Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:31 pm
|Uncerted Soquili Name: Eun Name Means: Silver and/or Grace in Korean Type: Normal Mix Date Found: Feb 24th, 2013 Gender: Male Personality: Eun is a very shy and socially awkward Usidia. His family is a set of ninja-trained usidia, yet Eun can't grasp the nature of it. Eun is a very good hider, even though he is a fail!ninja. But doing other things is just not his job. At a very young colt age Eun had mastered the art of hiding, his favourite game had been hide and seek with his siblings because he always won. He is young at heart once you get through the scared aspect of him. He enjoys the simple things of life; since the harder parts tend to make him spiral out of control. Deep down as well, Eun does have the spark of a ninja and at times it will show through. But he'd rather love than hate. He has it in his mind that love is easier. (Thus why his symbol is the heart) He has excelled in the arts and has become a good herb-healer, Eun would probably do well as a artisan or a pupil for a healing Unicorn to take on to help heal patients who still have wounds after being healed. Parents: Shirahime x Corann Mate: N/A Siblings: Shiranne & ??? Children: Secondary Mother: Tallon Third Mother/Teacher: Cygnus Nebulae
History: Eun was born to a Ninja family in which he did not fit in. It was not that his parents weren't loving, they were and still are both very loving parents. Eun just needed to find his own way in life and with the help of an outsider named Talon he was granted permission to leave his family to seek out a life of his own even though he often still visits. Eun is more of a healer, or herb finder. He was also adopted somewhat by a Soquili who was part unicorn to learn how to heal without her horn. Her name was Cygnus Nebulae, her make up is a UniHippoCerynei. He also has found a friend in a second generation Angeni by the name of Xandria.
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:33 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:34 pm
Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:35 pm
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:26 pm
Uncerted Soquili Name: Kadenze Name Means: No idea Age: Young Adult Mare Date Found: January 26, 2014 Gender: Female Type: Normal Personality: Kadenze is rather loyal to those she finds herself bonded to. She is a bit of a tomboy, as she comes from a herd of warriors. Kadenze would make an amazing general, but many Soquili do not take her serious for although she is a sturdy mare.. She is very short. There are probably Usidia who are taller than her, if not they are probably at par as her. She is the smallest of her family as both her parents were quite tall but for what she is at loss because of her height she makes up in might. Kadenze has trained since she popped from the basket to be a protector of those she becomes loyal too. To create a bond with this short Soquili, would be signing on the dotted line for a friendship that could last a life time. Kadenze keeps her friends close to her heart and if someone where to cross the line and challenge their friendships she would find herself struggling to keep the grudge.
Kadenze isn't innocent though, do not allow yourself to feign her loyalty for innocence. She has seen her mother die at the hands of a rival herd, she has lost a mate and found him dying on the battle fields and has gained the courage to face the Kawani lands without her father or brothers to overshadow her.
She is closely tied into the histories of Ingvar and Ragnarok. Parents: (Outside of Soq for now ;>) Kalhune x Nadena Siblings: She has some outside of Soq?! Mate: None. Past Mate: Basch Children: None
History Kadenze comes from a not so distant land from the Kawani's Land. Her parents were both Commanders who later became the leaders of the herd. Kadenze is very young, it has just hit over a year since she became an adult. As an adolescent, just before she aged into a young adult she was betrothed to a slightly older male named Basch. The herd of course was leaded by her parents so when her father Kalhune declared war on another herd for killing Kadenze's mother Nadena, Kadenze wished to follow in his hoofsteps. But she was banned and had to watch her three older brothers, Basch and Kalhune get ready for battle. Without being able to help them she stood on the territory of her father's herd and watched the fires and death happen in the below valley. For weeks she suffered the sights of her friends passing away, and then Basch stopped coming home to the herd.
In confusion and fear, Kadenze got a raccoon to cut her mane and tail and dawned a cape of black to rush onto the battle fields. She fought a good fight until a sight made her falter. She watched a Soquili kill a very familiar male, Basch. Her betrothed went down and without removing her cape she laid at Basch's side until he was a lifeless body. His last words said "Tell Kadenze I am sorry". He had not recognized the mare. During the same night, she stayed at his side until Kelhune came back with his Commander Jarn Ragnarok to admit that the herd had won the battle. She spent a few days with the herd and told her father the truth of what she had seen happen to Basch. She left the herd to only be later followed by Ragnarok and an amnesiac stallion she had founded in the herd's territory when she was a filly, Ingvar.
Coming to the Kawani lands, Ingvar took to a life of traveling though the friends often meet, and Jarn found a life mate in a young mare named Angel.
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:27 pm
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:31 pm
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:32 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:44 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:45 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:48 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:49 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:00 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:03 am
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:05 am