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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:43 pm

C h l o r i s
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N i c k n a m e:

B r e e d:

S p e c i e s:

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:
›› Adult Uncert

A c q u i r e d:
Art Contest pony pot. <3

A r r i v a l:

F a m i l y:
›› M a t e: n/a
›› C h i l d r e n: n/a
›› S i b l i n g s: n/a

B r e e d i n g s:
›› 1st Breeding --???
›› 2nd Breeding --???
›› 3rd Breeding --???

T r a v e l:
She goes/stays anywhere she can blend in because of her dark green colors, such as the forest or swamp.

R P // C o l o r:
Forest Green

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:
Her voice is deeper than most females, but other than that she doesn't have much of an accent.

H a b i t s:
She often mutilates her teddy bear in a fit of rage and guilt, but when her head has cleared she re-stitches it.

F e a r s:
Being weak, skinwalkers, guilt.

B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Chloris had always been proud of her blood, proud of her family line. She was never particularly close to them, the bonds she felt with them were enough for her to tolerate and enjoy their company, but not enough for her to admit any feelings of love for them. Although she would probably say that she respected them, especially her little sister. What was once a slightly grumpy and discontent outlook on the world became a hateful and angry rage when a skin walker attacked and murdered her small gathering of kalona family. Her younger sister was murdered before her eyes just before she was able to escape. This event turned her heart black and uncaring, hateful for the entire world except those of Kalona blood. Skinwalkers are her ultimate enemy, she often hunts them, planning on killing them when/if she can. Others who are not kalona or skin walkers are, of course, below her and barely even attract her hateful attention unless they have invoked her wrath or unless she sees a small glimmer of use in them.

The only thing she has left of her family is the pink bowed bear. She hates the thing, it belonged to her sister. She hates it because, not only is it ugly, but it reminds her of that fateful day and makes her feel something besides hatred for the world: what some might call sadness. She does not wish to feel like this because she thinks it makes her weak. She often hides the stuffed bear from others because of the fact that they might think her weak or below them.

S t a t u s: Getting her story/ personality figured out.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:44 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: The Pink Bowed Bear
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Title
›› S u m m a r y:


Baby Pandah II


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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:47 pm

D z i g i t s // "Z i g g y"
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User Image

B r e e d:
Gen. 2

S p e c i e s:

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:
Basket, Basket Uncert
Foal Uncert, Foal Cert
Adult Uncert

A c q u i r e d:
Pollack and Sage's basket contest. <3

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: Dukker and Dieve
M a t e: not old enough
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s:

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding - not old enough
2nd Breeding - not old enough
3rd Breeding - not old enough

T r a v e l:
Ziggy mainly stays with her mother and travels with the circus.

R P // C o l o r:
Deep Sky Blue

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:

H a b i t s:
She often practices her balancing anywhere she can.


B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Dzigits was born to a life of performing and fun. Though her life involved travel and at times short absences of her father, the entertainment of the circus intrigued her and made it all worth it. Dzigits knew she wanted to develop an act for her mother's circus. She knew she would be expected to carry on the family line and she knew she wanted to do just that. But her act was different, even a little strange. Ziggy first discovered her amazing balancing skills at an early stage. Even out of the basket she had been particularly quick getting her legs working properly and did not have a problem with clumsiness as most foals do straight out of the basket. Her tiny legs gave her a better balance and the ability to balance on many things, including other soquili. Ziggy's circus act focuses on just that, her ability to balance and perform tricks on the backs of other soquili.

Dzigits is very confident in her abilities and who she is. She has no fear of heights or small spaces as being from a circus family one becomes accustomed to such things. She is very appreciative of the strange, she takes note of odd things and the talents that others might have in case the circus is recruiting.

S t a t u s: Needing RP! biggrin
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:48 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Balancing Act
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: The Center of the Ring
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Behind the Scenes
›› S u m m a r y:

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:52 pm

P o w h a t a n
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B r e e d: 3rd Gen.

S p e c i e s: Palomino hound. ;D

T e m p e r: Daring

G e n d e r: Male

S t a g e s:
Basket Uncert
Foal Uncert, Foal Cert

A c q u i r e d:
DD's april breeding slots. <3

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: Kasi and Copper
M a t e: n/a
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s: Patina, ???, Bly, Mem

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding --not available
2nd Breeding --not available
3rd Breeding --not available
4th Breeding --n/a

T r a v e l:
Powhatan wants to go everywhere he can.

R P // C o l o r:
Sandy Brown

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:

H a b i t s:

Baths, braiding his mane, being bored

B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Powhatan is very much a boy. He is reckless and loves adventure, always putting himself in situations that call for bravery or include danger. He doesn't mind getting dirty or scraped up, all he wants to do is have fun and adventures. He is his father times ten when it comes to wandering and finding ways to get himself into trouble.

S t a t u s: Plotting. <3
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:54 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:55 pm

N e l l e n e // "N e l l i e"
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User Image

B r e e d:
Cowlona. Hehehe

S p e c i e s:

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:

A c q u i r e d:
Mal's Natural Birthday Raffle! :3

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: n/a
M a t e: n/a
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s: n/a

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding --Too young
2nd Breeding --Too young
3rd Breeding --Too young

T r a v e l:
She tends to stay close to fields and plains, she dislikes the cold of the mountains and the heat of the desert.

R P // C o l o r:

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:
Her voice is very smooth.

H a b i t s:

Feelings, commitment

B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Nellene grew up in a large family, you could call it a herd. She had many siblings, all of them good at one thing or another. She grew up wanting to be the best of them all, desperately wanting her parents' attention. But it was hard to stick out of the crowd when everyone looked the same and competed against each other. So when she grew old enough, she left her family behind. The only way she could adjust to the world was by making it adjust to her and trust her based on her somewhat innocent appearance. Unlike most Kalonas, her natural colors gave her an advantage in this new life she had created for herself, and she liked that.

In the animal kingdom some predators give the impression that they are harmless to catch their prey or to get their way, Nellene is a perfect example of such dissimulation. Nellie is a con-artist, a hustler. When hunting, she uses her cow-like appearance to convince prey that she is safe, and then she goes for the kill. She uses her natural colors to gain the trust of others she deals with so that she can get her way. In her mind, she gets what she wants and if things don't go her way, she makes things go her way. Along the same lines, she does not reveal her own deep feelings to anyone, she does not reveal her true self. Many times she will hide behind the image of a cow to escape her own cruel nature, exposing the fact that she does have somewhat of a heart underneath the ice. But the only ones to see this side of her are ended quickly afterwards when her hunger takes over or when she tires of playing nice.

S t a t u s: Needing roleplay!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:56 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:57 pm

A b e r d e e n
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User Image

B r e e d:
Blue Seashell

S p e c i e s:

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:
Adult Uncert

A c q u i r e d:
Sisi's Seashell Flaffle. <3

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: n/a
M a t e: n/a
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s: n/a

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding --not available yet
2nd Breeding --not available yet
3rd Breeding --not available yet

T r a v e l:
Aberdeen stays close to large bodies of water, typically the ocean.

R P // C o l o r:

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:

H a b i t s:


B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:

S t a t u s: Needing RP.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:59 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:00 pm

I o n a
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User Image

B r e e d:
Gen. 5

S p e c i e s:

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:
Basket Uncert, Basket Cert
Foal Uncert, Foal Cert
Adult Uncert

A c q u i r e d:
Gifted basket from Summer and Niss. ^^

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: Amoena, Emmett
M a t e: n/a
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s: Jocelyn, Dita, Sullivan, Westley, Ranger

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding --Too young
2nd Breeding --Too young
3rd Breeding --Too young
4th Breeding --Too young

T r a v e l:

R P // C o l o r:
Sky Blue

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:

H a b i t s:
She has the habit of staying up late to look at the stars.

F e a r s:
Seeing her family fall apart would be her worst nightmare. She wants to protect them by keeping them together and happy.

B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Iona cares very much for her family and others. She would do anything to help another, even if it puts herself at risk. Although she is altruistic, she can be very stubborn, especially if others don't want to take the help she offers. Although she loves to help, she can have a bit of a temper if her way of helping isn't taken or if it doesn't go the the way she plans. Though she is the oldest out of herself and her brothers, she is very much a child. She loves to play and she loves to make others happy, and she gets stressed when her brothers don't always want to play with her but want to protect her instead. She doesn't think she needs protection, but with how helpful she is it probably makes her naive and probably means she needs more protection.

S t a t u s:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:02 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Title
›› S u m m a r y:

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:03 pm

K a i t o // T s u n a m i

User Image

N i c k n a m e:

B r e e d:

S p e c i e s:
Uni / Cerynei / Kirin / Wind / Angeni

T e m p e r:

G e n d e r:

S t a g e s:
Adult Uncert

A c q u i r e d:
DD's big bribes. <3

F a m i l y:
P a r e n t s: n/a
M a t e: n/a
C h i l d r e n: n/a
S i b l i n g s: n/a

B r e e d i n g s:
1st Breeding --too young
2nd Breeding --too young
3rd Breeding --too young
4th Breeding --too young

T r a v e l:
He typically remains where he can be alone to train, for the most part sticking to the forests.

R P // C o l o r:
Midnight Blue

A c c e n t // S p e e c h:
Kai's voice is low and sometimes hard around the edges as he comes off very serious.

H a b i t s:
He often practices his sword skills whenever he has a free moment.

Facing his father, being dishonorable, failing to save an innocent.

B a c k g r o u n d // P e r s o n a l i t y:
Kaito was banished from his homelands by his father for dishonorable actions. He strives now for perfection in his sword-handling. Kai is valiant, he wishes to help others and to redeem himself and his honor. He can come across as very stiff although he has good intentions. He can be distant and is very warrior-like in the sense that he is constantly on the job and on the lookout for danger, he is very serious. Kaito is blind, he was born so, and he must rely on his crow Tsunami to guide him. His other senses are heightened, and he has learned the exact weight of his weapon and how to use it. He is hesitant around newcomers and strangers as a long part of his life was spent in solitude, but he does not attack innocent beings. He will not do anything that puts him in a dishonorable situation (such as having flings, or killing, etc.).

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:03 pm


There was once a great stallion who prided himself on his sword-fighting abilities, strength, and bravery. He brought great honor to his family and fought to keep that honor. When he settled down from his great adventures, he found his mate with child. They created a family, and the great samurai stallion trained his six sons in the way of the samurai. He had faith that they would bring great honor upon the family, and told them that it was important that they did so. But one of those sons struggled with the ways of the sword. One of the sons was blind. The great samurai stallion was patient, taking great care to train his son in combat, summoning forward a crow from the treetops and telling her to care for him. This son soon became his favorite, his eagerness to prove himself and his tenacity was something to be proud of and he showed off his son's skills all through the lands.

But the family honor was not to last. While showing his son to the crowds, something went wrong. His training was incomplete, and he misinterpreted a signal from his crow, lashing out at his father instead of the target. The crowd screamed in terror and he panicked, running away in the following mob. There was little damage done, but the embarrassment was too much to bear for the great samurai stallion. He called his son a coward for running, and told him that he had thought his training was better. Though it pained him to do so, he banished his son from their lands. All honor had been lost, and now too was his son. According to the stallion to this day, he only ever had five sons.

Feeling betrayed, dishonored, and broken, Kaito, the sixth son of the great samurai stallion, ventured forward into the world. Though he was not honorable, he strove to be so, training himself even more harshly and making sure he learned how to work with the crow Tsunami so that no innocent Soquili would ever be harmed again. He stayed in solitude, using what he had to survive and continuing the training that had been denied him after the accident. He would bring back his honor, he would change his fate and redeem himself...

Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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Baby Pandah II


5,350 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:04 pm

C h a r a c t e r // D e v e l o p m e n t

Chapter One: The Six Samurai
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Two: Dishonor
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Three: I'll Make a Man Out of You
›› S u m m a r y:

Chapter Four: Honorable Intentions
›› S u m m a r y:

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