Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:37 am
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:45 am
I have ALWAYS wanted Osins Blessing.. It is a absolutely fab item! I have always wanted it since I had al the accounts.. I had 5 accounts but i never got it YET .. This dream will be my first if i get it >_<
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:46 am
Dream item would be horns of the demon ! it's a classic and u can choose from the long and short horns <3
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:53 am
My dream :- i want Demonic Pendant ! heart heart heart heart trying to get it for 3 years crying emo sweatdrop
take care all smile
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:13 am
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:31 am
Ohmai. I want a lot of things <3 But since its liek dat, the one id really like to have right now would be Demonic Style :B Its an awesum-sauce item : D
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:35 am
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:54 am
Compass of Seidh. sweatdrop
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:07 am
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 am
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:22 am
There are so very many. ewe;; But to name a few on the top of my wishlist: Picolitrosso's Urn (Gen. 1) Astra-VI: Jelly Bubblepop Reve Rouille (Gen. 1) The Nightmare (Gen. 1) Keen Bandit.
.....Don't feel that I'm begging for these items,though! OAO I just like reminding myself of my goals. =w=;;
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:32 am
I have been like Questing for the Onyx Bolster sword from the start. xD rofl and still didn't got it because I'm busy at school. xP
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:49 am
One of my dream items is inaris beads ;/.. allthough i really am not sure if i should be saving on fallen wish better. but i think i will hold onto inaris beads >w
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:59 am
alicemychen I'm questing this also...xD angels_rise epic pandaboy XD angels_rise epic pandaboy XD my dream item is chyaku something scarf Me too biggrin now a days its not that popular Yeah... i hope that means the price will go down. How close are you?
Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:00 am
epic pandaboy XD angels_rise epic pandaboy XD angels_rise epic pandaboy XD my dream item is chyaku something scarf Me too biggrin now a days its not that popular Yeah... i hope that means the price will go down. one day it will biggrin I remember when everything was cheep. Katanas were only 15k at one point