Born to a father who was lazy and a mother who was hell bent on adventure, Rakshi learned how to fight, and how not to expect much of his father ever.
As he grew, Rakshi ran into a stallion who was very strict and did not like foals particularly, however the stallion taught him much, and Rakshi learned that sometimes those who give you life are not the ones who end up being your guides through this life. A bare few months and the stallion had made quite the impression on the colt. He aimed to be just as good a fighter, and protector as the teacher he was so attached to.
Soon the colt grew to a stallion and struck out on his own. In his adventures he met the most enchanting doe, his heart beating fast as he tried to not be overtly interested. She wanted to adventure, he wanted to help.
As the story goes, the would be knight and the lady fell in love, and their family started.
Three new lives sprung forth, giving their father heartache and worry with every step they took.
Before too long he was a grandfather, and bewildered at the birth of his next two offspring. His family ever growing, and ever caring for each other.