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Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:47 am
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:52 am
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Name: Erastan
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Craft: Thief
Rank: candidate
Location: Western
Physical Description:Small for his age due to early malnorishment with straight black brows, square jaw and large dark eyes he already has looks that lean towards serious and austere, that is not helped by the perpetual frown on his lips. Dark brown hair sits like a bird nest atop his head, and is very rarely managed or even combed. His body is just coming into its adult shape and as such is still quite ill fitting with long limbs and budding muscles. But he is still going to be lucky if he even hits average height.

His skin is a smooth rich mocha brown (once all the mud is washed off it) His clothes plain, but hard wearing. The only vanity he allows himself is a silver hoop in his left ear which stands out sharply against his dark skin and hair. He also has a distinctive scar that cuts straight across the bridge of his nose and extends half way under each eye.

Personality: First and foremost Erastan is a survivor. He is very good at accessing a situation and seeing where his advantage lies. His priority is his sister and his own well being and he has few scruples about taking advantage of others when it protects them.
It helps that he doesn't really like other people, he is constantly alert, weary and mistrustful. When he speaks its A. A sarcastic comment. B. A snap of anger. C. To point he'll be ignoring them now.
He's half feral and has little care for society and its rules. Even in stable situations he finds it hard to stifle kleptomaniac tendencies, storing items magpie like in a number of treasure spots.

The only time this changes is with his sister, whom he loves and thinks the world of. Those that hurt her will find out that when he fights he has no compunctions about honor or fair play. He bites, scratches, kicks and punches to do maximum damage in the shortest amount of time and incapacitate his enemy.
He would do anything for his twin,( apart from let her date). She is also the only one that knows his deeply held secret. The reason he has his guard up so high is because he is secretly extremely sensitive. Behind the gruff walls he feels everything deeply. Every harsh word, unkind action and cruel look are a wound on his soul. He feels like he can't afford to let anyone in least he completely fall apart. Thanks to the early abandonment he has always had cause to doubt his own self worth. so he lashes out causing people to react in kind, confirming his belief in his low worth. It's a viscous cycle. He makes time to brood alone or share his pains with his twin.

Those few rare gems that can past all his defenses and neurosis will gain a most loyal and trustworthy friend who will do just about anything for them. He values loyalty and admires the trait when he sees it in others. It's hard to win him round but those that put in the effort often find it worth it. Because he has had so little in his life once he mentally claims someone as 'his' he will protect them to the end. This can lead to unwanted possessiveness which can lead to violence if tested. At the moment the only person that falls into this category is his sister but there is the potential for more.His protective feelings could even be transferred to a place, given time and if he truly ever settles at the weyr enough to call it home.

Some softness can also be seen when he is around animals, especially canines as he remembers the pack from his early childhood fondly.

The other thing that has helped him survive is his intellect. He is a very fast learner and picks up new skills quickly with moderate competence. He even has the basics of reading and writing down which is a near miracle given his upbringing. He also has a very good head for numbers, figures and calculations.

Positive Trait List Fast learner, protector, Loyal. Survivor
Negative Trait List Surly, anti-social, snappish, kleptomaniac, low self esteem


Erastan and his twin sister were born to a holderles mother. She never told her offspring what she had done to wind up there but the other holderless in the small camp they occupied whispered of exile for a unspeakable crime and escaped the eastern ile. Others said she had been the servant of a rich merchant or minor lord holder and been forced out after being caught in an affair. Another, that she knew some great secret and had to stay on the run least she be killed for it.
The truth was never really established.
It was a shock to no one that she was a terrible mother. After the twins had stopped breast feeding they were pretty much on their own. They never knew their father or even that they were expected to have one till they were much older.

Their mother was much more partial to spending her time with the men in their small holderless camp than she was taking care of children. Whatever else could be said of her,she was a beautiful women and she was able to manipulate her many suitors into showering what meager gifts of food and clothing that they could muster. She passed just enough of her food along to the twins that they were able to survive.

The camp were full of hard men and women and no other children. So the twins became more friendly with the canines that shadowed the camp for scraps than they did with any of adults they shared their lives with. They invited the dogs into their hovel, slept with them at night to keep warm and gave them the bones from any meat they had. in return the small pack also prevented them being carried off by felines, wherries or large tunnel snakes.

That was the twins lives until they just after their 9th birthday. That was when HE showed up. A tall handsome dark featured young man in his 16th year, seated on the back of a silken coated runner. Fine clothes and a superior attitude draped around him. He claimed to be seeking his mother. But it was the twins own mother that stepped forward. She embraced the stranger with a fervor or affection the twins had never seen before let alone experienced. At first she tried to convince the young man to allow her to take the twins back with them. But the young man pointed out there was only room enough on the runner for two and besides, he had only made arrangements for two, there would be no where for the twins to stay once they got back 'home'

That was all the convincing the woman needed to leave the pair behind. She solemnly promised to return for them in time however the twins never saw her again after that day.

They waited. She was the only mother they had, the only other family. But as the weeks turned to months they were forced to face the truth. Winter was licking at the trees and blowing away the final flashes of green from the land scape. Life on the edge became harder again. Some of the camp dwellers took pity on the children. One old crusty in particular took the time to teach the twins the art of fire building and how to make snares. But at the end of the day it was every man for himself.
The children tried to gather what winter berries the could, dig up roots and trap animals but they had limited success. In the end they were forced to steal or starve. They took some things from the camp but they also sought to take advantage of any travelers or trading caravans that passed through the area. Several times they were caught and beaten for their trouble. But they were still children, skinny malnourished things at that. Their punishments didn't extend beyond a few blows. Erastan always sought to take most of them upon himself.

One day a particularly large trading caravan passed through the area. Erastan and his sister decided to follow it,tracking it from the shadow of the trees until it stopped for the night. It was too tricky to make direct assaults during the day but when they settled down for the night things became easier since most people were asleep with only one or two there to keep watch and they were looking for animal assaults or adult thieves.

At first everything went well and they managed to gather a good haul. However as they were readying themselves to make a get away Erastan spotted a knife lying, unattended by the fire. It looked beautifully sharp and it was just the right size for a skinny 10 year old. Erastan knew what a valuable tool it would be.
Ignoring his better instincts he darted forward to try and snatch the weapon. But the wind shifted, the fire flickered and his shadow was thrown full length acorss the camp floor. There was a scream of alarm, a brief scuffle and Erastan was hauled up by his collar. Etansi soon followed after breaking cover to try and free her sibling. It only resulted in both of them being captured. Two half starved little urchins dressed in rags and fur, their features obscured by dirt and grime, fighting and spitting like wild felines. They clearly weren't much of a threat, but their bags were bulging with food, clothes and trinkets from around the caravan camp.

After a heated discussion over what to do with the pair they were dragged before the matriarch of the caravan train Ma Loa. A large full figured women of a vagarious 60 turns. She had grey peppering her dark hair but fire in her eyes. The twins were ready for a beating. But Instead of punishing the pair old Ma Loa gathered the struggling wild wraithes to her ample breast and hugged them tight. It was a completely new experience for the twins and shocked them to silence. Then she ordered the pair washed, clothed and fed.
Swaddled in blankets and wolfing down a hot thick stew with buttered bread, the children could hardly believe their luck. They became much more receptive to Ma Loa's questions. Once the kindly matron learned of their background she invited them to join the caravan. They would have to work, but they would never be at risk of going hungry again.

The twins agreed. For the first time in their lives they had a home.

It took some getting used to. One of the most shocking things for both twins was being around children of their own age for the first time. And games, and chores. And being drawn into a real community not just a group of self serving individuals.

Ma Loa took personal charge of their well being. Her own children were all grown and had family of their own. She was widowed yet important enough to have her own caravan so had plenty of room. She was much more of a mother to the twins than their own birth parent ever was.
A lot of the traders disliked the children. They had no manners or social graces to speak of and Erastan made himself unpopular by stealing small portable items and hiding them in his bed. The rest of the traders looked at them through the lens of pity. Ma Loa was the only one to really accept them.

She taught them the basics of reading, writing and math. How to cook and how to stitch clothing. She also taught them how to barter like trader, swear like a sailor and spit like a farmer. For two happy turns Ma loa slowly trained the twins to be human again. Which is why the old woman's death was such a blow.

It was a chest infection that took her. A deep rattling cough that stole all her strength and vitality within a few brief months. Unfortunately it developed on the road and by the time they got to a healer it was too late.

Ma Loa's oldest son took charge of the caravan train after that. To honor his mother he also informally adopted the twins into his family. It was a duty for him and he treated them as such. He also had his own son a few years older than the twins. Radfel. Erastan hated him on sight.

Radfel treated the twins like his own personal slaves. Pushing his own chores onto them and constantly bullying and belittling them. This resulted in several fights between Radfel and Erastan but Radfel was bigger and stronger which usually gave him the win. On top of that Erastan was always punished for the fights. Radfel never was. Erastan loathed him. It was a loathing so strong it extended to the rest of the family and all of the adults who let him torment them.

It was only a matter of time until something happened. Radfel pushed it too far. Etansi was just starting to become a woman and Radfel had noticed, he made a crack to Erastan about being the first one to 'take her'. It was enough to trigger a fight. Radfel used his superior weight and strength to wrestle Erastan to the ground as usual. But this time Erastan's hand found a rock and he smashed it as hard as he could into Radfels smug face hard enough to break his nose and knock him out cold.

Radfel had a sever concussion and even suffered some loss of fine motor skills thanks to the blow.
Compounded with Erastan's bad attitude, sticky fingers and unrepentant response to the accident, It was enough to convince the traders that the twins were no longer worth the hassle.

When the traders found rest at the next hold the twins were kicked from Ma Lao's caravan that had been their home, told to pack up and get out. When the train moved on from Rivercrest hold, the twins were left behind.

Without adult support or guidance the twins fell back into old habits to survive And stealing was so much easier in a hold full of people. open stalls and unattended bags. There was rarely a shortage of food and the twins didn't often go hungry. Sometime they even did odd jobs for a few honest marks.

One day while wondering the streets when the twins were hailed by a young woman asking for directions to a number of shops and establishments. Etansi offered to guide her while Erastan fell back. The plan was for Etansi to be the distraction while Estran lifted her valuables. That plan was quickly put on hold when a large gold dragon dropped out of the air to block Erastan's path.

The rider then told the twins her dragon had sensed their potential. She invited them back to Western weyr for the upcoming hatching. With no reason to decline the offer and the promise of food and a warm bed the twins accepted.  

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:53 am
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Name: Aspalath
Age: 6 months
Color: Blue
Size: 26'
Physical Description: Aspalath is an average sized blue. He is a bit of slim blue, very bony, and trim. In fact, he seems to be a delicate eater, and tends towards being underweight than over. Despite this, he's healthy, and incredibly swift while on the ground or on wing. His tail is also just a bit longer than it should be, adding to his overall lengthy appearance.
Personality: Aspalath is a blue that likes to keep to himself. Where some of his siblings might go right for the limelight, this blue prefers his company alone above all others. There's something pleasant about the quiet, about keeping ones own council, and this blue has no trouble amusing himself. To be clear, it's not that he doesn't like his clutchsibs, he just likes his own company better.

What Aspalath won't admit to anyone, but something his rider will quickly discover, is that this blue is chalk-full of anxiety He's a nervous little boy, who finds crowds a bit overwhelming, and there are very few out there that he actually takes comfort in being around. He gets worried about what others are saying, what others are thinking about him, and if he's actually doing anything right! Weyrlingstraining is going to be awful for this blue, who is going to get the jitters when the Weyrlingmaster's call him out to perform a maneuver or drill. This could well carry onto adulthood, where Drills make him nervous. He will do much better during Sweeps, where it's usually just a smaller group of his wingmates.

Aspalath won't ever admit to being nervous to anyone, except maybe his rider, or those he feels comfortable around. He doesn't want to look like there's something wrong with him -- he's certain there is -- but he also can't stand being stuck in large crowds and groups. So he keeps to himself, and will likely be thought of as avoidant.

Those who manage to worm their way into his heart and past his anxiety will find the real Aspalath within. When comfortable, this little guy can be quite organized and planful. He will always be on top of any task list, and will keep good time on where they need to be and when, at any given moment. He likes lists, he likes organization, and he will make sure they are never fashionably late. If his rider is a slacker, Aspalath will be there to helpfully nudge them along and keep their life in order.

Furthermore, he's a very modest creature. Perhaps it's because he suffers social anxiety, and doesn't think much of himself. Any praise will quietly be deferred; too many compliments might put this dark blue to blush. It's not that he doesn't like to be complimented, he just doesn't see it in himself, so it's very hard to accept coming from someone else. The more important or high ranking the other, the more certain Aspalath will be in thinking it was just lip-service or a mistake.

His best quality, by far, would be his devotion. This blue, though quiet, will forever be adoring to his rider; any friends who worm their way into his hearts will find a steadfast companion, through and through. When Aspalath gives his heart to someone, he gives them fully, and perhaps, foolishly. He is devoted to his Weyr, to his clutchsibs, to those most important to his rider; he would even step out and away from the shadows, and into the light, if one of his beloved and cherished friends asked it of him. Why? Because Aspalath will hold them up above himself, or his own comfort.
Blue Aspalath
Written by Masterharper
Colored by ShinosBee

Origin of Name: The generic name comes from the Greek name aspalathos for Calicotome villosa, which has very similar growth and flowers to the rooibos plant. The scientific name of Rooibos is Aspalathos linearis.

Inspiration: Rooibos Tea, meaning "red bush"; is a broom-like member of the Fabaceae family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos.

The leaves are used to make a herbal tea that is called by the names: rooibos, bush tea (especially in Southern Africa), or redbush tea (predominantly in Great Britain). The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations, but is now consumed in many countries worldwide. It is sometimes spelled rooibosch in accordance with the old Dutch. The tea has a taste and color somewhat similar to hibiscus tea, or an earthy flavor like yerba mate.

Rooibos is usually grown in the Cederberg, a small mountainous area in the region of the Western Cape province of South Africa. Rooibos tea is commonly prepared in the same manner as black tea and milk and sugar are added to taste. Other methods include a slice of lemon and using honey instead of sugar to sweeten. It is also served as espresso, lattes, cappuccinos or iced tea.

Personality: Aspalath is a blue that likes to keep to himself. Where some of his siblings might go right for the limelight, this blue prefers his company alone above all others. There's something pleasant about the quiet, about keeping ones own council, and this blue has no trouble amusing himself. To be clear, it's not that he doesn't like his clutchsibs, he just likes his own company better.

What Aspalath won't admit to anyone, but something his rider will quickly discover, is that this blue is chalk-full of anxiety He's a nervous little boy, who finds crowds a bit overwhelming, and there are very few out there that he actually takes comfort in being around. He gets worried about what others are saying, what others are thinking about him, and if he's actually doing anything right! Weyrlingstraining is going to be awful for this blue, who is going to get the jitters when the Weyrlingmaster's call him out to perform a maneuver or drill. This could well carry onto adulthood, where Drills make him nervous. He will do much better during Sweeps, where it's usually just a smaller group of his wingmates.

Aspalath won't ever admit to being nervous to anyone, except maybe his rider, or those he feels comfortable around. He doesn't want to look like there's something wrong with him -- he's certain there is -- but he also can't stand being stuck in large crowds and groups. So he keeps to himself, and will likely be thought of as avoidant.

Those who manage to worm their way into his heart and past his anxiety will find the real Aspalath within. When comfortable, this little guy can be quite organized and planful. He will always be on top of any task list, and will keep good time on where they need to be and when, at any given moment. He likes lists, he likes organization, and he will make sure they are never fashionably late. If his rider is a slacker, Aspalath will be there to helpfully nudge them along and keep their life in order.

Furthermore, he's a very modest creature. Perhaps it's because he suffers social anxiety, and doesn't think much of himself. Any praise will quietly be deferred; too many compliments might put this dark blue to blush. It's not that he doesn't like to be complimented, he just doesn't see it in himself, so it's very hard to accept coming from someone else. The more important or high ranking the other, the more certain Aspalath will be in thinking it was just lip-service or a mistake.

His best quality, by far, would be his devotion. This blue, though quiet, will forever be adoring to his rider; any friends who worm their way into his hearts will find a steadfast companion, through and through. When Aspalath gives his heart to someone, he gives them fully, and perhaps, foolishly. He is devoted to his Weyr, to his clutchsibs, to those most important to his rider; he would even step out and away from the shadows, and into the light, if one of his beloved and cherished friends asked it of him. Why? Because Aspalath will hold them up above himself, or his own comfort.

Positive Traits: Modest, Organized, Devoted
Negative Traits: Insecure, Solitary, Anxious

Adult Size: 26'
Physical Attributes: Aspalath is an average sized blue. He is a bit of slim blue, very bony, and trim. In fact, he seems to be a delicate eater, and tends towards being underweight than over. Despite this, he's healthy, and incredibly swift while on the ground or on wing. His tail is also just a bit longer than it should be, adding to his overall lengthy appearance.

Additional Notes: Aspalath will enjoy flying with his rider, but does not care to do so in large groups. He will not like going to Wing Drills, but he knows he must for his riders sake. What he hates even more than Wing Drills is Thread, and though he's anxious about fighting it, he will do so as honorably as any dragon.

He is picky about whom he chases, and will likely only go after those who find themselves in his inner circle. He has a secret fondness -- and fear -- of Lishanth and will admire his clutchsib even if they're separated. Molihuth is another whom he tolerates well.

Theme Song: Away From The Sun 3 Doors Down
The Yellow Egg A small yellow egg near the back.

Why Me? Erastan! Oh Erastan, your Aspalath needs you. If ever there was a dragon in need of support, it would be this little insecure blue. Though his beloved chosen keeps high walls, Aspalath will not hesitate to break down those walls, and not just see, but love, every inch of him.
Erastan's protective nature will help keep his blue's insecurities at bay -- Aspalath won't need to worry about whether or not he is bothering Erastan, and any time he feels insecure, he knows he can lean onto his rider fully. No matter where Erastan goes, Aspalath will be right behind him, giving him as much support, encouragement, and affection as any dragon could. All he wants, all he lives for, is his rider's approval; he doesn't mind if they keep to their own council, and should Erastan ever needs to lean on Aspalath, you know this blue will be there, an unrelenting force of true love. Together, they can support one another in mutual understanding. Aspalath knows what it's like to keep others away, and to have sensitive hearts. They might both have their secrets, but when put together, this pair is a perfect match.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:54 am
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Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:54 am
[Hatchling images:

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Pach Meme  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:55 am
x X x X x X x Important Moments x X x X x X x

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:56 am
x X x X x X x Important People x X x X x X x
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:04 am
x X x X x X x Possible plots and Future rp x X x X x X x

General interactions Erastan is prickly as a hedgehog and no where near as cute. Aspalath is like a constantly startled wild rabbit. Neither of them are easy to get close to or even approach but if you think you and your character are up for the challenge I welcome you to try.

Sexual awakening. Because of the life he has lived and his general dislike or all people not closely related to him Erastan is a late bloomer but he is still a teenage boy and at some point hormones are going to hit him like a tone of bricks...in the face. I would love if this was triggered by him catching one of his fellows swimming of changing and the awkward can commence! Erastan will be lost for words and unsure what to do. Nothing can or will happen because he is still a weyrling but it would be fun! Pants feeellllingssss  

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

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