Meaning of (name):Aliases:Date Found:Found: LinkDate of Maxing: Temper:Breed:Breed Appearance:Height: hands
Personality: Quirks/Character Traits:✶
DateThe Continuing Story... Okay so Mom has a little colony called Jellicle Grove set in the deep woods
[10:47 PM]
which she basically allowed only soquili in that she liked/favored
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she's a tree cat soq
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The mom was an erratic sort, torn between mischievious and cuddly
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Chessur was one of the first few that she lured into her woods, and from him she learned about riddles and games
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though, her woods were much more pleasant
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though their aesthetic tends towards spooky/cute
[9:57 PM]
Leofric lef the woods to find her father (an older litter has the heir) whom her mother describes as "quite mad"
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and to make her own fortune aka, grove of fickle felines
[10:48 PM]
and the mom's name is Haha