1) If you could go by any name, what name would you go by?
Kiia, Rayne, Chlorinthia, Crylenthia. I like weird names^^ I made up the last two.
2) What age do you want to stop aging at?
3) If you could burn any book, what book would you burn?
An horrible book. I don't know.
4) What do you think of men who occasionally wear makeup?
I don't care.
5) Would you sacrifice a family member to save your own life?
Yes. Baha
6) Would you rather be alone forever, or date but never find that special someone?
Alone forever
7) Do you believe in God?
Yes. But I don't believe in Heaven or Hell.
8* Why does Feburary only have 28 days?
I honestly don't know. February has 29 days in Leap-year, though.
10) What does the word "rain" mean to you?
Sadness, life
11) Do you agree with the death penalty in America?
I don't live in America. I don't know what that is. I'll search it up later.
12) Why do you think people skip numbers on purpose in surveys?
To get done quicker. I see you skipped number 9.
14) If you could be someone else, who would you be?
I don't know.
13) Who's your Anime/Manga crush?
Ohmygosh! Hibari from Katekyou Hitman Reborn.
15) What's your dream career?
Forensic Scientist
16) When someone asks you for your ASL (age, sex, and location) do you tell the truth?
17) Do you tell people what you're wearing when they ask?
18* What's your horoscope?
19) How old is your youngest friend?
20) What do you think of when someone says cucumber?
*Uck* The first time I ate a cucumber I got sick.
21) How do you gain someone's trust?
Show that you are trustworthy to the person who you are trying to gain trust from.
22) How do you mend a broken heart?
23) Do you think Tim Burton is attractive?
No. I love his work though. I love the graphics from his movie 9.
24) If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
A lot of money.
25) What's the deepest love song you ever heard?
I've heard a lot of deep songs. Especially from My Chemical Romance. Demilition Lovers comes to mind right now.
26) How many love songs have you dedicated to one person?
27) Are you missing someone right now?
Yes. I lost a five dollar bill.
28* What's the strangest question you've been asked by a parent?
"Are you ready for 'The Sex Talk'?"
29) Have you ever called someone your "boo?"
30) What does success mean to you?
Living out your life in a good way.
31) What's your favorite kind of music?
K-pop, J-pop, rock, classical, mostly all genres except country.
32) If you could meet anyone in person, who would it be?
Wu Zhun
33) If you could bring back a dead childhood pet, would you?
Of course
34) Do you believe in the sayin', "Forgive and forget?"
No. I'm for revenge.
35) Would you do your hobby as a career?
Busting people and solving mysteries. . .Definitely!
36) Have you ever envied someone because they had something you didn't?
Yes. More than one.
37) How far would you go for fame?
Not very far. I don't want to be famous.
38* Have you ever said no to someone that you wish you said yes to?
39) Has a clown ever scared you?
I am scared of clowns.
40) Does the color purple make you think of Barney?
No. It makes me think of Hibari.^^
41) Are you superstitious?
42) Do you believe in the paranormal?
43) What's your favorite colored peeps?
44) Is there a holiday you don't celebrate?
No, unless it's an American holiday, or something like that.
45) What do you think your trueself looks like?
I think that only my true selft would know what my true self looks like.
46) Have you ever wanted to say something to someone, but couldn't?
Yes. All the time.
47) If the moon was really made of cheese, what kind of cheese do you think it'd be made of?
48* If a bunny stole your kidney, what would you do?
Eat it.
49) Do you know what it feels like when your heart drops from your chest to your stomach?
Not literally, no. I feel that way sometimes, though.
50) What's the stupidest sterotype you ever heard?
White people don't bathe. =/
51) Have you ever pretended to be something you're not?
For Halloween. Baha
52) Why does your avi look they way it does?
Right now, it looks the way it does because of Spirit Day.
53) Have you ever lied to get yourself out of trouble?
I lie all the time.
54) Whats the worst lie you've ever been told?
I don't know.
55) If you had the offer to be immortal, would you take it?
56) Have you ever stopped being friends with someone because they dated someone you had feelings for?
No. I think that is stupid.
57) Is there an ex that you're still in love with?
58* Why do you think ex's hook back up?
Because they are desperate.
59) Why do you think teenagers get pregnant?
Because they are whores, boredom, lack or knowledge like in Africa, lack of protection. Baha
60) Have you ever gotten confused when someone with the same name as you has been yelled at in public?
61) What's the worst movie you ever watched?
Shutter Island. The ending was so obvious.
62) What do you think of the game Rock Band?
I play bass.
63) Have you ever cried while playing a video game?
No. I have yelled out loud though.
64) Do you know someone who refers to themselves in third person?
Sometimes me. Baha
65) What's the weirdest nickname you ever had?
Shmara from my original name Sara. People still use it. I like it though. lol
66) Have you ever raised puppies/kittens?
No, but I have one lovely cat.
67) How old were you when you had your first pet?
Probably four or five.
68* Are you more athletic or artistic?
I am both.
69) What foreign language do you wish you could speak?
Mandarin Chinese and Japanese. I can't choose between them. I love the way they sound. Especially Mandarin.
70) Do you consider yourself complex?
Very, unless you figure me out. ; )
71) If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
72) Have you ever sneezed and farted at the same time?
No. lol
73) What's the longest amount of time you've spent being sick?
A few days.
74) Have you ever said something and meant something else?
I do that all the time.
75) Do your parents show your boy/girlfriend embarassing pictures of you when you were a baby?
My dad promised me he would do that when I am married.
76) Did you know that Shakespiere was born on April 23?
I know that you spelled his name wrong.
77) What's your favorite book?
I have read many books that were all great.
78* Would you break something of someone elses for revenge?
I already have.
79) What color is your mouse pad?
80) What are your thoughts on destiny?
You make your own destiny.
81) Have you ever fallen asleep on someone and accsendtly drooled on them?
82) What's the longest song you ever heard?
I remember it was a Japanese music video and it had two parts which were both eight minutes long.
83) What's the stupidest thing you've been forced to do?
Cross a river by crawling/walking/hanging on a fallen tree. It was the only way to cross the river.
84) Do you megaloath someone?
85) Has watching Scrubs helped you cuss less?
Baha, no.
86) Have you ever used the word fudge to replace ********?
87) Has someone you disliked ever had a crush on you?
Ugh, yes.
88* If you saw a bird with four wings what would you think?
Awesome. I want it.
89) Have you ever dated someone out of boredom?
90) Is boredom an actual emotion?
To me, no.
91) What's the latest you've ever slept in?
92) Would you drink a shot of liquid dish soap if someone dared you to?
93) Have you ever met someone who hated icecream?
94) Do you know the muffin man?
Wouldn't you like to know. ; )
95) How many hours of TV do you think you watched today?
I hardly watch TV. I mostly just watch anime on the computer. So, zero.
96) How many people do you know with the same name as you?
5. Sara is a common name, although, most people spell Sara as Sarah.
97) What's the longest abreviation you know?
MOOTWA. I don't know if it is real. It was from the book "The Blue Helmet". It stands for Military Operations Other Than War.
98* Have you ever met someone who you regreted meeting?
99) Do you read people's profiles before you accept their friends request?
100) What's your favorite question on this survey?
How could I possibly choose? Baha