Meaning of (name): Aliases: Date Found: Found: RP Contest WinDate of Maxing: Temper:Breed: Breed Appearance: Height: hands
Personality: Quirks/Character Traits: ✶
Backstory: Contest Entry
They had good bones, she thought. The ships that lay in this place looked to have been well made, beautiful even as far as she could tell. But she knew that it had to be more than storms that caused so many of these ships to lie on the bottom of the ocean. Ships were not made to sink, they swam or well, floated.
It was just like the stories. The ones about that mysterious place where soquili and ships sometimes went. Those who returned from there told stories of strange occurrences in the area of the triangle. Some said they saw ghosts, others nothing but fog and strange lights. Some saw nothing at all and said it was lies. But others, far too many others to discount, had simply never been seen or heard of again.
This place was cursed. She could feel it in her bones. "Ter! Let's go," she turned her back on the dark place and began to swim. After a few moments, she realized it was too quiet.
With dread, she turned to find her sister Terpsichore going into a cave following a dancing light.
Fear made the words stick in her throat, she couldn't even try to get them out. She was terrified and for a moment, she could not move. But then she was after her sister though reason told her it not to. She knew that whatever lay in this triangular sphere of doom, the root of it was in that cave--the cave her sister was going into.
But she could not leave her. Even if she spent eternity wandering through those caves until she found Ter or until she died. She would not quit.
Nesoi felt the dark press in around her. She'd long since lost sight of her sister, but up ahead the light gleamed welcoming but always distant. If she hurried, maybe she could catch them both.
But no matter how hard she swam, it did not seem to come closer. The water around her pulsed. Something thumped like a drum. The echoes reverberated through the caverns of the caves into the marrow of her bones.
Her skin crawled at the whisper. It was so thin and high that she could feel her heart hammering against her ribcage. How did it know her name? And what was it?
Suddenly, the area around her bloomed into light and she was surrounded by hundreds of eerie looking fishes with glowing bulbs hanging off antennas on their heads.
"Where is she? Where is my sister?" she demanded.
The thin, high voice laughed again then all the lights went out but one.
"This way, sweetling.....this way to all the answers."