Meaning of (name): The name Marcellus means Young Warrior and is of Latin origin. du Sang means "of the blood".
Aliases: The Showman
Date Found: June 30, 2019
Found: April CustomsDate of Maxing: Temper: Wicked
Breed: Semi-custom (yarn inspiration pic)
Breed Appearance: Minicorn/Imp
Height: 7.2 hands
Personality: Marcellus is a born showman. Even his colouring and markings are more intricate and loud than his siblings. As far as devotion to their faith, Marcellus is dead in the middle. Significantly more devout than Sabine (almost non existant faith) and Bastianna (believes mostly for her own benefit), but less devout than Celeste (considered very religious) and Tunde (the most devout, almost fanatical).
He can quote you anything you want or need to know, but he is prone to embellishment. Nothing that you can ever catch him on. Whereas Tunde will curse you and be done with it, Marcellus will curse you in a noticeable, showy way and make sure that you understand what that curse means down to each tiny detail.
More than any other sibling, he practices blood magic. The dirt floor to his room is a kind of clay color from his constant blood magic (protection rituals are important to his room). If an animal is to be slaughtered for sacrifice, then Marcellus is your stallion. He will make your hair stand on end with theatrics, but it is his brother's absolute devotion that makes your stomach drop.
It is to Marcellus that each member of the family looks to for spells, talismans, or anything that has to do with blood magic and it is often his blood used for the most rituals (or blood he has acquired). He has never been one to fear getting his hooves dirty. He believes whole heartedly in the ritual aspects of blood and ancestral magic.
Best described as wicked and showy, Marcellus actually lives a minimalist lifestyle. He is always laughing, joking, and teasing. It would seem as though he didn't have a care in the world.
Beware though if you truly draw his wrath.
Quirks/Character Traits: ✶ The one in the family most likely to be in a relationship.
✶ Prefers blood scrying to other magic.
✶ Is often the family mediator (when things are being discussed though Bastianna makes the final decision.
Backstory: Not much is known
Marcellus is just arriving at the new mausoleum.