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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:29 pm
Galantros: “C’mon Black, let’s go to my house… Willow, you coming?!”

*He quickly opened a portal and ushered her through. Just before he shut the dimensional doorway behind him, he sent one quick thought to Rosemary.*

Galantros: I'm taking Black and Willow to my realm, don't worry... Whatever's going on, be safe, all of you...

- - - - -

*Dieamos quickly gathered up... his leg's vanished, turning into his more comfortable serpent like form as he lost the last bit of his mortal clothing. He roared, a sound that carried untold amounts of ferocity and rage in it, his claws tearing open his rib-cage like chest. Small black creatures swarmed out, growing in size as they left his body... his shadow goblin children screeched and hissed as they assaulted the webbing blocking the room.*

*As Veni was sent flying by one of the creatures limbs, Jacob leapt up and shoved him into a wall. Before the vampires could question why he seemingly caused harm to Veni, several more tendrils pierced the area where he would have been.*

Xurthus: NO! WHAT IS IT DOING TO ME!? MERAK! Help me...

*The demonic black mass had wrapped a number of limbs around the hooded spirit's form, trapping it in a cocoon. This cocoon was then pulled up into the creature.*

Keshanya: Xurthus! Charles, it's a soul collector!

Charles: Jacob, unsummon us quickly!

*The demon howled, and it's limbs snatched up another ghost, the old gentleman. He swore at the creature as he was enveloped and swallowed, just like his comrade. At that moment, Dieamos finally broke through the doorway, and dug his sharp claws into the mass. He struggled with the thing, tearing at the limbs that continously tried to injure him.*

Dieamos: "This would be easier if I could simply return to my natural form! All of you, leave the room at once!"

*Jacob didn't quite listen, instead diving forward and sliding on the ground... he picked up one of the canvas sheets used to draw symbols on, and immediately tore it up. Keshanya quickly faded from their existance. As he tried to dart out of the room with the others, the niearcim demon slammed a number of it's powerful limbs into Dieamos, forcing him through the wall next to the necromancer and smashing it apart. The abomination kept his grip on those same tendrils though, and in turned hurled the creature into the lounge area. Shadow goblins and Dieamos himself were upon the slimy thing immediately, the battle fierce and savage.*  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:05 pm
Daph heard the commotion and rushed to grab a towel and as quick as she could, she rushed up the stairs. "Is everything okay?" She questioned breathlessly as she had been running down the halls looking for the source of the sounds.  

Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:07 pm
Well gee dark one, I haven't flown from my shoulder perch on you have I? That's where you went and so I came. *Willow shifted uncomfortably. She was hungry from flying from the forest to there and it was fall so there really wasn't much for her to stop for in the way of food, but she didn't feel now was the time to ask. Besides she still thought that he didn't like her much, so she wasn't going to push her luck.*

It smelled weirder than usual in the direction of Rosemary's room.

Get out of here! It's not safe Daphe! *It almost looked like they where charging the poor confused vampire. In the back Daphe saw what appeared to be a light dust cloud rise into the air...in the house? The group heard a whooshing sound found themselves on the beach in mid-step. Nggh. I remember it being easier last time. *She folded her nearly invisible wings.*

Clever, *Said Veni when he thought on what just happened. Jiluzix knew Jacob would summon souls to help him and picked a curse for Rosemary that would summon something to snatch them if he did probe.* What would have happened if you left that in her?

I'm sorry Jacob. *Rosemary looked towards the house. She was hoping she didn't see Dieamos go through the roof from a sudden increase in size.* Can Diamos handle it or do you need to do something for the two captured souls? You can prepare a spell, I can teleport you there, and then you can cast it. However, I don't know how soon I can get us out in the same manner...  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:45 pm
((is Daph a part of the group? or is she out of the room??))

Daphne looked at the charging people, her eyes widened with confusion as she saw the dust rise, "What is going on?"

Vice Captain

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:03 pm
Jacob: "We'll explain later, come on!"

*The necromancer swooped Daphe up onto his shoulder while still running. She could see the intense battle that was happening and rearranging a bit of THoR's architecture. Several sharp spines embedded into the wall behind them, and they all took that as their cue to run even faster. They only stopped once they were a fair distance away from the chaos thanks to Rosemary's little wind/teleportation act. He put Daphe carefully down, and stared at the two demons battling, his eyes narrowed in anger and hurt.*

Jacob: "The spell I would need to cast would take considerable time... Dieamos would first need to subdue the blood curse demon. And that's assuming..."

*The doors to the building blew apart, as the slimy black blood demon was sent flying into the pool. Dieamos leapt out of the doorway, and once outside, began shifting into his natural giant form. The abomination demon was suffering from his own wounds, however, deep gashes and tears in his flesh evident. If they hurt him, it didn't show. He swiped at the soul collector creature while he continued to grow, causing the thing to squeal as part of it's essence splattered on cement and fogged into the pool water. Dieamos was soon to reach his full height, a height that would make most mountains seem like small hills.*

Jacob: "Look, all of you stay here. I'm going to help Dieamos." *When others went to protest at him going alone, he demanded they listen to him... afterall, he was the only one there that was truly immortal, he had nothing to lose really. The others could easily be killed. Saying nothing else, he muttered a quick spell that opened a portal to the void, and from there, another portal would open to the battlefield.*

*The blood demon screeched, leaping onto Dieamos' face, sharp claws forming in it's liquid tendrils and stabbing into the abomination's flesh. One of Dieamos' claws glowed a bright red, and grabbed the thing off his person, slamming it into the ground. The blood creature caught fire for a moment, before slithering out between the giant's fingers. It moved rapidly, trying to escape the giant demon friend of the necromancer. A blade stabbed deep into it's mass, thrown by Jacob himself. It quivered, spitting out the blade before leaping into the air. Jacob yelled at Dieamos to try and stop it, but it was too late. The thing radiated a sort of "light-sucking" glow, and vanished into a quickly made portal.*

Jacob: "No... nonono... Charles... Xurthus... No."

*The necromancer fell to his knees, shaking violently with emotion."

Jacob: "He knew... that b*****d knew I'd summon my closest mentors. That filthy, slimy, b*****d...I swear, I'll kill you with my own bare hands, Jiluzix..."

*Jacob Merak screamed at the sky, cursing the demon's name, until he collapsed from exhaustion. The giant Dieamos only gave a deep rumbling sigh, before slowly (and seemingly painfully) returning to a more human size.*  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:20 pm
After being carried out, Daphne sunk to the ground. She was extremely confused. When did those two demons appear? As she watched one of the demons fly into the pool, she winced. She had been in there only moments before. She was glad she was now out. "Poor Jacob." She said nearing the end when he fell to the ground. She looked up at the others, "Will he be okay?" She asked.  

Vice Captain

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Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:40 pm
I don't know, *said Veni to Daph.* Most certainly not if he becomes a pure vengeful being.

*Rosemary sighed and slouched a bit feeling guilty to have been the host of that creature. Slowly she walked up to Jacob and bent over the unconscious mage. After looking at him for a little while, she picked him up, and took him to the house beconing Dieamos to follow. The inside of her patient rooms seemed untouched, so she set Jacob on a bed. She went into the room next to her ruined bedroom.* Ah good. Most things in here survived.

*She went back to Jacob's bed with an IV and attatchment for it. Everything, but his pants came off and she strapped him to the bed in case he woke from the feeling of the needle she stuck into his arm. Put a sleeping aid into the IV mixture even.* May be a true immortal and never change, but you can still tell he doesn't take very good care of himself. *She unstrapped him.*

Hmm...now it's your turn. Honestly I have no idea vhat your healing abilities are and what I could do for you. Iz asprin effective at all to you for pain? *She opened a cabinant and took out a bottle and handed it to him.* The dosage says two pills, but due to your size I think you should take at least 6. Take more if you feel that you can... or are you one of those personalities who would rather tough it out? *Dieamos accepted, but said something along the lines that he has suffered worse, and Rosemary responded with 'doez it really matter?'*

Dieamos: "No, not at all. Actually, this is a welcome change to have relief of pain avaliable to me for once."


Several days later (however long it took Jacob to wake up) Jacob felt a little hazy from drugs. He was cleaned and in pajama like clothes. He sat up only to be pushedback catching a glimpse of Veni who sat in a corner.* You're not getting up yet.

*She adjusted the bed, so it would be in an up position. A table full of 'rabbit's food' found its way in front of him.* Most eferything haz been fixed. I gave un list of itemz zat need to be replaced to Githar. I told Black to stay in Limbo on holiday. Dieamos iz still here. As for you, I drugged you zo you'd actually be able to rest a vhile. You can take zat IV out now eef you desire to. I put it zere to help you regain zome strength und to keep you hydrated. It vaz for your vell being, it doesn't matter that you wouldn't die. I imagine zat you skip a lot of mealz und a lot of drinks zat you should haf...und maybe other things zat iz natural to do. Just because your body iz immortal, it doesn't mean zat it haz lost all vants und needs zat it had before you vhere cursed.

*Jacob said nothing for a moment, before gently removing the IV in his arm. He chewed a bit at his food, and tried to get out of bed.*

Jacob: "Well... I don't always skip my nourishments. Just once or twice, but not too often. At any rate, I appreciate your care of me, but I need to go back home and do some research on..."

*She pushed him back down and said very slowly.* I can keep at zis all day. I doubt you're physically stronger zan I am. *In fact she thought that the only reason he held his own in the sword fight with Coatli was because he was weak from fighting off Satan's minions and then became even more weak when she tried to drain him.* Vould you rather me to strap you down? You are going to completely recover first. A magic nullifier has been set in zis room und ze teleportation block zat once existed in my area has been restored. You collapsed in my yard, zo unfortunately for you zat puts you in my care until I zee fit to release you. I know you vant to do vhatever you can right now, but I think you'd function better und do more good eef you rest.

*Jacob looked a bit upset, feeling as if he were being treated like a child. Dieamos snorted at his expression.*

Dieamos: "I've known you for many ages, Jacob. She's right. And you most certainly have skipped your meals more than just 'once or twice.'" Why did you think I often preferred you had tea and bread for the times you summoned me to talk in the past? Certainly wasn't for my well-being..."

Eef he knew you'd help me ze way you did, zen he knows zat you are going to try to get zem out really soon. It's ze 'good guy' vay of doing things und 'bad guys' know it. I do have some news zat I hope iz somevhat comforting. I vas told zat zey would soon escape ze vorst of torments but may not be able to truly be free. Zat vas all I vas told und I don't know for sure vhat vas meant by zat. I think it meant zat zey'll be free of ze vorst part, ze city, but not ze realm.

Jacob...before all zat happened, you said zere vas a small matter you wanted to discuss with Veni und I. Vhat vas it?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:56 pm
*Jacobs mind seemed to churn for a few seconds, before he recalled that bit of information*

Jacob: "Oh, right. It was about when Coatli had you feed on him. I have a number of hunches about what really happened there, but one stands out more than the others."

*He jabbed a piece of carrot and chewed on it thoughtfully before continuing.*

Jacob: "He used some sort of blood magic on you. That much was evident, especially with the recent demon hidden inside of you. It was fortunate we removed the thing, actually, even if it was a trap. That blood creature was parasitic. After a while, it would have demolished that charm, and used your body like a puppet from the inside. There's more to it, I'm afraid."

"There was a strong stench to that blood that I recognized. It wasn't simply Coatli's blood. I'm nearly certain that he somehow had Jiluzix's blood flowing through his veins. Part of that mage was Jiluzix, whether through genetic engineering, or some dark magic, I'm uncertain. My concern with this is, that even if Coatli is dead, Jiluzix's blood could still be in you. Rosemary, he may still be able to control you, and he would make certain it would be worse than what Coatli has done."

"There may be a solution, however. I put it briefly. I strongly believe I can cancel out any possible control he'd have over you, if you feed off me. Jiluzix isn't immortal. In a sense, the curse of immortality he placed on me works in our favor. I can keep going, where he eventually would die."

"And from what I've learned from my studies in past centuries, he can't simply remove the curse of immortality on me, either. If he were to do that, he would lose a number of powerful mages under his command. To remove my curse, would be to make certain each member of the ritual dies. At least, that's a big part of it."

"This is your decision, however. I personally found it unusual that he didn't make use of you while we were still in his realm. Perhaps he's bidding his time, or playing with our heads. Perhaps I could be wrong about his living blood being a part of Coatli. I personally wouldn't want to take that chance. If you were to feed off me, I know what that would imply. I have no intention of making you a servant, or of me demanding things of you. You'll be able to go about with your existance as you wish. I only want you to do this, so we could break any possible hold Jiluzix may try to place on you."  

Vice Captain



Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:49 am
That is no small matter to us, Jacob.

*Rosemary looked at her hand, staring at the blood underneath and pierced the finger of the other one to taste her own blood. the news that Jiluzix could age and die surprised her enough that she bit into her finger without realizing it at first.* Ah. *After having it in her mouth a little longer, she wrapped it in some gauze until it healed.*

I vaz confused vhy he didn't at least summon me to him. I knew he could at least do zat at ze time. Jacob I knew zat he might still be able to control me until I got a new master or broke the connection myself. Veni knew zat vaz one of ze thingz troubling me. You had better offer the same thing to him. *It was obvious he answer would be a defanate no otherwise.* Jiluzix vaz Coatli's master afterall. Vhat I didn't know iz zat I have Jiluzix's blood in me too. I did suspect it, but I vas uncertain. It iz reasonable to belief zat vith vhat Coatli zaid to me: "I will become your new master. Next to Lord Jiluzix, that is."

*Rosemary continued to look at her hand thinking about it.* Jacob, you do know why male vampires tend to turn females into vampires and vice versa? It is because we are generally really attracted often to the point of sexually attracted to our children and they to us. This also works for the simple master/servant relationship. It is our shared power we are attracted to. When you take on a servant, you are putting your power into them. The servant generally wants to be close to you because you are the source. Unpleasant as it sounds, Rosemary might have tried to get a little closer to Coatli if he had let her.

I'm ignoring you now.

I doubt you will. *Rosemary left the room.* Hmm she actually is ignoring me. Anyways, you help raise them every night, you help them live which is why when you die you can accidentally drag them with you too. 'Kill Dracula and you kill his children as well."

Rosemary and I are master vampires like Dracula so we don't need a master to help us live, but if we have one, we do need to be near them once in a while. If Rosemary really was to 'go about her existence as she wished,' then you are the one who is going to have to change what you normally do. You would have to visit more than once or twice a year. I don't know what would happen if you didn't. I heard that a lower vampire went on a murderous rampage when their necromancer master left him for several months without realizing it would affect him. Others who cared for him locked him into a coffin until she got back. Hmm...I'm actually not sure how much of this Rosemary knows since she doesn't have any children or vampire servants of her own.

One more thing; once a vampire feeds off a living person it is common for them to crave to feed off of that person again and again until their meal is dead.

*As soon as he was done talking Rosemary re-entered the room.*

Ahah! I knew you were still listening.

*Rosemary did nothing to respond to him.* Eef I do feed off of you, Jacob, I won't let you have me so easily...Zere iz one thing zat doez trouble me...I hear stories about you from your demon friends vhen you are over. Vith your eating habits, you just might kill me.

*Veni nodded.* There was a necromancer who didn't eat as well as they should. When they gained a servant, they didn't realize their poor eatting habits affected the vampire as well. You see when they didn't eat, their body found something else to feed off of; through the servant itself. This necromancer almost killed their vampire several times because of their bad habit. It does take energy to have servants. It would have helped if the vampire fed, but as you can imagine, it is often not convenient for a vampire eat.

Jacob, how would you be able to cancel out any control Jiluzix would have on me? That creature is a very old and powerful demon. How would you be able to break his hold on me if I have his blood in me?  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:25 am
Jacob: "A good part of my own magic is following some of the stronger instincts and hunches I have. A sort of... 'necromatic intuition.' I just have this very powerful feeling that it would work. My cursed immortality would cancel out Jiluzix's, due to his own mortality, despited how long-lasting it is..."

"... I also know that he isn't immortal. From old scrolls I've swiped from his stronger mages, from being first captured from them, and just... those hunches of mine, I know. Those texts state they're looking for such a source of power, though. Immortality. Searching, but they haven't found it. Apparently the curse they use on me either doesn't work with demons, or he'd rather not go through the suffering involved."

*Jacob stayed silent then for a long time, quietly eating his meal in small bites. He was in very deep thought, mulling things over in his head.*

"It looks like I'll be changing some of my bad habits. Alright... I will do my best to change my current... lifestyle. I will also visit often if that's what it takes. Anything it takes..."

*Jacob looked away from the vampires, staring at an empty wall, a dark and troubled expression overcoming his features for just a moment.* "Because I'll be damned if I let Jiluzix bring harm to anyone else..."  

Vice Captain



Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:44 pm
I did swear to myself to not feed off of a patient currently under my care unless it is absolutely necessary for them. So I guess I could let you leave this room as long as you aren't very active for a few days. This room is a bit cramped to do much in. Besides I don't want to do it in here. I trust your intentions with this. I'll do it, but I don't want to give in easily if that is all right with you. If you agree, I'm going to make your mind hazy in the way I usually do with people. You'd have to conquer that and that ghastly miasma of mine. *From her memory he knew that Coatli did it as if she wasn't even trying.* Whenever you're ready Jacob, we can go to the room that you normally stay in if you want. Is there anything you want of me?

Oh and I don't wish to have an audience. *She said while looking at the others.*
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:45 pm
Daph had been listening to the conversation that the others were having but she left before Rosemary. It was good to know more about her kind. She was very ignorant when it came to vampires. She went to her room and sat on her bed, leaning against the head board.

A man wearing a suit and dark sunglasses stepped on to the porch. His canine teeth were sharp but not to the point where it was noticeable. His dark hair was free of gel or hair spray and it tousled in the wind. He set down his overnight bag and took a crumbled paper out of his inside pocket of his suit. He read it once to make sure of the address and he nodded. Then, knocked.  

Vice Captain

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:15 pm
Jacob: "No, there's nothing I need..." *Slowly, he got from his bed. He was a little unsteady at first, but walked almost normally.* "I'm ready."

*In his mind, he was confident he'd overcome any sort of obstacle. Granted, he hadn't taken care of himself well within the past couple of centuries,

but he never gave up either. And there was much about his own life before the curse that nobody knew. Oh, he wasn't belittling Rosemary in any

way either. But in the many years he's been forced alive, he's suffered and endured plenty. He felt that made him strong enough for this task.*

- - - - -

*GL portaled back into his home, carrying a box of skull flapper treats. He was relieved to learn shortly after that day, that Jacob and the others were mostly alright, the only exceptions being two of Jacob's longtime spirit mentors. He almost wanted to go back through his portal to help them, if it weren't for wanting to keep Black as safe as possible by protecting her. That slight guilt of him abandoning her for the false image of his mother a while ago still hung in his mind. It was partly the reason he hadn't visited her soul at Xylanthos' fortress still. He also was doing what he could to keep Black happy until the time they would return home later today. Perhaps later he would visit his mother's soul, and have a long conversation with her. Part of which would have to include those new demon wings and odd incubus "hug" aura he kept emitting.*

GL: "Hey Black, I'm back! I got more snacks for us! I promise not to use them to throw at Chewy again in another food fight!" razz

*As he waited for Black to come into the room, he examined his new wings. He learned he could force them back into his body, but they were more comfortable if he let the out and folded. The appendages were odd too. At times, he could've sworn they had minds of their own. Not just because they twitched or flapped slightly without him realizing it. Sometimes it seemed like they'd almost reach for a door knob, or the glass of liquid he might be drinking at the time. Othertimes, they almost seemed to be shifting, the membrane becoming thicker or thinner at times, and damned if it didn't feel like it was... "wiggling" under his skin.*  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:45 pm
*Rosemary took Jacob's arm like they where walking onto a dance floor and moved almost as if she heard music that no one else could. When they exited her office she looked at the enterence to the house.* Oh someone else can get it. I should have put a 'closed' sign on the door.

*She talked as they climbed the stairs.* I thought it was amusing the way you looked at me. Such indignity was in it, like I was treating you like a child. That wasn't my intention though, but I hope to see it more often.

*She remained silent for the rest of the walk. He sat on the bed and she unbuttoned the shirt that was put onto him and pushed him back when she was done.* Since I'm going to go at it as if I'm trying to kill you, I'm gonna cut your chest so you can push me off much easier than if I bit into your neck or wrist. *She did have confidense in his ability to overcome it or else she wouldn't have even suggested that. She thought that maybe if he did have to struggle for it that it would only help strengthen the bond.*

*For a moment she rested her ear over his heart and listened to it beat. He realized then that she was very nervous and unsure of this and was trying to calm her uneasiness.*

*She pushed herself up and looked into the necromancer's eyes and attempted to draw him in and put him into a pleasureable haze. He probably didn't even notice when she cut him above the n****e with her nails. A few moments passed before she started to lick the blood off of him. She had been watching it pour onto his skin.*

*After that she went at it and seemed to forget how uneasy she felt earlier. One arm kept her proped up a little and the other one moved along the mage's side. All pleasantess soon faded though as she twisted that horrid aura of hers around him tightly almost as if she was trying to scare him to death.*



Dapper Animal

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Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:23 am
Daph had been listening to the conversation that the others were having but she left before Rosemary. It was good to know more about her kind. She was very ignorant when it came to vampires. She went to her room and sat on her bed, leaning against the head board.

A man wearing a suit and dark sunglasses stepped on to the porch. His canine teeth were sharp but not to the point where it was noticeable. His dark hair was free of gel or hair spray and it tousled in the wind. He set down his overnight bag and took a crumbled paper out of his inside pocket of his suit. He read it once to make sure of the address and he nodded. Then, knocked.

*Veni answered the door since he was the most human look person that seemed to be available at the moment.* Good evening sir. I am sorry to say that our hosts are currently unavailable at the moment so please excuse our poor service. We actually should have put up a closed sign. So if you don't mind waiting a little while in the Lobby, I'll try to find out what rooms are available for so. Or are you here to visit one of our guests?  
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