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[FIN!] I will follow you anywhere (Makani/Violet) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:06 am
Word count: 473

Makani couldn’t help it; he let out a loud snort. It was a thing of beauty, really. Neither too loud or quiet, delicate enough that it didn’t sound like a nasal trumpet but forceful enough that it was clearly a snort over a sneeze, with the perfect amount of derision and disbelief. He knew he was going to feel really guilty about it later, but there were just so many gaping holes in Violet’s logic that needed to be addressed first.

“We haven’t gone nearly far enough out of the way for the distance to merit being more than a mild inconvenience, let alone a problem. If you want to fault someone for the detour, heck, even the cause of all this confusion, it’s that Deity who stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong, so place the blame for that on her.”

Makani paused to take in a breath, and though he fidgeted a little, shifting his weight from paw to paw, his orange eyes took on a sharper edge, smoldering with intensity. “As for leaving you, that is absolutely the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, and if I find whoever gave you that notion I will thrash them. Soundly.”

He tossed his head, looking a touch impatient. “I don’t particularly like these pine trees, or overcrowded forests. I don’t like the rocks everywhere you step, always getting in the way. You can’t tell what berries are food and what are poisonous, you can’t swim in the water here without freezing, assuming you can find any water deep enough and slow enough to enjoying swimming in. I absolutely hate the cold and snow. I miss the feeling of warm wind, sand under my paws and the smell of the ocean. I miss the foods I’m used to.”

If Makani’s eyes had been smoldering before, they were practically aflame with emotion now. His voice, which hadn’t started off at a normal speak tone, rose until he was nearly shouting. But it wasn’t anger burning through him, not even close! “So tell me why, in the name of every frozen level of hell, would I still be in a place like this? My sister isn’t here, she’s not even close to this region, or we’d have found her.”

He took a step forward, every iota of the energy that blazed in his eyes focused on the female in front of him. When he opened his mouth to speak his voice came out as a loud and harsh whisper, but it hadn’t lost a drop of energy or intensity in the decrease of volume. “I could have left this place a long time ago if that was what I wanted to do. So tell me, Violet. If it’s not the land and not my sister keeping me here, what else left is there?”
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:07 am
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 340

Listening to his snort she was worried that he was angry at her. Her ears flicked back and down toward the side s of her head. A small whimper built up in the back of her throat but she managed to hold it back. When he started to talk she was shocked. She wanted to sush him when he started to talk about a deity like that. She looked around quickly and couldn’t help but feel like they were being watched. What if that deity was with them or watching over them now. She didn’t’ want Makani to get in trouble, to hurt by it. When he paused she started to say his name to tell him he shouldn’t when his eyes took on a whole different look. She gulped down. But that idea had been her own. Did that mean he would thrash her? Shivering Vi was speechless. Then he kept going talking about how much he hated this place. It was different from his normal grumblings. This was straight from the heart and it was hurtful. Was this land really so horrible? She didn’t think so but that was because she lived here all her life. It wasn’t so bad to her, but to Mankani this land, he made it sound like a curse. It made Vi wince because she had dragged him all around it to help him find his sister. She mistook the passion for anger and whimmered softly when he kept up his tirade. He was right his sister couldn’t be here or they would have at least heard about her by now. When he stepped toward her she couldn’t move. She was stuck paralyzed by his gaze and intensity. When he whispered her ears half flicked forward and another shiver rand down her. This was not one of fear though. Could it be? Did she dare to hope? It wasn’t land or his sister. What else could Makani have here since he hardly knew anyone eles. “me?” her voice was a soft whisper shock.


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:08 am
Word count: 176

Makani rolled his eyes, but the gesture was softened by a smile on his lips. “Yes you, you silly, adorable woman. You.” The way he stared at her now… If he’d been a human he’d have had her face cupped between his hands, but since such a gesture wasn’t natural to foxes any watchers were spared. The way he was looking at Violet alone was enough to make the moment intensely personal and private.

Red-orange eyes gazed deeply into gold-orange, not breaking contact as Makani stepped closer. “You are the single most beautiful, loving, compassionate creature I have ever met. Every time we part you haunt my thoughts until we reunite. If the Deities chose to return me to my homeland right now, sister and all, it would never be enough to fill the hole that would be torn into my heart from losing you.”

Eyes still burning intently into hers, Makani stopped with inches now separating them. “Do you understand? I would trade it all, all that I was and thought I wanted….for you.”
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:09 am
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 261

(Can I just say how I love you added the any watchers were spared? I read that and went ‘Well Ostara be happy.” *nod* and her muse was busy gushing over how cute the pair were and quietly not looking their way for privacy. She loves modifoxes and likes help making them happy.)

The way he looked at her stopped all words, not if fear and doubt like she had been experiencing before but in wonder and amazement. The emotion behind those eyes was something that Violet had never truly seen before. Perhaps a spark of something like it when her mother Rois looked at Caprice, but it was never so intense as what Violet saw directed at her right now. She felt swept along in a current she couldn’t even witness. Those captivating eyes held her and his words bound her very being to his. It wouldn’t have mattered if they were surrounded on all sides by foxes and or deities of every color, gender, and type; in her world there was only Makani standing before her confessing his feeling to her. To give up all of his world that she knew he loved so much for her? Unable to stop herself she moved forward her nose touching his then gently and slowly sliding along his cheek in a caress so soft yet it spoke volumes to her own feelings. The touch didn’t stop at just his head. With a painstaking slowlness that Vi didn’t even know she was capable of she moved along Makani’s body with her own she had rubbed along his entire side with her own she turned at his tail so that hers continued so that their tails were next to and touching one another. She leaned again to his side and now side by side facing the same direction she could only manage to whisper out his name.


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:10 am
Word count: 215

((XD I'm glad she's happy. Meanwhile, I'm having sniggering/giggly fits over how corny and diabetes-inducing this page is turning out to be~ ))

Makani’s eyes fluttered closed and he held completely still as Violet moved forward. Her touch was so light, like a feather brushing first along his nose, then face, then body, that had he been thinking he would have wondered at how she’d managed to do such a thing. But he wasn’t thinking, he was feeling.

Feather-light or not, everywhere that Violet was in contact with him his nerves felt like they were on fire. It was bizarre, for Vi had touched him before and it had never felt like this, like electric charges were jolting through him everywhere he was in contact before.

But this was the first time the touches between them had ever been so profoundly intimate. Perhaps that was why this time felt so different.

A shiver went through Makani’s body as Violet whispered his name. That gentle caress of sound almost literally caused his heart to skip a beat; it certainly felt like it had stuttered, at the very least! He leaned over gently, head resting lightly on top of hers for a heartbeat, then moving so that his face was next to hers. He held that pose for another heartbeat, then gently, even tentatively, nuzzled her face before moving a little lower and bestowing a tender nuzzle to her neck.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:11 am
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 174

Touching Makani had been stimulating enough but when he returned her affections she was in awe. It wasn’t like those moments when he took her breath away. It was far more captivating than even those. Her breathing deepened and her mind seemed blank. Makani said nothing to her and yet she knew by the way he touched her now that he was with her in every sense and way of his being. Everything in the world just felt right. Makani wasn’t driven by a need to leave or to find his sister and wasn’t’ going to leave her. While it was true she did still want to find the other vixen Vi didn’t mind the idea of not really looking now. If they settled down and spread some rumors perhaps the vixen would come, perhaps not. In the end it didn’t matter because Vi had Makani by her side. The fluttering butterflies in her stomach seemed to disappear in place was a calm and warm sun that was streaming light all throughout her body.

(Well Makani did just save a fox who has had a crush on him forever. He just saved her from all her doubts and fears that were crushing the poor thing. and it was all so smooth. She fell for him all over again.)  


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:12 am
Word count: 155

Makani stood there, not wanting to move or speak and break the moment. He knew eventually one of them would have to, because that was what made a moment a moment, but he was determined to make it last for as long as he could! He committed everything to memory, the way his heart was beating, his slightly rugged breathing. The gentle thrumming that was Violet’s breath and heartbeat, the heat coming from her body and how soft her fur felt against him…
Finally Makani sighed gently and pulled away; though slightly lessened, the mood between them was unbroken. He looked at her with gentle eyes. “We should probably start moving so we can find a place to spend the night,” he said with a hint of ruefulness that something so simple and everyday would be able to distract them from such a rare and earth-shattering moment. “It still gets cold at night, after all.”
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:13 am
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 178

Even though Makani pulled from her side Vi didn’t feel any panic or concern. Makani had spoken his feelings to her and he was not the kind of fox to be whishy washy about them and pull back. She looked at him when he spoke and smiled nodding slightly. “Well we could always curl up to keep warm. It’s what my mother Rios does in her tribe. Still a place out of the wind would be nice.” She thought she saw more of those little fireflies that had been around the modeity flittering in the distance. It seemed to be a trail of them. But that would be silly right? After all why would a deity care about she and Makani. They were just normal foxes. At least normal to everyone else. To her Makani was the world and to him, well she was far more important than she had ever suspected. “There is a tribe somewhere in this place we could always find shelter there.” That was where they had been going before right? Why not continue.  


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:14 am
Word count: 241

Sparing a glance in the same direction Violet had been looking, Makani quirked up an eyebrow as he turned back to face her.

"Are they that close? I was given to understand we'd have to travel perhaps a couple days to reach them, one day at the least, but I may have misconstrued your words."

He tried adding up distances and times in his head. They were only perhaps a couple days away from the Yukon Gang were Violet's mother lived; he'd shortened her journey back to their usual living area by coming up to meet her, but they were still on the same mountain range. Though given the size of the range, Makani supposed it was possible more than one tribe could be supported on it. He'd have thought they'd be at least a little further away, just for the sake of territory jibber jabber, but what did he know about tribes and their boundary preferences?

Plus Violet didn't say they wouldn't have to walk a little to first reach the tribe. It was still late afternoon, early evening, even if the fireflies were coming out a bit early to dance around. They had a couple hours before the sun went down and things became officially dark.

And now the jibber jabber was all in his head. Makani mentally dismissed his thoughts and turned his attention to Violet, who of the two of them actually knew where this tribe was.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:15 am
Originally posted by Reoakee

Word count: 306

Well the truth was Vi wasn’t really sure just how close the tribe was. “Well um deities are near tribes right? And we did run into one before so I figured…Of course maybe the deity was out um..” She really didn’t want to just say wandering because that sounded so disrespectful of a deity. “ranging or something. She didn’t seem like she was out to hurt anyone so heading where the deity was or at least in that area would be a fairly safe place to find shelter.” She looked at Makani to see if he followed her logic. A deity was not something that would be messed with by most other things so traveling were one had been would be a fairly safe path unless it was a less than friendly deity. “To really reach the tribe might take a while perhaps a few days since I’m not certain exactly where their home is located. Most of my information was speculative to start with. I know they exist and that they are in the general area within a weeks travel or there about. It wasn’t a lot to go on but it was what I could get and I was looking more for getting some information on your sister than really finding a spot to settle down.” She blushed. “I um.. well I thought curling up under a tree might not be a bad thought for the night as long as we were on the right trail for the tribe.” She looked up at him. “I know it’s cooler than finding a den or making one but we could .. curl up to stay warm?” The last part was a soft question/suggestion that showed she wasn’t really sure what Makani would make of it, but she felt like being bold. Well bold for Vi anyhow.  


Alien Loiterer


Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:50 am

Word count: 137

Makani nodded. He honestly hadn't thought the tribe was going to be that close. They were still fairly close to the Yukon Gang still, after all, only a few day's journey at most. He began looking at the trees that surrounded them.

"I think that would be acceptable. Some of these trees even drape close to the ground. We might not have to climb a tree for shelter, if we can find a suitable one for ground cover." He cast a glance up at the sky, then at Violet. "The day still has several hours left. You know these woods better than I, since you've lived in them longer and can predict them better. Should we walk a bit more and hope to make shelter before it gets dark, or start looking for a good spot now?"
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:42 am

And the winner of tenacity is Jinx! *bows to the master* thank you for moving all this over Jinx

words 191

Vi closed her eyes thinking for a few moments. She really hadn’t lived her all the time, but visited mostly during the days that the weather was nice. “Well the air is cold and clear. It’ll get dark quickly then there will be a large drop in temperature. If I were traveling with sled dogs I would tack my chances and keep moving forward especially if we where harnessed to a good lead, but since it’s just you and I and I doubt either of us makes the most sure footed way in the low light or dark I think we should find a way to curl up out of the weather in case it snows in the night.” She opened her eyes having said her piece aloud. She never realized she had ever paid that much attention to what her mother told her about the weather or moving. She just knew her mother loved the snow and was great at moving in the low light for a run. Vi wasn’t as skilled, but she also didn’t have the experience her mother did. She had never wanted to join a team.


Beloved Lunatic

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Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:29 pm

(( lol Thankee kindly. Do we want to go to a full five pages with this? I dunno how far it'll get on its own, but if we want to stop before five that's fine with me.

Also, here's the shelter Makani sees. Just, you know, in a forest and stuff XD ))

Word count: 321

Makani nodded again and began looking around. Trees seemed to be all over the place, and while he didn't know one thing from another here he did at least know a thing or two about forests. Granted his forests were of a more tropical nature, but that didn't change the fact that you had to find something nice and tight whenever the storms started rolling through.

A certain clutch in the distance caught his eye. He looked over at Violet and jerked his head in the appropriate direction, then began to trot. The closer he got the more promising things looked. He wasn't sure if the tree began growing like this or if nature had a hand in the alteration, but at some point this tree had started growing at an angle that was almost 45 degrees. It looked to be some kind of pine, but then to Makani half the trees in this forest looked pine. The one growing next to it certainly looked pine, but it also looked quite different from the angled tree. Well, regardless of what kind it was, it had low, bushy foliage and a ton of branches. There appeared to be more trees clustered around and behind it, or maybe they were bushes? He wasn't diving in to find out. The point of it all was that it made a lovely little hollow. Not what he would pick for a permanent shelter, but for a brief stay it looked almost perfect for their needs.

Makani turned to Vi and gave her a questioning look. "What do you think? Will this be suitable for a short stay?" After all it would have been quite rude to just decide on his own! Violet might spot something that he had missed, or perhaps she might have something entirely else in mind. When making a place for two, it was always good to make sure both parties were happy.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:20 pm

oh I like the image <3 and as for the pages *shrug* Lets just feel it out a bit.
words 330

Following Makani; Vi spotted the idea right away. A few stones made echoing sounds as they skittered away disturbed by her paws. When she got closer she stared to look at the tree closely. It didn’t show any signs of rot and there was only the normal amount of other growth on it. The branches were thick and strong and its greenery was bright and there were signs of new growth with old. “Just a moment. There is something I need to check before I can yay or nay.” She moved toward the roots of the three and examined them. There were a few exposed roots but it was not in serious danger of falling on them while they slept. The cluster of growth that made the back of the hollow was thick and didn’t have too many holes. She even saw an old spider web telling her that despite the cold this place supported life just fine.

Padding back to Manaki she walked up to him and smiled at him. “Yes this will do just fine for a night’s stay.” She had to admit Manaki was very good at finding stable places to sleep at night. He might not admit that he could adapt to the land up here; but he could and the strength he had all the time exuding from him just seemed to help him find his niche all the more.

Heading into the hollow she noted how cold and hard the ground was. “Makani stand away from the entrance for a moment.” She gave him a few moments before she started her work. She dug into the soil and turned it making it softer and getting rid of a few stones that were sharp. The loose soil would be softer and curled up would be warmer. When she was done she popped her head out and looked at Manaki. “All set. If we want to do any hunting before dark now would be the time.”



Beloved Lunatic

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Alien Loiterer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:54 pm

Word count: 238

Makani thought about it for a moment. He had been horrible at hunting when he first got to this land, but hunger had been a good teacher and eventually he got the gist of it. He still had trouble every now and then, mostly because he went for small animals and those were fast. The bigger animals weren't worth it, since they could also be fast, put up more of a fight with more potential for injury, and there was no way he could eat all of that meat in a reasonable amount of time without the carcass attracting other predators. On his journey up to see Violet he'd managed to bag enough prey to keep him satisfied, but today he hadn't stopped to hunt at all, wanting to hurry to the end of his journey so he could see Violet again.

He was pretty sure if he told her that though, it would incite another round of blushing. So all he said was, "I can eat. If you think there's going to be anything about. Those ground birds or rabbits are usually a decent-sized meal, but they can be annoyingly fast."

He gave their shelter another look. Freshly churned earth drifted up to join the scent of pine already in the air. "Do we need to find bedding? The earth tends to leech the heat out of you, even if we will have each other for warmth."
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