A is for your favorite appliance?
- My laptop.
B is for your favorite book?
- Sujata Massey's novels.
C is for the name of your cat.
- She died last year but her name was Neko.
D is for the name of your dog.
E is for the number of ear piercings you have.
- Six.
F is for the name of your best friend.
- Anna-Maria
G is for your favorite green veggie.
- Broccoli
H is for your favorite breed of horse.
- Horse is a horse, I don't know about them breeds.
I is for the number of ice cube in your drink.
- 0 :-/
J is for your favorite joke.
- I don't know biggrin
K is if for the last person you kissed.
- Some guy...
L is for the last lie you told.
- I can't remember.
M is for your favorite color of an M&M candy.
- Aren't they all the same?
N is for the last time you said "no" to a person.
- Today I guess.
O is for the last word you said when you opened your mouth.
- I don't remember.
P is the last time you had to go pee.
- An hour ago.
Q is for the name of the Queen of England.
- Elizabeth.
R is for the last time you rested.
- During the day.
S is for the last time you acted stupid.
- On Saturday.
T is the last time you lost a tooth.
- I don't remember.
U is the last time you heard the song You and I.
- Can't remember a song like that.
V is the last time you were a victim of a bully.
- I don't recall ever being bullied
W is for the last time you washed your hair.
- This morning.
X is for the last time you saw your Ex.
- Can't remember.
Y is for the last time you played with a Yo-Yo.
- Maybe around when I was 8
Z is for your zodiac sign.
- Aries.
It's A Girl Thing! ♥
A Family, A Home.