Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:42 am
Sonnen: Wtf yo. neutral
Also I just thought of this but like, the entire left side of my body feels extremely different to me, and my control over it hasn't change since I was probably 3-5 years old, so I have problems grabbing things with my left hand, putting a glove on, etc. It's weird and i don't get it. Also hate it.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:59 am
Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them. I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:01 pm
Vitamin Crack Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them. I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness. I always thought this was apathy/not giving a ********?
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:06 pm
Felin Greenleaf Vitamin Crack Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them. I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness. I always thought this was apathy/not giving a ******** class="clear"> Yeah it is apathy most of the time but there are also such extreme exceptions to my apathy and there's nothing in between. You know how people have relationships where it's like, they have a few close friends, a few people a bit further, maybe family, and then they have acquaintances, and then they have even lesser known acquaintances etc.? I don't seem to have that, right now I can think of one person who is in the epicentre with me and then everyone else is miles away. It's like a dead man's zone.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:09 pm
Vitamin Crack Felin Greenleaf Vitamin Crack Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them. I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness. I always thought this was apathy/not giving a ******** class="clear"> Yeah it is apathy most of the time but there are also such extreme exceptions to my apathy and there's nothing in between. You know how people have relationships where it's like, they have a few close friends, a few people a bit further, maybe family, and then they have acquaintances, and then they have even lesser known acquaintances etc.? I don't seem to have that, right now I can think of one person who is in the epicentre with me and then everyone else is miles away. It's like a dead man's zone. This thread slightly worries me.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:11 pm
I started seeing a counselor. I have OCD and I'm a bit Bipolar.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:17 pm
Vitamin Crack Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them.I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS
However I'll still have random episodes of odd compassion for people I don't even know. Like I'll tear up if I'm watcvhing a family worry in an emergancy room or something, while I had to try not to laugh when my own step father pased out and fell in the kitchen a few years ago. I have no clue why.
Well, not entirely I do care about a lot of the people here.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:19 pm
Oh hey! I got one! Irrational attachment to inanimate objects. Mainly my computers.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:20 pm
Felin Greenleaf Oh hey! I got one! Irrational attachment to inanimate objects. Mainly my computers.
Oh this.
My computer and my sketchbooks/drawings.
I don't even like when other people touch them.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:21 pm
Mea Has Sharpie Felin Greenleaf Oh hey! I got one! Irrational attachment to inanimate objects. Mainly my computers.
Oh this.
My computer and my sketchbooks/drawings.
I don't even like when other people touch them.
>.> No like when my old one burnt out I nearly cried. I didn't even flinch when my cousin and aunt died.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:27 pm
Xiporah Vitamin Crack Cuivie Also, the level of psychopathry Xip is reffering to. I can absolutely relate.
I've also often been reported to just seem like I "play" emotions and generally lack them. Not sure if there is any name for that? I just have extremes, mostly, the inbetween is a monochromous blur.
I have this too, I'm either feeling extremes or absolutely nothing at all. I'm constantly flitting between apathy and either extreme depression or extreme happiness. I've been told by people I'm heartless or emotionless because of it. It especially affects how I feel towards other people. Either I am utterly and devastatingly devoted to someone (very very very few people in my life) or I genuinely feel nothing towards them (pretty much everyone). The vast majority of people, people I call friends, I don't think I genuinely care about any of them and that frightens me. And then I overcompensate and go out of my way to be super nice and friendly and generous so they never suspect that actually, I wouldn't miss them.I kinda assumed it was just something that came under the umbrella of my vaguely diagnosed mental illness. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS
However I'll still have random episodes of odd compassion for people I don't even know. Like I'll tear up if I'm watcvhing a family worry in an emergancy room or something, while I had to try not to laugh when my own step father pased out and fell in the kitchen a few years ago. I have no clue why. I "feel" terrible for people like that, and when I start fixating on all the horrible suffering in the world, it's hard to pull out of that depressive spiral. But I don't know if I'm genuinely feeling emotion for them or whether it's more that I think about it rationally and I'm just morally opposed to it. I think my morality is one of the strongest factors in my life but I don't really do it out of emotion. Like I do a lot of volunteer work, but I don't think I feel genuine compassion for those I help, I'm doing it out of this logical reasoning in my mind that this is the right thing to do, and it's not something I feel but something I think.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:30 pm
Felin Greenleaf Mea Has Sharpie Felin Greenleaf Oh hey! I got one! Irrational attachment to inanimate objects. Mainly my computers.
Oh this.
My computer and my sketchbooks/drawings.
I don't even like when other people touch them.
>.> No like when my old one burnt out I nearly cried. I didn't even flinch when my cousin and aunt died.
I cried when someone stole my sketch book and the only things I'd ever cried about dying were my dogs. My family memebers I just stayed as far away from the dead body as possible. And drew.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:31 pm
That's a good point. A man I was once in love with died in a horrific car accident. I hadn't seen him in five years (almost 11 now)
My immediate reaction was to cry, but it only lasted a few minutes. Maybe because I wasn't close with him anymore. I cried more at the funeral watching his mother and his really close friends.
And with Brandon, my heart doesn't rush or my stomach doesn't flip out when I think about him or get to see him, but I'd take a knife through the heart for him anyday.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:59 pm
Xip and VC- I know what you are talking about. Absolutely. I had cried on occassions of dead, but that was a stress-reaction coming with a panic attack. I mostly cry when I get them since they get me really close to breakdowns. And those situations mostly bring them because everybody gets stressed, it brings more stress, and I watch other people crying. But actually feeling it or really caring? Na, I couldn't remember. I often feel myself as if I played emotions since afterwards, they are just lost to me and I can absolutely rationally see at the moment. That afterwards might be 5min later. And in the moments of real reactions I often don't really feel them. It's like I was watching somebody reacting in a certain way. Really odd.
With me it's also not so that I'd feel a lot for people I'd help or something, it's just the way I think world should be right and what I see as just morally, or well, in my terms correct. Otherwise everybody could go and ******** themselves.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:16 pm
I'm an undiagnosed prosopagnostic. It's not severe enough to be debilitating, but I have difficulty putting names to people I've known, even for years.
It's like, I see them and know they're familiar. I know I've seen them before. I can't connect their identity to their physical appearance.
And VC/Xippy: I have the same sort of friend/devotion thing. Internally, I consider nearly everyone I know as simply an acquaintance. They don't know that, and many of them think I'm a good friend, but I feel no attachment. The people I actually consider my friends, I would probably die to protect, without much second thought.
My therapist did determine that I'm probably obsessive compulsive and have very rigid time management tactics (which is great for assignments but terrible for group work because unless people are on my schedule, they're too slow and it's a problem).