Brynjulfr and his twin sister, Gullveig, stepped out of the Cursed Tree together -- but as far as typical twin siblings go, they are nothing of the sort. The twins loathe each other, and while equally matched, each is in a continuous competition to out-do the other in all things. There may be once or twice when the pair team up to take town a particularly troublesome foe, but as soon as they accomplish what they've set out to do, they instantly turn on each other again. It's an endless pull of sibling attachment and hate; they can't stand each other but also feel drawn to each other at the same time. They share similar beliefs and killing methods as well, finding attraction to symbols of power, painting their bodies with gold and sometimes adorning golden jewelry. They each have a cave filled of their treasures, each one torn from the dead bodies of their victims -- some with flesh still hanging on. Brynjulfr is more primal than his sister; less manipulative but just as savage. He prefers to destroy a soquili's body more than their mind, inflicting excruciatingly slow, painful deaths on his victims as he watches the life leave their eyes. No soquili will meet a quick end in his jaws, no mercy, no wild, out-of-control slaughter -- it is careful and calculated, and knowing he has the power to make himself the last thing another living creature sees before they gasp their final breath is thrilling to him. And there is nothing else but this, to ravage the lands like an unstoppable plague. What else to life
is there? This is his purpose, he knows it well, and the thought of deviating from it has never, and will never, cross his mind.