What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
MistyMary24 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-12)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:20 am
MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 90
Takes out a sword and starts fighting one on one with the lightning and tornado going wild throughout the room
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:35 pm
Darth Daddicus The droid shoots lasers out of it's eyes.Felinophile = 30 Droid = 195 holds a mirror in front of the lasers
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:36 pm
turns this droids luck to sludge and throws him in quick sand
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 7 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:38 pm
throws concrete blocks on top of him to insure quicker sinking
felin 30 droid 85
floralsnow rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:33 pm
Darth Daddicus floralsnow The girl sets a trap of strings for the droid then let him follow her, literally directing it to her trap. floralsnow 140 droid 140 The droid avoids the trap and throws an electronet over the girl.floralsno = 30 Droid = 140
floralsnow rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:35 pm
gaia_kittenstar gaia_kittenstar
floralsnow rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:37 pm
gaia_kittenstar gaia_kittenstar gaia_kittenstar
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:04 pm
Nia Phoenix Nia Phoenix = 195 Droid = 250 Nia backflipped away from the droid...righting herself..she rushed the droid again, lightsaber extended The droid recognizes the girl's tactic as it was programmed for the same attack. As the girl's blade sizzles inside the droid, it thrusts forward with it's own.Nia Phoenix = 195 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:05 pm
Nia Phoenix Nia Phoenix = 195 Droid = 250 using too much speed..she ran right past the droid - right before crashing into the wall, she was able to turn and head back towards the droid again Nia 195 Droid 195 No use. The Force Lightning is shorting the droid out. It grabs the girl's throat to try to stop the electric onslaught.Nia Phoenix = 140 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:07 pm
Nia Phoenix Nia 195 Droid 195 as her blade plunged into the droids chest, Nia tried to imbue it with force lightening and disable the droid Nia 195 Droid 140 The droid uses what little energy it has to throw the girl off.Nia Phoenix = 85 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 7 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:10 pm
MistyMary24 MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 90 Takes out a sword and starts fighting one on one with the lightning and tornado going wild throughout the room The droid resets it's optical sensors to see through the strange weather pattern inside the training room. It tosses a thermal detonator at the girl to make the storm stop.MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 90
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 10 (1-12)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:12 pm
MistyMary24 MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 170 - 80 = 90 Grabs and jumps up and runs around in a whirlwind causing a tornado to form around the droid The thermal detonator was swept away by the storm. The droid hopes the girl isn't so lucky with a bolt from it's blaster.MistyMary24 = 170 Droid = 90
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:13 pm
MistyMary24 MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 90 Takes and causes lightning to come throughout the tornado As the storm dies down after the girl is hit, the droid pounces into action and comes at her with an overhead strike with it's saber.MistyMary24 = 170 Droid = 90
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-8)
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:15 pm
Felinophile holds a mirror in front of the lasers The droid comes bounding out of the sludge and slices at the top of the woman's head.Felinophile = 30 Droid = 85
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:17 pm
Felinophile turns this droids luck to sludge and throws him in quick sand The woman moved quicker the droid expected. The droid grabs the woman's arms, begins spinning madly and lets loose of her as it reaches top velocity.Felinophile = 30 Droid = 85