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Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
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  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:16 pm
Name: Sulesh
Age: 24
Nameday: 3552.01.27
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Status: Single
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider/Searchrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Weaver - Dye Master specialty

Physical Description:
Sulesh is a trim, elegant man, standing tall at 6'3" and doing everything he can to ensure that he cuts a lovely figure. He's lean and in good shape, with just the faintest hint of softness to his edges after so long on bedrest, and has put in plenty of time to try and shake off as much of that as was physically possible.
Truly, he's rather handsome, with a long, vaguely elfin face and soft green-gold eyes; his hair is a deep honey gold, and falls to his shoulders in a straight curtain that frames his face quite well. He's deeply tanned, and has a warm glow to his skin that gives him the impression of having been positively drenched in sunshine. His clothing is all highly colorful and intricate, and he's dyed many of his garments himself--he's quite proud of this, too. Overall, Sulesh hasn't managed to get too torn up by Thread, save for his left leg; from just below the knee down, it's been amputated, replaced with a simple prosthetic constructed of wood and metal that's strapped up to his thigh with thick, faintly embellished straps of leather. His scars wrap around his knee, making it a little stiff, but he's just glad it still bends alright.
If there was a way to condense the word 'decadence' into a person, you'd have something rather similar to Sulesh as the end result. He's a huge fan of the finer things in life, and loves surrounding himself with beautiful things--be they people, art, objects, or simply fancy trinkets, their nature matters little to him as long as he finds them captivating. Surprisingly, however, he's quite sensible with his time and funds, and doesn't like to overextend himself on either; after all, how can he afford everything the attention it deserves if he's spread himself far too thin? On some level, he feels as though he deserves it anyway, and this can manifest itself as a pressing sense of superiority that others have all too often found to be grating or patronizing. Fortunately enough, Sulesh is far from malicious, and doesn't have any ill intent at heart--he simply wants to be comfortable and enjoy his time in the world, and that's that.

He's fond of staying up to date with the latest gossip, and enjoys hunting around to find the next big scoop--while he understands the concept of privacy quite well, given that he's very particular about his own, he seems to have far less concerns with that of others. Either he simply didn't learn that other people value their privacy, or he simply doesn't care- He just wants to know a few juicy details, after all! It's harmless--and you can absolutely trust him. Really, he does mean that; Sulesh is a bastion of secrets, surprisingly, and while he'll do all manner of poking and prodding to get a hold of new ones from other people, he won't let them go anywhere near as easily.

Overall, Sulesh is a rather calm, level-headed individual, and knows how to best navigate social terrain. He's good at learning how people tick, and it fascinates him; his biggest failing is that he doesn't seem to comprehend personal boundaries quite so well, and has little issue with being overly familiar with others, at times to detriment with his relationships. While he'll always be suitably apologetic when confronted about crossing a line, he's also quick to assume that things have settled, regardless of whether or not they actually have. He can be impatient while waiting for tempers to cool, and his guilt at souring things can quickly get the better of him, causing him to try and restore favor with the injured party in increasingly extravagant and even foolish ways. He is, ultimately, desperate for continued attention, and does not respond well to being ignored or shut out.

Positive Trait List: Diplomatic, gracious, measured.
Negative Trait List: Haughty, little sense of boundaries, nosy.

Sulesh, for all his grandstanding and ego, hardly considers himself to have existed properly before he impressed Hassoriath. Born into a family of dye specialists as one of the youngest sons in Western Hold, he wasn't given the attention he felt he deserved--that isn't to say his early life was unhappy, but rather that he found it quite dull. Without much to captivate him beside his family's work, Sulesh quickly turned toward more artistic methods of occupying his time, showing a proclivity for color-matching and patterning that impressed his parents; from then on, he garnered more notice, and for a time, Sulesh was content enough with the state of his life. It was easier to vie for parental attention from a large family when you were some kind of prodigy in your parents' eyes, and Sulesh leaned heavily on that impression.
He became a Journeyman, but found that he hit something of a creative wall not long after--nothing seemed to fit anymore, no combination truly exciting him enough to make him feel as though it was worthwhile. Although he continued to go through the motions, trying to find that one spark of creativity that would set it all afire again, Sulesh quickly began to disdain his chosen craft. With his work beginning to slow, his parents grew frustrated with him once more, and he responded somewhat drastically--by accepting the offer of a Searchrider to stand as a Candidate for a Western clutch. At the very least, he reasoned, the change of pace and scenery might help him get his craft back together. There was nothing to lose, really!

As it turned out, however, he had everything to gain. Hassoriath found him quickly, hardly wasting any time--Sulesh swept any and all thoughts of dyes and fabrics out of his head all at once, focusing his everything on the perfect little Blue that had chosen him. Being a weaver hadn't been his life calling after all; Hassoriath was, and had always been.
While they perhaps weren't model weyrlings, Sulesh and Hassoriath proved that there was more to them than an inflated sense of ego. They fared well in their first Threadfall, although their second was much less fortunate--after being caught in a nasty mess of Thread, Sulesh's leg had to be amputated, and the pair was grounded for quite some time to allow him to heal. He was outfitted with a simple prosthetic, but the process of relearning how to walk took even more time still--he still has a noticeable limp, but is sure enough on his feet to allow him to ride.

Other: Sulesh can do all kinds of ridiculously intricate braiding, and is a huge fan of doing beadwork when he's looking for something to do. He took up beading as a hobby while in the infirmary.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:17 pm
User ImageName: Hassoriath
Age: 3
Color: Blue
Status: Single
Size: 54'
Physical Description: This Blue is striking, to say the least. Everything about him is well-formed, from nose to tail, and he's grown into himself quite well, especially when compared to how gangly and awkward he was in his youth. Hassoriath is practically perfectly proportioned, and is close enough to the ideal build of a Blue to where he let it get to his head a little bit. He's a handsome dragon to be sure, and he has little qualms with flaunting it.

Confident and headstrong, Hassoriath is a Bronze in Blue hide. He carries himself with a certain level of gravitas befitting a much more important dragon, and if one didn't know better, it would be easy to wonder if maybe he might actually be someone important. Hassoriath does have something of an ego to him, but he's not without his merit. He dotes on others, doing anything he can to curry favor with ranking members of the weyr in order to secure as comfortable an existence as is possible for those he cares about. He's a magnanimous dragon with a larger-than-life personality that feels as though it would be far more fit for a wingleader's dragon, and he knows it--his ambition is by no means insignificant, but he's also wise enough to not throw away what he has in favor of chasing what merely could be. He is the restraint to Sulesh's extravagance and indulgence, but is equally inclined to nice things; he's somewhat of a glutton, honestly, although his moderation bites much harder than his rider's does. Once Hassoriath has decided that enough is enough, that's it--he will accept nothing else, and will not permit it, either. He expects others to follow a similar level of restraint, and although it may be hypocritical of him, will actively remind others of what they should be doing if he catches anything out of line. He can be something of a hardass, and his stubborn refusal to change his mind may lead to friction if he feels his rules are being challenged.

His discipline serves him well and keeps him grounded, especially when placed opposite his rider. Hassoriath may be a proud Blue, but he knows his place in the hierarchy--he'd never dream of trying to impose his wishes on any metallics, and even the occasional Brown is safe from his imperious ways. While he may hold some more traditionalist ideals about where chromatics belong in the weyr chain of command, he seems to be just as eager to push against them when the chips are down, almost as though he's not quite sure of their placement himself. He wants to try and be more, and Sulesh certainly encourages him to try; even in spite of this, however, his hesitance to change makes him hold back until the last possible moment, afraid of what may happen if his actions lead to genuinely new territory. Western allows room for much more mobility among its ranks, and while he's interested in trying his luck, for the time being, Hassoriath is content to remain as simply one of the weyr's rank and file, somewhat inflated sense of self-importance or no.

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Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:20 pm
Name: S'ven
Age: 40
Nameday: 3536.11.23
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Status: Single
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Runnercraft

Physical Description:
S'ven is tall, towering over most at an almost alarming 6'6". He's got short dirty blond hair, the front of which always seems to be sticking up in spite of his best efforts, and is well tanned from his time outdoors. His face is long and slim, as is the majority of him, and his nose is slightly hooked; once you're able to look at the rest of his face, however, what's particularly noticeable about him is that he constantly looks like he's half-asleep, regardless of whether or not he's fully awake. S'ven has perpetual bags under his gray eyes, and almost always slouches, giving him the appearance of being exhausted. He's midway between sturdy and slim, which doesn't really do much for him, given his height, and makes him almost painfully awkward to watch in motion.
Ever calm and collected, S'ven is a sharp man underneath his seemingly constant state of sleep deprivation. He's quite stable and reserved, preferring to go with the flow than to make many waves. S'ven has a relatively sleepy demeanor, but that doesn't mean he's slow--far from it, in fact. He's rather intelligent, but has surprisingly little ambition, instead favoring everything outside of the limelight rather than being caught in its center. S'ven is an amiable man who would much rather get along with everybody and be the lowest of the low in ranking than have everybody hate him and be up at the top--he has no desire to push others aside in order to further his own goals, and finds such thoughts distasteful. What's the point in getting ahead of others by pushing them aside? Inevitably, you'll have to rely on them for something later, and they're not always going to fall into line for you.

S'ven is easy enough to overlook, given how dedicated he is to not shaking things up, but he's always on the lookout. For what, exactly? Well, anything, really. Anything from typical goings-on to drama brewing on the horizon is fair game, and he's curious enough to gently pick his way through all the information he can find for anything exceptionally interesting. He has no drive to do much with this information, to be frank--he's a far cry from some mastermind gathering dirt on everyone. Really, S'ven just enjoys being here, and immersing himself in what's going on makes him feel a lot more involved than he actually is. He finds it somewhat difficult to achieve a true friendship, given his low-energy approach to everything, but being a spectator affords a similar enough feeling for him to deem it acceptable. At his core, though, he's a warm, genial man who has no issue with company at odd hours, enjoys simply being near others, and is relaxed enough to avoid a lot of the heavier stresses of life. He doesn't spend much time fretting about things he knows he can't change, and instead prefers to turn his focus elsewhere--like to what's going on around him, for example. That's always much more interesting than getting himself worked up for no reason, as far as he's concerned, and it's worked out well for him thus far.

Positive Trait List: Even-tempered, observant, agreeable.
Negative Trait List: Unambitious, pushover, lazy.

Salven came from humble origins as part of a beastcrafter family, branching out just enough to distinguish himself from his many siblings by going into a slightly different craft. Rather than working with herdbeasts and the like, Salven instead found himself more drawn to runners, and quickly found himself a master to apprentice under--he was excited to start something new, and actually managed to muster up enough drive to work his way toward being a Journeyman. It would have been a life he'd be quite contented with, all things considered, until a Searchrider from Western put a somewhat different idea in his head. Before he walked the tables, he left to stand for a Hatching--just one, as he assured his master, and then he'd be right back to work. It was quite the opportunity, after all, and he'd be a fool to turn it down!

As luck would have it, he Impressed almost right away. A little Bronze approached him, announcing himself as Gokarith--more than that, his Gokarith. S'ven could hardly believe it, and eagerly spread the news back home. His family was proud of him, but they had too much on their plates to come visit, and he understood. It would be a few more Turns before S'ven could come by and introduce Gokarith, now no longer the runt of the clutch, to his family--and found that the animals were by no means as fond of his Bronze as he was. Sheepishly, S'ven and Gokarith returned to the Weyr after a brief visit, reasoning that they didn't need to cause any more upset among the herds. From there, they fell into life at the Weyr with ease, S'ven all too happy to take part in the day to day routine of Western.
Threadfall's return caught them all off guard, however, and S'ven still isn't sure how they managed to get out of that first fall in one piece. Gokarith quickly turned his attention toward drills and training, dragging S'ven along behind him; it wasn't that his rider was unwilling to learn, but rather that he'd been left somewhat shellshocked by their first experience with Thread. After a while of training, S'ven would finally come back to himself, having been threatened with being grounded; he couldn't afford to slip up, and he knew it. This was the most serious life at the Weyr had ever been, and he owed it to them to rise to the challenge. Gokarith wasn't about to let him do anything else, besides.

Since then, S'ven has been working to regain his place at the Weyr, slowly but surely. He wasn't particularly concerned with status, but being a rider at all was too important to him to simply shirk--especially not now that he was needed, along with every other rider there.

Other: S'ven is an excellent baker, and loves handing out treats that he's made. He learned a lot of his recipes from his mother, and has them memorized.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:21 pm
User ImageName: Gokarith
Age: 22
Color: Bronze
Status: Single
Size: 88'
Physical Description: Gokarith matches S'ven in build--he's just as lanky and almost noodly as his rider is, and his size is almost entirely based on length rather than anything else. He's a flexible, agile dragon, although his endurance leaves something to be desired.
His features are fine, and his eyes are perhaps a touch large, giving him almost a permanent hatchling-esque face. Gokarith simply considers this his youthful charm, and isn't particularly bothered by it. He's speckled with a few small nicks of threadscore from various falls, but has avoided any more significant damage thus far.

Although he's an overall relaxed dragon, Gokarith isn't quite as willing to go with the flow as S'ven is. He's got a sharp mind and a keen intellect, and loves turning his brain toward solving puzzles or complicated problems; he's particularly good at keeping track of several things at once, and takes pride in his accuracy above almost all else. He's very precise and measured, and doesn't provide more information than he necessarily has to in any given situation; it's always good to have something to fall back on, after all, and if you give away too much, you risk opening yourself to weakness. Still, he isn't constantly on alert for any would-be enemies or anything like that, and is much more often found memorizing as many drills as he can manage in one sitting. He's rather bookish, and is more than a little bit of a nerd, in all honesty.

Even so, Gokarith is a Bronze well acquainted with the notions of hierarchy and the mechanics of the weyr. He's prone to watching others, waiting for an opening in just the right spot to make his presence properly known--for what reasons, he's less sure, but he's convinced he'll know what to do when it happens. On some level, he's after power, but seems a little hesitant to actually act on that urge or try to impose his will anywhere that matters. Really, while Gokarith enjoys the idea of being in charge, he knows he's not the best choice, and instead allows these notions to be largely within the realm of fantasy. It's a fun thing to think about, to be sure, but Gokarith isn't quite confident enough to truly make it happen.

Dragon Art: [ x ]




Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:22 pm
Name: T'shal
Age: 30
Nameday: 3546.04.02
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Status: Single
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat

Physical Description:
Standing at 6'1" and of average build, T'shal isn't an especially notable man as far as appearances go--he's got a somewhat round face and softer features, which at least has the bonus of making him look far more friendly and approachable than he would otherwise, but he's not otherwise striking. T'shal's hair is a sandy almost-blonde, kept short and often spiking in all manner of directions regardless of what he'd prefer--there's a few premature streaks of gray coming in at the temples, much to his chagrin. His eyes are a bright silver, and are perhaps the most notable thing about him; he has an intensity to his stare that can easily make him a bit intimidating, particularly given his tendency to examine others somewhat closely.
T'shal's forearms are littered with threadscore, deep scars standing out starkly against his tanned skin in a tangled mess. He has some remnants of tattoos underneath those marks, faded black patterns that once formed a rudimentary star map of Pern's skies. Now, they're practically unintelligible.
Cunning, quick-witted, and smooth, T'shal seems as though he would be very much at home within the less savory rings of High Reaches' infamous Bronzerider club. However, he's chosen instead to be someone different--more than anything, he wants to help, and has turned his innate skills toward solving whatever problems wind up in his crosshairs. T'shal strives to be better than the person he used to be, and is determined to prove himself worthy of riding Bronze; simply having Belsheveth is one thing, but he wants to genuinely be the best possible lifemate he could be to his gargantuan dragon. In his youth, he ascribed strongly to traditionalist ideals, and has been working to unlearn that kind of thinking--since transferring to Western, it's become much easier to ease into it, seeing as he's so far removed from any previous influences on his views. T'shal may still slip up every now and again, but he's just as quick to apologize. He's intensely dedicated to his ideals of honor and what's right, and will not tolerate any kind of disregard for others.
He can be perhaps a bit self-righteous, or overly forceful--while his heart is in the right place, sometimes T'shal is far less subtle than he'd like. He has a noted tendency to stick his nose in where perhaps he isn't wanted as well, ready to offer assistance should it be needed. His helpful nature can easily come across as overbearing, especially given his desire to right any wrongs set before him. Above all else, he's the most strict with himself; while he's willing to give others plenty of additional chances, provided they don't cross any particularly important lines, he's much less forgiving toward himself. T'shal is highly critical of his own actions, judging his own progress based on how far he's come, but he seems to consider himself far less improved than he actually is.

Positive Trait List: Dedicated, shrewd, honorable.
Negative Trait List: Harsh, judgmental, prideful.

Born in High Reaches as the result of a flight, Tashal grew up without much of his parents' influence in his life. He was raised by the creche for most of his youth, but discovered that his parents had, in fact, continued their relationship--by meeting his younger brother for the first time a mere three weeks after his first Hatching. Tessar attached himself to his elder brother quite quickly, and the two of them got along well--they seemed to be on the same page for practically everything, and Tashal was more than happy to take Tessar under his wing when he became a Candidate as well. In the meantime, however, they'd both found themselves getting caught up in the idea of Impressing Bronze, wrapped up in the same fantasy of being a part of that lofty club.
The two of them stood for Turns, waiting and waiting--Tessar never faltered, but Tashal quietly began to doubt himself. Their relationship wasn't as ironclad as it seemed, and began to crumble. It began when a Green approached Tashal, seemingly interested in him; while it quickly became clear that he wasn't Hers, Tessar took notice. It was minor things at first--second-guessing Tashal's authority, doubting how dedicated he really was to their dream of Impressing Bronze; as more 'unfit' dragons flocked to visit Tashal over their next few Hatchings, Tessar's doubt became far more tangible. Tashal was far from oblivious to this--it wasn't long before the brothers began to fight in earnest, arguing with each other out of view of the Candidatemasters. Soon enough, it became clear that they were in no way getting along anymore, and they were separated for everyone's sake.

At 16, however, it finally happened. Tashal became T'shal when he Impressed--and to a Bronze at that. Belsheveth had finally come to him, waiting until practically the end of the Hatching to make his choice after so many more of his siblings had found Theirs. Although he was somewhat ashamed of it, he felt some small degree of satisfaction at the fact that Tessar was left standing; his brother was no longer his concern, however. With Belsheveth at his side, he now had a duty to attend to, and he intended to do it well.
Even still, T'shal was quickly inducted into High Reaches' circle of Bronzeriders. It was an intoxicating mix of authority and attention, and it was easy for him to become wrapped up in its clutches. While the traditionalist ideas of High Reaches were always in his head, being surrounded by others that thought of the world in such a way made it so much easier to accept it as an ironclad truth. T'shal and Belsheveth lived the high life for a few Turns, their place in the Weyr secure--but the return of Thread signaled the end of an era. With every rider taking to the skies, it quickly became clear to T'shal that the way he'd thought of the world wasn't quite correct; each and every dragon had their place, of course, but this didn't come from any kind of inherent inferiority. He saw how they worked together as a whole, and began to appreciate the chromatics far more--Belsheveth was delighted by his rider's change of heart, and the pair quickly decided to try and make more of a difference among their peers. If they could help some of those other Bronzeriders let go of their prejudices, perhaps they could well and truly change things.

The problem, however, was Tessar.
He was now T'sar, considering his Impression to Bronze Borsolanth, and he still was far from fond of his brother despite his seniority. Where T'shal tried to change things for the better, T'sar sought to reinforce the status quo--it was there for a reason, after all, and T'shal was a fool for trying to change it. The brothers never came to outright conflict, but seeing as T'shal had lost favor among his peers for his change of heart, it became clear that T'shal would not be able to turn the tides. Defeated, but not destroyed, T'shal and Belsheveth requested a transfer to Western, where they felt they could be of far more use--their threadfighting training would certainly be needed, and it would get them away from the atmosphere of High Reaches. T'sar was more than happy to see his brother go, and T'shal settled in to Western with little fanfare. It was far from celebratory--while the pair hated to admit that they'd been bested, the fact of the matter was simply that they had been. Working alongside Western's riders to help them become true threadfighters was almost enough to soothe the sting, seeing as they had the opportunity to throw themselves into their duty and forget the stain on their record they'd left behind.

Other: T'sar's brother. On bad terms.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:23 pm
User ImageName: Belsheveth
Age: 14
Color: Bronze
Status: B]
Size: 90'
Physical Description: Above all else, Belsheveth is a titanic Bronze. He's big enough to physically shield smaller dragons during Threadfall, which he's more than happy to do--he's sustained plenty of threadscore as a result, mostly criss-crossing across his back and shoulders in ragged almost patterns. Belsheveth has large claws, and his teeth are similarly long; his lower fangs stick out just a bit, curving outward almost like tusks.

Belsheveth is a quiet Bronze, far more inclined to watch and monitor than he is to get involved directly. He has a very particular sense of justice, adhering quite firmly to his ideals regardless of any peer pressure, He found High Reaches' environment of metallics distasteful, and is quite glad that T'shal has opted for a new start at Western--while he's a little less fond of the climate, he cannot argue that he can be of much use to his new Weyr.
Belsheveth views himself as the sum of his deeds, and while he's far from showy about his own accomplishments, they're all very important to him; each of them serve as a building block for the Bronze he is now, and while some of them weren't much to be proud of, they all come together for a respectable whole. He has an outstanding memory, and keeps a detailed track of things--while this does mean that he's inclined to hold a grudge, it also means that he isn't at all likely to forget a favor owed or when someone helps him. He will always pay someone back in kind, and is just as dedicated to his sense of honor as T'shal is.

Although he's quite outspoken in defense of others, Belsheveth doesn't often articulate his own needs or desires all that well. He tends to put them on the backburner, reasoning that they can always be attended to later--there are always more pressing matters to deal with first, though, and it's not unreasonable to wonder if he simply just doesn't want to pay much attention to himself at all. While he certainly won't neglect his own base needs, the others are a little harder to get him to handle--he practically needs an order or outright command to even get on that track, and thus far, few people besides T'shal can get him there in the first place. Belsheveth knows it's important to address his own needs, of course, but he finds it difficult to tear himself away from everything else on his plate, especially the plights of others. He doesn't complain or gripe about what he's missing out on, however; it's his own choice, and he's well aware of it. Truthfully, there's little he'd rather be doing otherwise.

Dragon Art: [ x ]




Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500


Otherworldly Plague

20,675 Points
  • Blazing Power of Friendship Wave 200
  • Galactic Domination 200
  • That One Hero 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:24 pm
Name: Ciraine
Age: 17
Nameday: 3559.08.22
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: She has absolutely no idea.
Status: Single
Craft: Weaver
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Western

Physical Description:
Ciraine is rather petite, with a slight frame and not much in the way of stature--she stands at roughly 5'3", and she doesn't expect that she'll be growing any further than that. She isn't especially curvy or filled-out, and is more or less okay with that, although she can't help but wish she would've had a bit more luck in that department. She's cute, with gray-blue doe eyes and a bit of a cupid's bow, and her face is surrounded by something of a cloud of blond hair that she does her best to restrain in a braid. Her clothes are an uncertain mix of fabrics and styling that she can't quite decide if it suits her, and she's gotten somewhat of an uneven tan from her time spent outdoors.

She's a sweetheart, honestly, and although her confidence leaves a little something to be desired, Ciraine is good company to have around. She finds it easy to empathize with others and make emotional connections, and is a deeply caring person who readily puts the needs of others over her own. Ciraine does her best to be there for others as much as is possible, going above and beyond to be a supportive anchor for other people--she understands how important having someone in your corner can be, and as a result, she wants to ensure that everyone has at least someone they can count on.
Honesty is important to her, and she won't overly sugarcoat matters if she's able to avoid it; still, she's very careful to ensure she isn't blunt or otherwise offensive with her remarks. Ciraine doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and while she'll always be truthful, she might hesitate just long enough to give herself enough time to think of the best way to communicate. She's a sensitive soul, and is definitely a bleeding heart--emotional appeals work on her far more often than not, and while this can be taken advantage of, she truly hopes that no one has any ill intent toward her. She certainly doesn't have any toward anyone else, and is forgiving almost to the point of naivete.

It's easiest to get her to come out of her shell on behalf of someone else, and it's the closest she feels she can get to being the person she honestly wants to be. If you ask Ciraine in earnest, there's a lot of different things she'd change about herself. She wants to be more outgoing, less hesitant to try new things, and a bit more--well, more. She can't quite help but think that it would be nicer if she was just a bit prettier, or otherwise more fun to talk to. In truth, Ciraine is somewhat more concerned with everything she's not, and is constantly trying to figure out a way to make up for what she perceives she lacks.
She knows she still has plenty of time to grow, but she can't quite manage to convince herself that she doesn't need to rush herself in the process; it's not that she's impatient for her own sake, but rather that she wants almost desperately to be enough for everyone else. Ciraine has some trouble with doing things for her own sake, and can throw herself under the bus in order to sink more time and effort into what she does for other people. She understands that she needs to curb this in order to let herself flourish, but she has a hard time allowing herself that boundary.

At her best, Ciraine is every bit as vibrant and enthusiastic as she tries to be--while she has some trouble recognizing it herself if asked, every now and again, she's able to well and truly appreciate it, and thus appreciate herself for who she is. She understands that she's got a lot about herself that she needs to work on, especially her confidence, but sometimes, she's able to let go of her hangups and simply allow herself to be. The hard part is simply finding out how to best permit that to happen, as she's discovered.

Positive Trait List: Empathetic, honest, giving, supportive.
Negative Trait List: Timid, impressionable, sensitive, self-sacrificing.

Ciraine comes from a long line of weavers, well-respected and held in high regard among their local crafter's hall in Southern Boll Hold. Her family was known to have an eye for quality, as well as the prestige of being so thoroughly established, and as such was able to secure a wide variety of jobs--while this had the benefit of ensuring that Ciraine would want for little in her early life, it also meant that her parents were, by and large, too busy to genuinely spend much quality time with her. She simply accepted this as a fact of life, reasoning that there would be little she could do to change it; shy of the two of them losing all work they had, which would be terrible for obvious reasons, Ciraine didn't really know how they would finally have time to spend with her. She was not left on her own, however--her older brother kept a close eye on her, serving as a makeshift parent as well. He would be her biggest supporter, and with him in her corner, Ciraine knew she'd always have somebody who she could count on.

They moved to Rivercrest when she was fourteen, wanting to be closer to more of their extended family after the return of Threadfall. With the family all in one place, Ciraine found that she was still slipping under the radar, a little lost among the general racket of so many people--her older brother, didn't leave her side, although he'd branched out and made many new friends since their arrival in their new home. Ciraine tried her best to mimic some of his outgoing nature, and began finding a bit of a niche for herself, although she remained timid all the same.
Unsurprisingly, her brother was always her favorite, and she hung on his every word. When he began talking of his friend who'd been Searched, she took notice, her interest more than a little piqued. There was a particular way that he talked about it that made Ciraine just as entranced as he was, curious to know more--over the months, he received periodic messages back and forth from his friend, and every word was eagerly devoured by the two of them. The concept of life at the weyr was so different, and they both wanted to know as much as was possible. Soon enough, the two of them were enamored by the idea, and Ciraine began to scout out as much information as she could in order to help her brother fulfill his interest. Stories, personal anecdotes, histories and rumors--anything was fair game, and the siblings eagerly devoured it all.

They'd get their chance a little over a Turn after their first brush with Candidacy, having been approached by a Searchrider while on an errand at a local market. Ciraine was all too eager to agree, but her brother was somewhat more hesitant--he desperately wanted to come along, but wasn't sure if he'd be able to with parental concerns at play. Seeing an opportunity for Ciraine to broaden her horizons, however, he encouraged her to go--while she was nervous to say the least, she valued her brother's opinion more than anything. If he thought she should go, then...well, perhaps she should. She didn't think she'd be missed around the house, all things considered, and with his blessing, she agreed to go.

Other: Ciraine is a rather skilled cook, and particularly enjoys making food for other people. In her spare time, she enjoys weaving small bracelets and necklaces, which she tends to give out as gifts.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:36 pm


Otherworldly Plague

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Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:44 pm
Name: Rosik
Age: 19
Nameday: 3557.08.26
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Status: Single
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat

Physical Description:
Rosik is a veritable hobgoblin. She's small, at little more than 5'4", and has a constantly bewildered look to her face that makes her seem as though she's overwhelmed--were it not for her riding leathers, it would be easy enough to mistake her for a new Candidate. She's somewhat plain as far as features go, but is hardly bothered by that; she certainly isn't trying to be a stunner, after all. She's overall sharp and bony, and is of a thin enough build to where it would almost be concerning if she didn't have enough muscle on her to properly care for a dragon as big as Moth--before she Impressed, however, was a different story.
Her eyes are a dark blue, and she always appears to be wide-eyed; the fact that her eyebrows are just slightly tilted upwards as well doesn't help, and she finds this to be a bit irritating. She's got a small gap between her front teeth, and her grins are just a touch snaggletoothed. Rosik's dark brown hair isn't very well tended to beyond her initial attempts of the day, and she's given up fighting to get it in anything close to a style--instead, it's usually in some variety of messy ponytail, pulled as far back away from her face as she can manage in order to buy herself time before it all poofs back out again. Her clothes are similarly messy, more out of a lack of folding than any kind of genuine dirt, but she keeps her riding leathers absolutely pristine.
Rosik's high energy and boundless confidence make her a force to be reckoned with. She's persistent, latching on to a task and chipping away at it until it's done to the fullest of her ability; however, this does not stop at only work. If she gets it in her head to make friends with someone, nothing short of being yelled at or blatantly chased away will finally make it clear to her that she's not exactly welcome. Even then, that won't put a damper on her day for long. Rosik bounces back quickly, always moving to focus on whatever she decides is most important at the time.
She's excellent for motivation, and works well with others most of the time--Rosik is by no means the type to shirk her work, but once she decides she isn't a fan of someone, she's not likely to change her opinion. She'll privately gripe and moan to Moth about having to be in close proximity to any disliked parties, and will actively attempt to remove herself from the situation as soon as she's done what she needs to. While she's liable to have it out for someone for quite some time, her moods change quickly, meaning that she's not always guaranteed to complain much; from time to time, Rosik can even be genial, if not outright sunny, to those she's not fond of. While it's almost guaranteed that she's still complaining to her dragon throughout the entire process, she knows when to pick her battles, and sometimes, it just really isn't worth pushing things.

Rosik is talkative, to say the least, and finds it easy to strike up conversations with others. Sure, they might find her weird or unorthodox, given her unusual manner of thinking and general...everything, but she isn't bothered about that. Rosik's mind works at a mile a minute, jumping from interest to interest and task to task as fast as she can work herself through it all. As a result, she tends to get somewhat ahead of herself, if not come off as a bit twitchy. Moth has done plenty to soothe this itch to do things, but it hasn't been completely exterminated, and crops up every now and again.
One thing that's proven its ability to hold her attention is her work. Although she can easily be called flighty, Rosik knows when to put her nose to the grindstone, and doesn't ignore the tasks assigned to her--while her methods of doing them may not be exactly orthodox, she still gets consistent results. This has given her enough confidence to even brag a little bit, although she's careful not to get too boisterous. She doesn't need much outside approval to convince her of her worth--Moth is more than enough for that.

Positive Trait List: Energetic, team player, self-assured.
Negative Trait List: Capricious, stubborn, vindictive.

The youngest daughter of a High Reaches transfer Brownrider and a Bluerider from Western, Rosik grew up in the creche, attended to at times by her siblings and parents when the lot of them weren't busy with other duties. She quickly grew into a rambunctious, outgoing young girl, although not without more than her fair share of scrapes and mishaps due to a variety of escapades; she loved going on little adventures through the weyr, trying to find new and interesting places that were secrets to the rest of its inhabitants. Soon enough, she was old enough to become a Candidate, and was all too eager to try her hand as well--by now, several of her siblings had Impressed themselves, and Rosik wanted to see if there was perhaps a dragon for her waiting on the Sands. Thread's return made it all the more important that she Impress, and with the rest of the weyr rushing to mobilize, Rosik didn't want to be left on the ground while her entire family fought and died. She knew what was in her blood, and the thought of being left behind was enough to turn her stomach.

For the entire first Turn that she stood, Rosik was met with nothing. She continued to stand, of course, determined to see this through until the end--but she wouldn't have to wait that long, fortunately. When she was fifteen, her Brown found her, simply settling down next to her in the sand and announcing his presence as softly as possible. She knew his name without him saying it, and that was when it occurred to Rosik that Moth was Hers.
The pair made for enthusiastic weyrlings, excited to prove themselves and more than ready to be of use to Western. Drills and training gave Rosik the discipline she needed to grow and mature, and Moth took to the social structure well--they were popular among their class, and graduated with little difficulty.
Since then, they've been trying to help Western catch up to High Reaches in terms of threadfighting, and have little intention of letting their weyr down.

Other: She's really quite good at whistling, and can carry a tune surprisingly well.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:46 pm
User ImageName: Moth
Age: 4
Color: Brown
Status: Single
Size: 75'
Physical Description:
Moth is a broad Brown, heavily built and beefy all the way around. His head is square and almost rough-hewn, and he appears far more intimidating than his personality would suggest; his eyes are deep-set beneath heavy eye-ridges, and his mouth has something of a downward turn, giving him a permanent scowl. He dwarfs his rider, although he does his best to compress himself into a smaller space in order to be less noticeable--it's almost as if he's not quite comfortable in his own skin, and he certainly does wish he was a little smaller. He thinks he would have made a rather dashing Blue, honestly.

Gentle and incredibly cautious, Moth is a surprisingly timid dragon, given his size and stature. He doesn't speak much, preferring feelings and images to outright words--he's nervous that he might say the wrong thing or be misinterpreted, and reasons that providing his feelings straight up is a better way to avoid miscommunication. He's infinitely patient, and has vast reserves of calm that rarely seem to drain, if ever; his temper is nigh unshakable, and even when tested, it's not likely to show. Moth prefers to smother his own negative emotions rather than letting them show, far too worried about what others may think of him to risk outward displays like that.
He's not very outspoken and prefers to avoid notice, but Rosik bolsters him enough to allow his better points to shine. He's a level-headed, supportive soul who will never leave someone in the dust, even if they've proven to be an enemy. His compassion outweighs any grudges he might hold, and he's always willing to give someone a second chance--with very few exceptions. Moth's loyalty is a core part of him, and harming those precious few he's allowed himself to love will ensure that his mercy runs out. He will forever be willing to tear himself apart for these people, and slighting them amounts to an act of war.

Dragon Art: [ x ]



Otherworldly Plague

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Otherworldly Plague

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:48 pm
Name: G'ren
Age: 22
Nameday: 3554.09.18
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Status: Single
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Smith

Physical Description:
Somewhat thin and relatively reedy, G'ren definitely isn't of the muscular sort. He stands at roughly 5'11", and is overall well-proportioned, if not a bit underweight for his age. He has shaggy black hair that tumbles into his gray eyes a lot, the medium-length tangle of bedhead making it very hard to see much of what's under there; he's taken to pinning it up when he has work to do, but isn't particularly skilled at making that placement look good. He's got a long scar slanting across his neck, and he covers it up regardless of the weather or temperature.
While he's lanky, G'ren does still have plenty of muscles to him, given all his training and work as a rider; having Impressed just after the return of Thread only made it clear to him that he had to push himself so much harder, and he's taken to that challenge well. He's not particularly pale anymore, having had plenty of Turns under the Western sun to take that out of him, and has developed a decent smattering of freckles over just about all of himself.
A rather outgoing young man, G'ren is somewhat of a contradiction all the same--he'd much rather stay out of the limelight properly for fear of getting any additional scrutiny, but he absolutely loves it when he's in it. He's particular about his own comfort, and is much more inclined to handle things on his own terms than what may necessarily be the norm--while things still will get done to the same degree, G'ren knows full well that he may not be doing them 'correctly' as far as some are concerned. He tends to think outside of the box for solutions to problems, and is rather creative and resourceful when left to his own devices. While he might gripe a bit if made to conform to others' plans, he'll still put his everything into them, knowing his place as a part of the support system of the Weyr.
He's generally laid back and is a great listener, genuinely enjoying supporting others when they need it. G'ren is solid and honest, with a fine work ethic and a strong sense of duty that makes him a rather dependable rider. He's plenty capable in social settings, but sometimes he fails to see the delicacy of a situation, and will speak without thinking almost on reflex. G'ren is somewhat oblivious to the feelings of others, but he'll try his best to be considerate--that is, if he actually manages to pick up on what those around him are feeling at the time. More often than not, he notices just a little too late, and has to do his best to pull himself out of the hole he's just dug. He isn't easily angered, but prefers to respond with more subtle, passive-aggressive forms of retaliation than any kind of outright resistance. If he doesn't like someone, it's entirely likely that he'll disagree with them simply on 'principle,' even if he has plenty of reasons to go along with what they're saying. Fortunately enough, his insistence on working himself to the bone for the sake of the Weyr will often override this.

Positive Trait List: Confident, supportive, creative.
Negative Trait List: Blunt, oblivious, contrary.

The son of a Greenrider and her Smith husband, Gylren grew up in a comfortable home somewhat outside of Western Hold. His mother had left the Weyr not long after Impressing, taking advantage of the freedom afforded by the lack of Threadfall to try and explore Pern--in the process, she found Vergyl, and settled down to make a family. While her son was always enamored by her Green, Gylren was never quite convinced that he'd become a rider himself; the most he aspired to was having his own firelizard, and he reasoned that would be enough for him.
As he grew, Gylren found himself to be a surprisingly popular young man, making friends easily--the problem was that not all of his friends were of the best sort, and he hadn't noticed until it was too late. After being caught up in a brawl involving a few of these unsavory individuals, Gylren had been caught in the crossfire, his throat cut; it was a miracle that he didn't die outright, but it became clear that his voice would never be the same. Following his recovery, he became much more cognizant of those around him, and put up a few more walls to protect himself. He became somewhat more withdrawn, but things hadn't changed that much--until the ancient enemy decimated Pern again, giving him a brand new fear. The return of Threadfall terrified him, particularly when his mother rejoined Western to fight it--he remained with his father, although they moved into Western Hold proper in order to better protect themselves.

With Thread back in the skies, riders and Candidates were more important than ever. Despite his father's protests, Gylren readily accepted the offer of a Searchrider to go to Western and stand for their next clutches; even in spite of his fear, he couldn't just sit idly by and wait for someone else to come and protect him. He thought of it as honoring his mother, following in her footsteps to try and become a rider; and indeed he did. He Impressed his Brown with both of his parents in attendance in the Stands, proud to watch him in spite of their own nerves.
His Impression would be one of the last times Gylren saw his mother. Both her and her Green were felled by threadfall a little under a month later, leaving a ragged hole in their family that they couldn't hope to fill.
Vergyl regretted allowing Gylren--now G'ren--to become a Candidate, but it was far too late to take back his approval now. With Sharmanyth at his side, G'ren trained and trained, desperate to be enough--when they got their chance, they fought as hard as they could, wanting nothing more than to do their Weyr proud.

Since then, G'ren's fierceness has cooled somewhat, coalescing into more of a quiet determination. He remains just as ready to burn thread as ever, but fighting in enough falls has seen many of his comrades downed; with the weight of experience on his shoulders, he's cautious, but not terrified anymore. Western Weyr is his home, and he intends to protect it.

Other: G'ren has a notable rasp to his voice that he's rather self-conscious about, and he tends to rely more on Sharmanyth for communication when he's feeling particularly touchy about it.


User ImageUser Image  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:50 pm
User ImageName: Sharmanyth
Age: 6
Color: Brown
Status: Single
Size: 81'
Physical Description:
A lean and surprisingly svelte dragon for his size, Sharmanyth is a far cry from some of the more musclebound examples of his color, and appears far more willowy than is typical of a Brown. He has long legs, a whip-thin tail, and an equally long snout that ends in a sharp point, giving him a distinctive side profile. He's not built for endurance, even though he has plenty of that--instead, he seems to have been designed for speed and agility, and is capable of some rather fancy flying when he's in the right mood.

Sharmanyth is a very mild-mannered brown, spending much of his time out of the limelight. He is the type that others can easily forget simply because he rarely does things that are bizarre or out of line, instead following the rules and keeping his head down almost out of a sense of duty--the fact that he simply does not desire extravagant amounts attention in the first place is something he isn't as likely to express. Those who do know him well, however, find that he is a very gracious, intelligent dragon who keeps his thoughts to himself in an effort to let others do as they please. Interrupting others or forcing his way into things just won't do for this Brown, and he will always wait patiently for his turn in anything, whether it's waiting for food or a chance to shine. A people pleaser? Perhaps. Sharmanyth just honestly seems to take everything one day at a time, in no hurry to do much of anything.

Worth noting is that Sharmanyth is not a dragon without drive--it isn't that he has no goals or ambition, only that he progresses at his own pace. His color dictates how far he can go in his mind, in spite of Western's far more lenient approach to such things, and he has no desire to strive above what he feels is his place and prove himself 'worthy' of anything more than that. As far as he's concerned, everything he has he has earned, and there's no need to rush off without appreciating his own skill set. He is firm in his own worth, and has had little issue in impressing that same sense of surety onto his rider as well. Together, they will be valuable members of the Weyr even if they are not famed or remembered. Someone has to do the regular, thankless work, and Sharmanyth willingly shoulders his burdens and works hard no matter what. He is a dragon that can be counted on, even at the worst of times, to be loyal to His and his Weyr.

Despite his mellowness, there are certain things that he will always have some trouble with. G'ren has had a hard time getting him to adjust to flits and small children, as their sudden movements quickly proved to be unexpectedly distracting for Sharmanyth. Though he would never snap at a child, he may confuse flits with food and take a snap at them when they fly too close to his face. Now that he's older, he's found himself to be quite good at hunting on the ground despite his size, and he genuinely loves chasing after herdbeasts on foot.

The thrill of the chase also extends to Flights, and this brown will chase anything that catches his attention. Losing, however, won't bother him much, as he enjoys the flying more than the aftermath. He's simply here to have a good time, and he wants nothing more than for everyone involved to enjoy themselves as much as he did.

Dragon Art: [ x ]



Otherworldly Plague

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