Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:36 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Sangotaijiya08 Participating Soquili: SaikaLink to Teepee: LinkIs strength important compared to all the other stats?: Without strength, one can not defend oneself. Stamina would be fairly useless. The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?: Stamina. All are important but without stamina you cannot put your strength to good use. What is strength if you cant do anything with it? How can strength help you prepare for the future?: There is not just strength of the body, but also of the mind. One who pairs strength with intelligence will get far in the world and not be 'all bruit force" Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? Without a strong soul one is nothing. Strength of the soul is what makes one unique. To stand up for oneself and not run and hide at the first sign of danger. To not let yourself get pushed around like others.
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:11 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Nymphalidae Participating Soquili: Tabitha Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11690509Is strength imporant compared to all the other stats?: Strength is the most important. Strength is power. The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?: Intelligence, obviously. Strength and intelligence are powerful tools; you have to know how to use your strength properly to take down your prey.How can strength help you prepare for the future?: It makes sure you're still alive for the future. If you're not strong enough to kill and hunt, how will you live?Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? It means you have to be determined. If you have a weak soul, you don't have the strength to stand up and fight for yourself. It's cowardly. Those with weak souls are nothing more than prey.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:04 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name:Carhop Calvalier Participating Soquili: Ritalin Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13893497Is strength imporant compared to all the other stats?: "Of course it's important. If one is not strong, he is not appeasing and beautiful to others." The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?: "Intelligence. If someone with strength is so stupid that they don't know how to use it to the best of their ability, they are ugly." How can strength help you prepare for the future?: "If you have strength, you can adapt to the situation with ease. Also, if strength makes you appealing, then who would have anything against you?" Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? "The ability to persevere and take what life throws at you. Only by overcoming trials can one be truly beautiful."
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:13 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Ririka Participating Soquili: Razi Link to Teepee: [Teepee]
Is strength important compared to all the other stats?: I would believe it is, since it is a stat that works in to everything one does. Without strength no one can continue on with life or protect what and whom they hold close in their life.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?: Intelligence works best with strength because one needs the proper intelligence to use their strength properly.
How can strength help you prepare for the future?: It gives one the courage to continue on with the future one step at a time.
Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? I think it means the strength to overcome everything life throws at you and push on with your life and how it goes.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:16 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: ArashiX Participating Soquili: Aria's Rhapsody Link to Teepee: [x]
Is strength imporant compared to all the other stats?: You need strength to live your life and do what is important to you. Of course it is important compared to the other stats; though it may not be the most important.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?: I think...that Intelligence works best with Strength. Courage and Strength are fine and well...but you need to be smart enough to know when to use your Strength...and when it is best left alone.
How can strength help you prepare for the future?: Strength can help you prepare for the future...by helping you to accomplish your goals so you can grow as an individual.
Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? Strength of the Soul is very important! If you do not have a strong, resiliant soul, you will not fare well in life. The Strength of your Soul can pull you through anything life can throw at you.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:12 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: elfstar89 Participating Soquili: AlienoreLink to Teepee: xIs strength imporant compared to all the other stats?:It's important, but not the most important, in my opinion. ^^; It takes strength to stand up for what you believe in and for those you love, and it takes strength to protect. The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?:Easy quesion, courage goes best, the courage to use one's strength in the fight and to be strong even when one is terrified. How can strength help you prepare for the future?:Well...it'll always take strength of a number of different kinds to not get hurt by my sister Neva for starters.... >> Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? Strength of the soul? That's strength of heart. The strength to face one's fears. The strength to not cry and give up when times get tough. The strength to keep going with all one's heart even during the very hardest times to get to the brightest future for oneself.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:43 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Mobster Goose (and Kirowyn Love but he's in my teepee) Participating Soquili: JumokeLink to Teepee: ClickIs strength imporant compared to all the other stats?:"Strength is important like all of the other stats. Would I say it's the most important? Probably not. The most important stat shines the brightest in it's time of need." The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Strength?:"Depending on the situation at hand. Certain times call for certain stats. You need to give me a scenario for me to accurately answer that." How can strength help you prepare for the future?:"Strength can help you be strong to take the next step. You need to be strong in order to move forward. There will not always be someone by your side to lead you." Bonus! What do you believe is meant by "strength of the soul"? "If your soul is weak your mind will falter. You need to have a strong sense of self to make decision in life. Some might be more testy of that quote then others but non the less a strong soul equals a strong mind and body."
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:00 pm
Bonus questions for February will be up soon.
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:03 pm
Bonus Questions for February are Now Open!
Bonus stats for January have been added!
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:35 pm
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: sbuggy166 Participating Soquili: RishyLink to Teepee: xxxIs speed imporant compared to all the other stats?: "what a stupid question. it is obvious that speed is one of the most important qualities to have in a good fighter. without speed you might as well paint a red target on your chest while yelling, I'm a Wiener, at the top of your lungs."The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?: "its a toss-up between strength and intelligence. while speed and strength make a good fighter, speed is nothing if your brain cant keep up with what your body is doing. so, in other words, you must use your speed wisely if you want to be strong...i hope that makes sense."What do you use speed for most?: "Food. you must be quick...light on your feet, if you ever hope of catching a meal. the really tasty rabbits are the ones with the most muscle, and more muscle means that they are faster, so you must be fast. but i dont expect the other soquili to know much about this...stupid grass eaters."
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:31 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Faid Shadowlight Participating Soquili: AbloecLink to Teepee: My TeepeeIs speed imporant compared to all the other stats?:Abloec nods as he hears this question. "Yes speed is important, especially when there are things out there that want to eat you... Or might want to eat you." Shuddering at the thought.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?:Pondering this he nods, not having taken long to think though. "Stamina, run fast and run long, that will be a helpful combination especially if being chased by something that wants to eat you. Being able to stay in front and let it tire out first is a very good thing."What do you use speed for most?: Abloec chuckles at this question. "At the moment I use it most for racing, luckily I have yet to be chased by anything more sinister than a friend out for a game. But its always handy to have in a tight spot."
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:13 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Huni Pi Participating Soquili: KredoeLink to Teepee: hereIs speed important compared to all the other stats?: Do you think it's important? Me? I can do with an extra boost whenever my pop's nag-nag-nagging at me.The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?: Which do you think works best? Me? It's stamina. Speed won't do you any good if you get tired too quickly.What do you use speed for most?: What do you use speed for? Me? I use it to get away from my nagging pop. He worries about me and I like to keep it that way.
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:55 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: bella dea Participating Soquili: NevaraLink to Teepee: [x]Is speed important compared to all the other stats?:"Yes, but I vouldn't say it's most important. I mean, it's good vhen you can keep up with vose that your chasing or vacing." The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?: "Umm... Stamina. It helps one keep veir top speed and longer van vey could if vey didn't have it."What do you use speed for most?: "Vell, most use it vor safety veasons. But I live a more calm lifestyle, so I only vun vor vun." (run for fun)
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:07 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: Syaoran-Puu Participating Soquili: Maion Link to Teepee: Homeward bound
Is speed important compared to all the other stats?: Speed is useful but I must admit I usually place more faith in courage and intelligence, that said Speed has allowed me to escape on several occasions.
The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?: Speed, since I usually use it to escape I imagine luck would go best with it. After all without a bit of luck you would get caught! However is we take it as speed of the mind then intelligence would go well.
What do you use speed for most?: To escape from harm, or to reach someone who is in danger quickly. Time is of the essence after all.
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:33 am
POINTS ADDEDOwner's Name: tefla Participating Soquili: Echo's SongLink to Teepee: LinkIs speed important compared to all the other stats?:Echo's Song looks puzzled for a moment before responding, "Speed is important. Especially when you need to escape life-or-death situations." The following are stats each Soquili has: Courage, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck and Stamina. Which of the others do you think works best with Speed?: "I think Stamina and Intelligence work best with Speed. You need to know when is the best time to put on an extra burst of speed and you need to be able to run fast and far. Both of these stats would be the ideal pairing."What do you use speed for most?: "I use speed to outrun those that would try to harm me."