
Wow, tickled to death, that does sound scary lol. I sort of had the same problem for awhile. My family and I joke that I have the strongest self-preservation switch of all of us, and I don't doubt it for a second. I pick on my bro all of the time. Mostly gay and or virgin jokes. Oh, and gamer jokes have picked up recently, just minor teasing all in all. He doesn't have much in the way of retorts, and he's yet to best me in physical combat, so his counter-attacks are mostly ineffective lol.

My self preservation instincts are oddly warrior like. I don't run from things that could kill me, I don't fear them, and I won't go out of my way to avoid them, even if I know they're there. When I come face to face with them, it's more of a standoff, occassionally a battle. I fight for my right to survive in a primal fashion, as does whatever thing I face. May the better creature win. Often it comes out that we simply stand off, cross paths and go our seperate ways. I can say this as a fact, I've encountered a couple of deadly things living out here, namely snakes.

My little brother's a gamer too, and so is my sister's boyfriend, so recently gaming jokes have picked up here, too. My little brother seems to be able to hold his own, though, he's actually pretty good at games. smile