Edit: Weapons and TitleShadow=Xashowd (Pronounced Zas-howd, not Za-showd)
Neutral, but slightly heroic
Likes: Reading and thinking of new techniques.
Weapons: Darkscythe, Masamune, False Oblivion Keyblade(Oblivion Keyblade with 1.5x longer shaft and no keychain) and infinite number of Kunai(Thanks to a magical Infraspace pouch), and a Dark Guillotine Blade (Think darker, Nobody version of Zabuza Momochi's sword). Can also wield the other organization members weapons after trained enough.
Elements: Darkness, Shadow(an invisibility element), and Vampire.
Colors: Black, Blood Red, and Dark Blue (Main 3)
Most infamous Techniques: Slicer Zero, Shadow Nova.
Nifty Title: The Wandering Nightwind
And that's Xashowd. He still calls himself Shadow, though.