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A literate and semi-literate Naruto-based role playing guild. Active in 2024! 

Tags: Naruto, Roleplay, Boruto, Shinobi, Ninja 

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Lady Caprinet

Cluttered Goat

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:08 pm

tab Changed bloodline from Kuton to Rinnegan
tab Changed last name from Saimoto to Uchiha
tab Made changes to her background to remove the Kuton parts
tab Changed modifiers, removed Wind chakra, changed PAs to Rinnegan and new custom PA

User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Mao Uchiha
                        Nickname: MaoMao
                        Age: Thirteen
                        Birthdate: January 1st
                        Gender: Female

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Hair Color: Dark brown
                        Hair Style: Shoulder length, think, usually messy and kept in a ponytail.
                        Eye Color: Left eye dark brown, right eye unknown
                        Height: Five feet even
                        Weight: One hundred pounds

                        Bloodline: Rinnegan - Uchiha

                        Non-Combat Outfit:
                        She wears basic white bandages over her right eye, concealing three scars. She wears a the basic top of a white kimono, but the bottom is a black pleated skirt that ends at her thighs. She wears dark grey leather armor at her thighs and just above the knee, matching leather gauntlets that end at her elbows and covers her hands. She also wears leather greaves on her legs above the simple sandals she wears on her feet. Keeping her kimono tied shut is a pale pink obi with a dark grey leather strap holding it all together. Clipped to the strap is a simple pale pink string that keeps her katana at her waist at all times. During the day Mao keeps a simple straw hat on her head at all times to block the sun from her eyes. While not a shinobi, Mao does keep a white shuriken holster tied about her left leg. And a bag at her waist, tied to the leather strap, to hold anything extra.

                        Combat Outfit:
                        Same as above. [Main pic unfinished, will updated when it is]

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: " Tea making is all about finding balance. "
                        Mao is an extraordinarily calm young lady as almost nothing seems to phase her outwardly. This is largely true. Most of the time Mao shows herself to be a level headed person. Often speaking with respect to her elders or really anyone, even someone who has wronged her in some way. Some people have called her hard to approach because of this, but according to Tetsu this is merely a case of a 'book being judged by its cover'. While Mao may not be the most excitable or expressive of children she does have her moments. She cares deeply for every one she comes across and even more so to those she holds dear. She is a pacifist by nature and will readily refuse to initiate any act of violence even in a disagreement with someone. She has even gone to such lengths to avoid combat by tying her katana shut. With her fathers teachings under her belt and her mothers strong desire to protect others passed down to her, Mao is constantly feeling stressed and it shows when faced in tough situations. Her desire to fight to save someone makes it difficult to simply ignore something, but her fathers teachings create hesitation in her causing her to second guess herself quite often. At times these feelings even causes Mao to contradict her friends, sometimes choosing to side with the enemy if it means being able sparing his or her life. She does not hold any hatred towards her parents or to any one she may make angry with her. She redirects these feelings onto herself as she feels its her own fault for being indecisive and being fearful of what the repercussions could be.

                        She is surprisingly a very whiny person about simple matters. Such as often wanting to stop walking or to take a vacation some where nice. Especially if she happens to pass by a place that looks relaxing. Outside of battles, if injured to a certain extent, Mao will literally complain about the injury if asked or presented with an opportunity and will sometimes refuse to move more than necessary. Especially bright days are the worst, as Mao will work her eyes hurting into a conversation if she finds a way. The only times she absolutely puts her foot down is when tea is involved. She refuses to never just walk by a tea house without at last having one drink. Shrines seem to have this same effect on Mao as well. Even if it’s a shrine to something she has never heard of she will still stop and pay her respects. Mao can also be frugal with her money over simple matters. She will rarely buy anything she wants over something she needs. And always tries to get what she needs for as little a price as possible, if she can. Or would rather use the more thrifty solution if it means getting a better deal.

                        Other than tea and shrines there is very little that makes Mao show more emotion than a simple smile or furrowed brow. Tetsu, a snake she has had for several years, is one of those things. The two have become so inseparable that Mao cannot seem to eat or sleep without the snake either on her or in the same room. Tetsu in turn refuses leave her side for more than a few moments unless absolutely necessary or ordered by Mao herself. Their bond is so tight nit that on some occasions Mao and Tetsu will start and finish each others sentences. She also has a fondness for katanas from an esthetic stand point. She adores looking at other weapons, especially the holsters as she views them as art pieces rather than tools for killing. She is even constantly on the look out for something she can decorate her own sheath with. She will light up quicker than a lightbulb when presented with anything reptilian or as a representation of fire. Such as jewelry or kimonos with such prints on the fabric.As for things that scare her, there are very few. A typical fear of water means she not only can't swim, but avoids any deep water and like they were the plague. Though this will not illicit a scream or utter shut down from Mao. Puppets, however, will result in her showing her age. Sometimes breaking down into tears if forced to even be in the same room with a puppet. She finds the very thought of puppets or dolls of any sort not only terrifying but the stuff of nightmares.

                        Village: Rouge
                        Title: N / A
                        The Uchiha Clan is a family with a long history that has been told and retold time and time again. Those of this family tend to have a hard time separating themselves from the clan's past or their own. Despite this a certain young woman decided to take it upon herself to break away from her family's general sense of living. Leaving her village behind her she set out to find her own way. Eventually this led to her becoming a samurai within the country of Iron. The land of Iron, a place that was often covered in snow, a place that someone could easily get lost in should they not wanted to be found. And so it was for the young Uchiha. Putting her old life away she tried living peacefully for a time living in a small village with a small shrine within it's border. It was here that she met a man about her age. A Priest who cared for the aging Shrine on his own. A small amount of time passed and the Uchiha found herself unexplainably drawn to the Priest. Wanting to protect the Priest and the Shrine, as it was often the target of vandals and other such folk, she found herself training with the Land of Iron's most beloved warriors. The Samurai. The Priest felt conflicted with his beloveds choice as he wanted her to live with no worries, but also wanted her to be safe. Not being just a priest the young man, who kept his eyes cast down at all times, claimed to be no one of consequence. He also claimed that due to his own circumstances he had to flee from his home. While nether knew of each others pasts or heritage the pair soon become married, but not long afterwards the small village in which they lived in became a target to a merry band of bandits. Wanting to protect the villagers and the beloved shrine the Uchiha wanted to protect it all with her sword, but the Priest convinced her that buildings can be rebuilt. Together the Priest and Samurai fled the village. Afterwards they traveled for a time, coming across a curious clan of onis. The Onis had a friendly relationship with Samurai, even going as far joining the military branch after their own training. It was within this clan's territory that the couple found a peaceful place to live. They lived on their own, in their own small house with a small field to grow their own crops. A time passed and the couple became a trio when a small bubbly girl was born to them. Years passed with the small family, trading crops they grew with the traveling onis, raising their daughter, when finally a certain night happened. The family had always known that their friendly onis had a territory dispute with another clan, but they had largely avoided any conflict so far. On that night however they could see the smoke that rose from a sudden attack. Despite his pleads and warnings the man could not dissuade his wife from going to see if she could help their friends. That was the last time Mao saw her mother.

                        Mao was fairly young to have lost her mother having been around eight or nine years of age. Her parents had kept very little in terms of photographs and the like when they had fled their previous home, but with the few they had saved Mao could see she looked more like her than her father. Her father often commented that it was her looks alone that had been passed down to Mao and that had been for the best. Mao knew of her mother's background to a certain extent. That she had been a run away shinobi and had trained with Samurai for a time before settling down on their humble tea farm in the mountains. She also knew that her mother had been part of the Uchiha clan, but that was all she or even her father knew. He had never felt the need to know more than that having fallen in love with the woman he had met as a result of her own experiences. Mao was content with this knowledge. She had no desire to become a samurai or shinobi. She merely wanted to continue living with her father and on occasion traveling with a young oni a few years older than herself. Her name was Kuza. Like herself Kuza had lost her father and Mao found a kind of solace in that.

                        Mao grew up traveling with Kuza from time to time, but never going more than a few days out from her father's tea farm unless he to came along of course. During her own travels though, Mao happily watched Kuza in her own training to become what the onis called a shaman. Or something to that effect. Mao never quite understood all what the onis told her on that subject. During the times that Kuza traveled to far for Mao to stay with her, Mao would be at home learning from her father. Typically this included what her father put as 'the art of tea brewing'. She was certain most of his teachings were made up. Especially when he attempted to convince her that the higher you poured the tea from the pot to the cup the better it tasted. When her father wasn't teaching her the precious ways of tea and the many, many, variants of the plants he also taught her of his own clans ways. Even though her father was a pacifist in every sense of the word he had agreed with his mother in times past that it was necessary to learn how to defend ones self if the need should rise. And as such Mao was taught in her father's own way.

                        Her father's clan had a special ability to control, what he called, the void. To Mao it looked like he controlled very solid shadows, but this wasn't totally accurate. It was a strange combination of wind and lightning natured chakra that could allow a person to do things straight out of horror stories. Such as becoming nearly see through and being able to pass through solid objects. He showed her how to do each technique, though never allowed her to physically practice the techniques. Mao was also taught that their clan, while incredibly strong, was to never fight for the sake of vengeance. If someone were to find out about her eyes it could lead to more than she could be prepared for. For Mao this posed an interesting and very frightening impasse in her future. While she knew very little of the Uchiha clan she knew the stories behind getting the Sharingan. That it could only be obtained through means of great stress and loss. By the time she was ten years old Mao was proficient in every aspect of her father's more priestly teachings. She could recite how to do the basic techniques as well, but having never actually used them before she was unsure of how well she could actually handle herself in a fight. She had also picked up carrying a katana much like her mother used to wield. However, Mao kept her weapon sealed by tying the hilt to the sheath with a pale pink ribbon.

                        Together with her father they had ventured off to one of the larger villages to sell some of their tea. The trip itself was uneventful. Wandering through the town selling their tea went normally. The week they spent in town was as exciting as watching a snail race. Everything was normal, peaceful. Until the went on their way home. Mao's memory of this event is vague at best. Mao and her father left in the middle of the night for fear of being trapped in town by a large snow storm that was headed towards their home. After a while of being on the road they were approached by an older man. Mao assumed he had been asking for directions, but this is where her memory becomes clouded. She remembers her father talking then her father was hurrying her through the tundra, trying to reach a scraggly forest line a ways off. While the terrain between the road and the forest was pretty much bare, Mao some how became separated from her father just before reaching the forest line. She can remember stopping at the forest and looking back to see flashes of light bouncing off something metal coming at her. That was the last thing she remembers before waking up injured and alone some ways into the forest hours later with a hastily bandaged, injured right eye. She was not alone however, a small brown snake which was injured and clumsily bandaged was with her, curled about her hand.

                        Although she had never seen the snake before she didn't have the heart to turn it away and so she took it with her as she searched well into the day for any signs of her father or even the man who had been on the road, but to no avail. Having gone back to the field they had ran through looked like a small battlefield had taken place. However, there was no sign of anyone alive or otherwise there. Believing that her father must have gotten separated from her in the forest Mao made her way back to their small home. Every thing was as it had been left the week previously when the two had departed for the trip. Still believing that her father might come home after a time, Mao waited silently until the next day when she departed her home to look for the one group she could turn too. The Geyser Clan of the Oni. In the year that followed Mao kept close to the Onis in the hope that her father might still return. Following her dear friend around like a shadow.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless KinBloodless Kin allows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. However, this special implant cannot be the Rinnegan, and you cannot have Bloodless Kin with a Combo Element Kekkei Genkai implant or character. Because of the special nature of this implant, the second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin.

                        It must be clarified that in [all ways], the inherent implant from Bloodless Kin is a second bloodline. It is an implant only in that it takes up an implant slot, and does not follow the rules or stipulations of implants, but of bloodlines.

                        Second Class: Tamer
                        ▱▰▱ Chance EncounterTamers of this kind have stumbled upon a powerful animal who has decided to appear should the tamer be in distressed. This pet follows the rules and limitations for summons one rank below to your body rank. Pets of this kind are allowed to have their own chakra and stamina. The total amounts determine on one body level below the rank of the tamer. Finally, without needing constant re-approval, you're allowed to modify the chakra / stamina totals as you rank up. These pets can either be summoned through the summoning jutsu, or called upon some other way, "(whistling, shouting at the heavens, etc.) Be aware, however, that if contained in an area where your calls will not work, then your pet will not be able to arrive through call alone. You're able to receive this pet at C-ranked. Custom pets of this kind need to be approved through the custom jutsu forum. The following format below is used for pets of this kind.

                        Tetsu E-rank Chakra: 350 Stamina: 150
                        Testu is a type of viper called a Mamushi. Tetsu is, as most of his species, colored in a variation of browns to blend in with the dry leaves that litter the ground. There is a scar close to his head where his scales failed to regrow. He wears a white bandage over the scar. He is thirty inches long from nose to tail and prefers to be keep himself wrapped around Mao's neck like a scarf. Claiming that it's the warmest place to be, especially when she lets her hair down. He often keeps his head down making it appear as if Mao wears a snake skin scarf until he pokes his head out. Tetsu seems to enjoy a person's shocked face when he reveals himself.


                        Armor of the Deep | Rank D | Cost: 20
                        A torrent of water covers Tetsu's body and hardens into an armor like covering his scales from head to tail. Able to deflect katon jutsu of a rank lower and basic attacks.

                        Katana of the Deep | Rank D | Cost:10
                        Tetsu can mold water around the lower half of his body creating a sharp sword like covering that he can lash out with cutting through opponents who believe wholeheartedly that they can attack a snake from behind.

                        Deep Affection | Rank B | Cost: 55
                        A special technique and form of the Combination Transformation jutsu that can only be done with Mao, as they have the deepest bond. With Mao providing the handseals and Tetsu providing the chakra, he can turn himself into a set of armor reminiscent of the segmented armor that Samurai from the Land of Iron. This armor covers Mao and guards her from Jutsu and Attacks equal to and below this jutsu. Any damage sustained in this form carries over to Tetsu's original form. In this form Tetsu can still communicate with Mao.

                        Chakra Pool: 250
                        Stamina Pool: 270
                        Chakra Element: Raiton - Katon
                        Chakra Color: Pitch black with a burnt, gold hue
                        Chakra Materialization: Seems to flicker off her body like flames burning slowly away from a bonfire. One flame seems to rest over her right eye constantly.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A {Ex. Punch Hard PA, Move Fast Training}
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • In the Darkness - Mao seems to thrive in the dark. Fighting in the pitch black won't stop her.
                        • Bind them - Mao is adept at using genjutsu that paralyzes her foes in one way or another.
                        • Water - Atop the fear of water, in combat Water or Suiton jutsu tends to be the bane of her existence.
                        • Protective - Mao will guard anyone even if her life depended against it, she goes as far as to protect an opponent from a life threatening injury.
                        • Bright Light - Mao is a light sensitive person. If any light brighter than general sunlight is shined in her face it will blind her for a moment.
                        • Fear of water - Hydrophobia
                        • Fear of puppets - Pupaphobia

                        • Learns 1 extra Ninjutsu per post.
                        • Learns 1 extra Genjutsu per post.

                        Personal Attributes:
                        Six Paths of Pain :
                        Gain the ability to use the Six Paths of Pain.
                        From Amateratsu’s Cloak:
                        Katon techniques produced by the Uchiha, not just bloodline ones but all, are turned black. These flames burn hotter, longer, and oddly brighter than others. Confers a reduction to seals needed for fire techniques to 1 instead of what should usually be necessary, and converting normal katon into Uchiha fire, effectively converting them into bloodline techniques at an additional 5 chakra per rank of the technique. Confers any bonuses to katon to bloodline techniques that involve fire as well for the same cost increase.
                        Snake Eyes:
                        When her dojutsu are activated Mao's eyes don't turn the normal color. Her Rinnegan and Sharingan both turn a burnt golden color. Much like that of a snake's eye.

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両 0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        • 1x Sealed Katana - tied to restrict the blade from being used
                        • 1x Set of clothes
                        • 1x Tea set - includes a teapot and two small cups
                        • 2x Bags of black tea - never without it
                        • 3x Bags of green tea - never without it
                        • 1x Fan - a basic fan or Tetsu if he gets to hot
                        • 5x Kunai - Samurai or not, these are just useful
                        • 1x Strawhat - to block the sun from her eyes

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 04 / 00
                        • Genjutsu : : 04 / 00
                        • Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 00
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 01 / 00
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 01 / 00

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default

                        Raiton - Lightning

                        Katon - Fire




                        Taijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 00
                        {Find in Formless Style and Class information}

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ▰ ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless
                        • {Formless type learning}

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 1:28 pm


Leaving this here for all mods. As part of the Sakkakugan rework one of my character pa's became useless so I am taking this new one from my bloodlines optional attributes.

Interweaving Fairytales: Because the Sakkakugan is so adept at weaving genjutsu together they are afforded a unique version of self korabo which is done in place of a normal korabo between two illusions. When more than one genjutsu is on the target their ranks are shifted so that the lower ranked genjutsus get their strength bumped up to highest ranked genjutsu on the target for the rest of it's duration. This is only useable up to the users self ranked korabo level and each genjutsu is still treated as separate when interacting with kai. Any upkeeps are also increased to reflect this change.

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

Cute Things In Jars

Anxious Poster

10,675 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Megathread 100
PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 5:57 am

Evanescently Magnificent


Leaving this here for all mods. As part of the Sakkakugan rework one of my character pa's became useless so I am taking this new one from my bloodlines optional attributes.

Interweaving Fairytales: Because the Sakkakugan is so adept at weaving genjutsu together they are afforded a unique version of self korabo which is done in place of a normal korabo between two illusions. When more than one genjutsu is on the target their ranks are shifted so that the lower ranked genjutsus get their strength bumped up to highest ranked genjutsu on the target for the rest of it's duration. This is only useable up to the users self ranked korabo level and each genjutsu is still treated as separate when interacting with kai. Any upkeeps are also increased to reflect this change.

As far as im aware, PAs cannot buff ranks so we cannot allow this one.

Lady Caprinet

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:58 am


Oh it um should be already approved. It's one of the Sakkakugan optional pa's as part of the rework 'o '

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker


PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:28 pm

User Image

User Image

                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Mjern
                        Nickname: N // A
                        Age: Sixteen
                        Birthdate: June 27th
                        Gender: Female

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D - Ranked

                        Hair Color: Red - Brown
                        Eye Color: Hazel
                        Height: 5 ‘ 6
                        Weight: 125 lbs

                        Bloodline: The Uchiha Clan - The Sharigan // Origami no Dara

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: “ The soul is tempered steel. “


                        - Mjern is a stern and determined girl with a strength and determination to match most of the people around her. She loves to help people but when the opportunity arises, she would much rather train. She’s a diligent and quick student. When shes not studying you can find Mjern reading about the city and the people within it. She loved to get to know her surroundings.

                        Village: Uzushigakure - Land of Whirlpools
                        Title: Genin

                        - Mjern hails from a southern island off the coast of the Land of Fire, though she isn’t native to the Land of Fire; she always had a deeper calling and longing for it. Her mother was a prideful artist that insisted that Mjern learn the origami art. Her father was long dead and Mjern never learned about him, her mother on the other hand described him as a ruthless mercenary whom had a soft spot for her. Though not much was said, Mjern always looked to the north... she knew her destiny laid that way. After some time, Mjern knew that she would have to take her own destiny in her own hands. In the middle of the night, Mjern commandeered a small fishing boat. When she was about to sail her mother approached her and handed her a small trinket. Her mother told her “ You’ve always knew what you wanted, I’m not going to spot you. “ She walked away calmly to watch Mjern sail to the mainland. Her route to Uzu wasn’t easy and littered with new dangers. She kept her head low and continued on to reach the Uzu Gates. A stranger to the village the Gate guards let her though seeing as she was no threat to them.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bloodline Class
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless Kin Bloodless Kin allows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. However, this special implant cannot be the Rinnegan, and you cannot have Bloodless Kin with a Combo Element Kekkei Genkai implant or character. Because of the special nature of this implant, the second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin.
                        - Origami no Dara

                        Second Class: Ninjutsu Class
                        ▱▰▱ Elemental Savant The user starts with an additional element at D rank. In addition, at C rank and A rank, the user receives an additional element. Ninjutsu slots are mirrored per element, including maruton.

                        Chakra Pool: 275
                        Stamina Pool: 225
                        Chakra Element: Futon (( Wind )), Raiton (( Lightning )) & Fire (( Katon ))
                        Chakra Color: Shimmering Gold
                        Chakra Materialization: Like subtle gold flakes rising off her skin

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0

                        • Speed ► 0

                        • Reflex ► 0

                        • Fortitude ► 0

                        • Elemental Ninjutsu
                        • Bloodline Techniques
                        • High Ranking Taijutsu
                        • Fuuninjutsu (( Sealing Technques ))
                        • Overwhelming Blood
                        • Maggots or Worms

                        • Learn 1 extra Bloodline technique per post.
                        • Learn 1 extra Ninjutsu technique per post.
                        Personal Attributes:
                        • Learn 2 extra Bloodline Technques per post
                        • Learn 1 extra Bukijutsu Technique per post
                        • Temperance: Gains [50] Chakra per post dedicated to recovering the [Origami Chakra] pool

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0 {starts at 0}
                        AC: 0 {starts at 0}

                        Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        Weapon Specs

                        - Small Wooden Gunbai // D - Ranked

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 08
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01

                        * Kai | Rank X | Default
                        * Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        * Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        * Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        * Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        * Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default

                        Futon no Jutsu! - Wind Style Ninjutsu

                        Raiton no Jutsu! - Lightning Style Ninjutsu

                        Katon no Jutsu! - Fire Style Ninjutsu

                        The Uchiha Clan - Sharigan

                        Origami no Dara! - Paper Jutsu


                        Taijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        * {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Honshi Art - Death from afar

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 01

                        Formless Styles
                        * Projectile Weapons - Shuriken

                        Formless Techniques


PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:11 pm

Evanescently Magnificent

Oh it um should be already approved. It's one of the Sakkakugan optional pa's as part of the rework 'o '

oh, well then i guess its approved then. my bad.


since you have a bloodline, you can take a third PA as long as it is one of the optional PAs from the bloodlines you have. Aside from that, it looks good. Approved

Cute Things In Jars

Anxious Poster

10,675 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Megathread 100

Evanescently Magnificent

Anxious Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:58 pm

Okay hear me out

User Image

User Image

                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Nohea
                        Nickname: -
                        Age: 9
                        Birthdate: February 14th
                        Gender: Female

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Hair Color: Light grey
                        Eye Color: White
                        Height: 4ft
                        Weight: 50lbs

                        Bloodline: Hoshigaki
                        Non-Combat Outfit: What she wears in the picture. Referred to as her nice clothes. While swimming Nohea also has one piece swim suit that she keeps treasured.
                        Combat Outfit: -

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: Not sure yet.

                        || Loyal || Although her Hatake blood may not show easily, it is displayed strongly in her actions. Nohea loyalty may be hard faught but she will never leave your side until the day you die.

                        || Aggressive || Hoshigaki nature compels Nohea to push and shove through things when things would be better solved by just being patient.

                        || Outspoken || Unless trying to specifically trying to hide it from you Nohea will generally be free with anything that's on her mind or how she is feeling.

                        || Predator || Hatake are generally considered to be smart, cunning, calculating, etc. Well this has mixed rather conflictingly with her mother's confrontational nature. The result of which being thst Nohea is turned into even more of the predator than normal Hoshigaki. Running entirety on instinct as if she truly were a thorough breed shark, she waits for the opportune strike and will never hesitate.

                        || Jealous || Nohea did not grew up with much, not even a family. As such she is often jealous watching others get the things she never gotten.

                        || Loner || Unless accepted by the other person Nohea does not do well mingling with others. Previous attempts at making friends quickly revealed the differences between them quickly, which in turn angered Nohea at her social ineptitude, which in turn in turn pushed any friends she could have made even further away.

                        || Brave || No matter what someone says about Nohea, none can say she is a coward. She never let's anyone talk down to her and isn't afraid of a fight ni matter how tough they are.

                        Village: None
                        Title: -
                        Background: Born of a Hatake father and Hoshigaki mother, Nohea is quite the oddity. Not being fully a Hoshigaki has kept her skin from changing color while on dry land, through the longer she spends in the water will reveal her fishy nature (Great white shark color scheme). If fact the only signs if her parentage while on land are her many rows of fanged teeth. Meanwhile her Hatake blood took a backseat under the aggressive Hoshigaki genes, and have only managed to manifest in her hair color.

                        Other than these traits that she inherited therr really isn't much to say about her parents. Whether or not they died or just abandoned her is a mystery even to her and for as long as she can remember she has been alone. Living in the water and surviving off the fish she caught (and eats raw). She has made brief trips into populated areas and has seen what a family is supposed to be like however, which is where her manifested jealousy comes from. The clothes she has in her possession are ones that has stolen.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bukijutsu
                        ▱▰▱ JuggernautThe user suffers no drawbacks of any kind when wearing very light and light armor at D-Rank, medium armor at C-Rank, heavy armor at B-Rank, and all other armors at A-Rank. They receive one free custom weapon or armor upon creation and gain a moderate boost to strength and fortitude. Additionally, they start with the following four techniques, rather than the six most ninja do: Bushi Ken no Jutsu [ Samurai Sabre Technique ], Shunshin no Jutsu [ Body Flicker Technique ], Kai [ Release ], and Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ]
                        Second Class: Taijutsu
                        ▱▰▱ BerserkerYour external training and devotion to taijutsu has allowed you to have moderately increased Strength and Fortitude. Your hardened body allows you to mitigate the pain/status effect of an incoming attack for two post per body rank, allowing you to continue the fight until the pain or hazards settle in. This means that a stunning effect can be delayed by up to ten posts at S rank. However, you ignore pain anytime you use this discipline for any reason, meaning if you delay having your arm disabled by a skill, you can also ignore the pain from having been stabbed on that post as well. Ex.: A ninja uses a lightning technique designed to stun you. For one post, you can delay that effect from taking hold, and have nine posts to continue delaying effects. Similarly, the pain from the attack itself is also ignored. This doesn't, however, prevent you from being blown away in the wind, or set on fire/drowned for example. Furthermore, if lethal damage is suffered then the delaying ability will be nullified for that effect

                        Chakra Pool: 200
                        Stamina Pool: 300
                        Chakra Element: Suiton and Raiton
                        Chakra Color: Grey and white
                        Chakra Materialization: No outward appearance. Instead as she swims Nohea begins to turn more into a Hoshigaki with a great white shark color scheme of half her body being grey and the other white, while also growing what look like gills and fins. (Non-functional until of course I learn underwater breathing, in that case it will just be roleplay flavour that I breathe through them and not through a jutsu).

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 6
                        → Juggernaut, Beserker
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 6
                        → Juggernaut, Beserker

                        • Underwater combat
                        • Carnivorous nature allows her to eat meat raw like an animal

                        • Long range
                        • Ninjutsu (low slot count)

                        • Being alone. Noha may be a loner but she a loner who enjoys being in the company of others
                        • Not a fear so much as she wishes for a family

                        • Learn 2 extra Bukijutsu technique per post
                        • Learn 1 extra Taijutsu technique per post
                        • Hoshigaki learn 1 extra water technqiue per post

                        Personal Attributes:
                        • Sharklike Aggression: The Hoshigaki clan members start with an additional 2 buki styles.
                        • Warpath: Nohea can supplement the use of handseals through her physical movement through combat and other somatic actions. (Follows the same rules as other handseal replacement PA's).

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        •  || →
                        •  || →
                        •  || →
                        •  || →

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • || →
                        • || →

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        • 1 Kunai

                        Weapon Specs

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 00
                        • Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 00
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 03

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Bushi Ken no Jutsu [ Samurai Sabre Technique ] | Rank X | Default
                        • Shunshin no Jutsu [ Body Flicker Technique ] | Rank D | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default






                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 02

                        Formless Styles
                        • Soft Physical (locked)

                        Formless Techniques

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:15 pm

User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Szen Ranmaru
                        Nickname: -
                        Age: 20
                        Birthdate: 03/13
                        Gender: Male

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Height: 6' 5"
                        Weight: 196 lbs.

                        Bloodline: Uchiha (Bloodless Kin: Jiongu)

                        Non-Combat Outfit: x
                        Combat Outfit: x
                        Jiongu Tendrils: x

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
                        Personality: There was something about Szen that drew people to him. Whether it was curiosity at what lie behind the mask he always donned or that inviting warmth within his soothing gaze that stretched out towards others like a welcome home mat or a steamy springs after a long hard day at work, not a one person could agree on what it was about him. Though it had to be more than that, more than mere outward appearances. Szen was quiet, but not out of painful shyness. It was a reservedness, like a conscious choice to observe the lie of the land before he got involved. Yet he wasn't stand-offish, he remained friendly faced and approachable in body posture. It wasn't like he sat down one day and planned to be like that, it was just the way he was. No one never saw him go out and deliberately make a friend, they just came to him. He was an easy listener, a good audience, giving encouraging feedback laced with intelligent comments. He worked hard, he got his work done. Only once in a while would he sink into a sulk over failing some transmission work, it didn't happen to him often, and he had poor tolerance for the feeling when it did.

                        Village: -
                        Title: -

                        Background: Like many children whom blossomed amid the fields of war, Szen never knew his parents.

                        His mother and father had been swept off before the sands of time could take them, long a'fore their boy could learn the name they had given him. Szen's hay cradle had been buried in the ash and debris remnants of his village. He would have become burnt refuse as well if it had not been for a certain traveler. A kunoichi by the name of Harue had heard the child's wails and came to his rescue. She was a different sort of nin, a special messenger from the midlands whom worked under an acclaimed entrepreneur. Harue took the boy without hesitation for she could not bear children of her own. Finding the boy was like a dream to her. He was the child she had prayed so fervently for.

                        So she cleaned Szen up and they returned to her homeland. Once there, she took Szen under her wing, settling for a while, least until the boy matured enough to train. Harue taught him how to read and write from a very young age. And then came time to educate him in the ways of a ninja. Szen excelled at his studies and preformed splendidly, frequently exceeding Harue's expectations. So much so that his mother soon decided to bring him along on some of her delivery missions, otherwise known as transmissions.

                        On a more arduous transmission, the two were ambushed by rogues. Szen was gravely injured. His innards were exposed and unraveled before him for the very first time in his life. He honest to gods thought it'd be the last time too. Countless tendrils wove and thrashed about fiercely from within while Szen stood terribly still, stricken with absolute horror. He viewed the coils that appeared nigh parasitic even in all their splendor and resplendent hue. They were the color of his chakra, tourmaline, and they appeared alive and aglow with energy pulsing through them like endless streams of clear water currents. This sight had been enough to confuse and disturb their unknown assailants.

                        Szen's mother Harue did not scare as easily. Half because the tendrils had come from her son━though the other half was due to a thorn that now plagued her side. The thorn was actually a dagger, buried deeply in a gaping wound beneath her rib cage. His mother was fading when Szen finally came to. Around the same time, help arrived. A group of nomads had stumbled across the injured pair. Their shaman tended to the child without terrible difficulty, howbeit his mother was another story. With tears in his eyes and all over his face and hands, Szen could only barely watch as his mother wrote her last words with what scant strength remained in her. It was a letter she had never thought she'd write. Then she beckoned Szen to listen so that he might carry out her final request.

                        Harue's body was buried in those vile, foreign lands. For it was much too perilous to take her home, even Szen knew. After he paid his extended respects, Szen set off on his first delivery. This transmission too was formidable, though eventually the boy did reach the entrepreneur whom his mother had worked for. The boy, battered, sweaty and entirely ridden with filth had managed to stand before the letter's addressee weeks later. Breathless, Szen handed the unread message over to the mature male, whom sat behind an extravagant desk that'd been buried in neat stacks of smooth paper. The older man broke the scroll's familiar wax seal and bore his eyes into its contents.

                        It read, "My darling Denji, consider this my letter of resignation. I write these words with a heavy heart now, as I lay on my bed and drift off, gradually into eternity. Where the sands of time may wash my presence and any memory of me away from this wondrous world. I've no elaborate requests to ask of you, only one wish. It is that you point my only son, Szen, in the right direction. He's still so very young━he has much to learn about our world. Please keep him safe, for me. That being written, I now understand why it was you left. I couldn't bear you any children to call your own. Sincerely I say, my soul would have, and should have, left me too, until the gods offered me a child to save it. I'm so sorry that my infertility deprived you of a son, or a daughter, who could fill your broken heart with joy and mend its cracks with love and laughter. A child whom might carry on your legacy. War may have fathered the boy whom stands before you now, delivering my letter, the boy I've saved, raised and named by myself. Howbeit I am his mother and will always be his mother. Even after I pass, I'll watch over him from above or below, no matter where I might end up. I hope that he brings you the solace I never could. We spend so much time writing these letters for others that we often forget to write to those whom we love too. So here's one final letter from me to you. Sincerely, Harue."

                        Szen's stared curiously at the older male's eyes as they grew dewy with emotions long-suppressed. The man was quick to wipe away the rivulets that'd streamed down his cheeks with the back of a calloused, hard hand. Meanwhile Szen fought with himself that he might not ask what his mother's letter wrote. It'd been hers to give, and she'd always taught him to respect the privacy of those whom they wrote for.

                        On that day, Szen gained a father for the first time he could remember. Denji picked up where his lover of yore had left off raising the boy, though the older male lamentably did not have a woman's touch. At times, he was very tough on the child. Szen grew to understand his father's nindo thoroughly, which was that sticks and stones may break his bones, but words could never hurt him. His missions reinforced Denji's teachings. For not every recipient wished to hear or see what words were written in the letters Szen delivered. Some collectors had even attempted to kill the messenger.

                        Some had not. Today, Szen stands beside two friends whom he had met during his transmissions across the shinobi nations: Kairi and Makoto. More to come later.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless KinBloodless Kin allows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. The second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin. It must be clarified that in the inherent implant from Bloodless Kin is a second bloodline. It is an implant only in that it takes up an implant slot, and does not follow the rules or stipulations of implants, but of bloodlines.
                        Second Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ Blood KnightYour bloodline techniques possess greater power, allowing them to overwhelm techniques of the same rank and preventing them from succumbing to elemental weaknesses. You can cast bloodline techniques through one-handed seals.

                        Chakra Pool: 250
                        Stamina Pool: 250
                        Chakra Element: Katon, Doton.
                        Chakra Color: Tourmaline blue or indicolite.
                        Chakra Materialization: Like living, flowing threads, constantly intertwining, ascending as they unravel to naught.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Ninjutsu as well as close combat.
                        • Influencing others to perhaps think a certain way.
                        • Ranged combat and multiple targets.
                        • Acts hastily at times especially during missions.
                        • Losing a beloved friend as his inner circle is limited.
                        • Facing the monster within himself, the beast that is his bloodless kin.

                        • Learn 1 extra Ninjtutsu per post.
                        • Learn 1 extra Bloodline technique per post.
                        • At body rank D/C, costs are reduced by [5].
                        • At body rank B/A, costs are reduced by [10].
                        • At body rank S/S+ costs are reduced by [15].

                        Personal Attributes:
                        • Still Beating: The Jiongu user gains [12] slots as opposed to [8] per heart extracted.
                        • Elemental Bending: Can perform any form of elemental jutsu with simplistic and complex somatic actions (claps, waves of the arms, stomps, etc).
                        • Stitched Together: When having two elemental hearts the Jiongu may combine them to be treated as [1] heart for the purpose of slots. The slots are then halved granting up [4] techniques of a corresponding bloodline combination. I.e having a Wind and a Fire heart will grant access to Shakuton. Once the [4] techniques are chosen they cannot be changed. If Still Beating is Taken the number of techniques increases to [6].

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        • x1 Frying pan and pot set.
                        • x8 Scrolls to write on.
                        • x4 Sets of attire.
                        • x3 Inkwell pens.
                        • x2 Kunai.
                        • x6 Shuriken.

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Doton Heart : : 00 / 12
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 02 / 02

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | Rank D | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | Rank D | Default





                        Doton Heart:


                        Rigorous Freestyle Whirlwind .

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 00

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ▰ ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless
                        • {Formless type learning}




Cute Things In Jars

Anxious Poster

10,675 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Megathread 100
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:15 am


PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:42 am

User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Kairi Mitsuhide
                        Nickname: Kai
                        Age: 19
                        Birthdate: April 4th
                        Gender: Female

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Height: 5'7
                        Weight: 126 lbs

                        Bloodline: Rinnegan | Uchiha

                        Non-Combat Outfit: [ 1 & 2 ]
                        Combat Outfit: [ Battle Ready ]

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: Not all those who wander are lost.
                        Personality: Kairi is headstrong and passionate like a hurricane; from the time of her birth until she left home she has always been the eye of her own storm. She firmly believes in her nindo: not all who wander are lost. She always has one step forward into the future and doesn't believe staying in one place due to her mother's misfortune. Kairi is a natural at entertaining others when she is cooking, it is like she forgets any ill-feelings she harbors towards men. As is expected, men are the ones who most often say Kairi is a cold-hearted individual. While at times her words may seem harsh to them, her actions can nonetheless show great compassion. There is something about a fragment of warmth that can show coldness, something in the kiss of the sun's rays amid the cold almost-winter wind that is reminiscent of Kairi. There is nothing "princess" about Kairi, just a fierce independence.. and she has been that way from girlhood, confident with the air of a warrior.

                        Village: Wanderer
                        Title: N/A

                        Background: Originally, it was Kairi's father who was a wanderer, travelling from land to land like a bird flying South for the Winter. Whether it was knowledge, adventure, escape, or power that he sought it was unknown. Kanzaki was just a man who never stayed in one place. On the other hand, Kairi's mother, Niko, was from the Land of the Eddies and lived a happy life cooking for everyone around her. She was the type who settled down and dug her roots deep into the fertile soil. During his travels, Kanzaki came upon Niko and found her to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever met along his countless travels. At first, Niko always denied Kanzaki's flirtations. He was a man who never stayed, and as thus she had no business with him.

                        However, on one fateful night Kanzaki ordered a great amount of food from Niko and the two partook of many cups of sake while Kanzaki wove tales of his many adventures. By the time the moon was high in the sky, Niko was inebriated. Kanzaki took this opportunity to seduce the woman and from this night Kairi was conceived. And Kanzaki did stay put, if only for a few months before disappearing as quickly as he had come and leaving Niko with child. Niko who felt as though she had been beguiled was forlorn, but decided that she would still keep her child and raise her with all the love of a mother that she had.

                        Yet, life was not to be this simple for Niko as she became incredibly sick and depressed in the last months of pregnancy and died in giving birth to Kairi. It was at this time that Kanzaki had finally returned, having taken care of the looming threats of which Niko knew not of. He had lost everything, and yet not all was lost as the villagers told him of the child Niko had left behind. Holding the feisty babe in his arms, Kanzaki decided to take Kairi with him on his travels, vowing to never leave a love behind again despite knowing what danger it could bring her. The villagers who had been close to Niko were not keen on this idea, but they had no choice in the matter.

                        Over time, it was clearly seen that Kanzaki was living a dangerous life of intrigue in which he borrowed and gambled with money which he never repaid, amounting debts in almost every land he visited. This was the truth behind why Kanzaki never stayed in one place for too long, as he was a true fugitive. Kairi, a small girl, was always shielded from the truth of her father's mishaps, always being left behind in some noodle shop or restaurant to "help the staff". When in reality they were glorified babysitters. As such, Kairi's love for the culinary arts and her mother's talent grew.

                        During one of their travels, Kanzaki lost an arm and was gravely injured after being caught by his rogue ninja while on the run with Kaira. It was at this time that Kairi opened her eyes to the cruelties of the world. Her father, now maimed, was relegated to settling down in the Land of the Eddies where the mother of his child and love of his life had died. Kaira followed him begging for the truth to be told. The villagers were the ones who finally recounted her family's past and gave her a drawing of her mother. On this day, even her father opened up to her in shame of what he had done.

                        Now knowing everything, Kairi sought to never settle down in one place, to continue to see the world, and to touch lives in a way her father did not. She wasn't going to be in hiding, instead she would face the world. She would not repeat the mistakes of her parents, and she found that she could no longer trust men. Yet, deep down she still loved her father deeply. He was all that she had left and she understood why he had abandoned her mother; she simply could not accept it.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        Specialized Class: Bloodline Class
                        ▱▰▱ KeystoneYou receive an additional 5 custom technique slots to be used only on bloodline and bloodline-related techniques. Additionally, you may create a "keystone" technique; this technique is essentially a Bloodline ninja's signature move, with power and versatility similar to a technique such as Kamui. This technique must be submitted as a custom jutsu and approved. It cannot be used to provide stats or reductions. It also does not take a custom jutsu slot.
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless Kinallows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. However, this special implant cannot be the Rinnegan, and you cannot have Bloodless Kin with a Combo Element Kekkei Genkai implant or character. Because of the special nature of this implant, the second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin.

                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless KinAt body rank D and C costs for bloodline techniques are reduced by five [5]. At body rank B and A, costs are reduced by ten [10]. Finally at body rank S and S+ costs are reduced by fifteen [15].

                        Chakra Pool: 250
                        Stamina Pool: 250
                        Chakra Element: Katon, Fuuton
                        Chakra Color: Ebony
                        Chakra Materialization: like flames dancing on her skin

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Archery
                        • Cooking
                        • Fist Fighting
                        • Suiton
                        • Blindness
                        • Drowning

                        • Learn 2 extra Bloodline techniques per post.
                        Personal Attributes:
                        Disciplined Eye: While her Rinnegan is active, Kairi can see through all objects in the line of sight to any target.
                        Six Paths of Pain:: Gain the ability to use the Six Paths of Pain.
                        Genetic Palette: With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 00
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default







                        Tame Za Kyokudo
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Kyoukan Ya
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 03
                        {Find in Formless Style and Class information}

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}


Dapper Genius

Cute Things In Jars

Anxious Poster

10,675 Points
  • Partygoer 500
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Megathread 100
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:26 pm


Evanescently Magnificent

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:48 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Usien "Prince" Nakumara
                        Age: 16
                        Birthdate: June 26
                        Gender: Male}

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Height: 6'0
                        Weight: 180lbs

                        Bloodline: Yoton


                        Normal Attire
                        Alternate Outfit

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: N/A
                        Personality: Nature ▬ Uisen is a very shy and introverted person. He can become more accustomed and extroverted the more he gets to know someone but he never will be able to reach that point where he can have a conversation and not show any sort sign of bashfulness or timidness in his natural state. This is helped by Caffeine. With caffeine, he is able to cause his mind to go into state of hyperness as any person would be in if they drink a high amount of caffeine. The difference is, once he reaches this, his mind stays distracted keeping thoughts that normally would hinder him to a limited quantity. So for example, a female teacher that he can't even state a full sentence to, he be able to answer her questions shyfully on a caffeinated state. For this, he always wants to know where sources of Caffeine are in case he runs low. It's advised to keep a blended drink with significant amount of expresso nearby. Especially for missions.
                        █ Vernacular ▬ He is very southern hospitality when it comes to his speaking. Even if it may be a broken sentence, he tends to be respectful and well mannered, always choosing to show respect.
                        █ Positive Traits ▬ Usien is very helpful and tend to always put others first instead of his own. Even if it stagnates his growth or his desires. He goes to try to cheer people up or at least try to think of the bright side of a situation even when there isn't on and always open to lend a helping hand if its ever in need.
                        █ Negative Traits ▬ Very Timid and Introverted. Without high amounts of Caffiene, it sometimes hard to get a sentence out of him. Heavily bad on the battlefield as its pertenant that he is doped up on Caffiene before a battle just to make sure he can function. He can kick it into gear to fight if his life is depending on it, but it's a high risk. A very Dominant personality can trigger this, bringing anger out of him to a boiling point where he fights at his best. .

                        Village: N/A
                        Title: N/A}

                        Background: Prince was born to household of 3 huntsmen. The two huntsmen taught Prince at an early age about fighting, but he never truly had any real desire to learn. Even after showing skills in medical ninjutsu , he still had no desire and was more reserved. The huntsmen weren’t sure what to do. As the child grew up, he became more introverted and less concerned on fighting. He learned and participated in training still and but instead focused on gardening and learning about plants. The huntsmen didn’t consider their child as a failure, but were worried that he may be ill trained when it came to grim. Especially with their increase in strength. They decided to send him to the ninja Academy in order to help with his training, but also to help with his social skills as well.

                        A few months before his shipping date, he was out in the city working on discovering the limited amount of plant life that he could when he suddenly ran into a mob. A racist group of citizens that hated him for some reason. He wasn't sure why, but it had something to do with the 3 huntsmen he lived with which was his parents and his mother's other husband. The group started off just by taunting him, yelling words that didn’t really hit home to him. Being introverted gave him a good way to avoid people. Unfortunately, this only angered the mob. Soon, they would attack him. . Laying there broken, scared, and afraid, the young boy vowed to never let that occur again.

                        With the incident, he doesn’t like to be touched, or even talked to. At times it is out of fear and other times it just his natural timidness coming through. He is more comfortable around animals but around humans it takes an extra barrier to pierce in order to get to know him. Mixing this timidness with the regular hormones of a teenager increased his timidness 10 fold having his mind always think about what the worst thing that can happen. He found that in the morning, the thoughts slowly don’t bother him when having caffeine from a cup of coffee. After doubling down on this hypothesis, he realized that major amounts of a caffeine keeps him in a more stable condition where he can at least talk while being low on it makes it a hard challenge to get a conversation going with him. He ended up following the 3 huntsmen and left to go head towards a life away from the village. Unfortunately, he is the only one who remains at this time.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ BloodKnightYour bloodline techniques possess greater power, allowing them to overwhelm techniques of the same rank and preventing them from succumbing to elemental weaknesses. You can cast bloodline techniques through one-handed seals.
                        Second Class: Medical
                        ▱▰▱ Support SpecialistThe user is capable of conferring a moderate stat boost to any ally that they desire. This stat boost can be what ever the medic wishes, however it can only go on one ally for as long as the medic wishes. Additionally to this, the medic is able to use healing eseijutsu on an ally from a distance as opposed to having to touch them. The range for this is fifty [50] feet.

                        Chakra Pool: 375
                        Stamina Pool: 325
                        Chakra Element: Katon and Doton
                        Chakra Color: Pink
                        Chakra Materialization: Pink Dust

                        Passive Stats Increases: {Descriptive ranks may be used in place of numbers for this section if desired. All of these start at 0/no buff, with each increase of 1 denoting a one level increase in the descriptive rank bonus to that stat. When you gain a passive benefit, add it to these totals and denote the source in place of the N/A under the relevant stat.}
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A {Ex. Punch Hard PA, Move Fast Training}
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Bukijutsu
                        • Endurance
                        • Always willing to help a person in need
                        • Distance Battles
                        • Very Timid and Introverted. Without high amounts of Caffeine, it sometimes hard to get a sentence out of him. Heavily bad on the battlefield as its pertenant that he is doped up on Caffeine before a battle just to make sure he can function. He can kick it into gear to fight if his life is depending on it, but it's a high risk. A very Dominant personality can trigger this, bringing anger out of him to a boiling point where he fights at his best.
                        • Strangers
                        • Genjutsu

                        • Learn 1 extra Bloodline technique per post
                        • Learn 1 extra Medical technique per post.
                        Personal Attributes:
                        • The user is apt with their Youton such that they can cast their Youton techniques with somatic gestures replacing handseals
                        • Newton!?: Because of it's nature as a Non-newtonian solid, Lava techniques are all capable of being switched between lava, rubber and wet cement. This PA also gives the user access to 100 additional chakra.
                        • Strong Body: Gives user access to 100 additional stamina

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0 {starts at 0}
                        AC: 0 {starts at 0}

                        Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        • A 3 bladed Scythe with Chain on it
                        • Standard Shinobi ninja tools
                        • Katana like blade
                        • Extra set of clothes. All same style.
                        • Metal Wire
                        • .Rope

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        Limitations: {How many of each technique you can learn. Refer to class info, remove if you don't have access to jutsu. Remember that E rank nin/gen/eiseijutsu do not count towards these limits.}
                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 07
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 07
                        • Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default



                        • {


                        Taijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Bukijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 04
                        {Find in Formless Style and Class information}

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ▰ ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless
                        • {Formless type learning}

Noble Negative J3T

9,775 Points
  • Member 100
  • Gaian 50


PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:00 am

User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Szen Ranmaru
                        Nickname: -
                        Age: 20
                        Birthdate: 03/13
                        Gender: Male

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Height: 6' 5"
                        Weight: 196 lbs.

                        Bloodline: Uchiha (Bloodless Kin: Jiongu)

                        Non-Combat Outfit: x
                        Combat Outfit: x
                        Jiongu Tendrils: x

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
                        Personality: There was something about Szen that drew people to him. Whether it was curiosity at what lie behind the mask he always donned or that inviting warmth within his soothing gaze that stretched out towards others like a welcome home mat or a steamy springs after a long hard day at work, not a one person could agree on what it was about him. Though it had to be more than that, more than mere outward appearances. Szen was quiet, but not out of painful shyness. It was a reservedness, like a conscious choice to observe the lie of the land before he got involved. Yet he wasn't stand-offish, he remained friendly faced and approachable in body posture. It wasn't like he sat down one day and planned to be like that, it was just the way he was. No one never saw him go out and deliberately make a friend, they just came to him. He was an easy listener, a good audience, giving encouraging feedback laced with intelligent comments. He worked hard, he got his work done. Only once in a while would he sink into a sulk over failing some transmission work, it didn't happen to him often, and he had poor tolerance for the feeling when it did.

                        Village: -
                        Title: -

                        Background: Like many children whom blossomed amid the fields of war, Szen never knew his parents.

                        His mother and father had been swept off before the sands of time could take them, long a'fore their boy could learn the name they had given him. Szen's hay cradle had been buried in the ash and debris remnants of his village. He would have become burnt refuse as well if it had not been for a certain traveler. A kunoichi by the name of Harue had heard the child's wails and came to his rescue. She was a different sort of nin, a special messenger from the midlands whom worked under an acclaimed entrepreneur. Harue took the boy without hesitation for she could not bear children of her own. Finding the boy was like a dream to her. He was the child she had prayed so fervently for.

                        So she cleaned Szen up and they returned to her homeland. Once there, she took Szen under her wing, settling for a while, least until the boy matured enough to train. Harue taught him how to read and write from a very young age. And then came time to educate him in the ways of a ninja. Szen excelled at his studies and preformed splendidly, frequently exceeding Harue's expectations. So much so that his mother soon decided to bring him along on some of her delivery missions, otherwise known as transmissions.

                        On a more arduous transmission, the two were ambushed by rogues. Szen was gravely injured. His innards were exposed and unraveled before him for the very first time in his life. He honest to gods thought it'd be the last time too. Countless tendrils wove and thrashed about fiercely from within while Szen stood terribly still, stricken with absolute horror. He viewed the coils that appeared nigh parasitic even in all their splendor and resplendent hue. They were the color of his chakra, tourmaline, and they appeared alive and aglow with energy pulsing through them like endless streams of clear water currents. This sight had been enough to confuse and disturb their unknown assailants.

                        Szen's mother Harue did not scare as easily. Half because the tendrils had come from her son━though the other half was due to a thorn that now plagued her side. The thorn was actually a dagger, buried deeply in a gaping wound beneath her rib cage. His mother was fading when Szen finally came to. Around the same time, help arrived. A group of nomads had stumbled across the injured pair. Their shaman tended to the child without terrible difficulty, howbeit his mother was another story. With tears in his eyes and all over his face and hands, Szen could only barely watch as his mother wrote her last words with what scant strength remained in her. It was a letter she had never thought she'd write. Then she beckoned Szen to listen so that he might carry out her final request.

                        Harue's body was buried in those vile, foreign lands. For it was much too perilous to take her home, even Szen knew. After he paid his extended respects, Szen set off on his first delivery. This transmission too was formidable, though eventually the boy did reach the entrepreneur whom his mother had worked for. The boy, battered, sweaty and entirely ridden with filth had managed to stand before the letter's addressee weeks later. Breathless, Szen handed the unread message over to the mature male, whom sat behind an extravagant desk that'd been buried in neat stacks of smooth paper. The older man broke the scroll's familiar wax seal and bore his eyes into its contents.

                        It read, "My darling Denji, consider this my letter of resignation. I write these words with a heavy heart now, as I lay on my bed and drift off, gradually into eternity. Where the sands of time may wash my presence and any memory of me away from this wondrous world. I've no elaborate requests to ask of you, only one wish. It is that you point my only son, Szen, in the right direction. He's still so very young━he has much to learn about our world. Please keep him safe, for me. That being written, I now understand why it was you left. I couldn't bear you any children to call your own. Sincerely I say, my soul would have, and should have, left me too, until the gods offered me a child to save it. I'm so sorry that my infertility deprived you of a son, or a daughter, who could fill your broken heart with joy and mend its cracks with love and laughter. A child whom might carry on your legacy. War may have fathered the boy whom stands before you now, delivering my letter, the boy I've saved, raised and named by myself. Howbeit I am his mother and will always be his mother. Even after I pass, I'll watch over him from above or below, no matter where I might end up. I hope that he brings you the solace I never could. We spend so much time writing these letters for others that we often forget to write to those whom we love too. So here's one final letter from me to you. Sincerely, Harue."

                        Szen's stared curiously at the older male's eyes as they grew dewy with emotions long-suppressed. The man was quick to wipe away the rivulets that'd streamed down his cheeks with the back of a calloused, hard hand. Meanwhile Szen fought with himself that he might not ask what his mother's letter wrote. It'd been hers to give, and she'd always taught him to respect the privacy of those whom they wrote for.

                        On that day, Szen gained a father for the first time he could remember. Denji picked up where his lover of yore had left off raising the boy, though the older male lamentably did not have a woman's touch. At times, he was very tough on the child. Szen grew to understand his father's nindo thoroughly, which was that sticks and stones may break his bones, but words could never hurt him. His missions reinforced Denji's teachings. For not every recipient wished to hear or see what words were written in the letters Szen delivered. Some collectors had even attempted to kill the messenger.

                        Some had not. Today, Szen stands beside two friends whom he had met during his transmissions across the shinobi nations: Kairi and Makoto. More to come later.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless KinBloodless Kin allows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. The second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin. It must be clarified that in the inherent implant from Bloodless Kin is a second bloodline. It is an implant only in that it takes up an implant slot, and does not follow the rules or stipulations of implants, but of bloodlines.
                        Second Class: Bloodline
                        ▱▰▱ KeystoneYou receive an additional 5 custom technique slots to be used only on bloodline and bloodline-related techniques. Additionally, you may create a "keystone" technique; this technique is essentially a Bloodline ninja's signature move, with power and versatility similar to a technique such as Kamui. This technique must be submitted as a custom jutsu and approved. It cannot be used to provide stats or reductions. It also does not take a custom jutsu slot.

                        Chakra Pool: 250
                        Stamina Pool: 250
                        Chakra Element: Katon, Doton.
                        Chakra Color: Tourmaline blue or indicolite.
                        Chakra Materialization: Like living, flowing threads, constantly intertwining, ascending as they unravel to naught.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Ninjutsu as well as close combat.
                        • Influencing others to perhaps think a certain way.
                        • Ranged combat and multiple targets.
                        • Acts hastily at times especially during missions.
                        • Losing a beloved friend as his inner circle is limited.
                        • Facing the monster within himself, the beast that is his bloodless kin.

                        • Learn 1 extra Ninjtutsu per post.
                        • Learn 1 extra Bloodline technique per post.
                        • At body rank D/C, costs are reduced by [5].
                        • At body rank B/A, costs are reduced by [10].
                        • At body rank S/S+ costs are reduced by [15].

                        Personal Attributes:
                        • Still Beating: The Jiongu user gains [12] slots as opposed to [8] per heart extracted.
                        • Elemental Bending: Can perform any form of elemental jutsu with simplistic and complex somatic actions (claps, waves of the arms, stomps, etc).
                        • Stitched Together: When having two elemental hearts the Jiongu may combine them to be treated as [1] heart for the purpose of slots. The slots are then halved granting up [4] techniques of a corresponding bloodline combination. I.e having a Wind and a Fire heart will grant access to Shakuton. Once the [4] techniques are chosen they cannot be changed. If Still Beating is Taken the number of techniques increases to [6].

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        • x1 Frying pan and pot set.
                        • x8 Scrolls to write on.
                        • x4 Sets of attire.
                        • x3 Inkwell pens.
                        • x2 Kunai.
                        • x6 Shuriken.

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Doton Heart : : 00 / 12
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 02 / 02

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | Rank D | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | Rank D | Default





                        Doton Heart:


                        Rigorous Freestyle Whirlwind .

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 00

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ▰ ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless
                        • {Formless type learning}

                        Sorry to bother, just wanted to switch his PA to Keystone before getting things started. Made an oopsie. Kay said it was okay to repost the entire profile with the alteration.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 7:36 pm

User ImageUser ImageUser Image

User Image
                        PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Son-Yuno Park
                        Age: 13
                        Birthdate: 2/14
                        Gender: Girl

                        PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Hair Color: Green
                        Eye Color: Emerald
                        Height: 4'11" / 149cm
                        Weight: 91lbs / 41kg

                        Bloodline: Rinnegan

                        Non-Combat Outfit: See post format
                        Combat Outfit: Yuno wears the official uniform of Arashigakure when on combat missions

                        SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: "To best Kenshin Kosei, I will surpass him in all aspects."
                        Personality: Having grown up as a "princess" among monkeys Yuno is rather self absorbed and vain. She cares deeply about her own personal appearance and places a large stock in beauty. Things which are ugly deserve scorn and punishment. Things which are pretty deserve to be placed on a pedestal. Of course she considers herself to be one of the prettiest things there is. In addition to this she can have a problem with being empathetic, pointedly put she lacks empathy. As the center of her father and mothers' universe she has come to internalize that. Efforts to curb this has failed as to some degree she is very thick headed like her father and often fails to learn from experience. Socially she is outgoing and can sometimes exhibit her birth mother's seductive personality. However her vanity and self absorbed nature have a tendency to get in the way of her making friends. That lack of friendship has often been difficult for Yuno as she hates being alone. Finally, due to her various negative personality traits and her parents' positions she feels as though she deserves special treatment.

                        Village: Arashigakure
                        Title: Genin

                        Background: Born to Mizuki and Jay Park, Son-Yuno Park is a child of shinobi. Her mother and father served together during the wars with the UHV and rose to distinction within Kumogakure. So much so that her father was actually made a kage in his own right. However a kage and a skilled medical shinobi do not always make for the most available parents. As such much of Yuno's childhood was spent living among the monkeys within the sage lands. Her "brother" Souta was there for much of that time as well. Whenever her mother or father had free time they would come to visit and often spoiled Yuno with gifts and treats. Eventually she came of age for the ninja academy within her father's village and set out to become a shinobi herself.

                        Yuno's academy days were rather uneventful and boring save for when she out applying graffiti to the village. She best her brother Souta in graduating first even if he did manage to tie her in GPA. However she became remiss when her father failed to attend the graduation ceremony, leading to her acting out and finding trouble. During this time she trained under Kenshin Kouseki in the art of rapier combat before butting heads with him over her interference in a superior's mission. As Kenshin was in charge during her Father's absence he saw fit to punish poor Yuno by sending her into juvenile detention for seven days. Her sentence was carried out under special protections and mostly on a work detail. After which she was thoroughly punished by her father when he grounded her to the sage realm for three months.

                        CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Ninjutsu
                        ▱▰▱ Elemental SavantThe user starts with an additional element at D rank. In addition, at C rank and A rank, the user receives an additional element. Ninjutsu slots are mirrored per element, including maruton.

                        Second Class:
                        ▱▰▱ Blood KnightYour bloodline techniques possess greater power, allowing them to overwhelm techniques of the same rank and preventing them from succumbing to elemental weaknesses. You can cast bloodline techniques through one-handed seals.

                        Chakra Pool: 490
                        Stamina Pool: 340
                        Chakra Element: Water, Fire, wind, Lightning, Earth
                        Chakra Color: Green
                        Chakra Materialization: Yuno's chakra materializes as a tengu like aura.

                        Training Boosts:
                        {E} Meditate x 2: +20 C/S [x]
                        {E} Performance x 2: +10 C/S [x] [x]
                        {D} Meditate x 2: +40 C/S [x]
                        {D} Performance x 2: +20 C/S [x]
                        {D} Combat x 1: +25 C/S [x]

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Speed ► Moderately Increased (3)
                        → Sen Gekiretsu Nagareboshi
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Belief in her self
                        • Can perform three natural elements
                        • Diverse library of ninjutsu available
                        • Unable to empathize with others
                        • Pampered attitude
                        • Being alone forever
                        • Not being strong enough to impress her family
                        • Tosokurui
                        • Bugs

                        • Learn one [1] extra ninjutsu technique per post
                        • Learn one [1] extra bloodline technique per post

                        Personal Attributes:
                        • Physical Training: +1 additional tai style.
                        • Evolution: Unlock the Rinnesharingan at S+ rank
                        • Six Paths of Pain: Gain the ability to use the Six Paths of Pain.
                        • Schoolyard Punk (Academy PA): Gain two additional formless slot
                        • Double Agent: May perform rogue missions as a village ninja
                        • Otsutsuki Heir: + 100 chakra
                        •Technique Scroll (Guild Timeskip): +10 Ninjutsu
                        •Graduated: +5 ninjutsu

                        JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両1,500
                        AC: 3,850

                        Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        E Rank :: 3
                        D Rank :: 16
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete: {all start at 0, remove this}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]


                        • 10 Shuriken
                        • 5 Kunai
                        • Mundane outfit displayed in profile pic (heels not in image)
                        • Personal journal for recipes and notes on plants
                        • Personal makeup for eye shadow and lips
                        • Academy Training Coupon x4
                        • Academy Tutor Coupon x2
                        • Academy AC Coupon x3
                        • Academy Mission Coupon
                        • Academy Mentor Coupon
                        • Academy Ryo Coupon
                        • Useless Key
                        • Graduation Scroll: Earn 10 slots (or 1 Tai or Buki style) to be distributed how you wish. Is not mirrored between clements. Earn 1 Academy-themed PA.
                        • Smoke Bombs x 3
                        • Explosive Notes x 6
                        • Basic Antidote x 2
                        • Enhanced Antidote x 2

                        Weapon Specs

                        Weapon Type: Umbrella Sword
                        Weapon Range: 30" + reach / 78 cm + reach
                        Weapon Weight: 2.5 lbs / 1.13 kg
                        Weapon Size: A 35" long standard parasol
                        Weapon Location: Back
                        •The sword is located inside of the central shaft of the umbrella and is shaped like a rapier


                        • Ninjutsu : : 01 / 33
                        • || Katon : : 00 / 06
                        • || Futon : : 00 / 06
                        • || Raiton : : 00 / 06
                        • || Doton : : 00 / 06
                        • || Suiton : : 06 / 06
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 01 / 01

                        • Rank X | Kai [Release] | [x]
                        • Rank X (E) | Ayatsuito no Jutsu [ String Reeling Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank X (E) | Kawara Shuriken [ Roof Tile Shuriken ] | [x]
                        • Rank X (E) | Youji [ Toothpick ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Bikou Ninjutsu [ Shadowing Stealth Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Kakuremino no Jutsu [ Magic Cloak of Invisibility Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Karakuri Hakke no Jin [ Mechanical Eight Trigrams Formation ] |
                        • Rank E | Nawanuke no Jutsu [ Escaping Skill ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Kekkai Massatsu no Jutsu [ Barrier Shatter Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Oiroke no Jutsu [ Sexy Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Tanukineiri no Jutsu [ Feigning Sleep Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Genso Bunshin no Jutsu [ Illusion Clone Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique] | [x]
                        • Rank D | Art of Walking on Water | [x]
                        • Rank D | Art of Walking on Walls | [x]
                        • Rank D | Shunshin no Jutsu [ Body Flicker Technique ] | [x]





                        • Rank X (E)| Mizu Soujuu [ Water Manipulation ] | [x]
                        • Rank X (E) | Mizu no Yaiba [Water Sword] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Mizu no Waruasobi [Trick of Water] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Mizu Kagami no Jutsu [Water Mirror] | [x]
                        • Rank E | Uo Tsuba [Fish Spit] | [x]
                        • Rank D | Kokuun no Jutsu [ Black Clouds Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank D | Suimenka no Kisoku [ Breathing Underwater Technique ] |[x]
                        • Rank D | Kiri Shikaku no Jutsu [ Mist Vision Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank D | Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu [ Water Clone Technique ] | [x]
                        • Rank C | Suihashu [ Water Wave Hand ] | [x]
                        • Rank C | Teppoudama [ Bullet ] | [x]

                        • {Remove if none}

                        • {Remove if none}

                        Taijutsu {Remove if none}
                        {Style name here}
                        • {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Sen Gekiretsu Nagareboshi
                        • Stage One | Thrust, Backwards Thrust, Fly Swatter, Sideward Parry | [x]
                        • Stage Two | Elemental Charge, Dual Pierce, "i" Strike | [x]
                        • Stage Three | Deflection, First Falling Star, Charged Star's Fury, Star's Exploding Anger | [x]

                        FORMLESS STYLES → 03 / 05

                        Formless Styles
                        • Rapier [x]
                        • Hard Physical [x]
                        • Soft Physical [x]

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless [x] (All)
                        • Soft Physical
                        • Hard Physical
                        • Soft Mental
                        • Hard Mental
                        • Projectile Weapons
                        • Small Weapons
                        • Medium Weapons
                        • Large Weapons
                        • Strange Weapons

Over Yandere

Obsessive Lover

9,150 Points
  • Beta Citizen 0
  • Beta Gaian 0
  • Beta Contributor 0


Dapper Genius

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:02 pm

User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Kairi Mitsuhide
                        Nickname: Kai
                        Age: 19
                        Birthdate: April 4th
                        Gender: Female

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Height: 5'7
                        Weight: 126 lbs

                        Bloodline: Rinnegan | Uchiha

                        Non-Combat Outfit: [ 1 & 2 ]
                        Combat Outfit: [ Battle Ready ]

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: Not all those who wander are lost.
                        Personality: Kairi is headstrong and passionate like a hurricane; from the time of her birth until she left home she has always been the eye of her own storm. She firmly believes in her nindo: not all who wander are lost. She always has one step forward into the future and doesn't believe staying in one place due to her mother's misfortune. Kairi is a natural at entertaining others when she is cooking, it is like she forgets any ill-feelings she harbors towards men. As is expected, men are the ones who most often say Kairi is a cold-hearted individual. While at times her words may seem harsh to them, her actions can nonetheless show great compassion. There is something about a fragment of warmth that can show coldness, something in the kiss of the sun's rays amid the cold almost-winter wind that is reminiscent of Kairi. There is nothing "princess" about Kairi, just a fierce independence.. and she has been that way from girlhood, confident with the air of a warrior.

                        Village: Wanderer
                        Title: N/A

                        Background: Originally, it was Kairi's father who was a wanderer, travelling from land to land like a bird flying South for the Winter. Whether it was knowledge, adventure, escape, or power that he sought it was unknown. Kanzaki was just a man who never stayed in one place. On the other hand, Kairi's mother, Niko, was from the Land of the Eddies and lived a happy life cooking for everyone around her. She was the type who settled down and dug her roots deep into the fertile soil. During his travels, Kanzaki came upon Niko and found her to be the most beautiful woman he'd ever met along his countless travels. At first, Niko always denied Kanzaki's flirtations. He was a man who never stayed, and as thus she had no business with him.

                        However, on one fateful night Kanzaki ordered a great amount of food from Niko and the two partook of many cups of sake while Kanzaki wove tales of his many adventures. By the time the moon was high in the sky, Niko was inebriated. Kanzaki took this opportunity to seduce the woman and from this night Kairi was conceived. And Kanzaki did stay put, if only for a few months before disappearing as quickly as he had come and leaving Niko with child. Niko who felt as though she had been beguiled was forlorn, but decided that she would still keep her child and raise her with all the love of a mother that she had.

                        Yet, life was not to be this simple for Niko as she became incredibly sick and depressed in the last months of pregnancy and died in giving birth to Kairi. It was at this time that Kanzaki had finally returned, having taken care of the looming threats of which Niko knew not of. He had lost everything, and yet not all was lost as the villagers told him of the child Niko had left behind. Holding the feisty babe in his arms, Kanzaki decided to take Kairi with him on his travels, vowing to never leave a love behind again despite knowing what danger it could bring her. The villagers who had been close to Niko were not keen on this idea, but they had no choice in the matter.

                        Over time, it was clearly seen that Kanzaki was living a dangerous life of intrigue in which he borrowed and gambled with money which he never repaid, amounting debts in almost every land he visited. This was the truth behind why Kanzaki never stayed in one place for too long, as he was a true fugitive. Kairi, a small girl, was always shielded from the truth of her father's mishaps, always being left behind in some noodle shop or restaurant to "help the staff". When in reality they were glorified babysitters. As such, Kairi's love for the culinary arts and her mother's talent grew.

                        During one of their travels, Kanzaki lost an arm and was gravely injured after being caught by his rogue ninja while on the run with Kaira. It was at this time that Kairi opened her eyes to the cruelties of the world. Her father, now maimed, was relegated to settling down in the Land of the Eddies where the mother of his child and love of his life had died. Kaira followed him begging for the truth to be told. The villagers were the ones who finally recounted her family's past and gave her a drawing of her mother. On this day, even her father opened up to her in shame of what he had done.

                        Now knowing everything, Kairi sought to never settle down in one place, to continue to see the world, and to touch lives in a way her father did not. She wasn't going to be in hiding, instead she would face the world. She would not repeat the mistakes of her parents, and she found that she could no longer trust men. Yet, deep down she still loved her father deeply. He was all that she had left and she understood why he had abandoned her mother; she simply could not accept it.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        Specialized Class: Bloodline Class
                        ▱▰▱ KeystoneYou receive an additional 5 custom technique slots to be used only on bloodline and bloodline-related techniques. Additionally, you may create a "keystone" technique; this technique is essentially a Bloodline ninja's signature move, with power and versatility similar to a technique such as Kamui. This technique must be submitted as a custom jutsu and approved. It cannot be used to provide stats or reductions. It also does not take a custom jutsu slot.
                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless Kinallows you to receive one of your possible implants upon creation. The implant, despite being implanted, is treated as a born-bloodline to its user and has access to all of the techniques of the bloodline it came from, as well as the PAs. This implant can be dojutsu, elemental or chakra-manipulation based. It does not take a slot in bloodline rosters. However, this special implant cannot be the Rinnegan, and you cannot have Bloodless Kin with a Combo Element Kekkei Genkai implant or character. Because of the special nature of this implant, the second implant acquired from the Genetic Palette PA (listed in the implant system) will allow the wielder access to jutsu up to their rank, rather than a rank below them, unlike shinobi without Bloodless Kin.

                        ▱▰▱ Bloodless KinAt body rank D and C costs for bloodline techniques are reduced by five [5]. At body rank B and A, costs are reduced by ten [10]. Finally at body rank S and S+ costs are reduced by fifteen [15].

                        Chakra Pool: 250
                        Stamina Pool: 250
                        Chakra Element: Katon, Fuuton
                        Chakra Color: Celestial White Core to Rose Petal Red
                        Chakra Materialization: As though spiraling heat waves radiate from her.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        ⁎ Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        ⁎ Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        ⁎ Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        ⁎ Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        ⁎ Archery
                        ⁎ Cooking
                        ⁎ Attitude Towards Men
                        ⁎ Suiton
                        ⁎ Blindness
                        ⁎ Drowning

                        ⁎ Learn 2 extra Bloodline techniques per post.
                        Personal Attributes:
                        Evolution: Unlock the Rinnesharingan at S+ rank
                        Six Paths of Pain: Gain the ability to use the Six Paths of Pain.
                        Genetic Palette: With intensive genetic therapy and strong blood, this character is able to possess more than one transplant. This allows the character up to two transplants total, of any of the three categories.

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0
                        AC: 0

                        Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        ⁎ {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        ⁎ {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        ⁎ {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        ⁎ {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        ⁎ {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        ⁎ {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete:
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        ⁎ Ninjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        ⁎ Genjutsu : : 00 / 04
                        ⁎ Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 00
                        ⁎ Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01
                        ⁎ Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 01

                        ⁎ Kai | Rank X | Default
                        ⁎ Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        ⁎ Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        ⁎ Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        ⁎ Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        ⁎ Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default







                        Tame Za Kyokudo
                        ⁎ {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        Kyoukan Ya
                        ⁎ {Stage progression / techniques learned}

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 03
                        {Find in Formless Style and Class information}

                        Formless Styles
                        ⁎ {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        ⁎ {Formless technique name}
③ || Approval Area

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