Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:42 pm
Soq's Name: Demon Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Demon is arrogant, narcisstic, and loves to show off. He enjoys being the center of attention and has an ego bigger than he should. Though he is an arrogant a*****e at times, he shows his affection is his own odd way. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Demon would prefer a pretty little thing who fawned over his every move. However, in reality, Demon needs someone who can match him in wits while dealing with his flamboyant personality. He is attracted to power and respect and needs someone who can keep his ego in check without destroying it totally. Preferably, he wants someone who he can trade insults with on daily basis. (Also, you can PM me if you want a good RP example of Demon's personality.) How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: RP Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious. Though Demon likes to flirt, I'd like to find him a permanent mate. <3 Potential mate found. I'll change this if anything changes. <3
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:50 am
Soq's Name: Colonel Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Colonel is a quite spirited and proud stallion in normal situations, but he is very humble and quite shy around mares. He's a little heartbroken, since Daisy seems to have disapeared. But he's trying to start getting out again and making new friends and rekindling old friendships. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Not always serious, willing to be playful. Cheerful-ness is a must (at least some of the time), sweet, kind and tender would be nice too. Wouldn't mind a mare that speaks her mind either. Would love to have a mare that he could keep by his side for the rest of his life. How do you want others to contact you?: PM is good, after that I might give you other ways to contact me. RP or non-RP?: RP please. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Flirt is okay to begin with..but it eventually evolving into serious would be nice for Colonel.Updated: October 14/07
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:27 pm
Soq's Name: Mozenrath Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Not you're average clique of evil. Mozenrath has a great tendancy to work his way into a Soquili's comfort zone. To make himself seem to vanish out of any radar if trouble occurs without raiseing any red flags to his involvement. Being power hungry, he's always seeking out knew ways to improve and gain more knowlege and power. Power isn't worth anything if you do not earn it, is his way of thinking. Weither it's learning it or takeing it through manipulation. He wanders around the Soquili lands as they are still a bit new to him. Wanting to learn as much as he can before he decides to put his plans into action. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: He is looking for someone he can share his ideals with. Who will aid him when the time comes and not bat an eyelash to what he asks. Someone who is strong headed and ambitious, but not too much to where it would complicate things. Though it will take a while for him to truely trust anyone with the things that are building in his mind. Perhaps, someone who is just as cunning as he is. Someone who can tolerate his ways...and Xerxes. >.> How do you want others to contact you?: PMs RP or non-RP?: RP. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Flirting is fine but don't expect him to flirt back. XD Mainly serious.
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:58 pm
Soq's Name: Jean-Claude Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Jean-Claude is a heart-throb, who tries for the affections of all. He speaks fluent french, so he is sometimes not able to be understood by the other Soquilis. He is very dark, and likes the darker side of things. He is a very affectionate sort, and he is a caring Soquili, but he doesnt usually show it. His face usually is very neutral. He doesnt show emotion much at all, no matter what the emotion may be. What is your soq looking for in a mate? It is a very, very good idea if the other can tolerate his simple flirting. He flirts with any, and just because he finds the love of his life, means in no way that he will stop flirting. This is not serious however, and he is true, so no infidelity will take place. He goes home to one mare <3. He likes that darker side of things, so its probably a good idea as well if the mare had a darker side as well. He isnt too into the bubbly mares, or the very serious. He likes a little of both, though he leans on the serious side more. How do you want others to contact you?: Pms RP or non-RP?: Rp Only. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Both. Serious is better.Has a crush on someone! :3
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:11 pm
Soq's Name: Granuli Soq's Picture: 
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Granuli isn't the fastest, strongest, or most capable soquili, but he's fairly intelligen and lucky enough to pull off much of what he wants to accomplish. He's a playful sort, enjoying running, jumping, and especially playing in the water and even swimming (in shallow water, close to the shore), though there are few that share this interest since it is a difficult task for equine bodies. He can be a bit of a showboat when he wants to be, flouncing around and showing off his colours and taking on risks to exhibit his bravery. He's generally sweet, though he can start to get a bit sarcastic or even stand-offish once he gets 'going' into something.
Unfortunately, all that bravery is exactly what it is - a show. At heart, Granuli is very skittish, known to jump at the slightest unknown things. That is likely why he acts out so much, honestly; he's trying to make up for the nervous nature he didn't want.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? What Granuli wants, even if it might not be the best thing for him, is someone that can appreciate him. He wants a mate that adores his colours and loves his acts of bravery. Someone who can do this while still playing coy would be ideal, as it gives him what he wants and still leaves a challenge. Someone that fawns too openly, at least at first, is apt to turn him away simply because of fear of the act being faked - or a sign of utter stupidity. While he doesn't mind someone of average intelligence, a complete moron isn't his cup of tea either.
That said, any nice female who admires him is apt to get his attention - these are just his ideals.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM.
RP or non-RP?: RP.
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Either, though don't expect to be mates with a flirt. There will also be no love after one short RP, kthx.
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:04 pm
Soq's Name: Cassandra or Cassie for short Soq's Picture:  Describe your soq's personality/interests: Cassie's personality can be alittle nutty at times especially when she meets new foals but when it comes to the night sky and stars, she is always wishing upon them. She also loves to talk to them like they are friends that you can tell your deepest desires and wishes to. Cassie is also sweet and kind like her mother but stubborn as heck at times when she doesn't get to stay out to watch the night sky. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Cassie is looking for a stallion that wont judge her by her looks but by her personality. She is also looking for one that loves the night sky as much as she does. The stallion also need to be funny to make her laugh. She doesn't like stallions that are boring and never smile. How do you want others to contact you?: aim: Whitetigeress321 or gaia pm RP or non-RP?: both. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:19 pm
Soq's Name: Annea Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Annea is all about being graceful and being a female. Every single of her movements are calculated so that she always appears to be the prettiest. She is very respectful of others and loyals to those she links friendship with. Even though she sometime appears to be rather naive, she's smart in her own way. The young mare also loves to make others smile and happy about life. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Mostly someone of her own specie (unicorn), she tends to be slightly snob when it comes to regular soquili if they have any interests in mating with her. On another note, she adores wind soquilis. She always wished she had been born with angel wings. A stallion that stands tall and proud is what makes her heart beat loudly. (To that, I wish to keep her full unicorn breed going on in her children if she ever becomes pregnant. But any wind soquili that could make the babies become alicorns could make it very interesting.) How do you want others to contact you?: PM on Gaia will be perfect. I always log on twice a day for sure. RP or non-RP?: Either works. I like to roleplay but beware I can be VERY slow sometimes, I always end up being a busy person IRL with work and irl life. Apologises in advance, I will try my best, if I'm interested in your soquili and require roleplaying! Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Annea is flirty, but I'd like to get her into a serious relationship as much as possible.
Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:38 pm
Soq's Name: Helki Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Helki is a vibrant and full of energy stallion. He's all about freedome, he will never get attached to a human guardian and rarely every stays put into any kind of 'home'. He loves to run freely around the forest and have a good time. What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Physically it would be any dark grey or black is prefered for Helki. He finds a lot of interests in completely white or light grey mares as well, since they are his complete opposite. He's not found of anything colorful, but doesn't mind a few colors if it includes some black. As in personality, he'd love for a soquili who can keep up with him, have just as much energy and interest in freedom as he has. How do you want others to contact you?: PM on Gaia is perfect. RP or non-RP?: Either works. Like I said for Annea, I can get busy IRL, but I will try my best if you require roleplaying. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious relationship only.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:52 pm
Soq's Name: Abenroth Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: He's a nice, even tempered soquili unless you come between him and his shinies. Tends to be manipulative if it suits his purpose, but isn't doing it to be mean-spirited. Associates with humans if they tempt him with anything that he can hoard but otherwise is a solitary creature. Materialistic, if you haven't figured it out. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who is selfless and isn't going to try and take his stuff. >>; Does not like competition and is not a fan of sharing what he doesn't want to share. More casual a relationship than anything. Otherwise basically anything goes. (OOC, I want him with a mare that compliments his colors...) How do you want others to contact you?: PM is fine or grab me when I'm in thread. RP or non-RP?: RP, but it doesn't have to be extensive. I just want some history there. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Flirt...Abenroth would probably not take on a serious mate unless he was particularly struck with them... (or they're a gemstone mare 8D; lmao)
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:57 pm
Soq's Name: Kazeko Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Neurotic and skittish is primarily the hugest hurdle he has. He believes everyone's out to get him and has intense trust issues. Mental case, basically....anyone like a challenge? 8D; What is your soq looking for in a mate? TRUST. Must be patient to deal with his constant fears and paranoid thoughts. >>; How do you want others to contact you?: PM or in thread. RP or non-RP?: Either. Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Flirt...it'd doubtful he'd take a full mate because it's unlikely anyone would want to deal with him for that long.
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:02 pm
Soq's Name: Brannon Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: A gentle soul who is level-headed and enjoys the simple things. Not particularly interested in drama, causing a commotion, or anything along those lines. Prefers some human contact as he's never had a bad experience with one but is not dependant on it. He has nothing against any particular race and doesn't hold grudges unless it's from something major. What is your soq looking for in a mate? Someone who is rational, who can think for themselves, enjoys life and doesn't dwell on the negative all the time. Prefers natural-coated mares but like most stallions, has a head that can be turned by beauty of any sort. Wants a family so wants a mare who is of the same mind. How do you want others to contact you?: PM or in thread. RP or non-RP?: RP Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Serious
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:41 pm
Soq's Name: Nalani Soq's Picture:

Describe your soq's personality/interests: Her favorite place to be is at the beach where she grew up. The sound of waves soothe her and the view overwhelms her. She's a curious mare indeed. She loves going on little adventures and finding new things. She can be as playful as a foal, but can get serious when needed. Freedom is what she loves the most, being able to do as she wishes. Very friendly, but cautious. She may be a pretty quiet mare who doesn't like to cause trouble, but will fight if she has to.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Nalani would love a stallion who would make her life an exciting adventure. Someone who would teach her things that she could never imagine. She wouldn't mind being with a bad boy either. As long as the stallion can defend her and himself and love her for who she really is and be there whenever she needs him.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM RP or non-RP?: Non-RP, but might have a bit of RP Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Both is fine, but a bit flirty at firstSuirien has become her Lifemate. ^^