It's almost dawn. You can feel it coming. The world holds its breath, because there's really no guarantee that the sun will rise. That there was a yesterday doesn't mean there will be a tomorrow.
Meaning of (name):
Date Found:
Found: Breeding Win |Drop
Date of Maxing:
Breed Appearance:
Height: hands
Jupiter had always been one of those kind of soquili--the kind that everything came to him naturally. It's not that he's bragging or trying to make anyone feel inferior. He actually feels bad about that, he doesn't mean to out-do anyone with seemingly little effort; He just can't throw a game to hide his dexterity. It would be unsportsmanlike.
Quirks/Character Traits:
✶ Dislikes Snakes and Jellyfish
✶ He and his nephew Phoenix Refrain are more like brothers because of the close ages---Jupiter is actually younger
The Continuing Story...
quote it here
The Continuing Story...
Somehow, Jupiter's Refrain got into an adventure--an underwater one with all kinds of obstacles. He got his hair tangled in a net, he'd received blisters from water that was too hot, went through a horrible field of jellyfish, got inked by a squid, and ran into sharks numerous times. Learning a little bit of whale language was probably the highlight of this horror fest. Worst of all was the lantern fish he'd encountered. Big teeth and a lantern with glowing eyes coming at you from the dark? Ever since he's been deathly afraid.
He ran into that fish so many times that he believes that it's the same one and that it has a personal vendetta against him.
With trepidatinon, he found himself in the jellyfish field again. He had welts. Even his welts had welts. If the sea monster didnt' kill him, then the sea was definately going to.
Eventually delirious with exhaustion and jellyfish stings, his nephew Phoenix Refrain finds and save him.