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Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[ORP] It's Always Tea Time: Tea Clutch Feast [Open] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [>] [»|]

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:21 pm
A young woman nearby spoke up and while Marty wasn't certain it was directly aimed at her, she took it upon herself anyways, leaning all of her weight onto one hip as she turned to look Raelin over. She looked...familiar. Ah, yes. The little one who had been quite certain about her entry into the world. Yes, she remembered now.

"Thank you," Marty sounded perhaps a bit short with her reply, but it was her default tone of voice. Still, she tried to keep the cold edge off of her natural state of being by answering Raelin's second statement a bit more readily. "You impressed a lovely green, if I'm remembering. I didn't burn too much. I am quite fortunately rather protected against such things. How about you? Do you and yours fare well?"

Nailed it.

Sorry for the wait! I was waiting to see if someone else was jumping in on them.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:29 pm

"Nadry," R'shahar said, taking the Brownrider's hand, and kissing the back of it. That entailed bowing quite low, but he didn't mind. "You look ravishing. Are you enjoying yourself?" the Bronzerider asked, a smile curving his lips. He had one hand wrapped around one of C'lusi's, and he took Nadry's hand in his other. After all, they were trying this out. For his part, he could feel the nagging of a new crush, and it was difficult to focus on the crowd of people around them when all he saw was his two loves.

It was his first date with a girl. He had flitters in his stomach, and the presence of C'lusi was the only thing keeping him from being anxious. But nervous or not, he was happy to be here. There was no discounting that. "You know, I had been thinking... maybe sometime we could all go on a picnic together." Somewhere nice and warm? With some shade, and a beautiful view? Then again, he always had a beautiful view in his current company.

If you would like us to remain apart, we shall do exactly that. But I will not deny that we would enjoy your companionship, Viandarth rumbled, watching the goings on around them. He had large enough wings that he could easily spread them over both the Brown and Blue, with room to spare. But here were some adorable dragonets for them to admire, and he did just that, sending a greeting to the junior weyrlings.



Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:39 pm

While making her way through the crowd, Vera nearly walked right into W'dre. "Excuse me," she said, before she realized who she was addressing. When she glanced up and realized exactly who she had all but bumped into, it struck her just how much Vedra resembled her father. Huh. That was... almost eerie. "W'dre. How pleasant to see you," she said, although really he looked as though he would rather be anywhere else than where he was.

Serenath had certainly noted Dormith's arrival, however, and she sent him a warm greeting. Hello, Dormith. How do you fare on this beautiful day? she asked, settling in to enjoy the presence of the babies. Ah, but it seemed only yesterday when she had had a clutch of beautiful children so like these little ones. The thought brought a pleased rumble, and she peered to watch the antics of the dragonets who had trundled outside.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:00 pm
It was almost an instinctual gesture; as Vera bumped into him, W'dre held out a steadying hand to make sure that if she was going to, she didn't topple. It came even before he realized who it was. Vera was not a face easily forgotten for many reasons.

"It was no bother," he answered, his voice not one of the loud, charming ones that he felt many other riders had. For all of his appearances as being awkward, really he was just quiet. For a moment, he looked from her to size up the rest of the room, before allowing himself to relax into at least a bit of small talk.

Vera wouldn't throw anything too surprising at him, right?

"Yes, it's a....fanciful evening. How have you been faring?"

As he was pulled into further conversation, Dormith moved to settle closer to the gentle gold, a pleasant rumble in his chest as he took care to not step on anybody. It has been a calm day. I should hope it will stay so. he answered. With the plans for the feast, he and W'dre had not gone on any of their ventures. With so many little ones about, he couldn't help but watch fondly, especially considering his current company.

I hope your days have been pleasant to you?

MX Cherie


Beloved Werewolf


PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:23 pm
Nadry did her best not to look like she was waiting - it wouldn't do at all to just stand around looking lost, although she did feel so a bit.  Usually, she would have gravitated towards Ichta (and by extension G'ran), or perhaps have looked for Illa.  Or, in the absence of a familiar friend to stand near for the purposes of safety and solidarity chat with, would at least have browsed the food tables with carefully polite interest disguising her actual interest, particularly in the sweet things.  In spite of Menankith's usual reminder that she should eat - and lots, because down with stupid food rules! - she couldn't say that she had any appetite just now.  Her stomach was too full of flutters for there to be room for anything else. So she had perused the selection of tea instead, and watched the babies that moved through the crowd, some with their bonded and others more adventurous.  They all brought a smile to her face, reminding her of when Menankith had been small - smaller, even, since there'd been no long gap between Hatching and Feast.  The fingers of her right hand, dropped to her waist, curled reflexively at the memory of how she'd once gripped at his headknobs, holding onto him gently but like a lifeline.  She had needed him so very desperately then; not that she didn't need him still, and just as deeply, but those wild and new changes she'd needed his support for were by now mostly adapted to.

She had thought such changes were more or less over with, aside from their impending graduation, but had been wrong to!  This...development - possibility?  relationship? she was almost afraid to put a word to it - with C'lusi and R'shahar was about as wild and new as anything could possibly get.  It was exciting, and also absolutely terrifying, and if she'd thought she'd had a hard time keeping her head and not looking a fool around her fellow weyrling before, she'd been sorely mistaken.  Now they were...maybe something, and she desperately wanted to get it right.  And there was R'shahar, every bit as attractive and just as important, whom she very much wanted to get to know better.  She'd thought that dealing with just the one was a challenge, but both was infinitely more intimidating.  Add in that everything was all out of order of how it was 'supposed' to happen - not that she had any real objections about that - and it was all quite overwhelming when she really thought about it.  Which she did...probably more than she should admit.

Of course, when they did appear - and if they were late, it was hard to tell because her fretting and what-ifs made it feel like forever regardless - they were dressed to kill.  She'd known they would be, but knowing it and seeing it were two different things: each was heart-stoppingly attractive on his own, but together?  Definitely a threat to poise and coherence, when every thought wanted to fly right out of her head and her cheeks sought to assume red as their permanent shade.  She looked nice, by her own estimation, but they looked amazing, and she hoped...she hoped they wouldn't mind that this was the best she'd managed.  She would almost take that moment she'd realized she was naked over this one.  Almost.  It was a close contest.

But she should Not think about that right now.  She smiled, shy but bright, up at both of them as they approached, and felt her blush creep right on up into her ears as R'shahar took her hand and bowed low to kiss the back of it, and her heart fluttered.  Shaffit.  They were both entirely too charming, and it was going to kill her. Separating her tongue from the roof of her mouth, she reminded herself that if she could fight Thread she could sharding well date and talk to boys. "And you look amazing, as always." Both of them. Because yes, she had noticed, and she...might as well own that. She went on to answer, "I haven't been here long, but everything looks lovely, and the babies are adorable."

The suggestion of another outing at later time earned an eager smile and agreement. "A picnic would be lovely."

Menankith bugled happily at the sight of Macuith and Viandarth both, for while he might love the blue, he was already well on his way to deeply fond of the bronze as well, with his large wings, easy flirtations, and kind hearts. I always have room for you both, he answered with delight whirling in his eyes, and moved to close the distance between them, and would offer affectionate headbutts to each. While he had sent loving acknowledgement to his other favored siblings who were present upon his arrival, they were currently content with each other and the babies, and he would leave them to it while he spent some time with Macuith and Viandarth. If Theirs were having a date, well...they might as well do the same! And they deserved his attentions, after all the time they had spent tolerating and soothing his recent melancholy. I would never wish to remain apart from you.


Mx Cherie
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:23 pm

Mx Cherie

Cause she does remember favored bronzes.

The queen watched the happening of the Weyr with eyes a rich blue. She was content this day, pleased to watch her subjects carry about on such a lovely day. Thread was still a few days away -- too far ahead to be an immediate concern or damper upon the festivities. Still, she sat upon her ledge like a proper queen might, listening to snippets of conversation here and there, or turning eyes onto a handsome face here or there.

Serenath's greeting did not unnoticed. Instead, the queen reached out, an sent the younger gold a firm but gentle touch. It was almost a caress, almost something maternal. Serenath. There was a warmth in her words, as well as pride. Why shouldn't it be wonderful to see her? You are looking well. I am quite sure you shall fetch many an eye this day. And why shouldn't the young queen? She almost brought up having caught sight of one Rizoth, but refrained from teasing.

Instead, her attention was caught by a familiar bronze figure, rumbling, and making some sort of demand to be fed. The queen gave a small smort of amusement, and reached out with her mind to gently touch the bronze. Aveth, darling, is your rider starving you so that you would eat the meat for the weyrlings? Still, there was no reprimand in her words, only humor and curiosity. The meat was there to be eaten, after all, and there would be enough to feed the weyrlings and then some. So long as others didn't share a similar sentiment a snack for the bronze would not go noticed.

Besides, he was a bronze, and a strapping one at that. Why shouldn't he get a bite to eat?

But before she continued to tease the other bronze, her attention was caught by a large, rather strapping brown. She knew of Elzebuth -- he was, in fact, of her own great legacy--- but that meant nothing to her. He was one of the males of the Weyr, one of High Reaches fighters. Though he was not yet graduated, there was no doubt he was well an adult.

So it was a great honor when she turned her head to study the brown, her eyes whirling slowly, thoughtfully. Elzebuth. She greeted him in turn, her words rich with her earlier amusement and humor. Still, there was pride, almost arrogance, laced just beneath the surface. And I did not think it possible that such sweet words might spill from such a rugged, young, strapping brown. Her words were sincere -- he was a strapping specimen, and very much full grown. How clever of him to speak to her.... where his bronze clutchsibling was fraternizing elsewhere.

Ah, but she knew not to fall into the brown's traps. If anything, it was he who would need to learn how to navigate such new territory.

You may be close to graduating training, but there is much more to learn that only experience can teach. Tell me, do you enjoy being up there? Why not come down -- there is room to spare a plenty. Tebath won't mind making room. Her words to both browns weren't actual questions...they were an unspoken command.

The brown, Tebath seemed taken aback, but knew better than to argue. Still, he hesitated just a moment, waiting to see if Elzebuth dared to court the Queen.


Shy Mage


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:41 pm

If indeed Vera had known of W'dre's thoughts, she might have been amused. There was indeed something quite startling to relay. Whether it was appropriate conversation for a gathering such as this one... was another question. She took his hand briefly, just to find her balance, and then released it. "I have been well. Motherhood is tiring. On that note... we might talk sometime, you and I." As she supposed it was important for the man to know that he happened to be a father.

Glancing out over the crowd, or rather... into the crowd, as it rather dwarfed her, she shook her head. "I have never been one for parties, except when I'm performing at them. Then I can focus on my music, and not on the group." Not that Vera was afraid of crowds, but they were rather... dull. Who could help but feel a bit bored by them?

Serenath gave a warble, resting her head on her foreclaws so that she might better observe the children. Oh, I am doing well, Dormith. I so enjoy being surrounded with weyrlings. And indeed her days were quite settled, for the most part. Would you like to meet W'dre's hatchling? she asked innocently, unaware that doing so might cause a stir. Why wouldn't he want to meet the daughter of his rider?

The voice of her adopted mother floated into her thoughts, and Serenath sent back a surge of affection to Eveleth, glancing up toward her ledge. Thank you, dear Mother, the Gold said, knowing very well that Eveleth was not in truth her mother, but... she had certainly been young enough when she'd arrived at High Reaches Weyr. Only six months old, and quite small indeed. I suspect that any eyes I might draw would soon be caught by your beauty.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:01 pm
Ah. Yes. He'd heard Vera had a small handful to take care of, though he'd never seen the child himself. "I have no doubt. You are quite talented to balance all that you do," he chose his words slowly, but not enough to draw out his comment. Rather, the sentence rather was planned as he went along. However, he couldn't imagine why it was Vera would want to speak to him about motherhood. He hardly knew anything about children. Perhaps his little sister a little, but......she was a topic he'd never spoken of since he'd been within the walls of High Reaches.

In fact, Dormith would be the only to know he'd had one.

His gaze followed hers out into the crowd as he nodded along slowly. Mmmm. That made him feel a bit less alone in that regard. "Music is rather nice. Do you get much time for it?" For W'dre it was a potential step down one of those paths that Dormith rather keep him off of.

If he wasn't careful, he'd be offering to help somehow.

But Dormith was far more interested in Serenath's question, yellow briefly curling into the greens of his eyes. A hatchling?

Yes, the little ones are quite nice - I don't get to be close to them often. he admitted this as though it was a great shame, but he really had little reason to visit the weyrlings, or talk with them. He'd had excuses with some, but.....

I have no recollection of W'dre having a hatchling...I know he is secretive, but... he trailed off as for a moment his mind reached to touch the of hid rider, rummaging through it as though for a lost notice or misplaces shirt.


I would like to meet his hatchling. He has nothing to offer me about it.

Meanwhile, W'dre had no idea why Dormith was trying to find a child in his brain.

MX Cherie


Beloved Werewolf


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:07 pm
Aveth's attention turned to a very familiar ledge. Eveleth, my dear. Mine was only fetching me a snack and wanted to provide only the best, he replied with equal humor. Even as he spoke, a drudge approached him with a large hunk of choice herdbeast. Eyes whirling happily, he daintily plucked it from the tray it was presented on and swiftly gobbled down, a rumbling laugh sounding as the frightened drudge retreated to the safety of the Dining Hall.

Mmmm, delicious. He belched gently. But only the best for High Reaches, yes?


With a merry chuckle, R'nar patted the white dragonet gently on the head and straightened, retrieving his mug of ale. "Oh my knees…" he grumbled, then the smile returned to his face. "HO HO HO! Well, I will hopefully be seeing you some time in the future!" He watched the dejected little creature trudge off. Aveth, beloved, where is that little white dragonet who's just gone outside headed?

Baihath just plopped on Cordrath's feet. Cordrath is Baihath's sire, came the reply. Now I will go back to speaking with Eveleth.

R'nar chuckled again, shaking his head. "Sweet little thing," he commented as he brought the mug to his lips. "Too bad it's a white…"

As he downed his ale, he spotted the target of his casual search. Zheria looked radiant as she made the rounds of the tea party. He though about joining the entourage that followed her around, but his duties were better served being a casual observer. For the moment, at least.



for mention of Cordrath!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:29 pm

As soon as S'del approached, A'ye seemed to fall into a fit of coughs. Immediately, S'del's brows knit with concern. For a brief moment, he worried A'ye was going to relapse into illness. All the coughing the Weyr had been doing the past winter, and A'ye in particular, made him edgy. He didn't want to experience as awful a sickness again if he could help it, and he certainly never wanted to see A'ye in such an awful state.

Thankfully, the man seemed to recuperate. Though S'del wanted to relax, he found it difficult to do so. A'ye made him nervous, and he suddenly found himself tongue-tied. On the one hand, he wanted to make light of A'yes inability to breathe klah, but on the other hand, he didn't want to come off as an insensitive b*****d who laughed while his friend choked. But he didn't want to draw attention to it either, or make A'ye self-conscious about the whole ordeal. "S-sorry!" He finally managed. Apologizing seemed appropriate. Maybe he'd startled him when he'd called out. "You sure you're all right?" He lifted up a small napkin from the table, unsure if A'ye would need it or not, but wanting to be a little useful. "I don't want you choking and winding up in the infirmery again. I think we've both seen enough of that place!" He added with a small crinkle of his nose.

And yet.

If A'ye hadn't wound up sick, maybe they would have never met.... and that. That made the entire fight with the flu worth it. Even if.... Even if things were kind of weird.

When the greenrider confessed his happiness at seeing him, S'del's smile broadened, and he couldn't help but look.... immensely pleased. Was he really? . . . well. Friends. Just friends. "I don't think I'd be allowed to sit this party out. If I tried to skip out, I suspect K'ienn would drag me out by my ears. Something about bronzerider pride, or... I don't know. Some show of something." He heaved a sigh, letting his nose crinkle one last time in distaste at the thought, before giving a broad shrug and moving the conversation on. He wouldn't bore him with his feelings and thoughts about that!

"Oh yeah? What... What blend is it?" He asked casually, glancing down at the mugs. He reached over to take one, hesitating just a moment to look at A'ye, almost as if he needed permission, before deciding against it. More of the greenrider, after all. "I... I didn't realize there was any different type of flavor. They all kind of taste the same to me." He confessed, certain this would come off as blasphemy to his friend.

Klah was a luxury S'del had never been able to afford. As a child he'd tried to make some during a game of pretend with the littles -- putting a little sugar in water, and a little cinnamon stick he'd picked off a trader. While on the streets, he'd been conned out of marks by bringing home some cheap klah that had mostly been nothing but dirt -- a mistake he made sure not to fall for twice.

Now that he was older, though he enjoyed klah, he certainly wasn't used to indulging himself with it. Not like A'ye seemed to do. But maybe.... If he couldn't afford it... Well. S'del certainly could! Eagerly, he waited, so he might someday be able to surprise his friend with his favored blend.

How perfect!


Shy Mage



PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:40 pm
Krahsujunth, tucked neatly to Fianth's side, let out a low rumble of comfort. He could feel his treasured love's faint yearning, the wistfulness the sight of the hatchlings brought on. They were so very small, and innocent. Precious things. He understood entirely too well where his mate was coming from in that moment, seeing them scamper by. It is hard to imagine ever being so small. So...fragile. He rumbled again, a twanging protective instinct flaring up. He pressed his cheek to her jaw, eyes darting from one hatchling to the next. There were too many unwary feet nearby. He didn't much like it.

His gaze shifted briefly as one of the almost-adult browns from Uridith's clutch approached Eveleth's ledge, watching with vague interest to see what his mother would make of the young up-and-comer. Seeing her will Tebath aside, and the rather surprised look on his face? The blue let slip a bemused huff before returning his attention to where it was better spent. He'd yet to spot a certain little blue among the hatchlings, but certainly Heichath must be around somewhere...right? He was rather fond of that particular dragonet. An image of himself as a youngling. Well, in terms of size, at least.

Do you need anything? Want for anything, my Fianth? Anything he could give, at least? He knew there was at least one want she as feeling that he could not provider her...though he certainly wished he could. And would keep trying, if only because, perhaps, just maybe, one day it would work. For the moment though, he would fetch her any of her heart's desires. Fresh food, fine company, the softest chair for her rider; he would steal a hatchling and rider from the party grounds to gambol and frolic just for her, or pluck fresh ice from the tip of High Reaches' highest peak, if only she would let him know. They were past the time of such showy flashes of devotion, maybe, but that didn't mean that he still wasn't ready and willing and eager to perform them, if only she would tell him what she might like.

With Fianth and noticing Eveleth.

z o m b i k ii
Mention of Heichath.

For notice of Elzebuth.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:32 pm
User Image

Baihath's batting, while playful, did push Dhawsn back, and he laughed as his chair squeaked. "I'ma getcha next time you come 'round here!" he swore and shook his fist at the dragonet's retreating form.

Next to nearly unseat him was Ezyzu, though this time, after a brief moment of surprise, Dhawsn broke into a wide smile and pulled himself to his feet, hug and all. "Well hello there, honey!" he greeted her, bear arms tight for only a second before he let her go. "More 'an enough've me t'go around. 'Sides, you been busy now s'a new Junior Weyrwoman n' training!"

He glanced about and saw Khamaith was still mingling with her family. Well, no worries there, they had plenty of time either at the feast or back at Western to see her. "Y'want somethin' t'drink?" he offered Ezyzu. "I was thinkin' a'gettin' some klah, though there's some tall, dark, n' stormy dude hogging it, hah."

xPrism Shine

incredibly belated baihath reply sdfgjk


Anxious Spirit


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:40 pm
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"We're fine," she replied, her rote answer to most anything personal. "Adjusting, obviously. I can't really describe what it's like having someone nose through your memories like the pages of a book, and she can't stand the idea of smelling her own poop. But! Fine." There was a wry smile as she recounted it.

Grabbing a cup of water, she tossed it back like it was klah and sighed with pleasure. Raelin wasn't one for the heat, or sunlight, and it showed; there was still signs of peeling at her hairline. "I was talking to someone earlier, and you know what? He was a little priss candidate who got pouty that he didn't Impress on his first go around. Thought the world was over." She rolled her eyes.

a pair of snarky girls may engage in shade throwing soon should anyone want to sneak in~

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:02 am
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Multitasking was the true sport Saith loved. It was good mental exercise, and after all, what good was a brute body without a strong mind behind it? So began her balancing act of conversation and attention.

Saith cooed over the idea of a beach. So it's warmer there? Here, it's flowering, but they say it will be bitter cold in later months, she told Khamaith, mentally shuddering at the thought. I hear there's a cothold in the mountains with natural hot springs, though! I wish we could visit it, but they won't let us out for a whole turn...

Her mind sprang back to Harneth, and she trilled softly with amusement. I'll let you know when she decides to come back with my wherry. She's busy gossiping instead! My presentation will be ruined. There was an odd sound as Saith attempted to mimic Raelin's tongue clicking of disappointment. She tried it again when Baihath's antics landed him wallowing before Cordrath as woeful as a lonely wher.

Dutifully, she obliged Susurinth's request and sat up straighter. Yes, Mama. We've been attending every lesson without ever being late, she reported proudly. Mine is a hard worker. Sometimes too hard. I try to make sure she has time in her schedule for herself, but she doesn't always listen.

She paused, remembering a particular incident, and then decided to broach it delicately. There was...one dragon that didn't like that me and mine came from dragons who weren't part of the weyr when we were clutched. He splashed Raelinmine and called us intruders. Saith tried to sound distant from the memory, but she shifted nonetheless. His came out and told him to apologize, though, and he did. It wasn't anything drastic. Still...I didn't think it mattered where we came from. She suddenly looked up, the barest hint of red in her blue-green eyes. No-one has said something like that to you or the others at Western, right?


Prism Shine




Anxious Spirit


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:17 am
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"Yes!" He nodded again at the second introduction, trying not to look like such a child next to both riders; especially since this L'iand was eyeing him speculatively. At sixteen, he was definitely an adult, okay? Orri tried to stand taller, more military-style.

He pushed his glasses up and listened as the two bantered, hoping he didn't seem like a third wheel in his silence. Really, he was hoping to glean more about what it was like for these two weyrlings at such different points in their training. He was a would-be bronze rider of the future, after all, and it helped to know these things ahead of time. "I think we're due another gold flight," he tried to add to the conversation, nodding sagely. "It's been long enough, right?"

(He had no idea how these things worked. He just wanted his chance and was a little upset that he had missed this one!)

"The ones involved in green flights look like they're having fun, anyway." At Cauldron Cothold, though, Orri had only gotten a slice of the spectrum. Most who were there were having a good time anyway, either getting massages or bathing in the hot springs. He didn't quite understand why C'ryn wouldn't want to give into that good feeling.

"Aryath, you're very handsome!" He turned to the dragon with a smile. "If you strain something or feel a knot forming, I know some massage techniques. I've worked with dragons back home with my mother."


[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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