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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[Cocktail Feast] Let's Get This Party Started! [Open!] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:44 am
R'lyr of Andelath

"Of course not," He replied, resting a hand on her's after she finished looping her arm through. "Mmhm, that is true. Is there anyone else you wish to talk to? Or shall we finish our wine and either seek out some food or go out and take a whirl on the dance floor." He questioned, lightly. He was going to be there for her.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:15 am

Odellet ensemble, probably true to her nickname, was odd. She wore a light green head scarf with lacy edge and a jumble of different green articles of clothing. It was as if she just went close enough and layered shorts and a skirt and a very skimpy top with a short coat. She topped it with her usual set of piercings and dozen of simple bangles on her wrists. Simple sandals were lace up on her feet.

Not deterred, she glanced around and bee lined at her new impressed acquaintance in Ty...well his name would have changed now wouldn't it? Popping near by she grinned at him and his companion. "Straight up, got to get everyone's new name now. If you changed itt?" She trailed off thoughtful, and shook her head. "Looking great, the both of youuuu."

HI Ty'nan ! Odd remembers you, you dolphiner well no longer.

Hello to you as well V'ime.

(Odd just saying hi... and probably going to bounce to the people she talked to earlier just to grab new names and such. Might also be seeing how many people she can surprise by popping out of no where. Because she is terrible like that.)  


Wrathful Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:00 am
Nadry of Menankith

With the hug released, Nadry dipped down both in polite greeting and to get a good look at the young bronze. He really was a handsome thing, with his solid build and rich hide. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Demodeth. You found a good one when you picked my brother, but I'm sure you already knew that."

As to him being a surprise... "I'd say so! I can't wait to see M'yk's face when I tell him. We were so sure you'd end up a brownrider like us." There was no disapproval in her tone, however, only good humor, and it carried over into her response to Demodeth as well. "You just have to keep us in suspense, don't you? I was beside myself over Menankith, waiting for the Hatching."


Iafri of Girofleth

"It's already better than it has been before," Iafri admitted, returning the squeeze of her hand with a very soft one in kind. While attending with a date came with its own concerns, Li'tt also provided a sense of security, someone to cling to so she didn't feel quite so adrift or out of place.

At the food tables, even more decisions awaited her - tiny and to most inconsequential, but she did worry that she might pick something her didn't like, or skip over something he did. But he wanted her to choose, strange as that concept still was to her, so choose she would. Delicately, very careful so as not to spill anything (she would just die if she got any on his nice clothes), she scooped up a helping of curried wherry, and flatbread and vegetables to go with it. With a bit of space left on the plate, she glanced at him to check for approval or disapproval of the current selections before adding more bread and setting some cheese and fruit safely atop that, where it would be safe from the sauce. "Is that good? Do you...do you like curry?"

Not everyone enjoyed the spices, she knew, but she did at least know he liked bread, cheese, and fruit. Particularly together.


Akaris of Samodith

"Maybe R'min or A'mor, if they're here, but I haven't seen them yet. We might as well get something to eat in the meantime." Upset as she was about losing out on much-craved time with her father figures and their dragons, there was no point in sulking her way through the Feast. The evening might not be what she had planned for initially, but she would hardly turn down the opportunity for such a fine date with R'lyr. "A bit of bread and cheese to go with the wine would be perfect, maybe a bite of roast."

It was a comfort food sort of occasion.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:42 pm
X, Dragonless (Western, any pronouns)

They flinched, physically, as a voice (but not the voice, never his voice again) rushed to fill the too-empty corners of their mind. They gave a slow, even breath out their nose, trying to calm a suddenly-racing heart. It felt both wonderful to feel the touch of another mind after so long a silence, and at the same time violently, painfully wrong, because it was the wrong mind. Still, that outward flinch, and a slight tremble of their hand as they resumed their work, was the worst of it. After all, one didn't live in a Weyr for so long without hearing a dragon or two speak. Especially their old wingmates, though it had become less and less common as the turn had passed. Or was it turns now...?

And of course, they couldn't really talk back to this Demodeth—not the way they could have with a dragon along to help. But it was easy enough to learn the who of it, with the names of all the new impresees and their hatchlings on so many tongues around the feast. One of the new bronzes, and it gave them pause to wonder at it. They did not want to upset the young thing with their emotions, but he had requested their presence...

It took a few long moments to find a break in the action, and another of the weyrfolk's hands to take a turn at their task of spooning out vegetables or handing out wine. One didn't spurn a dragon's attentions, after all. And as much as it hurt, they had missed the feel of a dragon's mind in theirs, if if it wasn't theirs. Finding the dragon in question was a bit of work; the crowd was thick and lively, but then the hatchlings were given healthy room to move, and bronzes were not so common. When they came upon the pair, they were already speaking to another rider. Not one they recognized.... High Reaches, given the knots. They hung back then rather than intrude, although they did circle 'round somewhat, so that Demodeth could spot them, and gave a slight nod. The bronze was... lovely. Perfectly formed, up close. Nothing on their Halcyath, but then... none ever would be.

R'in of Bronze Demodeth
Cause Nadry's there too



Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:54 pm
Erastan and Blue Aspalath

Erastan grumbled at his sister when she failed to take the bait but that didn't stop him holding her in the hug and almost lifting her off her feet. In the years they had been at the weyr and eating well he had actually manged to gain some height though he was still skinny as a twig. Despite the vast amount of food that he consumed at every opportunity. A case of hollow legs and the metabolism of a 17 year old ensured he didn't gain an ounce of excess fat.

"Yea, but not the best place to really have a quite talk with your new partner. And yea. I already like him. I always liked whites." They were the scrappy underdogs. He could appreciate that.

Plus they didn't fly full thread or rise to chase. So no pesky first flight suitors that he would have to beat with a hammer.

He released his twin and raised a brow at her. "I know you just impressed and everything so I will forgive that statement but if you look at it objectively. Aspalath is the best dragon."

"And well....I still have the treasure box hidden from when we first got here. I could take it into a hold and pawn a few things if you need marks." He had been keeping it safe for when they made their get away but that was suddenly looking less likely.

We have free time in two days until the end of lunch, that would be ample time.
Aspalath always had their complete diary and schedule tucked away in his head.

Thankyou Aspalath, you really are the best.

Only for you Erastan, I think over all I am still quite a poor dragon and weak thread fighter.
I've told you plenty of times you keep me alive in more ways than one. In the sky and on the ground. Are you okay on your own? I can drag Etansi to come sit with you.

It's okay...I think I might go and greet my own father since he is here.

Erastan was a little taken a back by his dragons boldness. But perhaps seeing all the hatchlings frolicking about their parents had brought back those longings and memories.

Okay....Call me if you need me.

Aspalath sent his confirmation before slowly skirting his way around the out skirts of the feast, making his way to the large bronze through the path of least resistance and the fewest party goers.
It was technically the long way round but Aspalath was used to moving on the edges of the maddening crowds.
It didn't take him long to reach Cordrath . The little blue was almost as socially awkward as his rider and he stood unsure for almost a full minute before he settled on a little bow of his head.

It iiiis good to see you father...it is rare. So I...IIII wanted to come and greet you.
Even the shy blues mental voice held a tremor of his uncertainty
But family was important and Cordrath was family.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:07 pm
Gold Kleoth

The queen sat in rigid silence, disapproval radiating from her entire being as she watched Hers with orange eyes. That man deserved not even the merest glance from Phryana. Her claws flexed soundlessly with vexation, and she watched without blinking. Her tail tips twitched with surprise as Anakumath reached to her, and though she hesitated, she could not resist such a gentle invitation. That hardly meant that the man was excused, for Kleoth would pay close attention...

Pushing herself off her ledge, she allowed the wind to catch her wings so she could glide down to the other queen. Unsurprisingly, she had company with her, and Kleoth trumpeted a warm welcome to all three gathered dragons. She looked them over, curious but welcoming--and took note of those currently in Ana's company. A large green, almost Yaguareth's size, but built in such a way that made her seem more delicate than her noble sister. Still, there was no doubt that this was a fighting dragon--the scars that marred her face attested to that. The brown was smaller with powerful hindquarters and a strong tail. Did they know one another?

Hello. She greeted, her eyes whirling a steady green-blue. It's a pleasure. My name is Kleoth.



Samuel Carlin


Territorial Friend



PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:30 pm
R'in of Bronze Demodeth

    I did. There was no one else. The hatchling leaned against his rider's leg, lifting a paw to place it on R'in's foot.

    The man's grin diminished ever so slightly at the mention of their brother, returning nearly instantaneously as something a little more guarded. "How is M'yk these days? And you and Menankith and C'lusi and R'shahar? And the twins! I can't believe you have twins."

    As His continued excitedly catching up, Demodeth's attention briefly landed on his drive-by clutchmate. Alenciath. I'm sorry that I didn't return your greeting, but I'm in the middle of... The bronze trailed off as he caught sight of X, faintly surprised that they had responded to his call with such speed. The missive he was sending his sister was shelved for the time being as he stood once more and approached the former rider, sending assurances to R'in that he would return promptly. When he reached X, he looked up into their eyes for a moment before speaking.

    I am sorry to have disturbed you. Two apologies in one evening. It would likely never happen again, but tonight Demodeth was trying his absolute hardest to be sociable. Understanding. It was a poor fit. But his curiosity and awe had led him here, and he felt as though he needed to see this through. I wanted to tell you that I think you are very brave, far braver than anyone here. I can't imagine—

    R'in turned to look at his bronze, ready to intervene but holding his ground for the time being.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:41 pm
X, Dragonless (Western, any pronouns)

Ah, here he came... X fidgeted slightly as the (relatively) tiny bronze approached. So small. So fragile. But so strong all the same, so vital and alive and perfect. They waited, silent and patient—they had learned much patience in the last months and turns— for him to speak. If they were only meant to be a spectacle for the hatchling, well, that was alright too. They didn't mind, and they understood how... what they were, what they'd been through, could be interesting. A strange rock found along the path, a lost feather blown on the wind. Physically and mentally, they were... unusual, and they knew it, and they were fine being inspected and even judged for it. They went still as the dragonet met their eyes, doleful black meeting curious whirling multi-colors.

"It's alright," they heard themselves saying, almost before they'd processed what the bronze was thinking. Still... it was true. "You could no more disturb me than I already am, sweet one." Their voice was quiet and low, and even and soft despite its disuse. When had they last actually said more than a word to anyone, anyway? "Better not to imagine, yes." Such woes would come soon enough for them all, each and every one, in time. But today they were hale and alive, and that was to be celebrated. Even if doing so made the rusted chain around their hart wrench just a little tighter. It was alright. It meant they were alive too, didn't it, that hurt? Alive, like he had wanted them to be.

A beat passed. They wordlessly dabbed at the wetness gathering at the corners of their eyes. Something like the shadow of a smile managed to drift over their lips, a rush of fond, reassuring warmth on its heels in the once-rider's mind and heart for this little hatchling. "I am not brave, Demodeth. I am only doing what my... my Halcyath told me to do, before he..." Another quick swipe of the hand, and a sigh. He was only a hatchling, and they were so fragile. Ever so slowly, they extended a hand. Ghosted it over the air mere inches from caressing Demodeth's headknobs. For a moment, bronze was blue in their mind's eye, metallic skin instead gone as star-spangled as the night sky over the open sea.

The hand fell back to their side, mottled black and white digits carding over the rough cloth of their sleeve's wrist. Not quite as textured as dragonhide, even if it was stained as close in color as they could get it. "...You should go back to him. Your rider. Be at his side all you can, while you can, Demodeth. But... thank you. For talking to me. Most of them do not, any more... and it gets very lonely, very... quiet, when the only voice left in my head is mine." It was more than they had said in one conversation in easily months... but they should probably retreat. Recollect themselves before they stirred any of these precious hatchlings into a fit with their tightly-clutched sorrow.
R'in of Bronze Demodeth




Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:52 pm
Lyfrocier of Green Guarath

A few hours and plenty of preening later, it was finally time for the Feast. He'd been to plenty of functions like this before, although with far less dragons involved--there was something almost thrilling about how new it all seemed, though, with Guarath surveying the world for the first time at his side. They were ready for this.
His preparations had been extensive, between taking care of Guarath and himself; this was their debut, and they had to be as close to perfection as was possible. Lyf had been absolutely sure to dress to the nines and then some for this particular outing, deciding on an outfit he'd made for himself--it was a trim affair in soft warm grays and white, delicately embroidered with darker accents that had taken him far too long to do, in his opinion. He'd managed to scrounge up a cloth belt in a shade similar to Guarath, but he'd noted with no small amount of irritation that the colors were off. He'd have to fix that as soon as he had the opportunity, really--it was going to bother him for days otherwise. Aside from that unfortunate little wardrobe malfunction, Lyfrocier himself was of the opinion that he cut quite a dashing figure, and with one more gentle nudge of approval from his Green, he had to admit that he was feeling rather confident about everything that lay ahead.

Oh, you should be. We're going to knock them dead, I assure you. Guarath lifted her chin, putting just a little more bounce in her step as she strode beside him on their way to the Feast. Lyf was careful not to move too quickly and leave her behind-- --and I would certainly hope you wouldn't leave me! You're Mine, after all!
Never. His response came quickly, without even a moment's thought--he didn't need it. However, if you'd prefer to be carried just to be sure...
Guarath had little to be embarrassed of, as far as she was concerned, but the tiny squeal of delight that slipped out of her at the suggestion was the newest thing on the list. Lyf kneeled down to allow her to climb into his arms, and she stepped so delicately into his hold; as he watched her, he was struck with the thought that she really was--perfect. There wasn't a word that completely got what he meant, but that one would do.

Their proper entrance went smoothly, with Guarath looking as smug as ever from her lofty perch. Her eyes whirled green and blue, interspersed with the occasional wisp of purple when she glanced up at her rider--were she not currently folding her claws atop one of Lyfrocier's best outfits, she might have gently kneaded his arm. Instead, she simply settled for a swish of her tail and a pleased croon, soft enough to where (hopefully) only Lyf would hear.
Scanning the crowd, Lyf managed to catch sight of at least one familiar face--Sablie, currently enjoying herself a glass of something that he could be sure was expensive and alcoholic. With a little careful maneuvering through the crowd, the pair managed to get close enough to speak to her over the noise of conversation and music.

"Evening, Sablie." Lyf began, a small smile settling onto his face. "How's the Feast been treating you thus far?" Guarath sat up, turning her gaze toward her rider's friend--at first, she reached out with a soft wave of happiness, tinged with genuine delight for the chance to have a proper introduction without her stomach getting in the way. So glad to see you again, darling. You look fantastic, by the way!

Dea and #Teddy#
PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:22 am
R'lyr of Andelath

"Then we shall," R'lyr replied, leading her off to the tables. "I do admit the feast looks delectable, it seems that as far apart as we are, good food is a constant. Though I admit I am looking forward to the sea food." Western had so many different fish dishes that he usually didn't get to taste. He was tempted to stuff himself into a food coma in a effort to taste a bit of everything. "Maybe you have some suggestions."



Wrathful Shapeshifter


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:37 pm

Good food was good food. Serrekhar sure as heck wasn't judging. He'd gathered all different kinds of bread, himself, and planned to use all of them for dipping.

"Ugh, don't even remind me of lessons..." He groaned, frowning. He wasn't so good with all the learning parts. Sure, he liked learning about dragons, but it was much more than that. Plus, tests... Sigh. Danzik was gonna chew him out again if he kept doing poorly.

He found himself studying the fruit as well, his brows furrowed sharply. "Me neither. How you even supposed to eat some of these?" Food was food, not a puzzle!


Aerden and Blue Tianxiath

His grin was crooked, radiating mingled pride and sheepishness as Veena addressed him by his... well, his title. As for his name, that was going to be a much easier adjustment. "We talked about it." He said, because of course they had, and... "I'm going to stay with Aerden." He'd tried shortening it in his head, but nothing seemed quite right. Tianxiath rather liked the thought of going against the grain and keeping his name as-is.

The blue didn't hesitate to lean into Veena's hand, shamelessly loving the attention. He is perfect. He agreed, more than a little smug over Aerden's quiet acknowledgement that if two of the most important people to him agreed... then maybe there was something to it.

"I won't." He said, all seriousness and focus once more. Tianxiath's health and well being was far too important to risk. "The Weyrlingmaster and the assistants have all been extremely helpful." It was definitely reassuring to have experienced eyes and hands all willing to help and show him how to properly care for the little blue.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:54 pm
Nadry of Menankith

"Same as ever, always a little too serious," Nadry answered the question of their older brother with a laugh. "Menankith is- well, he's got a bit of a limp now, but he's fine, and so are the boys, and the twins." As to having twins... "Right? I can hardly believe it myself, sometimes. The way they're going, they're going to be crawling any day now." And then it was only a matter of time until they started walking, which would open up a whole new world of trouble. By the time R'in would be able to see them again, they'd barely be recognizable from the tiny month-olds they'd been when Zenobiath's clutch had hatched.

As Demodeth left to speak to someone, and R'in turned to watch, it was a reminder that her now-bronzerider brother had a Feast to enjoy. "I'll catch you again before we leave, yeah? Menankith would love to meet Demodeth."


Akaris of Samodith

"Some seafood can certainly be arranged," Akaris answered as she was led closer to the delightful spread of food. Yes, there was quite a bit here that would do very nicely indeed! "Here," she said, freeing her arm from his to pick up a plate, which she then handed to him to hold so that she could load it with food. The aforementioned bread, cheese, and roast took up half the available space, while the rest was quickly filled with every variety of fish that would fit. "Will that do for now, sir? We'll have to come back for dessert, obviously."

And dessert was definitely happening, after the way this day had gone. She would be back for you, chocolate tart~




Shy Mage

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:39 pm

Faroe & gold Neliath
The woman watched the Candidate, brows knitting a touch as he initially seemed to brush off the question. She didn't buy it, but thankfully, didn't have to try. He continued, confessing something she actually did understand, for all that it ha been Turns since her own Candidacy. Wasn't it something she'd seen on the faces come every Hatching? Wasn't it something some of her friends who had never Impressed talked about? Still, whatever she might thought she knew, his pain was his own, and no less devastating. She reached out to squeeze his hand.

"I'm sorry you didn't find Yours this time," her words were sincere. She was quite sorry he hadn't matched with one of the yearning dragonets--and that the one he might have yearned for was nothing but a dream. "I know you'll move on, just as all Candidates do, but that doesn't take away from the current disappointment." Oh, how she wanted to tell him how it would be nothing but a blip as soon as he found His. But she would refrain... especially as there never was a guarantee. Some of the best people on Pern were never Searched, and some of the best people in the Weyr never Impressed. There was no shame in not Impressing... but that was easy for a rider to say, or those of Pern who never were given a chance.

"Did you want to talk about it?" She asked. She couldn't know what he dreamed up--but she could guess that it might have been a preference for one of the eggs, or at least the little beings within. Faroe didn't want to push him... but she did want him to know that she wanted to know his thoughts and feelings.

Neliath, of course, did send him another gentle push--like a feline booping a favored person.


- - - -

J'lar & blue Loreleth
The man gave a small snort at E'mel's reply, startling Melody from where she was settled. The little green gave a small peep in objection, which did earn a small scritch. "I think Pern'd be out of people if'n we had that many," he mused. Happier Candidates of course, certainly--but while it was easy to laud the work riders did, it was the Harpers and Healers and Holders and Farmcrafters and all the other Crafts that kept Pern turning. Still, he gave a small smile, "I'll jes' tell all the golds next time I see 'em to hold up and let High Reaches throw down a few clutches first. No doubt they'd listen ta' me."

"Nothin' too much. Jes' the same ol', same ol'. Keepin' these two outta trouble," he gave a jerk of his chin at Harp and Melody, who kept looking between E'mel and the tables of food, and back again, with eyes newly red. If J'lar hadn't been hungry before the Feast, he certainly was now--and not of his own volition. "Shoulders a'right, mostly. Still has a crater in it, and aches more often than not--but at least the arm mostly works." He couldn't lift quite the amount of weight he used to be able to, but he did his work without complaint. He was still a grade A grunt, and was happy to play the part as Western needed him. "What 'bout you? You and Brieteth still hanging in there? Doing much Harperin'?" Again, he often was given a daily report thanks to Loreleth... But he figured he'd see. It was possible something wasn't shared with ones dragon, after all.


- - - -
R'thell of green Triesteth
It was almost overhwelming, really--though R'thell wasn't sure if that was his own feelings or Triesteth's. Maybe it was a mix of both. He almost wished D'zol would seek him out, just so he could introduce the most perfect-dragon-on-Pern to him; part of him wished his family might have bothered to take the trip, but they'd quit coming around the same time he started getting tattoos and dating. Well, there were friends here enough he would seek out--and even if they were all too busy, he could at least just gush over His from the sidelines.

He didn't need anyone else, really... He just wanted her to have a crowd to sing her praises. She certainly deserved it.

Thankfully, the little green was only too happy to noticed by Baihath, and her eyes whirled a soft purple-blue. She gave a little wiggle of pleasure, before half-curling around the legs of Hers. She peeked back at the white hopefully, before trotting closer. This is Mine, Papa! Isn't he wonderful? And my wing's feeling all better now--look! She spread her wings--or at least her good wing--and happily showed off her bandaged appendage to the white, ever so eager for his approval. It doesn't hurt at all! Isn't it exciting to be all together like this? Her thoughts just tumbled out, one after another.

But her love for all of them was nothing short of genuine.

R'thell almost felt a bit self-conscious, though Triesteth was quick to brush that away. While he didn't hear much of the conversation, he knew she was happily conversing with the white. "I'll be sure to take real good care of her." He promised... And he would. Because she really was the best dragon to have hatched from that clutch.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:58 pm
Li'tt of Vuurth

She didn't need his approval, though he'd considered the plate to be something they would share, rather than for one or the other of them. Yet, whenever she looked to him for reassurance he smiled and nodded for her to continue as she was doing.

"Of course it's good," Li'tt answered with a smile. He admittedly had a taste for the more plain fare from his youth, the cooking of his mother hard to not have some fondness for out of bias at least. "It is a whole rainbow of deliciousness - you have good taste, my dear." And he meant it. "Now how about we find somewhere to sit while we split this?"

Somewhere closer to the harpers, perhaps, as without the music started it wasn't quite so crowded yet.



As much as his grandchildren delighted him, Cordrath was more obviously enthused by the approach of children who had gone long unseen - and it felt as though the last he'd seen Aspalath he'd been much more inclined to tuck himself underneath the wing of his Weyrlingmaster. Thus, he was thrilled by his precense, leaning out to touch his snout against his son's headknobs with a wave of fondness and a low hum of pleasure.

I am glad to be well enough to visit this time - it pained me to not be able to see you all after your graduation, he admitted, though he pointedly didn't draw attention to the scarred stub where there had once been a leg. It was a known injury - he didn't need to worry anybody with old memories. You've grown so big and strong - I am proud of you every day, you know.

Sinders Path

Fahn and Alenciath

While Fahn picked over the delightful offerings that her new home had spread out, Alenciath hopped around her feet, peering about as though if she didn't look at everything she'd miss all of the excitement! Which everything was rather exciting. Do you have anybody who will be coming to see you off, FahnMine? she asked, peering up at her rider who smiled back down at her.

"Just me!" Not that there weren't those who she would miss dearly. Just that they weren't here and likely didn't know she'd be staying. But Fahn's thoughts were wrapped in silver lining - her most perfect Alenciath would be here with her and all would be well! They'd not be lonely for long!

In fact- Demodeth's half-finished statement was answered with a rush of love and understanding. It's okay! I'll come by later and we can try again! extra boops and love were never a bad thing!




Josen picked up the offending fruit, giving it a sniff and almost dropping it for having done so. "It smells," he informed Serrekhar, shoving it into his face so he too could smell it - whether he wanted to or not. "Is it supposed to smell like that?" it wasn't a question he actually expected answered - at least not by Serrekhar.

But it was fascinating and Josen, like anybody without much in the way of reservations, took a none-too-small bite of it. Then made a face that was both absolutely repulsed...and pleased.

"It's weird," he again informed his friend.

I'm picturing Durian-adjacent lmao



"Good," Veena seemed pleased by it all, "very good. You have a strong name, I'm happy you're keeping it - and it suits the rider of a fine dragon." Admittedly, she'd not have fussed very hard either way. "And of course they have been - Liat is a very smart woman after all." A fine Weyrlingmaster indeed. Though she knew very few others in her experience.

"Now, don't let me keep you from the festivities in your honor if you wish to browse and see some other faces, hmm?"



She felt a little silly being at the Feast - not quite cute enough, like she had nothing to really celebrate....but there she was!

Kadosse smoothed out her skirt a little bit more, internally frowning at how it was perhaps just a little too long and made her legs look a little too short.....but she had to hope that maybe she'd have someone looking at her face, rather than her legs and - someone was calling for her! It wasn't a cute boy, but the lovely young gold she'd had a moment with on the sands and somehow that was just as exciting.

"Oh, hello..uh..." Kadosse twisted a lock of hair, admittedly having not been lucky enough to be told the hatchling's name, "I've not had a chance to talk to any of them yet, admittedly. I'm not sure who I should start with." Well, there was one who caught her eyes for reason of familiarity, but there were also some she'd not been lucky enough to meet yet either. Hmmm...



Beloved Werewolf

Dea and #Teddy#

Shy Regular

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:23 am

Sablie had decided to go with simple clothing for the feast, as she usually did. Her hair was in the usual messy braid and she had chosen to wear a simple black skirt and white top. She had gotten herself some wine as soon as she got there and had been enjoying it, when she heard a familiar voice. The blonde smiled brightly, her blue eyes shining when she saw the smile on her friend's face. It seemed impression had done wonders for him and she was so very happy for him. She then felt a wave of happiness and delight from the little green in Lyfrocier's arms. She gave a smile to the dragon as well, she really was a cute baby.

"The feast is quite wonderful, I can imagine you will enjoy yourselves too. It is so good to see both of ya and I want to say congrats again. And thank ya, though I am kinda a mess fashion wise. How's it feel, Lyf?"she asked her friend curiously. They had been told what impression felt like by people, but she wanted to know his own take on it.


Astriana and Blue Moratath

Astriana had gone to the weyr she shared with her weyrmate and changed into a plain blue dress, that matched the color of her blue dragon. Once done, she and Moratath headed to the feast. When they got there, she saw who she was looking for close to Khamaith and the two fathers of the clutch. She looked to Moratath, who would stay back, allowing her to go talk to her friend.

I will be near, if you need me. Feasts are still not something I enjoy. Though, I promise I will be good if someone approaches me,Moratath thought to her cooly. She knew he had come a long way since he was a baby, but he definitely wasn't a social animal, neither of them were. She stroked his head a moment, before she began to head over to where Etansi was.

"Congratulations, Etansi, on your new little one. He looks to be quite a distinguished white,"Astri spoke calmly to her friend. She looked over to Erastan, reminding herself to be good. After all, she had just been made a rider and she had no intention on going back to Weryling. So she gave a curt incline of her head in his direction.


Sinders Path
[IC RP] Western Weyr

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