Lots of Certs uncert erros with and without crown etc.
Meaning of (name): A name from the ASOIAF universe.
Some possible orginations
Vela is an Italian word meaning sail or sailing, from the Latin.
Vela is the Portuguese word for candle.
Vela may have some use as a Sanskrit name meaning coast, as in the shoreline.
The Old Norse væla meant a lament or cry – it is the source of our word wail.
In Finnish, vala is an oath.Aliases: Rose of Winterfell, Heir, Princess, etc.
Date Found: March 20, 2017
Found: Heart's 2016 October CustomsDate of Maxing: N/A
Temper:Admantine meaning "unbreakable"
Breed: Rose of Winterfell
Breed Appearance: Cery/Flutter
Height:15.2 hands
Personality: Regal and solemn acting in nature, Vaella questions herself. She's afraid to tell her family, as of yet, of the dragon dreams--she fears that it means she's going to be just one more crazy Targaryan. She's often been compared to her grandfather Rhaegar who no one seems to agree on--some say he was crazy for prophecy and for lust for Lyanna Stark and others say he was a visionary destined to be a great king.
It bothers her a lot that she doesn't know if her path lies in madness or brilliance, but even more so that like other Targaeryens she might not know the difference.
Though she doubts herself a lot she's been working on being the heir of the herd that they deserve. She loves fiercely and is an adamant protector of her herd. Though she doesn't have much physical strength, she exudes a power that is unquestionable as she grows with age.
Quirks/Character Traits: ✶ Dreams of Dragons through her familiar Icefyre. (To be customed as a dragon otter with wings)
✶ Is very doubtful of herself to begin with which makes her more than willing to heed council and grow to become a good leader.
✶ Is fond of the winter gardens and tales of the heroes.
Backstory: Vaella Stark is the trueborn daughter and heir of Jon Snow and Margaery Tyrell. Named after two Targaryen ancestors who were never able to rule, one dying young and the other being passed over. Jon and Margaery decided that the strong name would mean something, and she would be Vaella first of her name to rule.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Like her ancestor before, she favors the blue winter roses that were once grown in the glass gardens of the winterfell herd. She appears delicate like her mother with much of her father’s more solemn colouring. She is constantly in doubt of herself knowing the stories of Targaryen’s (if you have two Targaryen’s, flip a coin chances are one of them will be crazy.) So when she’s young and she starts dreaming of flying and breathing fire like a dragon, she believes that she’s got the Targaryen madness and will be yet another Vaella unable to rule.
Eventually, she will meet her half sisters and they will become the She-Wolves, her best and most loyal defenders.