'If you are still conscious by the end of the work...' Bruhoios rumbled warningly, but let his smile show all the same. The minotaur stood as well, grateful that the study's ceiling was high enough that his horns were safe from it. 'Very well. If you can help me with this, then your meal will be a feast.' He said as he strode over to the door they had both entered from. When he reached for the handle and pulled the door open, the sight was of the same place that he had come from before.

'If I have a mind to. I haven't been part of an event for some time.' Zellik admitted. He eyed his food hungrily, but otherwise didn't touch it immediately as Nisfar had for his own. Instead, he reached for the glass of water, sniffed it, and then drank. He didn't miss the look that passed over the other man's face. 'I haven't been disappointed by one yet.'

The woman who had spoken nodded and turned her attention to the server who flitted by upon seeing Rivera sit down. She called for a refill of her mug, as did the dwarf. The third one at the table, a lizardlike humanoid, watched Riven closely.