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Tags: soquili, horses, breedable pets, pet horses, familiars 

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How to Get a Teepee: Stat & Teepee Updates Thread (see p147) Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 32 33 34 35 36 37 ... 223 224 225 226 [>] [>>] [>>] [»|]

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Kawaii Punching Bag

21,775 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:10 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: SwordOfTheDarkOnes
Teepee Link: [Teepee]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Place him under Valerius please?
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope

[b]Lunellis Starfall's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 11%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 4%
PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:39 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: She-Ra of Etheria
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Bottom
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Already is.

[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b96/temba/Soq/Kivuli cert_zpsoxtu5eis.jpg[/img]
[b]Kuvunjwa Kivuli's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

She-Ra of Etheria

Midnight Mare

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:42 am


My Teepee Needs a Full Overhaul!

Username: Midnight Mare
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]

[color=#fc284f] Welcome to the home of Midnight Mare and her Soquili.[/color]

[b]Rahnya's Stats[/b]
Strength: 52 %
Courage: 46 %
Speed: 51 %
Intelligence: 45 %
Luck: 49 %
Stamina: 52 %

[color=#fc284f][b]The Teepee:[/b][/color]
They all live in the desert.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:51 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Rita Zyon
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Sampson Rolls ] [ Josiah Rolls ] [ Greta Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): N/A
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No

[b]Sampson's Stats[/b]
Strength: 5%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 11%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 9%

[b]Josiah's Stats[/b]
Strength: 10%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 9%

[b]Greta's Stats[/b]
Strength: 12%
Courage: 7%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 6%

Rita Zyon

Bardess Ookami

Devoted Bibliophile

14,700 Points
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  • Grunny Rainbow 100
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:03 am

PM sent!

I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Bardess Ookami
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: Option 3

Placement Request (optional):Can I have them in order of date on cert, so my eldest are on the top, my newest on the bottom?
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?:
Please use spoiler code for any Soquili who has maxed all stats.

[img]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk381/Squarters/Soq/Aqua cert.jpg[/img]
[b]Aqua's Stats[/b] Option 3
Strength: 4
Courage: 4
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 4
Stamina: 4

[b]Silver Wind's Stats[/b] Option 3
Strength: 4
Courage: 4
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 4
Stamina: 4

[b]Aquitexl's Stats[/b] Option 3
Strength: 4
Courage: 4
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 4
Stamina: 4

[b]Aquitexl's Stats[/b] Option 3
Strength: 4
Courage: 4
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 4
Luck: 4
Stamina: 4

I also have 2 that are owner transfers:
Sashimi and Eliora (I could have sworn I had saved her new cert -with my name on it - but now can neither find it in the drop-offs (Went back 38 pages) or in my files, but the post where both were given to me is here And I would like them both to have option 3, straight 4 across the board, as well. Thank you.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 10:03 am

-steals Lafiel and plays with his hair- >u>

I have a Soquili to add!

Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Nope
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No thank you^^

[b]Harbinger's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

I have a Soquili to add!

Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Nope
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No thank you
[b]Utu's Stats[/b]
Strength: 5%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

I have a Soquili to add!

Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Please place Lafiel at the top. ^^
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: No thank you

[b]Lafiel's Stats[/b]
Strength: 10%
Courage: 10%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 10%

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:40 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Phail Ninja
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Alphabetical (between Qing and Sakura)
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: They already are~

[b]Rhode's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 9%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 11%
Stamina: 11%
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:45 am


*All the following rolls are in the same post on the same page, which is why i just added the 'code' part for each pony instead of the whole form, hope thats okay! (and makes sense)

I have a several Soquili to add!

Username: Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--zZ
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): N/A

[img]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/fuzzygumdrop/Soquili Teepee/Kuval/Certs/Kuval_zps51aa2eeb.jpg[/img]
[b]Kuval's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[img]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/fuzzygumdrop/Soquili Teepee/Kazimir/Certs/kaz_zpsba02ad55.jpg[/img]
[b]Казимир | Kazimir's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[img]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/fuzzygumdrop/Soquili Teepee/Padmavati/Certs/padmavati-adultitems_zpsc9084e12.jpg[/img]
[b]Padmavati's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[img]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/fuzzygumdrop/Soquili Teepee/Saoirse/Certs/Saoirsecert_n_zps10637a82.jpg[/img]
[b]Saoirse's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%

[img]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff422/fuzzygumdrop/Soquili Teepee/Aviana/Cert/Aviana-cert_zpsb8c45733.jpgg[/img]
[b]Aviana's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%



PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:50 am


I got a username change!

Username: Fuzzy-Gumdrop
Original Username: Lonewolf_Eyes
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:33 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: XxSilverxShadowxX
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): Please place Eva just below Blair. :')
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: They're already in a spoiler code, so yes please.

[bEvangeline's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 10%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 7%


Ice-Cold Ladykiller


PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:08 pm


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


Username: DragonEnchantress
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]

Soquili being removed: Secretbear
Stats of Soquili being removed: [x] Stats are in Samus' teepee because she's the co-owner
Transferred ownership agreement: There is none, I just want it removed from that Teepee and moved into a personal one I'll be creating with the next form =D
New Owner's Username: None

New Teepee
I Need a Teepee, Stat!

Username: DragonEnchantress

Preferred Pronoun: Her
Teepee Font Color: #006699

Pony Name: Secretbear
Link to stats: [ Co-Owner/Transfer Agreement ] and [ Stats ]

Pony Name: Locket
Link to stats: [ Co-Owner/Transfer Agreement ] and [ Stats ]

Pony Name: N'Tali
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Header: (optional)

Footer: (optional)

Teepee Image: (must be Native American dwelling; see second post for examples and ideas)

Teepee Location: By the clearing

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:41 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: SylverStar
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): bottom
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: no

[b]Savitr's Stats[/b]
Strength: 5%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 6%
Stamina: 11%


High-functioning Counselor

17,450 Points
  • Megathread 100
  • Alchemy Level 3 100
  • Tycoon 200


Eloquent Raider

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:23 am


I have a Soquili to add!

Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]
Placement Request (optional): Default bottom

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v446/Jetalmeara/Jet 2/JetAlmearaMwituMaua1_zps720bf961.jpg[/img]
[b]Mwitu Maua's Stats[/b]
Strength: 4%
Courage: 4%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 4%
Stamina: 4%
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:57 am

Gene Wilder


Quick question... or two, for you, haha! I noticed that Divakar doesn't have stats (and am assuming he's back from when stats weren't required for a Soq to be in your teepee). Do you want me to add in all 4's across the board for you? Or would you like to roll for his stats?

ALSO... do you want me to update the username on this teepee, or create a new one for you for your Gene account? :3

My Teepee Needs a Full Overhaul!

Username: Gene Wilder
Teepee Link: [Archnasa's Teepee]

[color=brown/othercoloryouwant]Welcome to the home of Gene Wilder and her Soquili.

Hokulani's Stats
Strength: 60%
Courage: 65%
Speed: 62%
Intelligence: 60%
Luck: 67%
Stamina: 67%


[b]The Teepee[/b]
They all live in the mountains.[/color]


I gotta roll the other two guys I own. sweatdrop

Gene Wilder


Ruthless Phantom

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:15 pm


I have a Soquili to add!

Username: Cajmera
Teepee Link: [ Teepee ]
Link to stats: [ Rolls ]

Placement Request (optional): End of the line!
Would you like your soquili's stats to be placed within a Spoiler code?: Nope

[b]Vari's Stats[/b]
Strength: 8%
Courage: 5%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 9%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 7%

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