Meaning of (name): Valena was chosen from a ASOIAF sheet (first names used in the books).
When Nymeria wed Lord Mors Martell, the symbols were combined into a gold spear piercing a red sun on an orange field. Their words are
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. Her family is the rulers of Dorne
Aliases: The Red Vision
Date Found: September 1, 2017
Found: RP PrizeDate of Maxing: Temper: Vatic (describing or predicting what will happen in the future.)
Domain: Prophesy- She dreams of things that may be or will be. The catch is she has to interpret them right, which is difficult at best.
Breed: Angeni
Breed Appearance: Angeni
Height: 15 hands
Personality: She is gifted with prophetic dreams and serves the Old Gods. Sometimes, she goes into a trancelike state since not all "dreams" happens while she sleeps. Her prophecies she believes to always be true, just sometimes there are too many interpretations to accurately forsee the correct outcome.. She is often lost in thought or in history books. She is particularly obsessed with the Doom of Valyria.
Valena only speaks about her visions abstractedly until she believes she understands them. Her dreams are often laced with blood and Targaryens, earning her the nickname "The Red Vision".
She is more athletic than she appears, sweet unless riled. She is fiercely proud but often unsure of herself. Her uncanny ability to know things helps her, but her true weapon is deadly accuracy with star shaped blades.
Quirks/Character Traits: ✶ Studies history and religious texts to see if she can gleam information about her visions.
✶ Is deadly with her star shaped blades.
✶ Is fascinated with the stars, sometimes she even charts them.
Backstory: Youngest child of House Martell, Oberyn was her uncle making the Sand Snakes her cousins.
Lately, she dreams of dragons waking from stone.