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Freak Show Excess

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:09 pm

Sirius couldn't help but to stare at Remus' perfectly shaped arse. He also had to try very, very hard to resist the urge to grope it. Honestly, it was as if Remus had purposely turned that way towards him, as if to say "Go on, mate. Touch it. You know you want to." He licked his lips as a devilish smile spread across his face. He turned to wink at James, nodding his head in the direction of Remus. He stood up from his chair as stealthily as possible, raising his arm above him. As he brought his hand down on Remus' bum, he winced slightly at the loud crack that issued from his hand. He threw himself back into his chair; his loud, barking laugh echoing the hilariousness of the situation.

"Oi, Remus. I am sorry for that. But you know you deserved it."
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:18 pm
James saw Sirius nod at him, that devilish smile tugging at his lips, and he knew what was about to happen. Remus had set himself up for it; he had been about to do it! As the slap echoed around the common room, he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Remus; that had to hurt. But right now, he couldn't help but laugh his arse off. he couldn't breathe; he was laughing so hard at Remus' expression that he was tearing up. "Certainly he did deserve that, Sirius, mate," he agreed between gulps of air.  

un de plus pamplemousse

Freak Show Excess

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:44 pm

Arthur Weasley found himself sitting in the common room along with a rowdy bunch of fifth year boys. He was slightly distracted by them, but more so by the absence of Molly Prewett, whom he had been casually courting during most of sixth year. He sighed absently as he twiddled with a plug, a bit of muggle technology that had been given to him by a Hufflepuff girl he had talked to earlier. She had been slightly bemused by his fascination with muggle-made objects, but she had been all smiles and giggles as she gave him the plug. He was overjoyed; it was something he'd been meaning to ask someone about, but he hadn't known just how to bring it up. So now he sat, muggle studies book in hand, trying to figure out how the plug worked.

After a few minutes, he checked his watch and decided it was about time to pack up and head to transfiguration. He stuffed the plug in his pocket, packed his books, parchment and quills into his bag, and stood up. On his way out, he started, hearing an eruption of laughter from the boys in the corner, and shook his head, laughing along with them as he stepped out the portrait hole.

As he walked down the corridors, his thoughts drifted to Molly. She was really very lovely. Her red hair shone in the sunlight; her slightly voluptuous figure made every item of clothing she wore tantalising. He continued along this trail of thought until he came upbruptly to the Professor McGonagall's classroom. He stepped inside, noticing that there was just one other person in the room, and found a chair in the middle of the room. He sat down, placed his books on his desk, and took out the plug again, wondering over it.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:51 pm
When Sirius' hand slapped harshly against his backside, he couldn't help gasping at uttering quite highly a little "Oh!" hoping very much that it was loud enough for Sirius to hear, while still being soft enough to stay out of James' hearing range. But really, could you even blame Remus? It took all of his self-control to hold back the guttural moan that wanted nothing more than to escape his parted lips. As he held his book in one hand, he took the other to rub his bum which still stung before he sat down.

"Well, James. We know that someone likes it rough." And when James wasn't looking he winked at Sirius, smiling widely and giving him a very significant look.



Distinct Rogue

8,500 Points
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Clambake 200
  • Elocutionist 200
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:19 am
Hearing a small thump, Bella looked up, searching for the source of the noise. Peeling back the curtains from her four-poster bed, she sees Thos perched atop of a fellow Slytherine's bedstand, carelessly knocking everything off it. Sighing, she slips her bookmark in the book she's reading and climbs off her bed, quickly grabbing Thos before he can make more of a mess. Tsk'ng softly at the white kitten, Bella scritches Thos under his chin. With a glance out the window, she notices much more time has gone by then she'd thought; it must almost be time for class. Depositing Thos on her bed, she grabs up her school bag, pointing a finger at the white devil who had rolled onto his back, pawing at the air. "Be good now."

Stopping only to check her appearance in the mirror; beautiful as always, she headed straight down to transfig. McGonarnagle was a stickler for being on time, and it was the first class. Being late wouldn't do, she was a Black and had to uphold the family name. Pulling her bag over her shoulder, she wove her way through the hallways, arriving at the classroom to find only Arthur Weasley; a Gryffendor from a large, poor family; and Severus. Realizing she might be able to use this to her advantage somehow, she slips into the seat next to Snape, setting her bag on the floor next to her. Settling into the chair, she rests her elbow on the desk, leaning into her hand. She sighs softly, tucking her thick locks behind her ear, glancing at Severus; who seemed to, as always, have his nose in a book.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:13 am
Rita left the common room in a bit of a hurry. If she didnt hurry, she might miss the reaction to the flyers she had posted up earlier that morning. Nobody seemed to be making much of a fuss, yet. She passed by a mirror where her reflection was virgorusly trying to get her attention. She gave the mirror her full attention where her reflection was frantically pointing to one of her curls had fallen out of her ponytail. "Now, can't have that. A journalist has to maintain a certain physical appearance at all times." Rita pulled out her wand and with a flick of her wrist performed a charm to put it back in place. "Thank you much dear. I can't not look the part of budding journalist." She smiled at her reflection then finished the walk to transfiguation. As she slid into a seat in the back row, she noted that Arthur Weasley was there, fiddling with some muggle contraption, as always, Servus was there, still lacking companionship, and oddly enough, Bellatrix was also early and without her usual Slytherins.  

Ky Jelly

8,350 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Peoplewatcher 100


PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:39 pm
Walking into the same corrider, the Midds sisters gave a small start... though Lynna's was a delighted 'oh!' while Odette's was a muttered 'oh.'

"Hey Ode, isn't it greaat that we still see each other though we're in different Houses?" Lynna queried, glancing over at her sister.

Odette looked over, slightly incredulous, but largely unaffected. With a sarcastic twinge, she replied, "Lynna. We're in the same year. Of course we'll still see each other."

Lynna blinked several times but regained composure within seconds. "Ah, of course." Looking about hastily, she spotted Bellatrix and Severus already seated. "Uhm, I'll see you later," she waved goodbye and walked over to her Housemates.
"Heey!" she greeted with a smile and wave.

Odette merely shrugged a farewell and found a seat in the middle of the room. Pulling out her books, she noticed she had forgotten a quill today.
"Durnit," she muttered to herself. Noticing an older boy with a shock of red hair closeby, she tapped on the shoulder and asked, "Hey, uhm, do you have a quill I can borrow?"
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:43 pm
Xenophilius couldn't believe he had spent his entire free period in the Library. His stomach was all but eating itself in it's attempts to tell him that he had missed breakfast. He thought about running down to the kitchens, but after calculating how long it would take to get to the kitchens, back to his room and then to Transfiguration, he decided that it would definately not be wise. Gathering up his Astronomy things, he quickly made his way out of the library and up to his room. He set his Astronomy things neatly on his desk, grabbed his Transfiguration things, some parchment and quills, put them in his bag, and set off for his class. Once he got in the classroom, he was quite shocked to find it nearly empty when class was to be starting very shortly. Glancing around at the people there, he decided to sit near the front of the room.  



PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:08 pm
After getting over the initial shock of being ignored by Lucius and being acknowledged by the Hufflepuff to whom she had returned a nod out of pure shock, Narcissa decided to leave the Great Hall. As she was walking back to her room to gather her Transfiguration things, she decided that Lucius was probably slighty upset with her because of the way she acted towards him yesterday, and that the Hufflepuff hadn't realized exactly who he was looking at when he nodded because, well, what Hufflepuff would dare look at her,even if his smile was positively radiant? Once that was settled, Narcissa realized that she was already to the Slytherin entrance. She quickly said the password and walked through the common room to her room. She grabbed her bag and stuck her Transfiguration books, quills, and parchment inside it, and headed back out.

Once outside the classroom, she checked her appearance in a mirror that she kept with her, and, gorgeous as always, stepped into the class. She glanced around, noticing that Bella was next to Severus along with some other Slytherin girl, a red headed Gryffindor was present and playing with some odd looking thing, a Hufflepuff near him, and a couple of Ravenclaws had made their way there already. Not exactly in a talkative mood, she decided on a seat that was near the back, but not too close to anyone.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:46 am
Gilderoy lightly dabbed his mouth, ensuring that none of his breakfast would remain on his face. "Wasn't that abosolute delicious!" he exclaimed to his surroundings. There was a rush of air as those closest to him scrambled to voice their agreements first. Gilderoy smiled politely at them, slowly pushing his chair back at the same time. "Time to head to Transfiguartion, " he announced while standing. "It's been a pleasure, as always. I shall miss you all greatly and am looking forward to our next time together." Gilderoy bowed deeply to the table. When he regained his normal stature, he ruffled his hair a couple times for good measure before turning to exit the great hall.

He had just reached the doors when he felt a slight tug on his robes. Behind him was a Ravenclaw boy holding a camera in one hand and a notebook in the other. Gilderoy knelt down so that they were on the same level. "How may I be of assistance my dear boy?"

The boy flushed a shade of pink akin to a dahlia flower after the rain. "Well, you dropped this, " he replied, holding out the notebook.

Gilderoy beamed at the boy while accpeting the notebook. "Thank you very much! I hadn't realized this was no longer in my inner robes." He looked at the notebook and saw where Dempsy had carefully etched into it his name in gold. His fingers idly ghosted over the letters, enjoying the faint presence of Dempsy they had. "How can I ever thank you for returning my preciously notebook, " Gilderoy mused aloud. He studied the boy when his eyes fell upon the camera. "Of course! With your artistic talents with the camera, I shall appoint you to the position of head camera man for Gilderoy Lockhart. That is, if you would like the position."

The boy squeaked and nodded profusely. "I would be honored to take your pictures Mr. Lockhart."

"Then it's settled! And please, call me your emminence." Gilderoy stated while standing. "Just kidding! But Gilderoy will do nicely. Now, just send me an owl whenever you would like to meet to take pictures. I look forward to recieving it." Gilderoy extending his hand, grasping the boys in a firm handshake. "Until I recieve your owl then."

Gilderoy smiled one more time for those still enjoying their breakfasts before heading toward the transfiguration classroom. A quick glance of the room told him the only reasonable seat to take would be the one near the only other beautiful person in the room, Narcissa Black. He sat in the same row, one seat over.

Mmm Bop

un de plus pamplemousse

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:54 pm
"Well, James. We know that someone likes it rough."

James was gasping for breath he was laughing so hard. "Certainly not Sirius over here! This kind, gentle being? Like it rough? I hardly think so!" Still chuckling, he wiped at his eyes-- and caught the time on his watch. "Blimey, mates! I'm not one to hearken at timeliness to class, but we've only got about a minute 'til class!" Jumping up and grabbing his bag, he waited impatiently as they all did the same. "I'm not facing McG's wrath-- I'll see you sods there!" And with that, he ran out the door and towards Transfiguration class.

Once he reached the door, he stopped and took a few deep breaths. He looked inside, and noticed that not all the students had arrived, so he thought it would be safe to wait for the others outside, if they didn't take too bloody long. He didn't want to make a bad impression for Lily, did he? ...Well, a worse impression than it seemed he already had, at any rate.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:56 pm
As James was waiting for his so-called 'friends' to show up, Lucius Malfoy rounded the corner, closely followed by his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle. This, in and of itself, was not an unusual sight. If anyone could lord it over other people without seemingly putting any effort into it, it was Lucius Malfoy, after all.

The smaller boy in Ravenclaw colours at the seventh-year's side, however, that was new.. Well, maybe not quite that new. It looked like his growth spurt had kicked in and he was at least a little taller than the first and second years, and half of the third years still.

The young boy nodded eagerly at something Lucius' said, and then dashed off because, certainly, his own class would be starting any minute now as well.

As the Ravenclaw departed from the scenery, Lucius quirked an eyebrow at the undignified loitering this particular bothersome specimen of the Gryffindors hovering just outside of their designated classroom.

Honestly, did these Gryffindors have no sense of decorum?

"Gryffindors," Malfoy sneered lightly, as he passed Potter and went inside the room, his voice loud and confident with Crabbe and Goyle at his back and people to impress with his razor sharp wit nearby, "Surely they teach you to sit inside the classrooms sometime during the first year?"

Naturally, he made sure his voice carried into the classroom, where he paused, not too worried about any retaliation from the Gryffindor, because Crabbe and Goyle had itchy fists anyway..

That, and surely he could outhex a Gryffindor of all things.. Purely in self-defense, of course..

Now where to sit?


[OOC:] I.. didn't know how to continue there, so.. um.. XD; It's early! *goes to bed!*  


un de plus pamplemousse

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:55 pm
James turned his head, noticing Lucius Malfoy coming down the hallway. Well, noticed was an understatement. With the posse of goons Malfoy always had with him, it was impossible not to notice him, unless you were deaf and blind simultaneously. Being discreet was not Crabbe and Goyle's strong suit.

When Malfoy muttered "Gryffindors" in James' direction, it took all his willpower not to lurch forward and hex the daylights out of him. But he had to remember Lucius was an upperclassman, and really, "Gryffindors" wasn't an insult by any professor's standards, so he would clearly be in the wrong. But when Lucius uttered that second little gem, James gritted his teeth and muttered a curse under his breath that would make it pretty darn painful for Malfoy to sit down. Snickering, he leaned back against the wall once again, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for his friends.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:31 pm
Sirius sat revelling in the fact that his hand had actually touched Remus' arse. Sure, they had shared a private snog the other day, but nothing compared to the feel of that firm, round buttock under his fingers. He turned slightly pink at Remus' comment, and hid a half-groan in one of his barking laughs. He continued to hold his sides in laughter until the hilarity of the situation finally subsided. When he had, in fact, finally restrained himself, he looked up to notice James was gone. He should've known that what James was saying during his bout of madness was that he was going to Transfiguration and would be leaving him in the dust, but he chose to block it out, as he was wont to do with a lot of things James said when he had previously been spouting about Lily. Noticing he was now quite alone with Remus, he stood and shouldered his bag slightly awkwardly. "Well, honeybuns, reckon we'd better get to class?"  

Freak Show Excess

Freak Show Excess

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:37 pm
"Hey, uhm, do you have a quill I can borrow?"

Arthur felt a soft tap on his shoulder and looked up at a pretty Hufflepuff girl. He looked up at her and smiled in greeting. "Oh, er, of course! One minute..." he said, mumbling the last bit as he rummaged around in his slightly unorganized bag. Finally coming up with a spare quill, he held it out to her. "There you are. I hope it's still sharp. It's been in there quite a while. I'm Arthur by the way. Arthur Weasley. Very pleased to meet you." He said this all very fast, but very kindly, and offered his hand to her.
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