Oh my... When I was really little, before I started elementary school, I used to change my nickname at least once a week, sometimes once a day, based on what I was reading at the time. In preschool my teacher tried to call me Cathy, but I didn't like that. I was Catie in second to fifth grade, and somewhere around fifth grade Cat came around, and occasionally my friends would call me Feline. In sixth grade a few people called me Kitty-Cat, but only a few people could. Mostly I was just Cat. There was a short time where in seventh grade I was Air but that's a long story... When I started my last school I went by my middle name and in ninth grade some people called me Liz, but it only lasted for the year. One of my friends called me Elizabethan and another Elizabethio, and a couple of underclassmen called me Mama Liz, and a few people would call me and my friend Kat Cat squared, The Kitty-Cats, or This Cat That Kat, and there was one kid in a club we were in who called her Boss Kat and I was Other Cat... Mostly I'm just Cat redface
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:19 pm
Irl: Kitti
Online: Bro, Semper Solus
I got my IRL nickname from school. I don't know how it started but once it did, I started going by it for about 3 years.
Online, I get called Bro because most of my usernames are Brommiel. It's just a short version of it. Semper Solus is an alias I use often too, so people sometimes call me it too.
My nickname: Hana-chan and Night when it comes at my friends..
Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:53 pm
I though I had posted here... I do not have one, though my fiancée does. I call him Windy. Actually, most do nowadays, though I am not sure about on Gaia.
My name is Samantha. I guess you could say my nicknames would be "Sam"heart "Sammy"heart "Sam-bo."
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:31 pm
Only have and had two nicknames My granny called me A And my Aunt called me Asiah Bear. (Since I use to hug her a lot as a child....I was a hugger....) DX (my real name is Asiah Btw.) : o
I've had the nickname Scary Kari since 6th grade. No idea how it start but I'm 50% sure it was from my Halloween costumes in 6th and 7th grade. I'm now going into 11th grade and it's still following me.
Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:17 pm
Nicknames? Hm. Well my username is actually a nickname that was given to me years ago. It was based off of my old Neopets username, Yokochan565. It was kind of weird to actually be called that, so I was nicknamed Yokies ot make things easier. Form that nickname, I was also named Yolkies because of my sudden love for eggs. I used to hate them, but then I just randomly started liking them one day, so it was kind of a joke.
In real life my name is Megan. I've been called Meg, Meggies, Megsie, Meggers, Mega and Spaghetti Face by one of my friends.. rofl
well actually when I was little, my baby sitter called me miss missy. At elem school I usually get called mister fur or missy. Till after high school I get called daddy long legs,professor snape, or Count Dracula.
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:15 pm
my name is "claire." every nickname anyone has tried to get to stick (none have) is a pun.
one of my friends calls me "green," because a previous username had the word "green" in it. typically, online i'm now called "loona," save for them calling me green.