Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:21 am
Gaining ground on his mother, Nioka grinned as he pulled ahead of his mother and took the lead. Grinning cheekily, the teal stallion kicked his back hooves and charged past Little Eagle. Circling around her to slow down, he pranced to Little Eagle and nudged her shoulder. Whinnying happily, he beat his mother. His first time ever winning a race against his mother and he couldn't contain it so he pranced around, tossed his head and grinned happily. "I won! I won!"
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:26 am
Holding out her hands, Little Eagle threw them around Nioka's neck to congradulate him on a job well done, though she had noticed that Resi had intentionally let him win. Well, let's not spoil the good moment as she noticed how happy Nioka appeared to be. Patting his neck, "Good job, Nioka." Turning to Resi, she eyed the mare as a warning, since she was already starting to get the feeling that Resi had something up her sleeve. The mare always did. She walked to Resi and threw her hands around Resi's neck as well and gave her a hug, but not before whispering to her mare, "You were too kind, Resi." Taking a step back, she held out her hand and produced two apples, one for each soquili. "Here's an apple for the both of you. Enjoy." She waited for each of the soquilis to take their apple before giving them another pat on the neck for a job well done. "Come, let's all go to the stream and get some water for dinner." And with that, the three headed for the nearest water source to use for cooking.
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 5:04 am
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:04 am
The game begins!Wings glided silently through the sky as pale eyes glazed down at the ground before her. It has been a long time since Circe has decided to leave her lair, but with the lack of 'game' around there, it was getting a bit boring for her taste. This mare thrived on her game of seductive and love, and with lack of prey around for her to be pleased, it wasn't a place for her to live. The cool air played with her long mane as her serpentine tail whipped behind her. Not too long afterward, faint scents came to her. Good scents, scents of her "prey". A sly smile tugged the corners of her mouth since these new lands would prove to be more productive than where she was from.
Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:58 am
Kireiryuu Coming back after a long journey with her human, Resi was glad to be back on familiar grounds. It's been quite a long time since she last saw any of her friends, and it made her sad. Crimson eyes were bright with anticipation as she trotted around, looking for anyone to play with. The black widow had left her son behind with Little Eagle since they were to spend some quality time together. Smiling happily, she whinnied loudly in the hopes of others hearing it. Death to Blondes Cyrus, now defined as an 'elder' had been grazing it had been a slightly dreary day the October rain plus the mist of rain made it some what 'crappy'. His emerald orbs looked up he didn't know what his position held, whether it be he was around or because he had grown he didn't know but he had realized he had gotten a bit more attention than usual. He looked at a familiar whinny he couldn't make the connection however it seemed so long that he had spent time with friends. His ebony frame turned and looked out to see a familiar figure, but it was almost as a mirage. "Resi?" he questioned himself, his first adopted daughter. He hadn't seen her in what it seemed like ages, he was still wondering if it was actually her. Kireiryuu Trotting through the area, the gentle breeze brought a familiar yet faint scent that made Resi look up. Cyrus! Her father! That smile on her face grew, as she was unaware of any other presences but that of her long-time friend. Her pace quicken a bit until the large, black stallion came into view. And what a view it was! Whinning again, it was him, it had to be. "CYRUS!" She called out happily as she made her way to him, still taking an interest with his mane that would be in her grasps when she got closer to him. Death to Blondes Cyrus looked at the female again, it was her! "Resi!" he exclaimed in his deep hearty voice. His eyes shimmered in delight, her had reared a bit as he went to meet her half way, he hadn't his earrings, feathers or war paint on at the moment just like he used to be. He nickered to her, this dreary day seemed to be lightening up. He looked to his little black widowed colored daughter, she had seemed to vanish off the lands for so long he couldn't recognize her for those few seconds. Kireiryuu His deep voice made her giggle as Resi still remembered him. Just as he got closer to her, she snaked her head towards his neck and tried to nibble on his mane. It was then that she noticed she had to reach up a bit to grab a small lock of the black hair. Nibbling on it playfully, she let it go before she nuzzled her cheek against his. "It's still the same Cyrus I know and love!" Her crimson eyes twinkled, "Did you get bigger than me to tease me or did I get smaller?" Death to Blondes The ebony stallion looked to the smaller female and rose a brow, "My dear I believe you are shrinking...might want to see a shaman about that." he replied with a joking tone. He nuzzled her cheek, fatherly. "How have you been, or is it where have you been?" he was worried about her and missed her, it would be like Cynara disappearing, speaking of which he needed to see Maeve and Moki as well as his beloved Alona. His emerald eyes looked to those of Resi's...crimson, like rubies. Kireiryuu Crimson eyes widen in play as Resi giggled, "Oh no! I can't be shrinking now! What am I going to do without playing with your mane?" Her tail flicked from side to side as her gaze went down to the ground, slightly sadden at the time that has elasped from her being away. "My human had to complete a journey and both Nioka and I went along. We didn't realize how long we'd be gone...it was too long!" Eyes shifted back towards Cyrus, comforted by his presence, "I've missed a lot, haven't I?" Pausing, she smiled at Cyrus, "It's good to be back. I've missed everyone!" Death to Blondes Cyrus looked back to Resi as she giggled, it was almost melodic it seemed. "I see..." he replied listening to her story..."Missed a lot, nah," he beamed. "Nothing that cannot be discussed, Cynara, Moki and Maeve are grown and Erik still resides in our teepee. I don't believe you have met him." His glance shifted from hers to the woods and then to her, "Its good to have you back, he smiled warmly. Kireiryuu Surprised, she had missed seeing Cyrus's own foals growing up. "Your foals are all grown up? I missed them growing up!" Resi pouted slightly, but it couldn't have been helped, "Hopefully I will get to see them sometime, I would like to see everyone again!" Putting a smile back on her face, a new soquili is residing with Cyrus. Curious, she tilted her head, "I don't think the name sounds familiar, maybe I shall meet him sometime." Warmth washed through her at his last words, he was glad to have her back. And she was glad to be back as well. "Nioka's gotten bigger and still playful. He's so grown up!" Death to Blondes Cyrus looked to her, she seemed as enthusiastic and cheerful as ever. "Yes, don't feel bad about it there still young at heart." His orbs looked to her inquisitivly and a bit astonished, "Nioka, seems I never had the pleasure of meeting him that long or got to no ever." Kireiryuu Moving a bit around Cyrus, she went to play with his tail. That was much easier to reach! With a mouthful in her mouth, she gave Cyrus a playful look as she tugged it gently before flicking her tail against Cyrus's side. Letting if fall, she smiled, "He's a lot like me, but yet, he's different. He's a good son, I couldn't ask for better! Though, he needs to meet more soquilis since he hasn't met many since we've been away." Smiling to Cyrus, she turned around him once more before leaning against the large stallion, "Is Alona good? I need to see her and Zephi and Sora and everyone else!" Death to Blondes Cyrus nipped at her when she went after his tail, his face fell at the sound of his family and friends, "I haven't seen Alona for many moons as well as my brother Zephi and my other good friends," he sighed. "Like you I need to get a bit caught up, I seemed to have been a hermit crab for these past weeks." He nudged her bit playfully as she leaned on him. Kireiryuu The black widow mare let his n** slide just this once, though she'd get back at him later. Resi did notice his features fall as he spoke. Things didn't appear as together as they used to be. Raising her head, she nudged his neck in comfort. "A hermit? My Cyrus cannot be a hermit! You shall have this little mare following you around so you're not lonely anymore. And the same for me." Her voice was soft, "I hope Alona is doing well and you get to see her soon. Don't be too sad, I'll try to cheer you up!" Death to Blondes "My dear Resi, your very appearence lightens this cloudy day." he smiled he didn't want his poorish attitude for the moment to dwell on her. "However it would be a pleasure for you to accompany me." he nodded as he noted she didn't get him back that wasn't like her.
Erik debated what to do he was getting bored, his silver orbs cast out again. No one seemed to be around this day it was no wonder why. His silky coat glimered with the light rain drops of mist. His blood tipped feathers ruffled once more from a slight breeze. Kireiryuu Crimson eyes turned from Cyrus and scanned the area. Resi thought she caught the scent of another, but wasn't too sure. "Good! Because you won't get rid of me that easily!" She giggled before looking up at Cyrus with a questioning gaze, "Is it just me, or is there someone else around?" Death to Blondes Cyrus looked to Resi, "Your right we are not alone." he looked up. "Erik's here some where." He let a deep throated bellow-like call for Erik to come out from wherever he was...maybe he was just wandering around like usual, who knew. His brows knit together curious to see if he would come.
Erik's eyes widened as he had been called by Cyrus. He then started to contradict whether to go or not. He walked out from the wooded area and looked into some what of a valley to see Cyrus and a female...not Alona though. His wings flexed as he flew down to meet them, as he was more gliding and it was easier than walking... Kireiryuu Ears pricked forward as Resi was alert for whoever was out there. Cyrus had confirmed that nagging scent who she didn't know. Her head raised a bit as she spotted a winged stallion come forward out of the wooded area. So, this was the Erik that Cyrus talked about. With a smile, she watched the stallion. Death to Blondes Erik looked to Resi and bowed, "Good evening," he looked to Cyrus as if to say, 'what do you want'. His silver orbs went back to Resi, he was pretty positive that Cyrus had told her his real name so he went by it, "I am Erik, friends call me Phantom," twas actually the opposite only his friends knew his true name but called him the Phantom anyways because that was what her preferred. "Who might you be?" Kireiryuu At Erik's smile, Resi introduced herself, "I'm Resi. It's a pleasure to meet you Erik," She paused, "Then, am I allowed to call you Phantom?" She eyed his long hair, it tempted her greatly and she wanted to go over and play with it. Oh, how she loved to play.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:36 am
Circe finds a new home! (Part 1)
Like a predatory eyeing her prey, Circe found a lone male stallion off on his own, minding his own business. A sly grin grew along her features and spread across her body, with her eyes lit in excitment. Ah, the fun begins! Flapping her wings silently, she stealthfully landed next to the stallion and eyed him with a slight hunger, "My, my. What have I caught myself here?" She spoke in a slightly teasing tone as she circled the stallion, taking in his shiny teal color.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:41 am
Quietly eating some grass, Nioka was enjoying this time alone since his mother was off with their human caretaker. His golden eyes were closed in bliss as the grass seemed to be slightly sweet, which was a rare treat since it was starting to get cooler. His tail flicked slightly before a cool breeze blew over his back. Curious, an ear pricked in the direction of the wind before a voice startled him. Eyes shot open in surprise as he was awestruck at what stood before him. A mare, but she was different! She...she had wings! And a tail like a snake...and horns! His golden eyes were large in awe as he tried to take her all in at once. As the mare spoke, he was speechless and could only stutter out, "H-h-huh?"
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:47 am
A soft, melodic laugh trinkled out from Circe as she had caught the stallion unaware. Ah, the more she'd be able to play with him. Things were starting to move towards her likings. At least this male was good to look at, a good eye-candy of sorts. She closed her wings against her side and slowly began to walk around the stallion. As she did that, she let her tail touch his body softly, teasingly. In a sweet voice, "Could you tell me where I am? I have seemed to be lost, Dear Stallion."
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:51 am
That mare's strange tail began to touch him as she circled him. Nioka was a bit confused, speechless to say the least. What was he supposed to do? He felt a bit weird with her looking at him like that...talking to him in that kind of voice. Gathering his voice, he was able to muster out. "This is where I live. My mother and our caretaker live here as well." An idea popped in his head! "Are you alone? You can stay with us!"
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:07 am
Ears pricked up at the stallion's words before Circe stopped infront of Nioka. A sly grin grew on her features, stay with the stallion and his family? Well, she didn't want to be around his mother, that's for sure. But, if he brought her to any more stallions that she could bring into her game, she would be undoubtably happy. Cooing softly, she let her tail rub against his neck gently and nodded her head, "I would be delighted to stay here with you, Dear Stallion. At least until I can get my barings and determine where I am supposed to be." She flashed him a bright smile before a sharp whinny broke her attention and made her flatten her ears against her head. Silvery eyes narrowed into slits as she spotted a dark mare some distance away coming towards her and this stallion. She wasn't to be messed with and to interupt her during her fun would certainly bring upon her wrath.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:39 am
A smile was on the black widow's face as Resi was hoping to see her son soon. She missed him and wanted to play a game with him. Though, that thought was shattered as she stood there watching some strange mare flirt with her son! This made her angry, especially since this mare was strange and seemed more like a nightmare than a soquili. Whinnying loudly, she charged down the hill and towards her son, hoping to get the mare away from her son, not taking notice of the glare she was receiving. "Get away from my son!"
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:05 pm
Nioka smiled happily at the mare as she said that she would stay with them. His long tail flicked from side to side before a tense situation between his mother and the mare took place before him. Blinking slightly, he looked to his mother in surprise. Taking a few steps to her, he spoke gently, "Mom, she's lost. I offered her to stay with us until she's able to figure out where she needs to be." Hopefully that'll calm down his mother, he's never seen her like this before!
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:26 pm
Anger spiked in the mare as the other yelled at her. None got away with that at Circe. Flaring her wings and baring her razor sharp teeth, she took a step towards the mare before the stallion walked ahead of her to calm down...his mother?! This was his mother?! She couldn't but help and laugh at the situation. And here she was getting ready to hurt the mare, when she was just the stallion's mother. Well, that quelled her fury as she rustled her wings back to her side and flashed a sultry smile. "Yes, I seemed to have lost my way and your son here, is being quite the gentleman in offering me a place to stay." Putting more salt in the wound for the other mare, "I won't stay long, but your son is quite the looker. I must say he is quite handsome."
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:08 pm
Watching the winged mare come towards her, Resi was about to defend herself when Nioka got in the way. Crimson eyes narrowed slightly before she stood there with her mouth wide open. Her son let this mare come and join them at their teepee...was he insane?! What about Little Eagle?! She didn't even know if the human wanted another soquili to take care of or not. Shaking her head, she looked at her son, "You asked this without talking to anyone else? Have you thought about our human and if she has enough food to provide for this...soquili?" She said the word with a slight disgust, this mare wasn't a soquili in her eyes, but something abnormal. Reaching out to nuzzle her son, she sighed and admitted defeat for now. Crimson eyes glared at the mare, "I'm keeping an eye on you...and if you touch my son, you'll have to answer to me!" With that threat, she turned and trotted back towards their teepee.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:10 pm
A little taken back by his mother's aggressive nature, Nioka shrugged it off before watching her leave. He smiled at her reassuringly before turning his attention back to Circe. "I'm Nioka by the way, and that was my mother, Resi. She's not normally mad, something must be bugging her..." His voice trailed off before he walked in the direction his mother had headed, "Come on! I'll show you where we stay!" Now he had someone who could play games with him as well, just in case his mother was busy with something. But, little did he now the true nature of the mare...