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[FIELD CLASS] Minipet Training 2.1 | End page 12! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:43 pm
If Yin had acted startled that Alexander was there, the zomboil hadn't even noticed. He was too busy trying to keep the black rabbit in his arms from escaping and wreaking havoc in the classroom. "Settle down, you evil thing." He mumbled, tightening his grip slightly so that all the rabbit could do was twist it's head around, ears twitching in annoyance as it glared up at him and gnashed it's teeth.

If any of Alex's pets needed to be trained, or needed to battle, it was definitely this one.

"Oh I'm sure she'll be fine, right Princess Eva?" He risked letting go of the black rabbit with one arm to reach out and give the rabo a light pat on the head. "After all, she nearly decapitated me, I'm sure she can handle another pet." He grinned, though he had a feeling the joke would not be appreciated by Yin the moment he said it.

Alex saw that Yin was looking elsewhere now, and followed his gaze across the room to Nurse Cricket. Why was he just staring at her? Alex frowned a little, but then realised that Yin was asking him a question. "Uhhh, I honestly don't know Yin. I've never battled any of my pets before. I assume the pets would have to be fairly receptive towards it, otherwise they wouldn't bother following commands and it wouldn't really be much of a battle at that point."

Though, come to think of it, Alex highly doubled that 'Creature' would follow any commands at all, though he would likely still be more then eager to fight.

He didn't have much time to think it over, however, as suddenly the classes instructor was speaking, giving instructions and introducing the other members of the faculty that were in the classroom. Alex tried to remember all of their names, recognising a couple of them. A list was made to pair up the students, and Alex was somewhat amused to find out that Yin was with the Nurse that he had been so busy staring at all of this time.

"Well, good luck!" He said, cheerfully enough just as an undead boil Alexander had never met before approached. Alex grinned, happily reaching out to shake the other boils hand.

"Yep, you got it!" Alex glanced to Moure's pet, a strange creature that Alex hadn't ever seen before. "And sure, I'm about ready to do this anytime. Just..uh..let give me a quick second?"

The zomboil after pulling his hand back from Moure, gripped his pet with two hands and lifted him up, turning him so that he could look 'Creature' in his glowing and glaring red eyes. "Look." He hissed to the black rabbit "You get to battle now, so I'm going to put you down, but you had better behave yourself!"

He didn't know if the black rabbit understood, but he at least stopped struggling, so Alex took that as a good sign as he placed his pet on the floor as well. The black rabbit stood on it's hind legs, nose twitching towards it's opponent as though smelling him out.

"Ok, we're ready." Alex nodded, reaching up to push hair out of his face, slightly nervous that this was not going to go well at all.

(Feel free to go first!)


PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:03 pm
King was busy shaking the jar frantically, hoping maybe he could just get it to stay quiet. No dice. Still, ears pricked up as the teacher spoke, introducing some of the other professors. Ah, this was a good surprise, to see more than one teacher rather than... finding them as time passed. Committing their names and faces to memory, his ears pricked as partners were assigned. Sura?

His name came again as a rather...tall female called out his name. Giving the jar another shake he walked over, bowing. "I am called King. You are Sura I presume?"





Trash Husband


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:12 pm
Sura looked to the canid who approached her, giving him a calm look - no appraisal. He didn't set off any alarms and it was not her job to judge him at this point beyond that he seemed to be who she was seeking out.

"I am called that, yes." she answered, pausing to pick up the Follossus in her company to give him an introduction as well. "And this is Dormin." He probably didn't need the introduction, but the Follossus reached out to paw at the jar that the Wolfos was holding in an attempt to investigate, seeming fascinated by the fairy within it.

Completely fascinated.

Trira rolled 4 4-sided dice: 2, 3, 4, 2 Total: 11 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:13 pm
"Sure, take all the time you need." Moure said, releasing the other boil's hand from the shake and taking a step back. Gibralter stepped around the patchwork, watching the other undead boil intently. Moure waited while Alex gave his rabbit-like creature a pep-talk(?), of sorts, and took another step back when it was set down on the floor.

Gibralter began pacing, reptilian tail flicking as he attempted to analyze his opponent. The rabbit seemed as if it would be a good fight, and Gibralter was eager to get started. His claws clicked against the flooring as he looked back to the patchwork, waiting for some signal that it was okay to start the battle soon.

"Alright then. Let's get this show on the road." Moure nodded to Alex before looking down to the excited boogeymon. He gave a nod and tipped his head word the rabbit before saying, "Have fun, Gibs."

Gibralter took that as the signal, and reared back slightly with a pleased growl before charging forward toward the other minipet. He launched himself into the air, attempting to pounce the 'Creature'.

The landing on the other creature was solid, and Gibralter took the opportunity to bite at his opponent from atop it, digging in his teeth as best he could.


Gibralter's HP: 20/20
Damage: 5



Alarming Consumer

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:26 pm
That boil was patting her on the head, and for a brief moment she wished that she had given the cloth noose around his neck a purposeful yank when she had had the chance. She could deal with fighting or whatever it was, even if it did not mean she was sending out her boil to be useful. It might be a good time to show her boil what she was capable of.

But Yin was disturbed by Alexander's words, reaching down to stroke the rabo lovingly as he tried not to think too much about her getting in a fight. Thankfully the Professor, Malcolm, distracted him, giving forth a slew of names that he could not even begin to keep track of. Nurse Cricket he knew, and he thought that he had a few of the others sorted out, but the last few somewhat blurred together. He concentrated on the instructions. Get Princess Eva to battle, feed her the pill when the battle was done.

Yin should not have been startled when someone approached, but he was still on the first couple of names, struggling to read them, so Nurse Cricket's words caused him to tense up as his eyes flicked to her and he stared for a couple of seconds. Then, realizing how brazen he was being, he looked down and bowed slightly, rather embarrassed. "G-greetings Nurse Cricket. It is an honor to meet with you again." It appeared as though he had been partnered with the one person that he really wanted to impress in the room, to prove to her that her efforts and time had not been in vain. And now he was going to have his Princess fight her pet.

He moved over a bit to a spot with a bit more room and set Princess Eva down on the ground, who promptly went to go sniff at the ghoul. "This is Princess Eva," he introduced. "Princess Eva, this is Nurse Cricket, who taught me how to meditate." The rabo seemed content to go stand in front of Yin, looking at the creature Nurse Cricket carried.

((Feel free to start the battle!))

If I only had a functioning brain OTL
NeoSeussi rolled 4 4-sided dice: 3, 1, 3, 3 Total: 10 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:34 pm
Alex nodded, ready to let things begin and somewhat eager to see what the little black rabbit could do. If how he bullied around Alex's other pets was any indication of his abilities, it could prove to be a fairly decent fight. He returned the nod the other undead boil gave him and looked down at 'Creature'.

"Ok, boy, be ready..." The words were barely out of his mouth when the black rabbit darted forward, meeting the boogeymon head on, but getting himself pounced on instead. As he fell to the floor with the other pet on top of him, he squirmed on to his back, lifting his rear legs into the boogeymon's stomach and scratching it him for all he was worth with an angry hiss and a glowy eyed glower.

".....Well ok then."

'Creature's' HP: 15/20
Damage: 4



demon_pachabel rolled 4 4-sided dice: 3, 4, 1, 2 Total: 10 (4-16)


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:40 pm
Cricket seemed to be somewhat amused by how bashful and polite the boil was being, taking a moment to set Warrior down. "I see. Hello there, Princess Eva. I have heard your name before, but it is quite nice to meet you." she greeted to the minipet, offering her a stroke behind the ears. "This is Warrior. Though we will see how much of a warrior he really is." she mused as she straightened up.

Warrior seemed to be every level of excited, however, bouncing around the feet of the pair and making a slight yipping noise before pouncing on the other mini in what was an attempt to be playful, growling a bit as he attempted to wrestle the other mini to the ground, but also worked at getting himself wound up in his scarf.

Warrior's HP: 20/20
Damage: 6

ramenli rolled 4 4-sided dice: 4, 1, 4, 4 Total: 13 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:45 pm
Princess Eva regarded Cricket approvingly. This ghoul had helped her boil, and she knew seemed to be of a good sort.

Yin was just happy that he was paired with the nurse in case Princess Eva got hurt. "He looks very...energetic," the mantodae offered. And then the creature pounced at Princess Eva. It took everything in him to keep himself from lunging forward and tearing the creature off of his Princess, and his fingers began twitching as he failed to completely suppress that desire. The only thing that really held him back was that this was a fight, and everything would be okay, it was just a friendly match after all. Just a class. He was still noticeably antsy and nervous however. "Do not let him keep the upper hand Princess Eva," he urged, intently watching the fight.

Princess Eva responded in turn, the fracs was good, and she winced a bit at the overly enthusiastic playing. Still, if this was fighting...well she had practiced with Shu before. With a couple of excited yips of her own she wrestled back, also having to fight the scarf between them, and then with a light, warning growl she leaned forward to n** at Warrior with her teeth. "Sorry," she told the other minipet, before explaining her vigor. "I want to put on a good show for my boil. He needs to know that his owner is strong."

Yin on the other hand had a mixed look of horror and pride. Pride because Princess Eva seemed to be doing well, and horror because...she was doing well. "I hope Warrior does not get injured," he told the Nurse honestly, never taking his eyes away from the fight.

Princess Eva: 20 - 4 = 16/20



Alarming Consumer

Trira rolled 4 4-sided dice: 2, 4, 3, 4 Total: 13 (4-16)


PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:52 pm
Moure watched with interest as Gibralter got off to his strong start, eyebrow raised as the boogeymon jumped and landed on the other minipet. Yup, Gibralter had been the right choice for the battling class.

Gibralter gave a snarl as the black rabbit tried to slash into his scaled belly. The rabbit's attacks were strong, too, and Gibs was displeased with this turn of events.

He gave a rough hissing-bark and slashed down at the rabbit, while trying to maintain his bite on the other minipet. His sharp claws found some mark and the boogeymon gave another, somewhat more pleased, snarl as he continued to bite down on the rabbit.

Gibralter's HP: 16/20
Damage: 7

NeoSeussi rolled 4 4-sided dice: 2, 4, 4, 3 Total: 13 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:07 pm
'Creature' was not happy with this turn of events. He had somehow allowed the other pet get the upper hand very early on in the battle and was now squirming beneath him, making an oddly high pitched squealing noise that made Alex want to clamp his hands down on his ears at it's teeth grinding and goose bump inducing frequency.

The smaller black rabbit was very flexible and agile however, and while he was being bit down on quite harshly by the other pet, he somehow managed to wiggle his way sideways enough to slash out at the other pets underbelly with one clawed foot, this time driving more force behind it, while simultaneously chomping on to whatever part of the boogeymon he could reach and tearing in with his long and sharp front teeth.

Alex was suitably impressed by the black rabbits tenacity.

'Creature's' HP: 8
Damage: 7



Toshihiko Two rolled 4 4-sided dice: 1, 3, 1, 4 Total: 9 (4-16)

Toshihiko Two

Sugary Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:39 pm

Miss Amelia put on her game face. She did not have claws, but the way she kept grabbing at Aurora with her stubby digits was unnerving. It also left behind tiny glitter handprints.

User Image

HP: 20
Attack: 3  
Trira rolled 4 4-sided dice: 3, 2, 1, 3 Total: 9 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:42 pm
Gibralter gave a snarl as the rabbit struggled out from under him, giving a yelp as the other minipet's legs scratched down his belly's surface. Moure grit his teeth slightly from the high-pitch of both his minipet's and Alex's battle-cries.

Gibralter gave another grumbling snarl as the rabbit bit down on one his ears, No, Gibralter did not like this new situation. With a growl, he turned to face the rabbit and slashed out with his claws toward the agile opponent.

Unfortunately, his slashes weren't as strong as they should've been, since he could shift himself far enough due to his ear being held by the rabbit. At least he still got in the hits, though.

Gibralter's HP: 9
Damage: 3



demon_pachabel rolled 4 4-sided dice: 2, 3, 2, 2 Total: 9 (4-16)


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:01 pm
"Warrior plays with Ginko, he is robust. A little bit of rough play will not do him much harm." she answered, noting that nervous twitch in the boil's fingers. Not entirely aware of what it was for, however, she simply store that thought away.

Warrior recoiled a bit as he was nipped, making a huffing noise before he moved to pounce again, being surprisingly gentle with this 'Princess Eva' and simply nipping at her ear. He wasn't really savage. "Well, we shouldn't disappoint then!" he chimed back, seeming unbothered by her explanation for her roughness, even as he moved to bound a few steps away from her, butt wiggling up in the air.

Warrior's HP: 13/20

NeoSeussi rolled 4 4-sided dice: 3, 3, 2, 4 Total: 12 (4-16)
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:09 pm
Alex winced at the yelp that emitted from Moure's pet, feeling a little bit bad for his black rabbits vicious attacks that were surprisingly faring quite well against the boogeymon.

'Creature' however was not so easily impressed, though he could sense that he was fighting a steadily losing battle. He would need to get out from under this other pet soon if he had any chance of winning.

Letting go of the other pet's ear, he twisted away, bounding to his feet, though he was battered and bloodied. He then launched himself at the other pet, jumping straight at him like a projectile missile in an attempt to knock the boogeymon off of his feet and onto the floor, teeth snapping and claws slashing.

'Creatures' HP: 5
Damage: 6






Trash Husband

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:14 pm
The ghoul got a nod as the minipet a... curious look. "Follossus? I have not heard of such creatures, but, he looks rather impressive. I have-" The jar was titled as Bug hit the glass, trying to get at the other minipet. "Bug, a haunting memory. It's more annoying than anything." A frown forming on his face he undid the lid only to here a very loud 'HEY LISTEN' chirp. God he hated that chirp. It began to buzz around Dormin flicking around without care.

"Shall we begin then? It looks clear enough a bit off to the side there."

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