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Jump Einatz

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:05 pm

Ska cleared his throat. "Vocal autograph? Anything for a fan." He leaned forward into the mic as asked. "I said wanna help me get WMD's for all the riches in the world nyyyyahhhh~"

He licked the x-transceiver. If one was looking closely, they might notice the tip of his tongue actually phase through the device. Ska reeled back when it sparked, and a short wisp of smoke bellowed upwards.

"Whoa mate, you tryin' to kill me with that thing or what? Well, if you still want that autograph we can do it the old fashioned way."
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:14 pm

((Ska attempts to smoothly talk his way around licking a microphone.

Meanwhile, everyone stares at him awkwardly and Wayne deduces his has an oral fixation and asks if he's gay.))

Ducklett flocked in the skies, flying around, occasionally landing on the upper areas of the bridge. Rarely they would swoop down for some food, and there was at least one guy that was looking around awkwardly as he waited for no one to notice so he could throw rocks at the Pokemon.

Henrietta didn't notice. She didn't say anything to Takamaru either. Instead she decided she'd ignore it for the moment. If the World Government did suddenly decide to confront them there wasn't anything she could really do, and no way to prepare the others for it. Soldiers would rain from the sky and they would be arrested without reason to resist.

Luckily no soldiers came.

"Probably nothing," Azucena said as she waved her hand dismissively at Takamaru. She had a grin on her face as she turned to walk backwards, looking at him and Robby. "So how much did you make?" she asked as she looked toward the bigger man.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:14 pm

"Aw, dude! What the hell?" Wayne cried, quickly unlatching his Xtransceiver
as it started to spark and smoke. He held onto it loosely, the screen warping
into strange colours as the circuitry behind it fried.

An autograph? Wayne felt a twinge of anger. That did it!

"Get him, Salieri! Mega Punch!"
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:21 pm

Robby shrugged at Azucena. "Nothin'. It's his." He pointed at Fried, who had already showed the lad the exact amount. Fair was fair in a business, and since it was the big one's work, he got the money.

Not that Fried seemed to know any of this. He seemed surprised at the lad's statement. "Dunno what he's gonna spend it on though." He glanced between the three others there, taking some of the bags from the Combusken. "Y'all gonna help me catch some o' those?" He gestured at the flying duckletts. "Cause I don't have anythin' that flies, and it'll be good fer cookin'." Supplies were going to be a priority.

He just had to avoid cooking them immediately, and come up with a way to store them. Item balls? Or live catching? Maybe he should talk to one of those storage bin guys.

He'd figure it out as they went.

Klarp Glornharm

Jump Einatz

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:39 pm

((Wayne: I mean, you practically licked me and I haven't even known you for five minutes. What kind of pirate are you?))

Driftveil City: Streets

Salieri was so happy to comply with Wayne's request that she didn't even notice him giving her trainer commands. "My pleasure," she snarled, rolling up her sleeve and taking a few steps forward. Until her feet became surprisingly heavy.

She looked down. Blacksheep had pinned down her shoes with a heavy does of Cotton Spore. The densely packed cotton weighed her down, slowing her pace. "We're not allowed to fight in this city, Salieri."

Blacksheep floated next to her trainer and rose her arms up. The cotton dispersed from Sal's shoes and blew away in the breeze. Moze frowned. "I gave Clay my word."

Ska spit to his side. "Your brother's more sagely than I thought. Must be the robes."

Salieri glared at her brother over her shoulder. Clay's ban had been misplaced unfairly, and Ska was right in front of them being a nuisance. If it had been someone else, Salieri would have ignored them and continued on to give the pirate what he had coming.

Moze had been against her getting into fights for years. She couldn't disappoint him right in front of his face. After all the times he had taken care of her wounds, hid her battles from their dad, and helped her out of rough spots, to ignore his plea now would be a slap in his face.

She refocused her glare on Ska, who still had on that cocky grin. "You'd be best off puttin' that anger into something constructive, girly. Have you tried piracy lately? I heard there's a pretty rough crew around these parts lookin' for good recruits. People like you."

Every word he said fueled her fire. She felt like steam was going to spout from her ears. But she did her best to contain it, turning her anger from hot to cold. "People like me are gonna-be's, not wanna-be's."

"Sure they are." Ska rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a toy eyepatch like the one he gave Kari earlier in the day. He tossed it to Wayne. "It's no autograph, but you can't deny it's a classic souvenir."

Driftveil City: Gate

"Hey, buddy."

Nowell approached Hiba, looking side to side urgently for something before turning his attention back to the muscle bound youth. "Have you seen a Native Unovan girl with a long braid and some brown haired kid fly by here on a Duosion recently?"

He shifted his backpack straps. The question was pretty specific. Unless there happened to be another Native Unovan girl and brown haired guy flying by on a Duosion recently. Then it would truly be a small world.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:05 pm

The toy eyepatch fell to the floor at Wayne's feet. He took one look at it and
just smiled.

"I didn't think pirates could be so cheap," he said, glancing over to Salieri and
Moze. "Can you believe this guy? Walking around with little kids toys in his

Wayne shook his head, starting to walk away from Ska.

"C'mon, we've wasted waaay too much time on pretend pirates. Anyone know
any good places to eat? I am starving. Seriously."

Vice Captain

Jump Einatz

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:27 pm

Ska looked down at the toy on the ground, reached into his pocket and pulled out another one. "How about you girly?" he asked, tossing the eyepatch to Sal. "Something to remember me by."

Salieri caught, stretched it out, and flicked it back at him. It was the closest she could currently get to hitting him until she found a way to circumvent the probation. "I'll pass."

She walked after Wayne. "C'mon Moze, let's get out of here."

Moze kept his eyes on Ska. The pirate captain was casual about his petty villainy, but even more casual about his longterm goals. It was confidence. Perhaps too much, but Moze couldn't help thinking that Ska had a way of backing up his idle boasts. Someone like that could be far more dangerous than an upfront enemy.

Slowly he turned and walked after Salieri. Ska closed one eye and aimed the eyepatch Sal had just returned at the back of her head. "Really. I insist."

Ska launched the eyepatch at her. Moze's eyes widened. Something wasn't right about that.

He spun his staff and blocked the eyepatch. It didn't flutter to the ground like it should have. It connected with a solid THWACK, sending a vibration running down the staff to Moze's arm. He almost dropped it in surprise.

Sal looked back in time to see the eyepatch fall to the ground normally, but registered what had just occurred. "Haaaahahahaha! I like you lot! This is gonna be a fun time, I can feel it in my bones."

Still laughing, Ska turned and left the other direction. Sal watched him until he was out of sight. "What a...what a....arrrrgh!" She pulled at her hair. "I'm gonna kick his a**!"

"Zeraaaa~shashasha! Ease up See-Sal, he's not even here anymore." Moze pointed excitedly at a food vendor in the nearby marketplace. "Those noodles look delicious." He did love his noodles. Besides, ordering food to go came with the advantage of being able to eat it anywhere.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:48 pm

Wayne's gut was shot by a pang of hunger. His face dropped when he spotted
the noodle vendor. It would be nice, but...

"Hey," he said, "I'm kinda, sorta, completely broke. Can someone spot me for
this? I swear I'll pay it back. Possibly when I'm a rich pro trainer. Maybe before
that, it really depends."

Vice Captain


Fashionable Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:23 pm

Driftveil Ctiy:

Hiba didn't break his gaze towards the gate, nor did he stop bouncing his leg as he contemplated how to get Tk to stop fighting Plasma and FLF. Instead he lifted a muscled arm and Pointed in the direction Salieri, Wayne, and Moze where.

"You see a Kid with messy Silver hair?" he mumbled. Still not looking up. Although he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just to mentally focused at that particular moment. He was better at acting on impulse and feeling. Not contemplating the right course of action. A lot like the girl Nowell was currently looking for.


Driftveil drawbridge:

Tk threw Azuncena a glare from behind. He hated it when people older than him brushed him off. That and the fact that Henrietta was almost completely ignoring him was starting to put him in a foul mood.

'Chill, Let the little things roll off...'

He reminded himself as he turned to Robby.

"Ill get some for ya Robby" Tk said, jogging a several feet away before releasing Saria, His mother's Skarmory from her Ball. "could you get me close to those ducklet?" Tk asked as Skarmory took off to the skies.

The metallic Bird sore'd soundlessly into a flock of the Ducklet. Not long after three Pokeballs fell from the sky, bouncing with metallic thunks as they landed at Robby's feet.

"That enough?" The youth asked as Saria glided down and held her place in the sky a few feet away from Robby. It wasn't a secret that Tk was much better at catching Pokemon than training them.

As he progressed in the art of Capoeira as well as free running and parkour. He was kinesthetically learning how the body moved. what actions it had to take to get the right string of moments. Something he took away from training with Jump was too look for a loop in you opponents movements, and there laid there weak spot.

If you could incorporate that into a Pokemon battle, it became easier to direct attacks that would land critically. Same held true for capturing Pokemon.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:02 pm

Driftveil Gate:

Silver hair? Nowell shook his head. Not that it mattered, since Hiba wasn't looking. "Nope, can't help you there." He looked off in the direction Hiba had pointed and scanned the horizon. "That way, huh? Thanks. C'mon Caz."

His Floatzel adjusted his tie and walked in step with his trainer. As he got closer, the backpacker didn't see any large dangers, only everyday basic ones. "Man, I was bugging for nothing. Time for nachos."

Nowell took his pile of change out and counted it carefully. They headed for the bar in the south end of town, the Basculin Bowl.

Driftveil Streets:

"I'll back you up." Moze went through his pockets for cash. He pulled out a wad of napkins, a pocketknife, a PP Up he found earlier that day, and a shiny pebble he found on the beach. "...hey See-Sal, can you help me pay for Wayne's noodles? And consequently my noodles, please?"

Salieri huffed and stomped up to the vendor. "Three," she grumbled, slamming cash onto the counter. Entirely indifferent, the vendor took the order and got to work.

"This city is a shithole." Sal tapped her fingers at the counter impatiently. "The noise sucks, the smell sucks, the mayor sucks, it has <********> pirates-"

Her brother bonked her over the head with his staff, which she swatted away, annoyed. He stuck out his tongue. "Gotta watch that sailor mouth."

"Moze, come on! How can you not care about any of this?"

Ska had been taunting them every step of their interaction, acting like the city was his playground and getting away with it all. And somehow, he had turned the mayor into his b***h. Sal had a feeling she wouldn't have liked Clay to begin with, though. He was surprisingly...spiteful.

Moze shrugged, lazily leaning forward on his staff. "Nothing happened. Ska talked up a show that didn't come to. He's a bully Salieri, don't sweat the small stuff."

He nodded at Wayne. "Sorry about your x-transceiver though." Moze gave him a thumbs up. "I hope you become a rich pro trainer real soon!"

Jump Einatz


PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:35 pm

((Totally had a banjo first, by the way.))

Azucena frowned at Takamaru's response. (since she was walking backwards)

"Everyone's in a bad mood, huh?" She could imagine why, N had stabbed them in the back and left. It probably wasn't a very good feeling that they were left with.

"How about some music?" Azucena said as she released Ervin and then gave him his banjo and he began to strum the cords as they went on.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:34 am

(( wahmbulance Ukelele =/= banjo. I would say ukelele > banjo, but I'm biased. Although this is really tight))

Jump Einatz

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:24 am

((I know a guy who has both a ukulele and a banjo. He's the one my mum left
my dad/our family for, so I sort of hate him. Oh well.

My copy of Alloy of Law showed up, so now I'm torn between reading that and
doing uni work. I think it's a pretty demanding debate; up there with the death
penalty and abortion.))

"Me too," Wayne said as he was waiting. He'd probably need to get his old
pokémon back before his team would be strong enough to go pro. It would have
to be done in baby steps: first topple the evil organisation, then go around
winning tournaments.

"Hey, does anyone know if they've finished building that big tournament stadium
around here yet? I remember the construction started a while ago." Wayne
couldn't see anything from here, but he knew that Moze had spent time on
rooftops. Maybe he'd spotted something?

"I mean, it's not like any of us can compete," he said, "Unless we feel like
sticking around for the several days it'd take to realistically finish a tournament."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:15 pm

Moze pointed to towards the ocean. "I saw a stadium past the Col Storage area, yeah. I heard it's going to be the Pokemon World Tournament eventually, but they're running test tournaments in the meantime."

Pokemon battlefields went through a lengthy construction process, and once it was over they had to be examined. If they couldn't hold correctly during a real pokemon battle or malfunction, they'd never hold up at tournament level play.

"There may be some gym leaders present," he told them. "I can't say for sure. It might be something worth watching. Ooooh, noodles. Thanks See-Sal." Moze took the bowl she offered. "Hey, follow me! We can eat this at the beach!"

It had been hard to realize back in Nacrene City, but Salieri knew she wouldn't gain anything from these tournaments. Not anything she wanted, anyway. "Been there, done that."

Besides, Clay was still a distraction. Moze was right, Ska was just a bully. So what was Clay? A Gym Leader, especially one that was a mayor, was supposed to be open minded and welcoming. Clay was nothing of the sort, or at least to her and her brother. What's that word he called us?

"What's a tiv?" she asked as she handed Wayne his bowl of noodles. Moze, who had already begun walking towards the beach, paused with noodles still in his mouth. He slurped them down and turned around.

"It's a derogatory term for a Native Unovan," he said softly. "Salieri, he may be in a high position, but that doesn't make him better than us. He's just a bully too."

At first she was confused, but it only took seconds for it to make sense. When it did, Salieri surprised that she wasn't surprised. Everything else she knew about her Native Unovan heritage had been less than positive. Of course there would be people who wouldn't like her for that. There were people who thought she was inferior since she was a girl, after all.

More than anything else, she was disappointed.

"So he's a racist," Sal said flatly. She growled. "That's...he's more of a ******** than I thought!"
"So just because I have a great tan and he's a fat pasty b***h he thinks I'm, what, lower than him? Talk about envy. Does he even know what he looks like? He's dressed like a fast food manager!"

Moze sighed. As much as seeing Salieri express herself through anger had never been pleasant for him, she had every right to be angry here. "Sal, I don't think that's the word you're looking for."

"Damn, you're right. He looks like...what is it?" Moze just shrugged. Sal looked to Wayne. "Help me out here, cowboy."

Jump Einatz

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:29 pm

Wayne, too, had to quickly slurp down his noodles. He looked at Sal with
wide eyes. It was kind of an awkward subject.

"Err, he looks like one of those porno guys," Wayne said as he put more
noodles in his mouth. He hesitated, quickly adding, "Not that I would know
what those look like, of course."

For some reason, the noodles didn't taste as good now. Imagining Clay as a
porn actor might have had something to do with it.

"So," he said to Moze, "Is this beach any good? I've been to beaches before
and they were essentially made up of bigass stones and stuff with like, no

He still had to get Ronin to a pokémon centre. While the pokéball kept his
wounds in stasis, the Hitmonlee wouldn't be able to battle or even train until
he had treatment. It could wait until later though. Wayne wanted to explore
for a bit first; he'd barely even stopped in Driftveil in the past.
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