest


The green wasn't particularly showy, but you decide to lavish her with compliments anyways. She at least appreciates the attempt.
+1 interest


You pull a move that looks particularly flashy - but also particularly dangerous! But you're fine and Neiveth can let her two beating hearts be still for a moment. Ba-dump, Ba-dump
+2 interest


Want to mimic one of Neiveth's blown-kisses? She seems to like it!
+1 interest




Mx Cherie


Neiveth enjoys Teth's eagerness. +1 to interest

Prism Shine
Worry worry! +1 to interest

Tell me more, dear~ +1 to interest



Purple thoughts! +1 to interest!



Beloved Werewolf

houllow generated a random number between 1 and 9 ... 3!


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 4:59 pm
The brown had been enjoying the show, bugling happily at all the tricks that Neivith displayed and how she so effortlessly flew around and looped. It was like watching something beautiful fly, and he made sure to send such thoughts towards the green in question. Of course he also loved the works of his brother and his new friends (they were all friends), they were also flying so wonderful and amazing and he made sure to let them know too! Even the lovely blue and bronze who had joined!!

You're so amazing, to have so many people want to fly with you!! You are the best, and my brother is the best too! He is so kind and wonderful, just like you! Both of you are amazing and - Teth's thoughts were cut short as the green suddenly darted upright, and although he turned to follow the motion wasn't nearly as lovely for such a big dragon as he was. There was a mental shake of panic as the brown crashed into one of the treetops, his wing snagging a few branches and snapping them off as though they were nothing but weak twigs.

There was a faint ache in his wing from the impact, but nothing too serious. No flesh was broken, merely bruised, and he would be sore come the morrow, but for now he was okay - and ridiculously sorry. I'm sorry tree!!! I should have watched where I was going!!! I'm sorry lovely green, I hit a tree while chasing you!!! I should have paid more attention to you both, I'm so big I'm really big.... Teth sounded completely heartbroken over what he'd done, but that didn't mean he stopped in his efforts to fly. He was a large and strong dragon after all, and he pumped his wings to try and raise himself back above the canopy.

Hopefully no one was upset with him for hurting a tree!!


Brown Teth

About Teth: He's a sweetie he just wants her to know she's so lovely and deserves to have everyone in her flights!! Everyone good luck!!! Teth is cheering you on (while cheering himself on) so have fun and be fair and show the green how lovely she is!!!

About F'ell: He's nervous because this isn't Western and he wants to hide. They were just supposed to be picking up some firestone to prep for the next Fall.

Base points for brown: 40pts

Less than 5 turns: +2 points
Fit/Motivated: +10 points
Non-Native: +5

Charming: +2
Sweet: +2


Strength: 17
Speed: 7
Dexterity: 13
Stamina: 18
Wits: 2

Interest: 4 (+1)(+1)(+1) [ 7 total ]

Round 1: 6 (and no interest bonus) TETH WHY SO BAD
Round 2: 3 (+1 interest bonus) TETH. SON. STOP  
houllow rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:01 pm
[ round 2 interest check ]  


Sparkly Decorator

Tsunake generated a random number between 1 and 23 ... 15!


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:05 pm
The brilliant shine of a blue hide suddenly garnered his interested much more than it ever had in the past. Macuith. Elzebuth's voice was as soft as silk, brushing against his brother's mind. He was aware of the huge bronze that had suddenly joined the chase, looking him over appreciatively before he surged after Neiveth.

I will wax poetry for you, sweetest of greens. He purred, eagerly pushing forth. Just imagine how inspired I'll be when we can talk face to face...

G'ran was stumbling blindly when he came upon a group of clustered people. He only registered one person, and instinctively, he bristled until he was all but looming over the men nearby. Fortunately, none of them seemed to be acting untoward, but he still stalked towards Nadry. "You okay?" He asked roughly, using his body to shield her just in case. Even if the man came off as unfriendly... well, his mind was muddled enough that he didn't sharding care about that!

Bastet Amun
in the area!

in the area!

in the area!


mx cherie
for mention! Elzebuth sees you, handsome.


A wild G'ran appears!

Strength: 12
Speed: 9
Dexterity: 8
Stamina: 14
Wits: 14

Charming/Wellspoken: +2
Tarot Bab: +2
+4 (+1) )-1)= 4  
Tsunake rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:05 pm
[interest roll!]  


Territorial Friend


PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:19 pm
This was all well and good, and he was happy to twirl and turn and share the sky, especially with his siblings.  After all the drilling they were put through and the recent fighting they had endures, to just fly with them was a welcome change that filled him with delight and kept his eyes bright blue spun with hints of purple.  For him, this was more exploration than chase - Neiveth was interesting and lovely, yes, and he would follow along with the others readily enough, but did not have to have her.  He would be just as happy - no, more so - if Thanoth were to win her affections, or Elzebuth. Then good flying to you, Thanoth.  I do not doubt that she would find happiness with you!

You called! he started to answer Neiveth. I- Menankith had been thrumming with positivity, but all his curiosity and lightheartedness about the Flight took an abrupt turn when another blue form joined them in the sky.  His attention was yanked from the green and even from the rest of their siblings as he bugled jubilantly to Macuith, and his eyes deepened to wholly purple. Macuith!  You are what has been missing from the sky!

He twisted to loop back, to better keep an eye on the so-fetching blue, but then...no!  There was another bronze now, but he seemed to have no interest in Neiveth, but in Macuith!  He even touched him!  Jealousy flared to life and snaked tendrils around his hearts as yellow-orange flashed through his gaze, and he rumbled his new disquiet to Elzebuth. Who is he to touch our brother?

Nadry quite missed any looks she received from the bronzeriders, from whom she wanted well away at that moment, especially as her dragon's turmoil became her own.  What made the bronzes and Theirs think they had such a right to everything?  To everyone?  Why should they have everything that was good?  The young rider shook her head, trying to dislodge those thoughts; the other emotions were more than enough to deal with, but the sudden envy and upset pushed her even closer to an edge.  This was different from his usual righteousness - it was edged in something more intimate, something that made it desperate.  She clenched her hands hard, fingers curling in until her nails dug into her palms.  Then G'ran was there, and she stared up at him for a long moment. "I...probably?  I...think so."

Honestly?  She really didn't know for sure, but she did know she should probably not stick around right here. Neiveth's was certainly not interested in anyone, whether the bronzeriders were or not was irrelevant because no, and G'ran was...G'ran. And probably one of the last people she should be anywhere near for this, because...also no? "I'm just going to umm...go. I'll be fine."


((And then Menankith stopped rolling because brother. /head in hands))


(tweaked response to G'ran slightly)
Hattaki generated a random number between 1 and 30 ... 9!
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:40 pm
NPC Tikallie and Blue Gaerdalth

Dancing up in the sky with so many dragons about him filled him with such joy, he almost relaxed a little while he was floating around. Though she was wicked fast and very beautiful and though he would have loved from the bottom of both his hearts to catch her, Gaerdalth knew that just was not about to happen with such strong browns and bronzes about him. Chasing though, he could understand now why Teth enjoyed it so much, it was a rush to race against so many other dragons towards one shining beacon.

Letting a shiver run down his spine at her words, at her tone and the beautiful softness of it all, the small blue's eyes popped completely to purple at last, if only for the moment that he was looking at her. While your words give me such joy, the pleasure of your company is even better, the chance to watch your beauty dazzle as you fly so with such skill and speed. I'm so glad my brother and I came to High Reaches on such a wonderful day to be given the opportunity to chase such a lady who can light up the very skies with each beat of her wings. Was it shameless to flirt? He was enjoying her flirting very much so in return he tried something he'd felt her offer, something that he'd noticed only just, and Gaerdalth blew her a kiss of sorts. It was gentle and more than a little shy but it was the first he'd ever given so it was of course light lest she not be keen on that sort of thing.

A crash drew him back from the purple haze of his flight lust and the small blue dragon tilted his head a bit to see his own larger brother crash headlong into a tree! Panic spread through him briefly, washed away by the flight lust but still in the background as he tilted on his wingtip to turn back towards Teth. Brother! Are you okay? Your wing looks as though it might be hurt, what can I do to help? he offered, voice worried even if it was laced through with the emotions that he could feel from the flight. He was so much higher than him, should he go down to try and help him!? Yes of course! He tilted as if to do so just as he watched the immense brown muscle himself above the treetops and he stalled, eyes a brilliant yellow from worry. Together then brother? Gaerdalth fully believed that the lovely green dragon should choose his brother even if the idea of catching her was lovely, so to go on without him was unthinkable.

When the man's hand touched her shoulder Tikallie nearly leapt from her skin, but years of being taught not to show a reaction to anything kept her from leaping up, even if a shiver ran through her. Instead she took him pulling her towards him as a sign that he was safe and she latched her hands into his shirt and buried her head against his side, her white braid falling free from the twist she'd had it up in with the motion. She stood out so thoroughly here against a backdrop of those with such dark features, but the pale rider tried to hide herself against the older man's form in an effort to keep any around her from noticing what must stand out to them as well.




About Gaerdalth: He is NOT experienced in chasing, in fact this is his very first because he's always fought against it for his rider's sake. While he is completely interested in the rising green he'd rather have his brother win and just experience the ride! If he's a bit protective of both his rider's feelings and those flying around him it's because protection is in his very nature.

About Tikallie: An insecure and very quiet girl that isn't happy to be up at HR in the first place as her older sibling is stationed there. She'll either lock up and stand there until it's over or become a pile of leathers and white hair piled in a corner.

Gaerdalth's Stats:

Base points for blue: 45pts
Less than 5 turns: +2 points
Average/Normal: +5 points
Non Weyr Native: +5

Total: 57

Strength: 9
Speed: 15
Dexterity: 10
Stamina: 8
Wits: 15

Interest: 7 + 1(Wow I couldn't math earlier...)

Round 1: 2
Round 2: 9


Lonely Phantom

Hattaki generated a random number between 1 and 4 ... 4!


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:42 pm
Interest roll  
ShinosBee generated a random number between 1 and 30 ... 6!
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Thanoth twined after her green would-be-paramour, trilling happily to see how swiftly Neiveth flew! She was truly a charming thing...though now Thanoth had begun to see her own lack of practice at this sort of chasing thing, as she fell behind. It didn't terribly matter—it was her first attempt after all! But she'd see how this went, and who knew? Perhaps when she herself rose eventually, a certain green would be chasing after her!

She crowed a laugh, rippling approval at the image Neiveth offered up. Yes exactly! Though perhaps we could replace some of those silly males with some pretty, glittery ladies too... Ah. Though maybe talking about attractive golds wasn't the best choice to do when chasing another lady. Well, she couldn't help that she thought a gold or two would be great! Her heart was ever so fickle, and she did like the bigger ladies...

...Though aside from the rare white lady, there were no ladies smaller than Thanoth at all. Which was to say, she really liked ALL ladies. But right now, especially Neiveth.


Thanoth's Stats
Strength: 6
Speed: 15
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 6
Wits: 15
Interest: 4


Round 1: Dex + Wits, 1 – 35: 2
Round 2: Speed + Wits, 1 – 30: 6
Round 3: ? + ?, 1 – ?:


Start Interest: 4 (+3)
Interest 1: Roll 2 - You bite you tongue somehow and Neiveth finds it very amusing. She sends a mental wave that comes off like a blown kiss - if dragons understood such concepts. +1 interest -1 tongue feeling
Interest 2: Roll 1 - Neiveth is listening intently to something you're saying until you get tongue twisted! She is quickly distracted by another chaser who is a bit more eloquent. Ouch. -1 interest
Interest 3:




ShinosBee rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)



PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 5:52 pm
Thanoth Interest Roll  
SilverLutz generated a random number between 1 and 26 ... 24!
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:08 pm
The memory that Neiveth had dragged up coupled with the flight lust did strange things to Lireloth's mind. He watched as the little grin swooped high over her suitors then down below, and before he could blink again she was off like a shot. He gave a little bugle of delight as he took off after her, not nearly as fast but certainly steady as he went. Each scoop of his mighty wings brought him closer to his target, catching up eventually. His hearts were beating fast both with adrenaline and desire and as he drew closer he couldn't help but reach out to her again.

I have no one to impress while drilling, sweet Neiveth. But I'll pull out all the stops for you here and now! I'll fly as swiftly as any blue and as strong as any bronze. You'll see, and when you fall I'll be the one to catch you! As he spoke he reached out mentally with a fond touch, the sensation of wings brushing as their riders scolded them for flirting at such a bad time only egged them on.

Come now, Neiveth, we will make quite the sight together. Only someone as beautiful as you should be seen with someone as handsome as me~ Had Thella not been actively trying to ignore Lireloth's emotions she would have mentally smacked him for talking himself up as much as he was when this was Neiveth's flight. The brown was so high off his excitement and eagerness and flight lust that the words just continued to tumble from his mind, making his boasting a bit tiresome to listen to.


Strength: 11
Speed: 17
Dexterity: 10
Stamina: 18
Wits: 9

Interest: 6

Round 1: 18 | 0 Interest points
Round 2: 24 | -1 Interest points  


Offensive Hero

SilverLutz rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 7:09 pm
And a roll for interest  
BastetAmun generated a random number between 1 and 30 ... 25!
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 8:11 pm
The fact he was keeping up with her pleased the bronze immensely, enough that he was able to let his anger at the others around him go away, until there was a shadow above them. Head moving around to see who it was, Alucarth felt his ichor boil seeing the larger bronze. While the bronze didn't seem to be interested in Neiveth but in one of the chasing blues, it still didn't change the fact that he was here and in the sky, showing off just how small he was.

The soft caress of Neiveth's mind against his, drew his attention away from the bronze and the angry thoughts. The flood of purple thoughts towards him helped as well, though there was still red flecked in with the whirling purple of his eyes.

Sweet Neiveth, I will show you how good I am, and that....size is no measure of greatness. The sudden loop she did underneath them, and then the shot of speed was followed up quickly by him, his wings easily carrying his smaller body through the air like a knife. The fact he wasn't as large as the others made dodging in and out of the trees easy as well.

The sudden flare of anger caught Al'ndru off guard and even as V'kenti was speaking to him and G'lin the man clenched his teeth, biting back a growl. The anger would have gone to his Wingleader, Alucarth knew Takarath was bigger then him so it was easy for the anger between them to lash out there. There was no way Al'ndru was going to allow that to happen, even if V'kenti understood it came from the flight itself.

It made all the care about everyone else leave his mind. Worry about any of the weyrlings, or his wingmates. With Alucarth feeling this anger, an intense hatred that Al'ndru was having a hard time trying to fight back, it wasn't safe for him to be out anywhere in the open. It was harder to push this down then it was the flight lust.

"I'll leave you to....watch over G'lin then...V'kenti.." His words came out in a hiss as his teeth were still clenched, his eyes squinted more then usual. "I'm going to go find some wine and head back to my weyr. Safer there at least." Maybe Olliah would like some company? His own thought was shoot down instantly as he moved away from the group and towards the kitchens, he was doing his best to just, ignore everything and everyone. Where had that thought about Olliah come from? Was Alucarth affecting him more then usual? Shard it all, she was like a sister to him!



Because...Hi random thoughts about Olliah in Al'ndru's head, please go away.


Round 1: 20
Round 2: 25

Alucarth's Stats
Bronze Dragon: 35
Between 6-20 Turns: 10
Fit/Motivated: 10
Native to High Reaches Weyr: 5
Total: 60

Strength: 9
Dexterity: 12
Stamina: 9
Wits: 15

Interest: 7+1+1=9
Charming/Wellspoken: 2
Part of Tornado Wing: 5  


Feral Hunter

9,200 Points
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Trick or Treat 100
Prism Shine generated a random number between 1 and 30 ... 4!

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 8:02 am
Oh, she was worried about him? The thought makes his hearts soar, feeling the full mental brush of Neiveth as she sends her thoughts. It felt like she were here, pressed hide to hide, and it only made him more determined to prove his worth to the lovely lady.

Oh fair Neiveth, it is only a twinge. A minor sore worth the price of seeing you so gracefully fly us onward. But I shall make sure to attempt to not repeat it, I would not have you worry about little me. Yet, he was falling behind the other suitors as he felt the wind beneath his sails start to lighten. With a hard pump of his wings, Kinitarth shot back forward to join the rest. Yet his body twists and coils, corkscrewing through the air in a way that only his sleek body and long wings could lend as he joins the rest of the handsome suitors. He would not fall behind, not now!



About Kinitarth: A sweet, artistic blue.. to anyone but his rider. A romantic soul with gentle words and sweet thoughts, but also a pragmatic realist (especially about himself). A whippy little blue who finds something to admire in everyone.

About Sam’kel: Big sad (read: likely depressed) man who is going to hide in his room kthnx. Actually a romantic soul, and very sweet.

Kinitarth’s Stats

Base points for blue: 45pts
Less than 5 turns: +2 points
Average/Normal: +5 points
Native to High Reaches Weyr: +5
57 Points

Strength: 5
Speed: 12
Dexterity: 12
Stamina: 10
Wits: 18

Interest: 4 +1 +2 = 7
Charming/Well Spoken: +2
Sweet: +2

Round 1: (Dexterity (12 ) + Wits (18 ) = 30) = 25
Round 1 Interest: +1 Interest, -1 Tongue Feeling
Round 2: (Speed (12) + Wits (18 ) = 30) = 4
Round 2 Interest: +2 Interest
Round 3:
Round 3 Interest:

Total: 25 + 4 + __ = 29  
[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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